Setting variables which is not entered in GUI and "Not Responding" Problem - python

I wanted to write a program that moves the mouse cursor and presses the shift key so that the computer won't be locked. The Problem is I want that if the user doesn't set two variables they should be automatically 0 and 1 but it seems I am missing something. The other thing that I can't understand is when I start the program if I don't click on it everything is ok, but if I click on the program's window it says "Not Responding" but the program is running. I can't understand what I am doing wrong here. Below is my code:
import pyautogui
import time
import sys
import os
import PySimpleGUI as sg
from datetime import datetime
def main():
layout = [ [sg.Text('Please enter the time intervall between the movements:', size = (45,1)), sg.Input(key='-IT-', enable_events=True)],
[sg.Text('Please enter how long should the script run:', size = (45,1)), sg.Input(key='-DURATION-', enable_events=True)],
[sg.Button('Start'), sg.Button('Stop')],
[sg.Output(size=(60,15))] ]
window = sg.Window('Press to start to move!', layout, size=(450,250), element_justification='right')
while True:
event, values =
if event in (sg.WIN_CLOSED, 'Stop'):
if event == '-IT-' and values['-IT-'] and values['-IT-'][-1] not in ('0123456789'):
if event == '-DURATION-' and values['-DURATION-'] and values['-DURATION-'][-1] not in ('0123456789'):
elif event == 'Start':
if values['-IT-'] == "" and values['-DURATION-'] == "":
elif values['-IT-'] != "" and values['-DURATION-'] == "":
elif values['-IT-'] == "" and values['-DURATION-'] != "":
move(numMin=int('0'+values['-IT-']), numDuration=int('0'+values['-DURATION-']))
I've just cut out the unnecessary part of the code.
So if I'm not misunderstanding, I need to use a thread, the second question is for me unclear can I typecast an empty string without adding zero (0) to it? Because when I try just typecast it doesn't work, and if I add a zero the behavior of the code is changing.

Operations That Take a "Long Time"
If you're a Windows user you've seen windows show in their title bar "Not Responding" which is soon followed by a Windows popup stating that "Your program has stopped responding". Well, you too can make that message and popup appear if you so wish! All you need to do is execute an operation that takes "too long" (i.e. a few seconds) inside your event loop.
You have a couple of options for dealing this with. If your operation can be broken up into smaller parts, then you can call Window.Refresh() occasionally to avoid this message. If you're running a loop for example, drop that call in with your other work. This will keep the GUI happy and Window's won't complain.
If, on the other hand, your operation is not under your control or you are unable to add Refresh calls, then the next option available to you is to move your long operations into a thread.
The "Old Way"
There are a couple of demo programs available for you to see how to do this. You basically put your work into a thread. When the thread is completed, it tells the GUI by sending a message through a queue. The event loop will run with a timer set to a value that represents how "responsive" you want your GUI to be to the work completing.
The "New Way" - Window.write_event_value
This new function that is available currently only in the tkinter port as of July 2020 is exciting and represents the future way multi-threading will be handled in PySimpleGUI (or so is hoped).
Previously, a queue was used where your event loop would poll for incoming messages from a thread.
Now, threads can directly inject events into a Window so that it will show up in the calls. This allows a your event loop to "pend", waiting for normal window events as well as events being generated by threads.
You can see this new capability in action in this demo:
Here is that program for your inspection and education. It's SO nice to no longer poll for threaded events.
import threading
import time
import PySimpleGUI as sg
Threaded Demo - Uses Window.write_event_value communications
Requires version 4.25.0 and later
This is a really important demo to understand if you're going to be using multithreading in PySimpleGUI.
Older mechanisms for multi-threading in PySimpleGUI relied on polling of a queue. The management of a communications
queue is now performed internally to PySimpleGUI.
The importance of using the new window.write_event_value call cannot be emphasized enough. It will hav a HUGE impact, in
a positive way, on your code to move to this mechanism as your code will simply "pend" waiting for an event rather than polling.
Copyright 2020
cp = sg.cprint
def the_thread(window):
The thread that communicates with the application through the window's events.
Once a second wakes and sends a new event and associated value to the window
i = 0
while True:
window.write_event_value('-THREAD-', (threading.current_thread().name, i)) # Data sent is a tuple of thread name and counter
cp('This is cheating from the thread', c='white on green')
i += 1
def main():
The demo will display in the multiline info about the event and values dictionary as it is being
returned from
Every time "Start" is clicked a new thread is started
Try clicking "Dummy" to see that the window is active while the thread stuff is happening in the background
layout = [ [sg.Text('Output Area - cprint\'s route to here', font='Any 15')],
[sg.Multiline(size=(65,20), key='-ML-', autoscroll=True, reroute_stdout=True, write_only=True, reroute_cprint=True)],
[sg.T('Input so you can see data in your dictionary')],
[sg.Input(key='-IN-', size=(30,1))],
[sg.B('Start A Thread'), sg.B('Dummy'), sg.Button('Exit')] ]
window = sg.Window('Window Title', layout, finalize=True)
while True: # Event Loop
event, values =
cp(event, values)
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit':
if event.startswith('Start'):
threading.Thread(target=the_thread, args=(window,), daemon=True).start()
if event == THREAD_EVENT:
cp(f'Data from the thread ', colors='white on purple', end='')
cp(f'{values[THREAD_EVENT]}', colors='white on red')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Multithreaded Programs
While on the topic of multiple threads, another demo was prepared that shows how you can run multiple threads in your program that all communicate with the event loop in order to display something in the GUI window. Recall that for PySimpleGUI (at least the tkinter port) you cannot make PySimpleGUI calls in threads other than the main program thread.
The key to these threaded programs is communication from the threads to your event loop. The mechanism chosen for these demonstrations uses the Python built-in queue module. The event loop polls these queues to see if something has been sent over from one of the threads to be displayed.
You'll find the demo that shows multiple threads communicating with a single GUI is called:
Once again a warning is in order for plain PySimpleGUI (tkinter based) - your GUI must never run as anything but the main program thread and no threads can directly call PySimpleGUI calls.


Running complicated code inside of pySimpleGUI?

I'm trying to run some code inside of a GUI, where I run a function after I get a few text inputs. however the function I am trying to run is actually really complicated, so when it runs, it makes the entire gui freeze up for 10-15 seconds before continuing.
How can I make it so that when I hit the run button, it doesn't freeze up the entire GUI waiting for the function to complete?
I do understand that there is a way to make functions threaded, however, I don't know how to implement that?
An example of how I can wrap a function to make it a threaded one would be great.
The code below gives an example of the problem that I am dealing with.
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import time
def simple_gui():
layout = [ [sg.T('try clicking "do something" and move the window')],
[sg.Button('do something'), sg.Button('Exit')] ]
w = sg.Window('test', layout)
while True:
events, values =
if events == 'do something':
# If you hit the button "do something":
# run a function that takes 30 seconds to complete.
if events == sg.WIN_CLOSED or events == 'Exit':
There are a number of examples of how you can use threads to perform "long operations" using PySimpleGUI. You'll find the demo programs located at . There are at least 6 sample programs labeled as being multi-threaded examples.
Some are also available on Trinket to run online. This one shows how to run a thread and then wait for it to complete:
Here's the code that you'll find there.
import threading
import time
import PySimpleGUI as sg
DESIGN PATTERN - Multithreaded Long Tasks GUI using shared global variables
Presents one method for running long-running operations in a PySimpleGUI environment.
The PySimpleGUI code, and thus the underlying GUI framework, runs as the primary, main thread
The "long work" is contained in the thread that is being started. Communicating is done (carefully) using global variables
There are 2 ways "progress" is being reported to the user.
You can simulate the 2 different scenarios that happen with worker threads.
1. If a the amount of time is known ahead of time or the work can be broken down into countable units, then a progress bar is used.
2. If a task is one long chunk of time that cannot be broken down into smaller units, then an animated GIF is shown that spins as
long as the task is running.
total = 100 # number of units that are used with the progress bar
message = '' # used by thread to send back a message to the main thread
progress = 0 # current progress up to a maximum of "total"
def long_operation_thread(seconds):
A worker thread that communicates with the GUI through a global message variable
This thread can block for as long as it wants and the GUI will not be affected
:param seconds: (int) How long to sleep, the ultimate blocking call
global message, progress
print('Thread started - will sleep for {} seconds'.format(seconds))
for i in range(int(seconds * 10)):
time.sleep(.1) # sleep for a while
progress += total / (seconds * 10)
message = f'*** The thread says.... "I am finished" ***'
def the_gui():
Starts and executes the GUI
Reads data from a global variable and displays
Returns when the user exits / closes the window
global message, progress
sg.theme('Light Brown 3')
layout = [[sg.Text('Long task to perform example')],
[sg.Output(size=(80, 12))],
[sg.Text('Number of seconds your task will take'),
sg.Input(key='-SECONDS-', size=(5, 1)),
sg.Button('Do Long Task', bind_return_key=True),
sg.CBox('ONE chunk, cannot break apart', key='-ONE CHUNK-')],
[sg.Text('Work progress'), sg.ProgressBar(total, size=(20, 20), orientation='h', key='-PROG-')],
[sg.Button('Click Me'), sg.Button('Exit')], ]
window = sg.Window('Multithreaded Demonstration Window', layout)
thread = None
# --------------------- EVENT LOOP ---------------------
while True:
event, values =
if event in (None, 'Exit'):
elif event.startswith('Do') and not thread:
print('Thread Starting! Long work....sending value of {} seconds'.format(float(values['-SECONDS-'])))
thread = threading.Thread(target=long_operation_thread, args=(float(values['-SECONDS-']),), daemon=True)
elif event == 'Click Me':
print('Your GUI is alive and well')
if thread: # If thread is running
if values['-ONE CHUNK-']: # If one big operation, show an animated GIF
sg.popup_animated(sg.DEFAULT_BASE64_LOADING_GIF, background_color='white', transparent_color='white', time_between_frames=100)
else: # Not one big operation, so update a progress bar instead
window['-PROG-'].update_bar(progress, total)
if not thread.is_alive(): # the thread finished
print(f'message = {message}')
sg.popup_animated(None) # stop animination in case one is running
thread, message, progress = None, '', 0 # reset variables for next run
window['-PROG-'].update_bar(0,0) # clear the progress bar
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Exiting Program')

How to use nested events in PySimpleGUI

I'm trying to used nested events.
When I browse a file, the filename alone being stripped from the full path triggers an event that makes the filename to be transferred to a textbox which has the enable_events set to true, which will trigger another event to call a function and get the pdf details.
If I enable the two commented lines, you can see that the function works and transfers the return value, but I'm trying to separate these two events as the function to get the details of the PDF takes a while.
So the order is:
__pdfpath__ gets the full path of a certain browsed file which triggers an event that transfers the filename to __bookfilename__ which should trigger another event which will call a function that will send its response to __pdfdetails__
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import os
def get_pdf_details(pdfname):
return pdfname + ' was processed'
layout = [
[sg.Text('',key='_bookfilename_',enable_events=True,size=(40, 1))],
[sg.Text('',key='_pdfdetails_', size=(40, 1) )],
window = sg.Window('', layout)
while True:
event, value = window.Read()
if event == '_pdfpath_':
filename = os.path.basename(value['_pdfpath_'])
#response = get_pdf_details(filename)
if event == '_bookfilename_':
response = get_pdfdetails(value['_bookfilename_'])
So the question is, how can I trigger the second event?
I tried creating a second window.Read() to create a second loop like this:
event2, value2 = window.Read()
but didn't work.
Any ideas?
The way through this isn't events traveling around PySimpleGUI. What you need to do is break out your long-running function into a Thread.
EDIT - Since the original answer in early 2019 a lot of continued to be added to PySimpleGUI.
Because having a function take too long be one of the most common problems first encountered writing a GUI, a method was added so that beginners that are not quite ready to write their own threaded code aren't held up.
The Window.perform_long_operation takes a function or a lambda expression as a parameter and a key that will be returned when your function returns.
window.perform_long_operation(my_long_operation, '-OPERATION DONE-')
You'll get the benefits of multi-threading without needing to do all the work yourself. It's a "stepping stone" approach. Some users have only been using Python for 2 or 3 weeks when they write their first GUI and simply aren't ready for the threading module.
The Cookbook has a section on this topic and the eCookbook has a number of examples that can be immediately run. and
The Demo Programs are always a great place to look too - There are at least 13 examples shown there as of 2021.
Try this:
while True:
event, value = window.Read()
process_event(event, value)
def process_event(event, value):
if event == '_pdfpath_':
filename = os.path.basename(value['_pdfpath_'])
process_event('_bookfilename_', value)
if event == '_bookfilename_':
response = get_pdfdetails(value['_bookfilename_'])
PSG has one magic element that can Fire event whenever you want, It's basically is Button, it can be hidden by setting visible=False. Just call window['ButtonKey'].click() where you want to fire 'ButtonKey' event.

Python - wxPython Sequence of Command Execution

I have a properly working code, I understand I am not pasting enough code - but I will explain each command with proper comments. My question here is why is the code behaving rather than what I expected it to behave.
My code:
def OnReset(self, event): # A function event which works after a button is pressed
self.reset_pump.Disable() # Disables the button so it is clicked
self.WriteToController([0x30],'GuiMsgIn') # Sends the reset command
self.flag_read.set() # Set Event of the thread
time.sleep(0.25) # Joining a Thread
self.MessageBox('Pump RESET going on Click OK \n')
# Having the above step is useful
# The question I have is based on the commands from here:
# The above commands clear various widgets on my GUI.
self.ser.close() # Closes my serial connection to MCU
self.OnCorrectComPort(event) # An external function which gets executed. This function has a Message BOX - which says - PORT IS OPENED.
I expect, once the thread is joined - my commands will clear the GUI. Then close the serial connection using (ser.close()). Then the self.OnCorrectComPort(event) gets executed.
This is what I am seeing: Thread joins with tr.join() then self.OnCorrecComPort(event) gets executed as I can see the Message box with "PORT OPENED" appears, I click OK, then my GUI gets CLEARED. To my understanding this is wrong, anyone please correct me.
The problem is that you're calling time.sleep(5) and self.OnCorrectComPort() in the callback, before returning to the mainloop where the events will be processed.
The widgets will not reflect the effects of your Clear calls until you exit of the callback into the wx mainloop.
What happens is, the routines you call are executed (takes several seconds because of the time.sleep call, then wx gets to process the graphical commands, and the widgets are cleared at this very moment (which is too late and the GUI seems stuck with the previous state)
If you want it the other way round, you can use wx.CallAfter() to leave wx a chance to process its events before you call your routines.
In your case, since you want to wait 5 seconds, the risk is to freeze your interface again. It's even better to call wx.CallLater() with a 5 second delay in that case, leaving the time to wx to refresh all the widgets.
Modified code:
def OnReset(self, event): # A function event which works after a button is pressed
self.reset_pump.Disable() # Disables the button so it is clicked
self.WriteToController([0x30],'GuiMsgIn') # Sends the reset command
self.flag_read.set() # Set Event of the thread
time.sleep(0.25) # Joining a Thread
self.MessageBox('Pump RESET going on Click OK \n')
# Having the above step is useful
# The question I have is based on the commands from here:
# The above commands clear various widgets on my GUI.
self.ser.close() # Closes my serial connection to MCU
# will call calledAfter after 5 seconds
def calledAfter(self,ser,event):
self.OnCorrectComPort(event) # An external function which gets executed. This function has a Message BOX - which says - PORT IS OPENED.

Update a Tkinter text widget as it's written rather than after the class is finished

I'm in a bind, since this is being written on a classified machine I am unable to copy+paste here. Being somewhat a novice, my approach is probably unorthodox.
I have a GUI written in Tkinter with several buttons. Each button is linked to a class that, in effect, runs a short script. When the button is clicked, I inititalize a class log_window which is simply a Tkinter text widget. I then create a global variable linking log to the log_window I just created, and as the script runs I pipe sys.stdout/stderr to log (I created a write method specifically for this). Everything is kosher, except that the log_window text widget doesn't update with my piped stdout until after the class calling it is finished. However, if I simply print within the class, it will print in the order it is called.
import Tkinter
from Tkinter import *
import time
class log_window:
def __init__(self,master):
self.textframe = Tkinter.Frame(master)
self.text = Text(self.textframe)
def write(self,text):
class some_func1: # This effectively waits 5 seconds then prints both lines at once
def __init__(self,master):
log.write("some text")
log.write("some text")
class some_func2: # This prints the first object, waits 5 seconds, then prints the second
def __init__(self,master):
print "some text"
print "some text"
if __name__ == '__main__':
global log
root = Tk()
log = log_window(root)
root.after(100,some_func1, root)
root.after(100,some_func2, root)
Sorry if my example is a little bit muffed, but I think it makes the point. The piping I do is through Popen and some system calls, but they aren't part of the issue, so I only highlighted what, I presume, is the LCD of the issue.
I don't know the details of Tkinter's concurrency, but fiddling around reveals that if you put
after each call to log.write, it updates on cue. You could give log a .flush() method to do that (like file handles have), or you could just make log.write call it after writing.
When you call sleep it causes your whole GUI to freeze. You must remember that your GUI runs an event loop, which is an infinite loop that wraps all your code. The event loop is responsible for causing widgets to redraw when they are changed. When a binding is fired it calls your code from within that loop, so as long as your code is running, the event loop can't loop.
You have a couple of choices. One is to call update_idletasks after adding text to the widget. This lets the event loop service "on idle" events -- things that are schedule to run when the program isn't doing anything else. Redrawing the screen is one such event, and there are others as well.
The other option is to run your functions in a thread or separate process. Because Tkinter isn't thread safe, these other threads or processes can't directly communicate with the GUI. What they must do is push a message onto a queue, and then your main (GUI) thread must poll the queue and pull messages off. It would be easy to build this code into your log class, and polling the queue can be done using the event loop -- just write a method that pulls messages off the queue and inserts them into the widget, the calls itself using after a few hundred milliseconds later.
You have to update your widget content by adding self.text.update() after self.text.insert(END,text)

How to stop a warning dialog from halting execution of a Python program that's controlling it?

Using Win32GUI and Watsup, I'm writing a bit of Python code to automate a search across a database that is accessed through a program that doesn't come with an interface for it. As such, I can take a string from a list and then input it into the search box and press 'lookup'.
However, when the search returns more than 1000 results, the program throws a warning dialog --which is simply a notification of the number of results--which halts the execution of the Python code. I can't get the code to progress past the line where it presses lookup.
At a guess, this would be because it doesn't expect a window or know how to handle a warning--but I don't either, other than manually accepting it. Below is the relevent sample of code, though it's probably not very enlightening. After "clickButton(LookupButton)", the execution halts.
LookupButtonlocation = elemstring.find("Lookup", AuthNameFieldlocation) - 15
#Use Regex search to find handles
number_regex = re.compile(';(\d+);')
AuthNameEdit = int([AuthNameFieldlocation:]).group(1))
LookupButton = int([LookupButtonlocation:]).group(1))
#Input new Author into Edit Field
setEditText(AuthNameEdit, "John Campbell")
#Click lookup button
I'm not a WATSUP user, but I do something very similar using pywinauto - in my case I'm running a number of automated tests that open various 3rd party programs that, in a similar way, throw up inconvenient warning dialogs. It's a bit difficult to deal with dialogs that you don't know about, however if you do know which dialogs appear, but not when they appear, you can start a thread to just deal with those pop-ups. The following is a simple example from what I'm doing, and uses pywinauto but you could adapt the approach for WATSUP:
import time
import threading
class ClearPopupThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, window_name, button_name, quit_event):
self.quit_event = quit_event
self.window_name = window_name
self.button_name = button_name
def run(self):
from pywinauto import application, findwindows
while True:
handles = findwindows.find_windows(title=self.window_name)
except findwindows.WindowNotFoundError:
pass #Just do nothing if the pop-up dialog was not found
else: #The window was found, so click the button
for hwnd in handles:
app = application.Application()
popup = app[self.window_name]
button = getattr(popup, self.button_name)
if self.quit_event.is_set():
time.sleep(1) #should help reduce cpu load a little for this thread
Essentially this thread is just an infinite loop that looks for a pop-up window by name, and if it finds it, it clicks on a button to close the window. If you have many pop-up windows you can open one thread per popup (bug that's not overly efficient, though). Because it's an infinite loop, I have the thread looking to see if an event is set, to allow me to stop the thread from my main program. So, in the main program I do something like this:
#Start the thread
quit_event = threading.Event()
mythread = ClearPopupThread('Window Popup Title', 'Yes button', quit_event)
# ...
# My program does it's thing here
# ...
# When my program is done I need to end the thread
This is not necessarily the only way to deal with your issue, but is a way that's worked for me. Sorry I can't really help you much with dealing with WATSUP (I always found pywinauto a bit easier to use), but I noticed on the WATSUP homepage (, Example 2 does something similar without using threads, i.e., looks for a named window and clicks a specific button on that window.

