Changing Selected Variables Chosen From Input() - python

I want to change different variables in my code while it's running, for example changing the variable speed = 1 to speed = 2 using the CMD. The variable I want to change is decided on the person running the code through an input(). They type in speed, and the variable speed changes to another number, also chosen by the person running the code through another input().
To change the values, you should need to-
Press Enter, to pause the game
Select the CMD window
Type 'setvar', then Enter
Type 'speed', then Enter
Type '5', then Enter
I want this to change speed = 1 to speed = 5, but I also want to be able to do this with every variable, being able to change the score variable, or anything else. So far, I have made it so you input the variable you want to change, and what you want to change it to. The code is slightly messy, but readable.
So far I have tried
exec("%s = %s" % (var,setTo))
exec(f"{var} = '{setTo}'")
But it hasn't worked, although speed = 5 does.
The code I want help with is near the bottom. The whole code is...
def RUN():
import pygame
import time
import random
import msvcrt as m
dis_width = 800
dis_height = 600
score = 0
x = 375
y = 275
foodx = -100
foody = -100
speed = 1
stanima = 0
gotox = 200
gotoy = 200
gotoSet = []
goto = []
people = []
numOfPeople = 1 # Number of people
foodEaten = True
foodRun = True
speedRunPlus = True
speedRunMinus = True
runningRun = True
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 18)
dis = pygame.display.set_mode((dis_width, dis_height)) #screen stuff
game_over = False
running = True
lightBlue = (50, 153, 213) #colors
red = (255, 100, 0)
yellow = (255, 255, 102)
blue = (70, 70, 255)
green1 = (0, 255, 0)
green2 = (0, 255, 25)
green3 = (0, 255, 50)
green4 = (0, 255, 75)
green5 = (0, 255, 100)
green6 = (0, 255, 125)
green7 = (0, 255, 150)
green8 = (0, 255, 175)
green9 = (0, 255, 200)
green10 = (0, 255, 225)
dis.fill(blue) #Backround
pygame.draw.rect(dis, lightBlue, [50, 50, 700, 500]) #Inner rectangle
def update_fps():
fps = str(int(clock.get_fps()))
fps = str("FPS: "+fps)
fps_text = font.render(fps, 1, pygame.Color("coral"))
return fps_text
def speedRender():
speed_str = str(speed)
speed_sentance = str("Average Speed: "+speed_str)
speed_text = font.render(speed_sentance, 1, pygame.Color("coral"))
return speed_text
def player(x, y, color, stamina): #Rectangle player
player = pygame.draw.rect(dis, color, [x, y, 25, 25])
if stanima == 1:
pygame.draw.rect(dis, red, [x+11, y+11, 3, 3])
elif stanima == 2:
pygame.draw.rect(dis, red, [x+10, y+10, 5, 5])
elif stanima == 3:
pygame.draw.rect(dis, red, [x+9, y+9, 7, 7])
elif stanima == 4:
pygame.draw.rect(dis, red, [x+8, y+8, 9, 9])
elif stanima == 5:
pygame.draw.rect(dis, red, [x+7, y+7, 11, 11])
elif stanima == 6:
pygame.draw.rect(dis, red, [x+6, y+6, 13, 13])
elif stanima == 7:
pygame.draw.rect(dis, red, [x+5, y+5, 15, 15])
elif stanima == 8:
pygame.draw.rect(dis, red, [x+4, y+4, 17, 17])
elif stanima == 9:
pygame.draw.rect(dis, red, [x+3, y+3, 19, 19])
def food(foodx, foody): #Rectangle food
food = pygame.draw.rect(dis, yellow, [foodx, foody, 10, 10])
for num1 in range(numOfPeople):
x = random.randint(300,400)
y = random.randint(300,400)
person = []
while not game_over:
while running:
pygame.draw.rect(dis, lightBlue, [50, 50, 700, 500])
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
game_over = True
for num2 in range(numOfPeople):
x = people[0][0]
y = people[0][1]
#speed = people[0][2]
goto = people[0][3]
score = people[0][4]
del people[0]
if x+12 > foodx+5: # "AI"
x -= speed
elif x+12 < foodx+5:
x += speed
if y+12 > foody+5: # "AI"
y -= speed
elif y+12 < foody+5:
y += speed
if x > 725: #Creates Borders
x = 725
game_over = True
elif x < 50:
x = 50
game_over = True
if y > 525:
y = 525
game_over = True
elif y < 50:
y = 50
game_over = True
if x >= foodx-24 and x <= foodx+10:
if y >= foody-24 and y <= foody+10:
score += 1
foodEaten = True
#print("Score:", score)
person = []
playerColor = green1
player(x, y, playerColor, stanima) #Creating Player
if foodEaten == True:
foodx = random.randint(90, 700)
foody = random.randint(90, 500)
stanima += 1
foodEaten = False
food(foodx, foody) #Creating Food
pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() #Key Movement
if pressed[pygame.K_RCTRL]:
dis.blit(update_fps(), (10,0))
dis.blit(speedRender(), (100,0))
if pressed[pygame.K_SPACE]:
if pressed[pygame.K_ESCAPE]:
running = False
game_over = True
if pressed[pygame.K_RSHIFT]:
if foodRun == True:
foodx = random.randint(90, 700)
foody = random.randint(90, 500)
stanima += 1
foodEaten = False
foodRun = False
foodRun = True
if pressed[pygame.K_RETURN]:
if runningRun == True:
running = False
runningRun = False
print(" ")
runningRun = True
if pressed[pygame.K_MINUS]:
if speedRunMinus == True:
speed -= 0.1
speedRunMinus = False
speedRunMinus = True
if pressed[pygame.K_EQUALS]:
if speedRunPlus == True:
speed += 0.1
speedRunPlus = False
speedRunPlus = True
pygame.display.flip() #updating screen
if not game_over:
command = input(" :")
commandSplit = command.split(".")
if commandSplit[0] == "return":
var = input(" :")
if var in dir():
print(" :", eval(var), sep='')
print(" :Variable Not Found")
elif commandSplit[0] == "run":
if commandSplit[1] == "exit":
running = False
game_over = True
elif commandSplit[0] == "setvar":
var = input(" :")
print("Var value now:", eval(var), sep='')
if var in locals():
setTo = input("Change variable to:") #Code I need help with -----------------------
print("Var value after:", eval(var), sep='')
print(" :Invalid Syntax Error")
except Exception:
print(" :Invalid Syntax Error")
'''#to implement later


Python Fatal error while creating a Sudoku game

I'm trying to create a Sudoku game in python with a solver included. First of all, for some reason, it doesn't show me the procedure of resolving, the window opens only when the board is solved and secondly when i close the window it returns me that python fatal error :Fatal Python error: pygame_parachute: (pygame parachute) Segmentation Fault
Python runtime state: initialized
That is my code :
import time
import pygame
from random import *
import numpy as np
WIN = pygame.display.set_mode((LARGEUR, HAUTEUR))
pygame.display.set_caption('Sudoku Game')
Font1 = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 35)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
BLANC = (255, 255, 255)
NOIR = (0, 0, 0)
BLEU = (0,0,255)
def gen_grille():
grille = [
val_debut = 17
for n in range(val_debut):
lgn = randint(1, 8)
cl = randint(1, 8)
num = randint(1, 9)
while(not is_possible(grille,lgn,cl,num) or grille[lgn][cl] != 0):
lgn = randint(1, 8)
cl = randint(1, 8)
num = randint(1, 9)
grille[lgn][cl]= num;
return list(grille)
def is_possible(grille,lgn,cl,num):
statut = True
for a in range(9):
if (grille[a][cl] == num):
statut = False
for b in range(9):
if (grille[lgn][b] == num):
statut = False
zone_lgn = lgn // 3
zone_cl = cl // 3
for a in range(3):
for b in range(3):
if(grille[zone_lgn*3 + a][zone_cl*3 + b] == num):
statut = False
return statut
grille = gen_grille()
grid_original = [[grille[x][y] for y in range(len(grille[0]))] for x in range(len(grille))]
def draw_new_vals(WIN, position):
x,y = position[0], position[1]
myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 35)
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if(grid_original[x-1][y-1] != 0):
if(event.key == 48):
grille[x-1][y-1] = event.key - 48
pygame.draw.rect(WIN, BLANC, (position[0]*50 + 5, position[0]*50+ 5, 40, 40))
if(0 < event.key - 48 <10):
pygame.draw.rect(WIN, BLANC, (position[0]*50 + 5, position[1]*50+ 5, 40, 40))
value = myfont.render(str(event.key-48), True, (0,0,0))
WIN.blit(value, (position[0]*50 +15, position[1]*50))
grille[x-1][y-1] = event.key - 48
def draw_strt_vals():
for x in range(9):
for y in range(9):
if(0 < grille[x][y] < 10):
num = Font1.render(str(grille[x][y]), True, BLEU)
WIN.blit(num, ((x+1)*50 + 15, (y+1)*50 + 15))
def draw_all():
def draw_grille():
for x in range(10):
pygame.draw.line(WIN, (NOIR), (50 + 50*x, 50), (50 + 50*x, 500), 2)
pygame.draw.line(WIN, (NOIR), (50, 50 + 50*x), (500, 50 + 50*x), 2)
for x in range(10):
if x % 3 == 0:
pygame.draw.line(WIN, (NOIR), (50 + 50*x, 50), (50 + 50*x, 500), 4)
pygame.draw.line(WIN, (NOIR), (50, 50 + 50*x), (500, 50 + 50*x), 4)
solved = 0
def solver(grille):
Font1 = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 35)
for lgn in range(9):
for cl in range(9):
if grille[lgn][cl] == 0:
for num in range(1,10):
if is_possible(grille, lgn, cl, num):
grille[lgn][cl] = num
pygame.draw.rect(WIN, BLANC, ((cl+1)*50 + 5, (lgn+1)*50+ 5,40 ,40))
value = Font1.render(str(num), True, (0,0,0))
WIN.blit(value, ((cl+1)*50 +15,(lgn+1)*50))
global solved
if(solved == 1):
grille[lgn][cl] = 0
pygame.draw.rect(WIN, BLANC, ((lgn+1)*50 + 5, (cl+1)*50+ 5,40 ,40))
solved = 1
def main():
marche = True
for i in range(0, len(grille[0])):
for j in range(0, len(grille[0])):
value = Font1.render(str(grille[i][j]), True, BLEU)
WIN.blit(value, ((j+1)*50 + 15, (i+1)*50 ))
while marche:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == 1:
m_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
draw_new_vals(WIN, (m_pos[0]//50, m_pos[1]//50))
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if __name__ == "__main__":

PyGame: Why isn't my object moving automatically

I want 'rock' to be able to automatically move to the left when running the program but nothing happens, from my understanding I have made it so that the rocks x position moves by 3 every iteration
import pygame
p = pygame.display.set_mode((900, 600))
pygame.display.set_caption("First game")
FPS = 60
WHITE = 255, 255, 255
RED = 255, 0, 0
GREEN = 0, 255, 0
BLUE = 0, 0, 255
DBLUE = 57, 64, 90
board1 = pygame.image.load("board.png")
board2 = pygame.image.load("board.png")
rock = pygame.image.load("rock.png")
def draw_window(board1_move, board2_move, rock_scaled):
board1_scaled = pygame.transform.rotate(pygame.transform.scale(board1, (55, 40)), 40)
board2_scaled = pygame.transform.rotate(pygame.transform.scale(board2, (55, 40)), 40)
rock_scaled = pygame.transform.rotate(pygame.transform.scale(rock, (55, 40)), 0)
p.blit(board1_scaled, (board1_move.x, board1_move.y))
p.blit(board2_scaled, (board2_move.x, board2_move.y))
p.blit(rock_scaled, (400, 250))
keypress = pygame.key.get_pressed()
def board1_move_func(keypress, board1_move):
if keypress[pygame.K_w] and board1_move.y > 0:
board1_move.y -= 3
if keypress[pygame.K_s] and board1_move.y < 530:
board1_move.y += 3
def board2_move_func(keypress, board2_move):
if keypress[pygame.K_UP] and board2_move.y > 0:
board2_move.y -= 3
if keypress[pygame.K_DOWN] and board2_move.y < 530:
board2_move.y += 3
def main():
rock_x = 450
rock_y = 250
board1_move = pygame.Rect(20, 250, 55, 40)
board2_move = pygame.Rect(805, 250, 55, 40)
rock_move = pygame.Rect(rock_x, rock_y, 55, 40)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
run = True
while run == True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
run = False
keypress = pygame.key.get_pressed()
rock_x += 3
board1_move_func(keypress, board1_move)
board2_move_func(keypress, board2_move)
draw_window(board1_move, board2_move, rock_move)
if __name__ == "__main__":
You change rock_x, but draw the object at the position stored in rock_move. rock_move is not magically tied with rock_x. You can update rock_move after changing rock_x:
rock_x += 3
rock_move.x = rock_x
However, I recommend changing rock_move instead of rock_x:
rock_move.x += 3

issues with checking if my images collided in pygame [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Why is my collision test always returning 'true' and why is the position of the rectangle of the image always wrong (0, 0)?
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
So I'm trying to check im my bird images are touching my could images and if they are to print print('Collided1!').
My Issue is that print('Collided1!') goes off no matter what and is not checking whether the images are touching. colliderect was the solution I found online but I don't seem to know how it works because this is not working.
Do You Know how to fix this? and check whether my images are touching or not?
from random import randint
import pygame, sys
import random
import time
DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((1224, 724))
fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock()
FPS = 60
a = 1
b = 1
c = 15
x = 100
y = 480
start = 0
score = 0
landX = 1205
totalScore = 0
level = 'low'
directionForBird = 'none'
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
BASICFONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 30)
background_resized = pygame.image.load('sky.jpg')
background = pygame.transform.scale(background_resized, (1224, 724))
bird1 = pygame.image.load('bird1.png')
bird1_resized = pygame.transform.scale(bird1, (170, 150))
bird1Surface = bird1_resized.get_rect()
bird2 = pygame.image.load('bird2.png')
bird2_resized = pygame.transform.scale(bird2, (170, 150))
bird2Surface = bird2_resized.get_rect()
cloudsList = ['cloud1.png', 'cloud2.png', 'cloud3.png', 'cloud4.png']
clouds = random.choice(cloudsList)
cloud = pygame.image.load(clouds)
cloud_resized = pygame.transform.scale(cloud, (352, 352))
cloudSurface = cloud_resized.get_rect()
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
if level == 'low':
if (event.key == K_SPACE ):
directionForBird = 'up'
level = 'high'
FPS += 2
c += 1
if directionForBird == 'up':
y -= 10
if y == 10:
directionForBird = 'down'
if directionForBird == 'down':
y += 10
if y == 480:
directionForBird = 'none'
if a == 1:
DISPLAYSURF.blit(background, (0, 0))
DISPLAYSURF.blit(bird1_resized, (x, y))
DISPLAYSURF.blit(cloud_resized, (landX, 300))
b += 1
if b == c:
a += 1
if a == 2:
DISPLAYSURF.blit(background, (0, 0))
DISPLAYSURF.blit(bird2_resized, (x, y))
DISPLAYSURF.blit(cloud_resized, (landX, 300))
b -= 1
if b == 1:
a -= 1
start += 1
if start == 100:
start -= 1
directionForLand = 'left'
if directionForLand == 'left':
landX -= 15
if landX == -550:
landX = 1205
level = 'low'
clouds = random.choice(cloudsList)
cloud = pygame.image.load(clouds)
cloud_resized = pygame.transform.scale(cloud, (352, 352))
score += 1
if score == 30:
score = 0
totalScore += 1
scoreText = BASICFONT.render('Stig : %s' % (totalScore), True, (BLACK))
scoreRect = scoreText.get_rect()
scoreRect.topleft = (1070, 10)
DISPLAYSURF.blit(scoreText, scoreRect)
# This is Supossed to Be what checks if the bird images
# colide with the cloud images
if bird1Surface.colliderect(cloudSurface):
if bird2Surface.colliderect(cloudSurface):
bird1Surface, bird2Surface and cloudSurface always have an upper left of (0,0), so they are always on top of each other.. You don't change the rectangles when you move the birds. You need to track the bird x,y and the cloud x,y, and construct new rectangles with the current x,y and the known width and height before you do the collision check.

Pygame - Fix issue with pause menu? [duplicate]

I've developed a Python code and am looking for improvements and how to add a pause option.
I repeat the exact same lines one after another although I don't know an easier way to do it.
import math, pygame, random, sys, turtle
from itertools import cycle
from datetime import datetime
from pygame import gfxdraw
from pygame.locals import *
def print_text(surface, font, text, surf_rect, x = 0, y = 0, center = False, color = (255,215,0)):
if not center:
textimage = font.render(text, True, color)
surface.blit(textimage, (x, y))
textimage = font.render(text, True, color)
text_rect = textimage.get_rect()
x = (surf_rect.width // 2) - (text_rect.width // 2 )
surface.blit(textimage, (x, y))
def game_is_over(surface, font, ticks):
timer = ticks
surf_rect = surface.get_rect()
surf_height = surf_rect.height
surf_width = surf_rect.width
print_text(screen, font, "Y O U G O T Y E E T E D (Game Over)", surf_rect, y = 260,\
center = True)
while True:
ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks()
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if ticks > timer + 3000:
def next_level(level):
level += 1
if level > 6:
level = 6
return level
#The Level Creator
def load_level(level):
invaders, colors = [], []
start_intx, end_intx, increment_intx = 85, 725, 40
start_inty, end_inty, increment_inty = 60, 60, 30
end_inty = end_inty + level * 30 # 30 being the number of rows / intruders
color_val = 256 / end_inty #For Colour Repetition
for x in range(start_intx, end_intx, increment_intx):
for y in range(start_inty, end_inty, increment_inty):
invaders.append(pygame.Rect(x, y, 30, 15))
colors.append(((x * 0.35) % 256, (y * color_val) % 256))
return invaders, colors, len(invaders)
def draw_title_invader():
rect = Rect(285,247,230,115)#INVATOR
rect2 = Rect(0,0,230,115)
rect3 = Rect(340,120,120,128)#TOP OF HAT
rect4 = Rect(300,200,200,48)#BOT OF HAT
rect5 = Rect(340,182,120,18)#LINE IN HAT
rect_width = 230
a = 175
b = 55
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, MGOLD,rect)
#The Left Eye in Title Screen,(0,255,255), (rect.x+46,rect.y+30), 23)
#The Right Eye in Title Screen,(0,255,255),(rect.x+rect_width-46,rect.y+30)\
#The Left Side Mouth in Title Screen
pygame.draw.line(backbuffer, RED, (rect.x+46, rect.y+92),\
(rect.x + 115, rect.y + 61), 2)
#The Right Side Mouth in Title Screen
pygame.draw.line(backbuffer, RED, (rect.x+rect_width-46,\
rect.y+92), (rect.x+rect_width-115,\
rect.y+61), 2)
#The Right Eye,RED,(rect.x+rect_width-115,rect.y+65)\
#The Hat
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, DIMGRAY,(340,120,120,128))
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, DIMGRAY,(300,200,200,48))
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, WHITE,(340,182,120,18))
def draw_bonus_invader(i, bonus_color, bx, bonus_x):
x, y = bonus_invader.x, bonus_invader.y, bonus_color, (x+bx, y+7), 2)
if i == 0:, bonus_color,
if i == 1:, bonus_color,
if i == 2:, bonus_color,
if i == 3:, bonus_color,
if i == 4:, bonus_color,
if i == 5:
bx = next(bonus_x)
def draw_invader(backbuffer, rect, a, b, animate_invaders, ticks,\
invader_width = 30
#THe Intruder In Game
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, MGOLD, rect)
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, DIMGRAY,(0,510,800,110))
#Left Eye in game
pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(backbuffer, rect.x + 6, rect.y + 4, 3, \
#Right EYe in game
pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(backbuffer, rect.x + invader_width - 7,\
rect.y + 4, 3, RED)
#The draw animation (if needed)
if animate_invaders:
pygame.gfxdraw.filled_trigon(backbuffer, rect.x+6, rect.y + 12,\
rect.x + 14, rect.y + 4, rect.x +\
invader_width - 7, rect.y + 12, RED)
#The Left Side of the mouth
pygame.gfxdraw.line(backbuffer, rect.x + 6, rect.y + 12,\
rect.x + 15, rect.y + 8, RED)
#The Right Side of the mouth
pygame.gfxdraw.line(backbuffer, rect.x + invader_width - 7,\
rect.y + 12, rect.x + invader_width - 15,\
rect.y + 8, RED)
if ticks > animation_time + 200:
animate_invaders = False
return animate_invaders
pygame.mixer.init() # not always called by pygame.init()
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600))
pygame.display.set_caption("Yeet The Intruders")
fpsclock = pygame.time.Clock()
#get screen metrics
the_screen = screen.get_rect()
screen_width = the_screen.width
screen_height = the_screen.height
backbuffer = pygame.Surface((the_screen.width, the_screen.height))
# fonts
font1 = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 30)
font2 = pygame.font.SysFont("Impact", 54)
font3 = pygame.font.SysFont("Impact", 36)
# User event frequencies
MOVE_DOWN = 1000
BONUS_FREQ = 10000
# create user events
move_invaders_sideways = pygame.USEREVENT + 1
move_invaders_down = pygame.USEREVENT + 2
reload = pygame.USEREVENT + 3
invader_shoot = pygame.USEREVENT + 4
bonus = pygame.USEREVENT + 5
# event timers
pygame.time.set_timer(move_invaders_down, 0)
pygame.time.set_timer(move_invaders_sideways, MOVE_SIDEWAYS)
pygame.time.set_timer(reload, RELOAD_SPEED)
pygame.time.set_timer(invader_shoot, INV_SHOOT_FREQ)
pygame.time.set_timer(bonus, BONUS_FREQ)
#List of Colours used
BLACK = (0,0,0)
WHITE = (255,255,255)
RED = (255,0,0)
GREEN = (0,255,0)
BLUE = (0,0,255)
YELLOW = (255,255,0)
DIMGRAY = (105,105,105)
MGOLD = (212,175,55)
shots, invader_shots, inv_shot_colors, bonus_invaders = [], [], [], []
#MY Space Ship
player = Rect(380,578,42,20)
player_gun = Rect(player.x + 18,player.y - 4, 6, 4)
# make screen rect for purposes of text-centering etc
the_screen = screen.get_rect()
# invader animation variables
animation_time = 0
animate_invaders = False
invader_width = 30
invader_height = 15
# flashing text vars
the_text = cycle(["Press Enter To Play, Yeet Master...", ""])
insert = next(the_text)
flash_timer = 0
# flashing bonus item vars
y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6 = (255,255,0), (225,225,0), (195,195,0), (165,165,0),\
(135,135,0), (105,105,0)
bonus_colors = cycle([y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6])
bonus_color = next(bonus_colors)
bonus_x = cycle([4,11,18,25,32,39]) # change draw x coord
bonus_timer = 0 # used to control frequency of changes
# vars for moving invaders down
move_right, move_down, reloaded = True, True, True
vert_steps = 0
side_steps = 0
moved_down = False
invaders_paused = False
invaders = 0 # prevents error until list is created
initial_invaders = 0 # use to manage freq of inv shots as invaders removed
shoot_level = 1 # manage freq of shots
# various gameplay variables
game_over = True
score = 0
lives = 2
level = 0
playing = False
# event loop
while True:
ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks()
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if event.type == KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_1 and not game_over:
print("Next level")
if event.type == invader_shoot and not game_over:
i = random.randint(0, len(invaders)-1)
shot_from = invaders[i]
a, b = colors[i]
invader_fired = True
invader_shots.append(Rect(shot_from.x, shot_from.y, 5, 7))
if event.type == reload and not game_over:
reloaded = True
pygame.time.set_timer(reload, 0)
if event.type == move_invaders_sideways and not game_over:
if move_right:
for invader in invaders: invader.move_ip(10,0)
side_steps += 1
for invader in invaders: invader.move_ip(-10,0)
side_steps -= 1
if side_steps == 6 or side_steps == -6:
if vert_steps <= 31: # and not moved_down
pygame.time.set_timer(move_invaders_sideways, 0)
pygame.time.set_timer(move_invaders_down, MOVE_DOWN)
# keep invaders moving horizontally after 31 down movements
else: move_right = not move_right
if event.type == move_invaders_down and not game_over:
#for i in range(20): print("down event")
move_right = not move_right
animate_invaders = True
animation_time = ticks
# reset move_sideways timer
pygame.time.set_timer(move_invaders_sideways, MOVE_SIDEWAYS)
# cancel move_down timer
pygame.time.set_timer(move_invaders_down, 0)
for invader in invaders: invader.move_ip(0,10)
vert_steps += 1
if event.type == bonus and not game_over:
#a = Rect(769,20,45,15)
# keyboard polling
pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if pressed[K_ESCAPE]: pygame.quit(), sys.exit()
elif pressed[K_RETURN]:
if game_over: game_over = False
elif pressed[K_d] or pressed[K_RIGHT]:player.move_ip((8, 0))
elif pressed[K_a] or pressed[K_LEFT]: player.move_ip((-8, 0))
if pressed[K_SPACE]:
if reloaded:
reloaded = False
# create timeout of RELOAD_SPEED
pygame.time.set_timer(reload, RELOAD_SPEED)
# shrink copy of player rect to imitate a missile
missile = player.copy().inflate(-38, -10)
# spawn missile higher to ensure appears missile fired from 'gun'
# when the ship is moving horizontally
missile.y -= 9
if not game_over:
playing = True
if level == 0:
level = next_level(level)
invaders, colors, initial_invaders = load_level(level)
move_right, move_down, reloaded = True, True, True
vert_steps = 0
side_steps = 0
moved_down = False
invaders_paused = False
pygame.time.set_timer(invader_shoot, 500)
shoot_level = 1
for shot in invader_shots:
if not backbuffer.get_rect().contains(shot):
i = invader_shots.index(shot)
del invader_shots[i]
del inv_shot_colors[i]
if shot.colliderect(player) and shot.y < the_screen.height -10:
lives -= 1
if lives < 0:
lives = 0
game_over = True
i = invader_shots.index(shot)
del invader_shots[i]
del inv_shot_colors[i]
for shot in shots:
shot.move_ip((0, -8))
for inv_shot in invader_shots:
if inv_shot.colliderect(shot):
i = invader_shots.index(inv_shot)
del invader_shots[i]
del inv_shot_colors[i]
for b_invader in bonus_invaders:
if b_invader.colliderect(shot):
i = bonus_invaders.index(b_invader)
del bonus_invaders[i]
score += 1
if not backbuffer.get_rect().contains(shot):
hit = False
for invader in invaders:
if invader.colliderect(shot):
score += 1
hit = True
i = invaders.index(invader)
del invaders[i]
del colors[i]
if hit: shots.remove(shot)
# move bonus invader
for bonus_invader in bonus_invaders:
bonus_invader.move_ip((-4,0 ))
## if not screen.get_rect().contains(bonus_invader):
## bonus_invaders.remove(bonus_invader)
if bonus_invader.x < -55:
# check if all invaders killed, if so, move to next level
if len(invaders) == 0:
level = next_level(level)
invaders, colors, initial_invaders = load_level(level)
move_right, move_down, reloaded = True, True, True
vert_steps = 0
side_steps = 0
moved_down = False
invaders_paused = False
pygame.time.set_timer(invader_shoot, 500)
shoot_level = 1
# adjust shot freq when invader numbers decrease
if len(invaders) < initial_invaders*.75 and shoot_level == 1:
pygame.time.set_timer(invader_shoot, 750)
shoot_level = 2
elif len(invaders) < initial_invaders*.5 and shoot_level == 2:
pygame.time.set_timer(invader_shoot, 1000)
shoot_level = 3
elif len(invaders) < initial_invaders*.25 and shoot_level == 3:
pygame.time.set_timer(invader_shoot, 1500)
shoot_level = 4
# draw invaders
for rect, (a, b) in zip(invaders, colors):
animate_invaders = draw_invader(backbuffer, rect, a, b,\
animate_invaders, ticks, \
# draw bonus invaders
if ticks > bonus_timer + 169:
bonus_timer = ticks # change colors every 169ms approx
for bonus_invader in bonus_invaders:
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, (0,0,0,0), bonus_invader)
for i in range(6):
bonus_color = next(bonus_colors)
bx = next(bonus_x)
draw_bonus_invader(i, bonus_color, bx, bonus_x)
# draw space ship shots
for shot in shots:
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, GREEN, shot)
# draw invader shots
for shot, color in zip(invader_shots, inv_shot_colors):
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, color, shot)
#update 'gun' position and draw ship/gun
#player_gun = Rect(player.x, player.y, 6, 4)
player_gun.x = player.x+18
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, (204,0,255), player)
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, (0,204,255), player_gun)
print_text(backbuffer, font1, "Intruders Rekt#: {}".format(score),\
the_screen, x=0, y=520)
print_text(backbuffer, font1, "Hearts#: {}".format(lives), the_screen,\
x=0, y=550)
print_text(backbuffer, font1, "Round#: {}".format(level), the_screen,\
x=0, y=580)
if game_over:
if playing:
game_is_over(backbuffer, font2, ticks)
playing = False
level = 0
lives = 2
score = 0
shots, invader_shots, inv_shot_colors, bonus_invaders = [], [], [], []
print_text(backbuffer, font2, "_/¯Yeet The Intruders¯\_", the_screen, y=5,\
if ticks > flash_timer + 800: # "press to play" flashing text
insert = next(the_text)
flash_timer = ticks
print_text(backbuffer, font3, insert, the_screen, y =\
the_screen.height-40, center=True)
screen.blit(backbuffer, (0,0))
Your code is quite large, but to pause the game is very general task:
Add a pause state.
Toggle the pause state on an certain event, e.g. when the p key is pressed.
Skip the game processing if pauseis stated.
pause = False # pause state
while True:
ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks()
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if event.type == KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_1 and not game_over:
print("Next level")
# toggle pause if "p" is pressed
if event.key == pygame.K_p:
pause = not pause
# [...]
if pause:
# [...] draw pause screen
elif not game_over: # <--- elif is important
playing = True
# [...]
screen.blit(backbuffer, (0,0))

pygame keeps bogging down

I read the other questions about pygame bogging down and all I could find was limit the FPS, I tried that but it's still bogging down, I've tried everything but in the end I think it's just because my code is inefficient or something, any help would be appreciated.
Here's a video of the performance since i'm sure none of you want to actually download this,
when it first starts it's way slower than it should be, at 0:12 in the video is when it's running at the speed it should be, and at 0:50 it bogs down again.
I tried looking everywhere to see what it could be and i found nothing, frankly just posting this source is embarassing
import sys, pygame
import random
import time
from resources import _time_
from pygame.locals import *
debug = True
start = time.time()
pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 2048)
size = width, height = 800, 600
speed = [1, 1]
ai_speed = [1, 1]
black = (0, 0, 0)
text_color = (255, 255, 255)
dad_count = 0
#values change to True if appropriate key is pressed
keys = [False, False, False, False]
#set title and screen width and height
pygame.display.set_caption("Dad Explorer v0.02")
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
screen_rect = screen.get_rect()
#set boundary variables
b_height = height - 26
b_width = width - 25
newdad = False
#load our beautiful sounds
loop ="sound/loop.wav")
intro = pygame.mixer.Sound("sound/intro.wav")
alarm1 = pygame.mixer.Sound("sound/klaxon_alert1.wav")
beeps = pygame.mixer.Sound("sound/beeps.wav")
defeated = pygame.mixer.Sound("sound/defeatednormal.wav")
yell = pygame.mixer.Sound("sound/yell.wav")
#spawn objects at random coordinates
playerspawn = (random.randrange(b_width), random.randrange(b_height))
enemyspawn = (random.randrange(b_width), random.randrange(b_height))
player = pygame.image.load("images/smug.gif")
player_rect = player.get_rect()
player_rect[:2] = playerspawn
enemy = pygame.image.load("images/dad.png")
enemy_rect = enemy.get_rect()
enemy_rect[:2] = enemyspawn
#loop music
#pre set collision to false
collision = False
#fpsCounter = text_font.render("FPS: {}".format(pygame.time.Clock()))
while 1:
respawn = (random.randrange(b_width), random.randrange(b_height))
#display text on the screen
text_font = pygame.font.SysFont("monospace", 14)
player_label = text_font.render("-- Player --", 1, text_color)
player_velocity = text_font.render("Velocity: {}".format(speed), 1, text_color)
player_position = text_font.render("Position: {}".format((player_rect.x, player_rect.y)), 1, text_color)
text_debug = text_font.render("Debug: {}".format(debug), 1, text_color)
time_label = text_font.render("Time wasted: {}".format(_time_()), 1, text_color)
dad_kills = text_font.render("{} Dads defeated".format(dad_count), 1, text_color)
enemy_label = text_font.render("-- Enemy --", 1, text_color)
enemy_velocity = text_font.render("Velocity: {}".format(ai_speed), 1, text_color)
enemy_currentpos = text_font.render("Position: {}".format(enemy_rect[:2]), 1, text_color)
#move the enemy
enemy_rect = enemy_rect.move(ai_speed)
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key==K_UP:
elif event.key==K_LEFT:
elif event.key==K_DOWN:
elif event.key==K_RIGHT:
if event.key == K_r:
#press r to reset player position
if debug == True:
player_rect[:2] = [100, 100]
speed = [1, 1]
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key==pygame.K_UP:
elif event.key==pygame.K_LEFT:
elif event.key==pygame.K_DOWN:
elif event.key==pygame.K_RIGHT:
#set enemy boundaries
if enemy_rect.left < 0 or enemy_rect.right > width:
ai_speed[0] = -ai_speed[0]
if < 0 or enemy_rect.bottom > height:
ai_speed[1] = -ai_speed[1]
#set player boundaries
if not screen_rect.contains(player_rect):
if player_rect.right > screen_rect.right:
player_rect.right = screen_rect.right
if player_rect.bottom > screen_rect.bottom:
player_rect.bottom = screen_rect.bottom
if player_rect.left < screen_rect.left:
player_rect.left = screen_rect.left
if < =
#check for collision
new_collision = enemy_rect.colliderect(player_rect)
if not collision and new_collision:
print "alarm"
dad_count += 1
newdad = True
if dad_count == 1:
enemy = pygame.image.load("images/maddad.png")
elif collision and not new_collision:
print "done colliding"
collision = new_collision
screen.fill(black) #display background
screen.blit(player, player_rect) #display player object and player movement
if newdad is True:
enemy_rect[:2] = respawn
ai_speed = [random.randrange(-5, 5), random.randrange(-5, 5)]
screen.blit(enemy, enemy_rect)
newdad = False
screen.blit(enemy, enemy_rect)
#player data
screen.blit(player_label, (5, 10))
screen.blit(player_velocity, (5, 30))
screen.blit(player_position, (5, 50))
screen.blit(text_debug, (5, 70))
screen.blit(time_label, (5, b_height))
screen.blit(dad_kills, (5, b_height - 30))
#AI data
screen.blit(enemy_label, (5, 120))
screen.blit(enemy_velocity, (5, 140))
screen.blit(enemy_currentpos, (5, 160))
if keys[0]:
speed[1] = -2
elif keys[2]:
speed[1] = 2
speed[1] = 0
if keys[1]:
speed[0] = -2
elif keys[3]:
speed[0] = 2
speed[0] = 0
player_rect.move_ip(speed[0], speed[1])
clock.tick(150) (keeps track of time played)
import random
import time, datetime
from random import choice
start_datetime =
def _time_():
delta = - start_datetime
days = delta.days
hours = delta.seconds / 3600
minutes = (delta.seconds / 60) % 60
seconds = delta.seconds % 60
runningtime = []
if days > 0:
runningtime.append("{} day{}".format(days, "" if days == 1 else "s"))
if hours > 0:
runningtime.append("{} hour{}".format(hours, "" if hours == 1 else "s"))
if minutes > 0:
runningtime.append("{} minute{}".format(minutes, "" if minutes == 1 else "s"))
if seconds > 0:
runningtime.append("{} second{}".format(seconds, "" if seconds == 1 else "s"))
if len(runningtime) < 2:
time = " and ".join(runningtime)
time = ", ".join(runningtime[:-1]) + ", and " + runningtime[-1]
return time
I think your problem is the font rendering. Font rendering is a very expensive operation, and you should always cache and re-use those rendered surfaces.
Also, you're loading the font every iteration of the main loop. Just load it once.
The game is quite simple, nonetheless I recommend a framerate of 60 (this is a good value based on my experience, YMMV).
An example of a cache could look like:
text_font = pygame.font.SysFont("monospace", 14)
def get_msg(msg):
if not msg in cache:
cache[msg] = text_font.render(msg, 1 , text_color)
return cache[msg]
while 1:
respawn = (random.randrange(b_width), random.randrange(b_height))
player_label = get_msg("-- Player --")
player_velocity = get_msg("Velocity: {}".format(speed))
player_position = get_msg("Position: {}".format((player_rect.x, player_rect.y)))
text_debug = get_msg("Debug: {}".format(debug))
time_label = get_msg("Time wasted: {}".format(_time_()))
dad_kills = get_msg("{} Dads defeated".format(dad_count))
That should boost your framerate and prevent the slowdown.
As a side note, instead of:
#set player boundaries
if not screen_rect.contains(player_rect):
if player_rect.right > screen_rect.right:
player_rect.right = screen_rect.right
if player_rect.bottom > screen_rect.bottom:
player_rect.bottom = screen_rect.bottom
if player_rect.left < screen_rect.left:
player_rect.left = screen_rect.left
if < =
simply use:
#set player boundaries
There are some other small issues with your code, but that's out of this question/answer.

