I have a PDF file, I need to convert it into a CSV file this is my pdf file example as link https://online.flippingbook.com/view/352975479/ the code used is
import re
import parse
import pdfplumber
import pandas as pd
from collections import namedtuple
file = "Battery Voltage.pdf"
lines = []
total_check = 0
with pdfplumber.open(file) as pdf:
pages = pdf.pages
for page in pdf.pages:
text = page.extract_text()
for line in text.split('\n'):
with the above script I am not getting proper output, For Time column "AM" is getting in the next line. The output I am getting is like this
It may help you to see how the surface of a pdf is displayed to the screen. so that one string of plain text is placed part by part on the display. (Here I highlight where the first AM is to be placed.
As a side issue that first AM in the file is I think at first glance encoded as this block
/F1 12 Tf
1 0 0 1 224.20265 754.6322 Tm
[<001D001E>] TJ
Where in that area 1D = A and 1E = M
So If you wish to extract each LINE as it is displayed, by far the simplest way is to use a library such as pdftotext that especially outputs each row of text as seen on page.
Thus using an attack such as tabular comma separated you can expect each AM will be given its own row. Which should by logic be " ",AM," "," " but some extractors should say nan,AM,nan,nan
As text it looks like this from just one programmable line
pdftotext -layout "Battery Voltage.pdf"
That will output "Battery Voltage.txt" in the same work folder
Then placing that in a spreadsheet becomes
Now we can export in a couple of clicks (no longer) as "proper output" csv along with all its oddities that csv entails.
,,Battery Vo,ltage,
Sr No,DateT,Ime,Voltage (v),Ignition
So, if the edits were not done before csv generation it is simpler to post process in an editor, like this html page (no need for more apps)
Sr No,Date,Time,Voltage (v),Ignition
Then on re-import it looks more human generated
In discussions it was confirmed all that's desired is a means to a structured list and first parse using
pdftotext -layout -nopgbrk -x 0 -y 60 -W 800 -H 800 -fixed 6 "Battery Voltage.pdf" &type "battery voltage.txt"|findstr "O">battery.txt
will output regulated data columns for framing, with a fixed headline or splitting or otherwise using cleaned data.
1 01-11-2022 00:08:10 47.15 Off
2 01-11-2022 00:23:10 47.15 Off
3 01-11-2022 00:38:10 47.15 Off
4 01-11-2022 00:58:10 47.15 Off
5 01-11-2022 01:18:10 47.15 Off
32357 24-11-2022 17:48:43 45.40 On
32358 24-11-2022 17:48:52 44.51 On
32359 24-11-2022 17:48:55 44.51 On
32360 24-11-2022 17:48:58 44.51 On
32361 24-11-2022 17:48:58 44.51 On
At this stage we can use text handling such as csv or add json brackets
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5 delims= " %%a In ('Findstr /C:"O" battery.txt') do echo csv is "%%a,%%b,%%c,%%d,%%e">output.txt
csv is "32357,24-11-2022,17:48:43,45.40,On"
csv is "32358,24-11-2022,17:48:52,44.51,On"
csv is "32359,24-11-2022,17:48:55,44.51,On"
csv is "32360,24-11-2022,17:48:58,44.51,On"
csv is "32361,24-11-2022,17:48:58,44.51,On"
So the request is for JSON (not my forte so you may need to improve on my code as I dont know what mongo expects)
here I drop a pdf onto a battery.bat
it is a bit slow as running in pure console so lets run it blinder by add #, it will still take time as we are working in plain text, so do expect a significant delay for 32,000+ lines = 2+1/2 minutes on my kit
pdftotext -layout -nopgbrk -x 0 -y 60 -W 700 -H 800 -fixed 8 "%~1" battery.txt
echo Heading however you wish it for json perhaps just opener [ but note only one redirect chevron >"%~dpn1.txt"
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5 delims= " %%a In ('Findstr /C:"O" battery.txt') do #echo "%%a": { "Date": "%%b", "Time": "%%c", "Voltage": %%d, "Ignition": "%%e" },>>"%~dpn1.txt"
REM another json style could be { "Line_Id": %%a, "Date": "%%b", "Time": "%%c", "Voltage": %%d, "Ignition": "%%e" },
REM another for an array can simply be [%%a,"%%b","%%c",%%d,"%%e" ],
echo Tailing however you wish it for json perhaps just final closer ] but note double chevron >>"%~dpn1.txt"
To see progress change #echo { to #echo %%a&echo {
Thus, after a minute or so
however, it tends to add an extra minute for all that display activity! before the window closes as a sign of completion.
For cases like these, build a parser that converts the unusable data into something you can use.
Logic below converts that exact file to a CSV, but will only work with that specific file contents.
Note that for this specific file you can ignore the AM/PM as the time is in 24h format.
import pdfplumber
file = "Battery Voltage.pdf"
skiplines = [
"Battery Voltage",
"Sr No DateTIme Voltage (v) Ignition",
with open("output.csv", "w") as outfile:
header = "serialnumber;date;time;voltage;ignition\n"
with pdfplumber.open(file) as pdf:
for page in pdf.pages:
for line in page.extract_text().split('\n'):
if line.strip() in skiplines:
So, JSON files in python are basically just a list of dict items (yes, that's oversimplification).
The only thing you need to change is the way you actually process the lines. The actual meat of the logic doesn't change...
import pdfplumber
import json
file = "Battery Voltage.pdf"
skiplines = [
"Battery Voltage",
"Sr No DateTIme Voltage (v) Ignition",
result = []
with pdfplumber.open(file) as pdf:
for page in pdf.pages:
for line in page.extract_text().split("\n"):
if line.strip() in skiplines:
serialnumber, date, time, voltage, ignition = line.split()
"serialnumber": serialnumber,
"date": date,
"time": time,
"voltage": voltage,
"ignition": ignition,
with open("output.json", "w") as outfile:
json.dump(result, outfile)
I'm a biologist and I need to take information on a text file
I have a file with plain text like that:
Comparison of two timed artificial insemination (TAI) protocols for management of first insemination postpartum.
TAI|timed artificial insemination|0.999808
Two estrus-synchronization programs were compared and factors influencing their success over a year were evaluated. All cows received a setup injection of PGF2alpha at 39 +/- 3 d postpartum. Fourteen days later they received GnRH, followed in 7 d by a second injection of PGF2alpha. Cows (n = 523) assigned to treatment 1 (modified targeted breeding) were inseminated based on visual signs of estrus at 24, 48, or 72 h after the second PGF2alpha injection. Any cow not observed in estrus was inseminated at 72 h. Cows (n = 440) assigned to treatment 2 received a second GnRH injection 48 h after the second PGF2alpha, and all were inseminated 24 h later. Treatment, season of calving, multiple birth, estrual status at insemination, number of occurrences of estrus before second PGF2alpha, prophylactic use of PGF2alpha, retained fetal membranes, and occurrence of estrus following the setup PGF2alpha influenced success. Conception rate was 31.2% (treatment 1) and 29.1% (treatment 2). A significant interaction occurred between protocol and estrual status at insemination. Cows in estrus at insemination had a 45.8% (treatment 1) or 35.4% (treatment 2) conception rate. The conception rate for cows not expressing estrus at insemination was 19.2% (treatment 1) and 27.7% (treatment 2). Provided good estrous detection exists, modified targeted breeding can be as successful as other timed artificial insemination programs. Nutritional, environmental, and management strategies to reduce postpartum disorders and to minimize the duration of postpartum anestrus are critical if synchronization schemes are used to program first insemination after the voluntary waiting period.
Deletion of the beta-turn/alpha-helix motif at the exon 2/3 boundary of human c-Myc leads to the loss of its immortalizing function.
The protein product (c-Myc) of the human c-myc proto-oncogene carries a beta-turn/alpha-helix motif at the exon2/exon3 boundary. The amino acid (aa) sequence and secondary structure of this motif are highly conserved among several nuclearly localized oncogene products, c-Myc, N-Myc, c-Fos, SV40 large T and adenovirus (Ad) Ela. Removal of this region from Ad E1a results in the loss of the transforming properties of the virus without destroying its known transregulatory functions. In order to analyse whether deletion of the above-mentioned region from c-Myc has a similar effect on its transformation activity, we constructed a deletion mutant (c-myc delta) lacking the respective aa at the exon2/exon3 boundary. In contrast to the c-myc wild-type gene product, constitutive expression of c-myc delta does not lead to the immortalization of primary mouse embryo fibroblast cells (MEF cells). This result indicates that c-Myc and Ad El a share a common domain which is involved in the transformation process by both oncogenes.
aa|amino acid|0.99818
MEF cells|mouse embryo fibroblast cells|0.994648
The first line is the id, the second line is the title, the third line used to be the abstract (sometimes there are abbreviations) and the lasts lines (if there are) are abbreviations with double space, the abbreviation, the meaning, and a number. You can see :
GA|general anesthesia|0.99818
Then there is a line in blank and start again: ID, Title, Abstract, Abbreviations or ID, Title, Abbreviations, Abstract.
And I need to take this data and convert to a TSV file like that:
12018411 TAI timed artificial insemination
8406022 aa amino acids
8406022 Ad adenovirus
... ... ...
First column ID, second column Abbreviation, and third column Meaning of this abbreviation.
I tried to convert first in a Dataframe and then convert to TSV but I don't know how take the information of the text with the structure I need.
And I tried with this code too:
from collections import namedtuple
import pandas as pd
Item= namedtuple('Item', 'ID')
items = []
with open("identify_abbr-out.txt", "r", encoding='UTF-8') as f:
lines= f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if line== '\n':
ID= ¿nextline?
if line.startswith(" "):
Abbreviation = line
items.append(Item(ID, Abbreviation))
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(items, columns=['ID', 'Abbreviation'])
But I don't know how to read the next line and the code not found because there are some lines in blank in the middle between the corpus and the title sometimes.
I'm using python 3.8
Thank you very much in advance.
Assuming test.txt has your input data, I used simple file read functions to process the data -
file1 = open('test.txt', 'r')
Lines = file1.readlines()
outputlines = []
counter = 0
for l in Lines:
if l.strip()=="":
outputline = ""
counter = 0
elif counter==0:
outputline = outputline + l.strip() + "|"
counter = counter + 1
elif counter==1:
counter = counter + 1
if len(l.split("|"))==3 and l[0:2]==" " :
outputlines.append(outputline + l.strip() +"\n")
counter = counter + 1
file1 = open('myfile.txt', 'w')
Here file is read, line by line, a counter is kept and reset when there is a blank line, and ID is read in just next line. If there are 3 field "|" separated row, with two spaces in beginning, row is exported with ID
I need to convert a csv file to rdf with rdflib, I already have the code that reads the csv but I do not know how to convert it to rdf.
I have the following code:
import csv
from rdflib.graph import Graph
# Open the input file
with open('data.csv', 'rb') as fcsv:
g = Graph()
csvreader = csv.reader(fcsv)
y = True
for row in csvreader:
if y:
names = row
y = False
for i in range(len(row)):
Can someone explain and give me an example?
Example csv file
With courtesy of KRontheWeb, I use the following example csv file to answer your question:
"Name";"Address";"Place";"Country";"Age";"Hobby";"Favourite Colour"
"John";"Dam 52";"Amsterdam";"The Netherlands";"32";"Fishing";"Blue"
"Jenny";"Leidseplein 2";"Amsterdam";"The Netherlands";"12";"Dancing";"Mauve"
"Jill";"52W Street 5";"Amsterdam";"United States of America";"28";"Carpentry";"Cyan"
"Jake";"12E Street 98";"Amsterdam";"United States of America";"42";"Ballet";"Purple"
Import Libraries
import pandas as pd #for handling csv and csv contents
from rdflib import Graph, Literal, RDF, URIRef, Namespace #basic RDF handling
from rdflib.namespace import FOAF , XSD #most common namespaces
import urllib.parse #for parsing strings to URI's
Read in the csv file
# df # uncomment to check for contents
Define a graph 'g' and namespaces
g = Graph()
ppl = Namespace('http://example.org/people/')
loc = Namespace('http://mylocations.org/addresses/')
schema = Namespace('http://schema.org/')
Create the triples and add them to graph 'g'
It's a bit dense, but each g.add() consists of three parts: subject, predicate, object. For more info, check the really friendly rdflib documentation, section 1.1.3 onwards at https://buildmedia.readthedocs.org/media/pdf/rdflib/latest/rdflib.pdf
for index, row in df.iterrows():
g.add((URIRef(ppl+row['Name']), RDF.type, FOAF.Person))
g.add((URIRef(ppl+row['Name']), URIRef(schema+'name'), Literal(row['Name'], datatype=XSD.string) ))
g.add((URIRef(ppl+row['Name']), FOAF.age, Literal(row['Age'], datatype=XSD.integer) ))
g.add((URIRef(ppl+row['Name']), URIRef(schema+'address'), Literal(row['Address'], datatype=XSD.string) ))
g.add((URIRef(loc+urllib.parse.quote(row['Address'])), URIRef(schema+'name'), Literal(row['Address'], datatype=XSD.string) ))
Note that:
I borrow namespaces from rdflib and create some myself;
It is good practice to define the datatype whenever you can;
I create URI's from the addresses (example of string handling).
Check the results
A snippet of the output:
<http://example.org/people/Jake> a ns2:Person ;
ns1:address "12E Street 98"^^xsd:string ;
ns1:name "Jake"^^xsd:string ;
ns2:age 42 .
Save the results to disk
There is "A commandline tool for semi-automatically converting CSV to RDF" in rdflib/rdflib/tools/csv2rdf.py
csv2rdf.py \
-b <instance-base> \
-p <property-base> \
[-D <default>] \
[-c <classname>] \
[-i <identity column(s)>] \
[-l <label columns>] \
[-s <N>] [-o <output>] \
[-f configfile] \
[--col<N> <colspec>] \
[--prop<N> <property>] \
<[-d <delim>] \
[-C] [files...]"
Have a look at pyTARQL which has recently been added to the RDFlib family of tools. It is specifically for parsing and serializing CSV to RDF.
I have two different files as follows:
file1.txt is tab-delimited
AT5G54940.1 3182
PF01253 SUI1#Translation initiation factor SUI1
GO:0003743 translation initiation factor activity
GO:0008135 translation factor activity, nucleic acid binding
GO:0006413 translational initiation
GO:0006412 translation
GO:0044260 cellular macromolecule metabolic process
GRMZM2G158629_P02 4996
PF01575 MaoC_dehydratas#MaoC like domain
GO:0016491 oxidoreductase activity
GO:0033989 3alpha,7alpha,
OS08T0174000-01 560919
and file2.txt that contains different protein names,
I need to run a program, that finds me proteins names that are present in file2 from file1 but also prints me all "GO:" that appertains to that protein, if applicable. The difficult part for me is parsing the 1st file..the format is strange. I tried something like this,but any other ways are very much appreciated,
import re
with open('file2.txt') as mylist:
proteins = set(line.strip() for line in mylist)
with open('file1.txt') as mydict:
with open('a.txt', 'w') as output:
for line in mydict:
new_list = line.strip().split()
protein = new_list[0]
if protein in proteins:
if re.search(r'GO:\d+', line):
Desired output,whichever format is OK as long as I have all corresponding GO's
AT5G54940.1 GO:0003743 translation initiation factor activity
GO:0008135 translation factor activity, nucleic acid binding
GO:0006413 translational initiation
GO:0006412 translation
GO:0044260 cellular macromolecule metabolic process
GRMZM2G158629_P02 GO:0016491 oxidoreductase activity
GO:0033989 3alpha,7alpha,
Just to give you an idea how you might want to tackle this. A "group" belonging to one protein in your input file is delimited by a change from indented lines to a non-indented one. Search for this transition and you have your groups (or "chunks"). The first line of a group contains the protein name. All other lines might be GO: lines.
You can detect indention by using if line.startswith(" ") (instead of " " you might look for "\t", depending on your input file format).
def get_protein_chunks(filepath):
chunk = []
last_indented = False
with open(filepath) as f:
for line in f:
if not line.startswith(" "):
current_indented = False
current_indented = True
if last_indented and not current_indented:
yield chunk
chunk = []
last_indented = current_indented
look_for_proteins = set(line.strip() for line in open('file2.txt'))
for p in get_protein_chunks("input.txt"):
proteinname = p[0].split()[0]
proteindata = p[1:]
if proteinname not in look_for_proteins:
print "Protein: %s" % proteinname
golines = [l for l in proteindata if l.startswith("GO:")]
for g in golines:
print g
Here, a chunk is nothing but a list of stripped lines. I extract the protein chunks from the input file with a generator. As you can see, the logic is based only on the transition from indented line to non-indented line.
When using the generator you can do with the data whatever you want to. I simply printed it. However, you might want to put the data into a dictionary and do further analysis.
$ python test.py
Protein: AT5G54940.1
GO:0003743 translation initiation factor activity
GO:0008135 translation factor activity, nucleic acid binding
GO:0006413 translational initiation
GO:0006412 translation
GO:0044260 cellular macromolecule metabolic process
Protein: GRMZM2G158629_P02
GO:0016491 oxidoreductase activity
GO:0033989 3alpha,7alpha,
One option would be to build up a dictionary of lists, using the name of the protein as the key:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
proteins = set(line.strip() for line in open('file2.txt'))
d = {}
with open('file1.txt') as file:
for line in file:
line = line.strip()
parts = line.split()
if parts[0] in proteins:
key = parts[0]
d[key] = []
elif parts[0].split(':')[0] == 'GO':
I've used the pprint module to print the dictionary, as you said you weren't too fussy about the format. The output as it stands is:
{'AT5G54940.1': ['GO:0003743 translation initiation factor activity',
'GO:0008135 translation factor activity, nucleic acid binding',
'GO:0006413 translational initiation',
'GO:0006412 translation',
'GO:0044260 cellular macromolecule metabolic process'],
'GRMZM2G158629_P02': ['GO:0016491 oxidoreductase activity',
'GO:0033989 3alpha,7alpha,']}
Instead of using pprint, you could obtain the output specified in the question using a loop:
with open('out.txt', 'w') as out:
for k,v in d.iteritems():
out.write('Protein: {}\n'.format(k))
Protein: GRMZM2G158629_P02
GO:0016491 oxidoreductase activity
GO:0033989 3alpha,7alpha,
Protein: AT5G54940.1
GO:0003743 translation initiation factor activity
GO:0008135 translation factor activity, nucleic acid binding
GO:0006413 translational initiation
GO:0006412 translation
GO:0044260 cellular macromolecule metabolic process