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What should I do with "Unexpected indent" in Python?
(18 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
For some reason when I run this code I get an unexpected indent error on the #staticmethod line, but I have no idea why! Everything is properly indented, but this is causing all of my methods to raise errors in code post. Also, I removed a few other methods from the class to shorten the code I'm posting on here.
class Reservation:
"""A data type that represents a hotel room booking system."""
booking_numbers = []
def get_reservations_from_row(room_obj, list_tuples):
reservation_dict = {}
booking_num_list = []
date_list = []
for element in list_tuples:
year, month, day, short_str = element
list_short_str = short_str.split('--')
booking_num = int(list_short_str[0])
name = list_short_str[1]
if booking_num not in booking_num_list:
date =, month, day)
for element in booking_num_list:
value = Reservation(name, room_obj, date_list[0], date_list[len(date_list)-1], element)
reservation_dict[element] = reservation_dict.get(element, []) + value
return reservation_dict
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/", line 35, in parse
return compile(source, filename, mode, PyCF_ONLY_AST)
File "/Users/myname/Downloads/", line 74
IndentationError: unexpected indent
It seems that you have used the tab for indentation.
Remove the tab and insert 4 spaces it will work for you
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Why must "exec" (and not "eval") be used for Python import statements?
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Basically I am doing a POC against python eval security issue, but I am getting below error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 11, in <module>
a = paste()
File "", line 6, in paste
if eval('%s > 1' % a):
File "<string>", line 1
import os;os.system('pwd') > 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
import datetime
def paste():
a = "import os;os.system('pwd')"
if eval('%s > 1' % a):
print a
return None, 201
a = paste()
print a
can anyone help me how to import libraries in-line?
eval works in expressions.
Use exec to execute a statement [import is a statement]
Also note, you cannot assign exec to a variable.
>> exec('import os;data = os.getcwd()')
>> print(data)
>> # /path/of/you/cwd
You may use the variable data to continue with your tests.
Taking the liberty to edit your code as follow:
def paste():
data = None
exec('import os;data = os.getcwd()')
if data:
return data
return None, 201
a = paste()
I am very new to python and using pyparsing but getting some exception with following code
while site_contents.find('---', line_end) != line_end + 2:
cut_start = site_contents.find(" ", site_contents.find("\r\n", start))
cut_end = site_contents.find(" ", cut_start+1)
line_end = site_contents.find("\r\n", cut_end)
name = site_contents[cut_start:cut_end].strip()
float_num = Word(nums + '.').setParseAction(lambda t:float(t[0]))
nonempty_line = Literal(name) + Word(nums+',') + float_num + Suppress(Literal('-')) + float_num * 2
empty_line = Literal(name) + Literal('-')
line = nonempty_line | empty_line
parsed = line.parseString(site_contents[cut_start:line_end])
start = line_end
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Ecllipse_Python\HellloWorld\src\", line 108, in <module>
parsed = line.parseString(site_contents[cut_start:line_end]) # parse line of data following cut name
File "C:\Users\arbatra\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\", line 1041, in parseString
raise exc
pyparsing.ParseException: Expected W:(0123...) (at char 38), (line:1, col:39)
how to resolve this issue?
You'll get a little better exception message if you give names to your expressions, using setName. From the "Expected W:(0123...)" part of the exception message, it looks like the parser is not finding a numeric value where it is expected. But the default name is not showing us enough to know which type of numeric field is expected. Modify your parser to add setName as shown below, and also change the defintion of nonempty_line:
float_num = Word(nums + '.').setParseAction(lambda t:float(t[0])).setName("float_num")
integer_with_commas = Word(nums + ',').setName("int_with_commas")
nonempty_line = Literal(name) + integer_with_commas + float_num + Suppress(Literal('-')) + float_num * 2
I would also preface the call to parseString with:
print site_contents[cut_start:line_end]
at least while you are debugging. Then you can compare the string being parsed with the error message, including the column number where the parse error is occurring, as given in your posted example as "(at char 38), (line:1, col:39)". "char xx" starts with the first character as "char 0"; "col:xx" starts with the first column as "col:1".
These code changes might help you pinpoint your problem:
print "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
print site_contents[cut_start:line_end]
parsed = line.parseString(site_contents[cut_start:line_end])
except ParseException as pe:
print pe.loc*' ' + '^'
print pe
Be sure to run this in a window that uses a monospaced font (so that all the character columns line up, and all characters are the same width as each other).
Once you've done this, you may have enough information to fix the problem yourself, or you'll have some better output to edit into your original question so we can help you better.
I have the following code that uses 3 strings 'us dollars','euro', '02-11-2014',
and a number to calculate the exchange rate for that given date. I modified the
code to pass those arguments but I get an error when I try to call it with
python "us dollars" "euro" 100 "02-11-2014"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 37. in <module>
NameError: name 'currTo' is not defined
I'm fairly new to Python so my knowledge is limited. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Also the version of Python I'm using is 3.4.2.
import urllib.request
import re
def currencyManager(currTo,currFrom,currAmount,currDate):
currency_to = currTo #'us dollars'
currency_from = currFrom #'euro'
currency_from_amount = currAmount
on_date = currDate # Day-Month-Year
currency_from = currency_from.replace(' ', '+')
currency_to = currency_to.replace(' ', '+')
url = '' + str(currency_from_amount) + '+' + str(currency_from) + '+to+' + str(currency_to) + '+on+' + str(on_date)
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
output = ''
page_fetch = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
output ='utf-8')
search = '<area shape="rect.*href="\/input\/\?i=(.*?)\+.*?&lk=1'
result = re.findall(r'' + search, output, re.S)
if len(result) > 0:
amount = float(result[0])
print('No match found')
except URLError as e:
The command line
python "us dollars" "euro" 100 "02-11-2014"
does not automatically assign "us dollars" "euro" 100 "02-11-2014" to currTo,currFrom,currAmount,currDate.
Instead the command line arguments are stored in a list, sys.argv.
You need to parse sys.argv and/or pass its values on to the call to currencyManager:
For example, change
import sys
The first element in sys.argv is the script name. Thus sys.argv[1:5] consists of the next 4 arguments after the script name (assuming 4 arguments were entered on the command line.) You may want to check that the right number of arguments are passed on the command line and that they are of the right type. The argparse module can help you here.
The * in *sys.argv[1:5] unpacks the list sys.argv[1:5] and passes the items in the list as arguments to the function currencyManager.
I'm trying to use whisper-merge to merge 2 wsp files. They have identical retention strategies, one just has older data than the other.
When I run whisper-merge oldfile.wsp newfile.wsp I get this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/src/whisper-0.9.12/bin/", line 32, in <module>
whisper.merge(path_from, path_to)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 821, in merge
(timeInfo, values) = fetch(path_from, fromTime, untilTime)
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
Any ideas?
Here's the meta data output for the 2 files:
Line 812 in is broken for files that contain multiple archives.
fromTime = int(time.time()) - headerFrom['maxRetention']
To fix, immediately following line 813, assign fromTime based on the archive retention.
for archive in archives: # this line already exists
fromTime = int(time.time()) - archive['retention'] # add this line
Snippet from
def fetch(path,fromTime,untilTime=None):
path is a string
fromTime is an epoch time
untilTime is also an epoch time, but defaults to now.
Returns a tuple of (timeInfo, valueList)
where timeInfo is itself a tuple of (fromTime, untilTime, step)
Returns None if no data can be returned
fh = open(path,'rb')
return file_fetch(fh, fromTime, untilTime)
Suggests that whisper.fetch() is returning None, which in turn, (along with the final line in the traceback) suggests that there is a problem with your path_from file.
Looking a little deeper, whisper.file_fetch() appears to have two places where it can return None (explicitly, at least):
def file_fetch(fh, fromTime, untilTime):
header = __readHeader(fh)
now = int( time.time() )
if untilTime is None:
untilTime = now
fromTime = int(fromTime)
untilTime = int(untilTime)
# Here we try and be flexible and return as much data as we can.
# If the range of data is from too far in the past or fully in the future, we
# return nothing
if (fromTime > untilTime):
raise InvalidTimeInterval("Invalid time interval: from time '%s' is after until time '%s'" % (fromTime, untilTime))
oldestTime = now - header['maxRetention']
# Range is in the future
if fromTime > now:
return None # <== Here
# Range is beyond retention
if untilTime < oldestTime:
return None # <== ...and here
This question already has answers here:
member variable string gets treated as Tuple in Python
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I expected the variable output_format to be a string. But when I ran the script it gave me a tuple type and threw an exception.
If I run in Python interpreter, it gave me an expected string.
('--sout "#standard{access=file,vcodec=h264,dst=c0_s0_h264_640x480_30_vbr_500_99_40000000.mp4}"',)
<type 'str'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "streaming_verification/src/streaming_verification/scripts/", line 184, in run
self.streaming.dump_file(export_fname, 5, codec_type)
File "streaming_verification/src/streaming_verification/scripts/", line 57, in dump_file
cmd_str = " ".join(cmd)
TypeError: sequence item 3: expected string, tuple found
Script source code:
def dump_file(self,
if "h264" == codec_type:
output_format = "--sout \"#standard{access=file,vcodec=h264,dst=%s.mp4}\"" % fname,
elif "mjpeg" == codec_type:
output_format = "--sout \"#standard{access=file,vcodec=mjpg ,dst=%s.avi}\"" % fname,
elif "mpeg" == codec_type :
output_format = "--sout \"#standard{access=file,vcodec=h264,dst=%s.mp4}\"" % fname,
cmd =[
"-I dummy",
"--rtsp-tcp {0}".format(self.conn_cfg["rtsp_link"]),
"--stop-time {0} vlc://quit ".format(period)
cmd_str = " ".join(cmd)
Your output_format is always tuple, because you put a comma after each possible value:
output_format = "..." % fname,
# ---------------------------^
Remove those commas and your cmd_str will once again only contain strings.
Python tuples are formed by such commas; the parenthesis are only needed when not using them would lead to ambiguity:
>>> 1
>>> 1,
>>> type(_)
<class 'tuple'>