Say I have function f as follows:
def f(c=None):
return 42 if c is None else c
Then I can't get None out of this function. Now you could think "well, just check for another value like 2128.213 or whatever" but then I can't get that specific value out of the function can I?
That's why I'd like to distinguish, if possible, between f() and f(None) so that I can have
f() -> 42
f(None)-> None
Bear in mind this is a simplified example. In practice it's a class's __init__(...) function with multiple positional arguments which I'd like to handle as c in this example.
The common practice in such cases is to use specific sentinel value you never want to return.
class Sentinel():
_sentinel = Sentinel()
# _sentinel = object() # this is the option too
def f(x=_sentinel):
return 42 if x is _sentinel else x
assert f() == 42
assert f(None) is None
assert f(5) == 5
You can make use of Python's private attributes : Assign a new object to that private attribute, compare if the argument is the private object, and done.
class somename:
__default = object()
def __init__(self, default=__default):
print(42 if default is self.__default else default)
I'm trying to use
def my_function(a,b)
If I try to print function like this
print(my_function()), when values start from none, I get
"missing 2 required positional arguments"
I want to use default value so when I use, print(my_function()),
a=10 and b=a.
So I tried
def my_function(a=10,b=a)
and I got a not defined.
I don't want to define a before with global.
Is it possible? or something like this
def my_function(a,b)
if a == None:
a = 10
if b == None:
b = a
This didn't work either when I used print(my_function()).
You can set the default to None:
def my_function(a=10, b=None):
if b is None:
b = a
Here the default for a is 10, and b is set to a if left to the default value.
If you need to accept None as well, pick a different, unique default to act as a sentinel. An instance of object() is an oft-used convention:
_sentinel = object()
def my_function(a=10, b=_sentinel):
if b is _sentinel:
b = a
Now you can call my_function(11, None) and b will be set to None, call it without specifying b (e.g. my_function() or my_function(42), and b will be set to whatever a was set to.
Unless a parameter has a default (e.g. is a keyword parameter), they are required.
This function my_function(a,b) expected two positional arguments without default value so It can't be called without them passed
So the main question how can we pass two argument so that second is set to first if not passed
There are two way for this:
kwargs unpacking
def my_function(a=10, **kwargs):
b = kwargs.get('b', a)
sentinel as default Value
_sentinel = object()
def my_function(a=10, b=_sentinel):
if b is _sentinel:
b = a
Hum! I thing you can't define my_function like this. But you can use a decorator to hide the default values computation.
For example:
import functools
def my_decorator(f):
def wrapper(a=10, b=None):
if b is None:
b = a
return f(a, b)
return wrapper
You can then define your function like this:
def my_function(a, b):
return (a, b)
You can use your function with zero, one or two parameters:
>>> print(my_function())
(10, 10)
>>> print(my_function(5))
(5, 5)
>>> print(my_function(5, 12))
(5, 12)
In my python, I am writing a function that takes **kwargs. I am running into the issue where I am often passing None as a keyword value, and this feels like bad style. For example:
def foo(**kwargs):
if 'bar' in kwargs:
return kwargs['bar']
def baz(x=None):
The problem here is that if xis None, then I would like it just to print nothing. How do you make the keyword argument not be added to kwargsif it is None?
If None is not an acceptable value, test for that. Either don't pass on x in baz() if it is None, or explicitly test for None in foo. You can combine testing for the key and for the value not being None, by using dict.get():
def foo(**kwargs):
bar = kwargs.get('bar')
if bar is not None:
return bar
# return something else
or just use a conditional expression to return a default, like an empty string:
def foo(**kwargs):
bar = kwargs.get('bar')
return bar if bar is not None else ''
or return the default for any false-y value (None, empty list, 0, etc.):
def foo(**kwargs):
return kwargs.get('bar') or ''
As pointed out, you will need to test for None if it is not an acceptable value. But, keep in mind that a function always returns. If no return statement is executed... None is returned.
So you actually need to check if the output is None if you want to avoid printing in that case.
def baz(x=None)
out = foo(bar=x)
if out is not None:
Alternatively you can make sure foo always explicitly returns, which might be better for reusability, but will make baz print something_else instead of not printing at all.
def foo(**kwargs):
if 'bar' in kwargs:
return kwargs['bar']
return something_else
I am making a constructor in Python. When called with an existing object as its input, it should set the "new" object to that same object. Here is a 10 line demonstration:
class A:
def __init__(self, value):
if isinstance(value, A):
self = value
self.attribute = value
a = A(1)
b = A(a)#a and b should be references to the same object
print("b is a", b is a)#this should be true: the identities should be the same
print("b == a", b == a)#this should be true: the values should be the same
I want the object A(a) constructed from the existing object a to be a. Why is it not? To be clear, I want A(a) to reference the same object as a, NOT a copy.
self, like any other argument, is among the local variables of a function or method. Assignment to the bare name of a local variable never affects anything outside of that function or method, it just locally rebinds that name.
As a comment rightly suggests, it's unclear why you wouldn't just do
b = a
Assuming you have a sound reason, what you need to override is not __init__, but rather __new__ (then take some precaution in __init__ to avoid double initialization). It's not an obvious course so I'll wait for you to explain what exactly you're trying to accomplish.
Added: having clarified the need I agree with the OP that a factory function (ideally, I suggest, as a class method) is better -- and clearer than __new__, which would work (it is a class method after all) but in a less-sharply-clear way.
So, I would code as follows:
class A(object):
def make(cls, value):
if isinstance(value, cls): return value
return cls(value)
def __init__(self, value):
self.attribute = value
a = A.make(1)
b = A.make(a)
accomplishes the OP's desires, polymorphically over the type of argument passed to A.make.
The only way to make it work exactly as you have it is to implement __new__, the constructor, rather than __init__, the initialiser (the behaviour can get rather complex if both are implemented). It would also be wise to implement __eq__ for equality comparison, although this will fall back to identity comparison. For example:
>>> class A(object):
def __new__(cls, value):
if isinstance(value, cls):
return value
inst = super(A, cls).__new__(cls)
inst.attribute = value
return inst
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.attribute == other.attribute
>>> a = A(1)
>>> b = A(a)
>>> a is b
>>> a == b
>>> a == A(1)
True # also equal to other instance with same attribute value
You should have a look at the data model documentation, which explains the various "magic methods" available and what they do. See e.g. __new__.
__init__ is an initializer, not a constructor. You would have to mess around with __new__ to do what you want, and it's probably not a good idea to go there.
a = b = A(1)
If you call a constructor, it's going to create a new object. The simplest thing is to do what hacatu suggested and simply assign b to a's value. If not, perhaps you could have an if statement checking if the value passed in is equal to the object you want referenced and if it is, simply return that item before ever calling the constructor. I haven't tested so I'm not sure if it'd work.
Is there a way to forward function arguments without hiding the fact that the original call did or did not provide optional arguments?
def func1(a=x):
# do stuff
def func2(b=y):
# pass args to func1 without masking func1 defaults
return func1(?)
A call to func2() should result in func1() being called without arguments or at least with its default arguments, whatever they may be.
The following almost works but fundamentally I don't know if there is a way for func2 to determine if its defaults were invoked on not.
def func2(b=y):
# this comes close but what if func2(y) is called?
if b == y:
return func1()
return func1(b)
The usual way of determining if a parameter is left off is to use None as the default. It's unlikely that you'll be calling a function with None so it's a useful marker.
def func2(b=None):
if b is None:
return func1()
return func1(b)
I suspect the right way to do this is to have your func2 function use a sentinel value as its default argument, so you can recognize it easily. If you get that sentinel, you can set up the arguments you'll pass on to func1 however you want (e.g. not passing any argument). You can use argument unpacking to handle passing a variable number of arguments (such as 0-1).
A common sentinel is None, though if that could be a meaningful value for a caller to pass, you may want to use something else (an instance of object is a common choice). Here's an example:
def func1(a="default value"): # lets assume we don't know what this default is
# do stuff with a
# later, perhaps in a different module
_sentinel = object() # our sentinel object
def func2(b=_sentinel):
if b is _sentinel: # test for the sentinel
b = "some useful value"
a_args = () # arguments to func1 is an empty tuple
a_args = (b,) # pack b into a 1-tuple
# do stuff with b perhaps
func1(*a_args) # call func1 with appropriate arguments (either b or nothing)
Note that this design is relatively silly. Most of the time you'll either call func1 with an argument in all cases, or you'll call it without an argument in all cases. You rarely need to conditionally pass an argument like this.
See this answer:
There is no way to get the information you want from the internals. To detect whether defaults were used, you would need to re-implement the internal default argument processing within the function, i.e.:
def func2(*args, **kwargs):
if len(args) == 0 and "b" not in kwargs:
b = y
return func1()
return func1(b)
Now from the first check we guarantee that func2() was called as opposed to func2(y) or func2(b=y). In almost every case, the unique object sentinel is good enough to avoid having to truly guarantee how it was called, but it can be done.
But judging from the fact that you immediately return the result of func1, I see no reason why func2 even has default arguments. In the default call (func2()), that y is never used. So why is it there? Why don't you just use define func2(*a, **k) and pass them directly to func1?
Argument forwarding should be done with variadic arguments:
def func2(*args, **kwargs):
func1(*args, **kwargs)
Everything will just work, although introspection can suffer a bit.
If you need to sometimes not pass on an argument, you can remove an argument whenever:
del kwargs["name"]
An example:
def print_wrapper(*args, extrabig=False, **kwargs):
if extrabig:
args = [arg*2 for arg in args]
kwargs["sep"] = kwargs.get("sep", " ") * 2
print(*args, **kwargs)
print_wrapper(2, 4, 8, end="!!!\n")
#>>> 2 4 8!!!
print_wrapper(2, 4, 8, sep=", ", end="!!!\n")
#>>> 2, 4, 8!!!
print_wrapper(2, 4, 8, extrabig=True, end="!!!\n")
#>>> 4 8 16!!!
If you really don't want to do this (although you'd be wrong), you can use object to generate a unique sentinel.
# Bad! Won't let you print None
def optionally_print_one_thing(thing=None):
if thing is not None:
# Better
_no_argument = object()
def optionally_print_one_thing(thing=_no_argument):
if thing is not _no_argument:
What is your exact use case? func2 should be smart enough to only pass on the appropriate params to func1, and that should rely on the default values of any parameters.
The only time I have ever found it necessary to change how func2 calls func1 is when func1 is a c function with a screwy signature:
def func2(this, that, those=None):
if those is None:
return func1(this, that)
return func1(this, that, those)
I'm trying to use
def my_function(a,b)
If I try to print function like this
print(my_function()), when values start from none, I get
"missing 2 required positional arguments"
I want to use default value so when I use, print(my_function()),
a=10 and b=a.
So I tried
def my_function(a=10,b=a)
and I got a not defined.
I don't want to define a before with global.
Is it possible? or something like this
def my_function(a,b)
if a == None:
a = 10
if b == None:
b = a
This didn't work either when I used print(my_function()).
You can set the default to None:
def my_function(a=10, b=None):
if b is None:
b = a
Here the default for a is 10, and b is set to a if left to the default value.
If you need to accept None as well, pick a different, unique default to act as a sentinel. An instance of object() is an oft-used convention:
_sentinel = object()
def my_function(a=10, b=_sentinel):
if b is _sentinel:
b = a
Now you can call my_function(11, None) and b will be set to None, call it without specifying b (e.g. my_function() or my_function(42), and b will be set to whatever a was set to.
Unless a parameter has a default (e.g. is a keyword parameter), they are required.
This function my_function(a,b) expected two positional arguments without default value so It can't be called without them passed
So the main question how can we pass two argument so that second is set to first if not passed
There are two way for this:
kwargs unpacking
def my_function(a=10, **kwargs):
b = kwargs.get('b', a)
sentinel as default Value
_sentinel = object()
def my_function(a=10, b=_sentinel):
if b is _sentinel:
b = a
Hum! I thing you can't define my_function like this. But you can use a decorator to hide the default values computation.
For example:
import functools
def my_decorator(f):
def wrapper(a=10, b=None):
if b is None:
b = a
return f(a, b)
return wrapper
You can then define your function like this:
def my_function(a, b):
return (a, b)
You can use your function with zero, one or two parameters:
>>> print(my_function())
(10, 10)
>>> print(my_function(5))
(5, 5)
>>> print(my_function(5, 12))
(5, 12)