How can I find a specific key from a python dict and then get a value from that key in Python - python

I have a python dictionary that looks something like this:
"timestamp": 1621559698154,
"user": {
"uri": "spotify:user:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"name": "Panda",
"imageUrl": ""
"track": {
"uri": "spotify:track:6SJSOont5dooK2IXQoolNQ",
"name": "Dirty",
"imageUrl": "",
"album": {
"uri": "spotify:album:0NMpswZbEcswI3OIe6ml3Y",
"name": "Dirty (Live)"
"artist": {
"uri": "spotify:artist:4ZgQDCtRqZlhLswVS6MHN4",
"name": "grandson"
"context": {
"uri": "spotify:artist:4ZgQDCtRqZlhLswVS6MHN4",
"name": "grandson",
"index": 0
"timestamp": 1621816159299,
"user": {
"uri": "spotify:user:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"name": "maja",
"imageUrl": ""
"track": {
"uri": "spotify:track:172rW45GEnGoJUuWfm1drt",
"name": "Your Best American Girl",
"imageUrl": "",
"album": {
"uri": "spotify:album:16i5KnBjWgUtwOO7sVMnJB",
"name": "Puberty 2"
"artist": {
"uri": "spotify:artist:2uYWxilOVlUdk4oV9DvwqK",
"name": "Mitski"
"context": {
"uri": "spotify:playlist:0tol7yRYYfiPJ17BuJQKu2",
"name": "I Bet on Losing Dogs",
"index": 0
How can I get, for example, the group of values for "Panda" and then get that specific "track" list? I can't parse through the list by index because the list order changes randomly.

If you are only looking for "Panda", then you can just loop over the list, check whether the name is "Panda", and then retrieve the track list accordingly.
Otherwise, that would be inefficient if you want to do that for many different users. I would first make a dict that maps user to its index in the list, and then use that for each user (I am assuming that the list does not get modified while you execute the code, although it can be modified between executions.)
user_to_id = {data[i]['user']['name']: i for i in range(len(data))} # {'Panda': 0, 'maja': 1}
def get_track(user):
return data[user_to_id[user]]['track']
where data is the list you provided.
Or, perhaps just make a dictionary of tracks directly:
tracks = {item['user']['name']: item['track'] for item in data}

If you want to get list of tracks for user Panda:
tracks = [entry['track'] for entry in data if entry['user']['name'] == 'Panda']


How can I access and count a value of an attribute of Json file in Python?

I have this json file. It's a report of threat intelligence platform.
"data": {
"attributes": {
"authentihash": "a077f952798eb3bc0730c7c4774da7636326cf4b524ed6571b7eaf3d43f0bd9b",
"creation_date": 1387937380,
"crowdsourced_yara_results": [
"author": "Florian Roth",
"description": "Malware InstallRex / AntiFW",
"rule_name": "PUP_InstallRex_AntiFWb",
"ruleset_id": "000ca30c43",
"ruleset_name": "crime_antifw_installrex",
"source": ""
"first_submission_date": 1389124248,
"last_analysis_date": 1603898773,
"last_analysis_results": {
"ALYac": {
"category": "undetected",
"engine_name": "ALYac",
"engine_update": "20201028",
"engine_version": "",
"method": "blacklist",
"result": null
"APEX": {
"category": "undetected",
"engine_name": "APEX",
"engine_update": "20201028",
"engine_version": "6.90",
"method": "blacklist",
"result": null
"AVG": {
"category": "malicious",
"engine_name": "AVG",
"engine_update": "20201028",
"engine_version": "18.4.3895.0",
"method": "blacklist",
"result": "FileRepMetagen [Malware]"
I would count how many antimalware detected the malware as "maliciuous". So
i can access and print the whole list of "last_analysis_results", but i can't access to "category" of each antimalware.
I try with:
for elem in data['data']['attributes']['last_analysis_results']:
but then? thank you :)
Use .values() to get the dictionary values. Then you can access the category element of each dictionary.
sum(r['category'] == 'malicious' for r in data['data']['attributes']['last_analysis_results'].values())
Booleans are treated as 1 and 0 when used arithmetically, so summing the comparisons counts the number of times it's true.

Exchange of 2 json data values which has different keys

I want to exchange 2 json data's value. But keys of these datas are different from each other. I don't know how can I exchange data value between them.
sample json1: A
"contact_person":"Mahmut Kapur",
"contact_people": [
"email": "",
"last_name": "Kapur"
"addresses": [
"city": "istanbul",
"country": "CA",
"first_name": "Mahmut",
"street1": "adres 1",
"zipcode": "34678",
"id": "5f61f72b8348230004f149fd"
"created_at": "2020-09-16T07:29:47.244-04:00",
"updated_at": "2020-09-16T07:32:50.567-04:00",
sample json2: B
The values in this example are: Represents the keys in the A json.
The outcome needs to be:
"DisplayName":"Mahmut Kapur",
"Line1":"adres 1",
So the important thing here is to match the keys. I hope I was able to explain my problem.
This code can do the work for you. I dont know if someone can make this code shorter for you. It basically searches for dict and list till the leaf level and acts accordingly.
"contact_person":"Mahmut Kapur",
"contact_people": [
"email": "",
"last_name": "Kapur"
"addresses": [
"city": "istanbul",
"country": "CA",
"first_name": "Mahmut",
"street1": "adres 1",
"zipcode": "34678",
"id": "5f61f72b8348230004f149fd"
"created_at": "2020-09-16T07:29:47.244-04:00",
"updated_at": "2020-09-16T07:32:50.567-04:00",
for keys in b:
if isinstance(b[keys], dict):
for items in b[keys]:
if isinstance(b[keys][items], dict):
for leaf in b[keys][items]:
if "/" in b[keys][items][leaf]:
if "/" in b[keys][items]:
if "/" in b[keys]:

How do i make this JSON structure work as intended?

I have some data from a project where the variables can change from motorcycle and car. I need to get the name out of them and that value is inside the variable.
This is not the data i will be using but it has the same structure, the "official" data is some persional information so i changed it to some random values. I can not change the structure of the JSON data since this is the way the serveradmins decided to structure it for some reason.
This is my python code:
import json
with open('exampleData.json') as j:
data = json.load(j)
name = 0
Vehicle = 0
for x in data:
for i in data['persons'][x]['things']["Vehicles"]:
This is my Json data i extracted from the file "ExampleData.json"(sorry for long but it is kinda complex and necessary to understand the problem):
"total": 2,
"persons": [
"name": "Sven Svensson",
"things": {
"House": "apartment",
"Vehicles": [
"id": "46",
"type": {
"name": "Kawasaki ER6N",
"type": "motorcyle"
"Motorcycle": {
"plate": "aaa111",
"fields": {
"brand": "Kawasaki",
"status": "in shop"
"id": "44",
"type": {
"name": "BMW m3",
"type": "Car"
"Car": {
"plate": "bbb222",
"fields": {
"brand": "BMW",
"status": "in garage"
"name": "Eric Vivian Matthews",
"things": {
"House": "House",
"Vehicles": [
"id": "44",
"type": {
"name": "Volvo XC90",
"type": "Car"
"Car": {
"plate": "bbb222",
"fields": {
"brand": "Volvo",
"status": "in garage"
I want it to print out something like this :
Sven Svensson
Bmw M3
Kawasaki ER6n
Eric Vivian Matthews
Volvo XC90
but i get this error:
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
Process finished with exit code 1
What you need is
for person in data["persons"]:
for vehicle in person["things"]["vehicles"]:
type = vehicle["type"]["type"]
Python for loop does not return the key but rather an object here:
for x in data:
Referencing an object as key
Is causing the error
What you need is to use the returning json object and iterate over them like so:
for x in data['persons']:
for vehicle in x['things']['Vehicles']:

Get "path" of parent keys and indices in dictionary of nested dictionaries and lists

I am receiving a large json from Google Assistant and I want to retrieve some specific details from it. The json is the following:
"responseId": "************************",
"queryResult": {
"queryText": "actions_intent_DELIVERY_ADDRESS",
"action": "delivery",
"parameters": {},
"allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
"fulfillmentMessages": [
"text": {
"text": [
"outputContexts": [
"name": "************************/agent/sessions/1527070836044/contexts/actions_capability_screen_output"
"name": "************************/agent/sessions/1527070836044/contexts/more",
"parameters": {
"polar": "no",
"polar.original": "No",
"cardinal": 2,
"cardinal.original": "2"
"name": "************************/agent/sessions/1527070836044/contexts/actions_capability_audio_output"
"name": "************************/agent/sessions/1527070836044/contexts/actions_capability_media_response_audio"
"name": "************************/agent/sessions/1527070836044/contexts/actions_intent_delivery_address",
"parameters": {
"userDecision": "ACCEPTED",
"#type": "",
"location": {
"postalAddress": {
"regionCode": "US",
"recipients": [
"postalCode": "NY 10001",
"locality": "New York",
"addressLines": [
"450 West 33rd Street"
"phoneNumber": "+1 206-266-2992"
"name": "************************/agent/sessions/1527070836044/contexts/actions_capability_web_browser"
"intent": {
"name": "************************/agent/intents/86fb2293-7ae9-4bed-adeb-6dfe8797e5ff",
"displayName": "Delivery"
"intentDetectionConfidence": 1,
"diagnosticInfo": {},
"languageCode": "en-gb"
"originalDetectIntentRequest": {
"source": "google",
"version": "2",
"payload": {
"isInSandbox": true,
"surface": {
"capabilities": [
"name": "actions.capability.MEDIA_RESPONSE_AUDIO"
"name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
"inputs": [
"rawInputs": [
"query": "450 West 33rd Street"
"arguments": [
"extension": {
"userDecision": "ACCEPTED",
"#type": "",
"location": {
"postalAddress": {
"regionCode": "US",
"recipients": [
"postalCode": "NY 10001",
"locality": "New York",
"addressLines": [
"450 West 33rd Street"
"phoneNumber": "+1 206-266-2992"
"intent": "actions.intent.DELIVERY_ADDRESS"
"user": {
"lastSeen": "2018-05-23T10:20:25Z",
"locale": "en-GB",
"userId": "************************"
"conversation": {
"conversationId": "************************",
"type": "ACTIVE",
"conversationToken": "[\"more\"]"
"availableSurfaces": [
"capabilities": [
"name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
"session": "************************/agent/sessions/1527070836044"
This large json returns amongst other things to my back-end the delivery address details of the user (here I use Amazon's NY locations details as an example). Therefore, I want to retrieve the location dictionary which is near the end of this large json. The location details appear also near the start of this json but I want to retrieve specifically the second location dictionary which is near the end of this large json.
For this reason, I had to read through this json by myself and manually test some possible "paths" of the location dictionary within this large json to find out finally that I had to write the following line to retrieve the second location dictionary:
location = json['originalDetectIntentRequest']['payload']['inputs'][0]['arguments'][0]['extension']['location']
Therefore, my question is the following: is there any concise way to retrieve automatically the "path" of the parent keys and indices of the second location dictionary within this large json?
Hence, I expect that the general format of the output from a function which does this for all the occurrences of the location dictionary in any json will be the following:
[["path" of first `location` dictionary], ["path" of second `location` dictionary], ["path" of third `location` dictionary], ...]
where for the json above it will be
[["path" of first `location` dictionary], ["path" of second `location` dictionary]]
as there are two occurrences of the location dictionary with
["path" of second `location` dictionary] = ['originalDetectIntentRequest', 'payload', 'inputs', 0, 'arguments', 0, 'extension', 'location']
I have in my mind relevant posts on StackOverflow (Python--Finding Parent Keys for a specific value in a nested dictionary) but I am not sure that these apply exactly to my problem since these are for parent keys in nested dictionaries whereas here I am talking about the parent keys and indices in dictionary with nested dictionaries and lists.
I solved this by using recursive search
# result and path should be outside of the scope of find_path to persist values during recursive calls to the function
result = []
path = []
from copy import copy
# i is the index of the list that dict_obj is part of
def find_path(dict_obj,key,i=None):
for k,v in dict_obj.items():
# add key to path
if isinstance(v,dict):
# continue searching
find_path(v, key,i)
if isinstance(v,list):
# search through list of dictionaries
for i,item in enumerate(v):
# add the index of list that item dict is part of, to path
if isinstance(item,dict):
# continue searching in item dict
find_path(item, key,i)
# if reached here, the last added index was incorrect, so removed
if k == key:
# add path to our result
# remove the key added in the first line
if path != []:
# default starting index is set to None
# [['queryResult', 'outputContexts', 4, 'parameters', 'DELIVERY_ADDRESS_VALUE', 'location'], ['originalDetectIntentRequest', 'payload', 'inputs', 0, 'arguments', 0, 'extension', 'location']]

Need read some data from JSON

I need to make a get (id, name, fraction id) for each deputy in this json
"id": "75785",
"title": "(за основу)",
"asozdUrl": null,
"datetime": "2011-12-21T12:20:26+0400",
"votes": [
"deputy": {
"id": "99111772",
"name": "Абалаков Александр Николаевич",
"faction": {
"id": "72100004",
"title": "КПРФ"
"result": "accept"
"deputy": {
"id": "99100491",
"name": "Абдулатипов Рамазан Гаджимурадович",
"faction": {
"id": "72100024",
"title": "ЕР"
"result": "none"
.......,` etc
My code is looks like that:
urlData = ""
response = urllib.request.urlopen(urlData)
content =
data = json.loads(content.decode("utf8"))
for i in data:
And i dont know what to do with that #print line, how I should write it?
You can access the list containing the deputies with data['votes']. Iterating through the list, you can access the keys you're interested in as you would with dict key lookups. Nested dicts imply you have to walk through the keys starting from the root to your point of interest:
for d in data['votes']:
print(d['deputy']['id'], d['deputy']['name'], d['deputy']['faction']['id'])

