I am using PyQt 5.15.2 (Qt 5.15.2) on macOs 10.15.7.
I am trying to produce a PDF from a QGraphicsScene.
I am drawing some paths with a brush that has a pixmap texture, and a scale transformation applied (with brush.setTransform).
When I display the scene in a QGraphicsView I get exactly the desired output.
When I render the same scene to a QPrinter (set to produce a pdf) the texture is applied but ignoring the transformation.
Is this a known limitation? Is there a way around it?
Below is a minimal example showing the problem in a context similar to my use case.
Here I am creating a texture on the fly for illustration purposes.
The rendering artifacts due to antialiasing are irrelevant for my question.
The issue is the discrepancy between the scale (set at .5) of the texture in the rendered brush and the scale (always 1) in the pdf output.
[To generate the output just double click on the view, you'll see a test.pdf in the current path.]
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtPrintSupport import *
class Test(QGraphicsView):
def __init__(self):
# Here I am creating a texture for testing
# it is a 50x50 black square
s = 50
img = QImage(s, s, QImage.Format_ARGB32)
for x in range(s):
self.scene = QGraphicsScene()
r = self.scene.addRect(0, 0, 1404, 1872)
pen = QPen()
# Here I am transforming the brush so that the texture should be scaled 50% in both height and width
tr = QTransform()
# A random path for testing, drawn using the textured brush
path = QPainterPath(QPointF(200, 200))
self.pathItem = QGraphicsPathItem(path, r)
def resizeEvent(self, event):
self.fitInView(self.sceneRect(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event):
printer = QPrinter(QPrinter.HighResolution)
# printer.setPageSize(QPrinter.A4)
printer.setPaperSize(QSizeF(1404,1872), QPrinter.Millimeter)
printer.setPageMargins(0,0,0,0, QPrinter.Millimeter)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication([])
viewer = Test()
The desired output is on the left, as correctly displayed by the QGraphicsView.
On the right is the PDF rendering of the same scene, which incorrectly ignores the scaling of the brush.
I'm struggling with working out how to make all the stuff in the title work together in a certain situation. I'm using PyQt5 here, but feel free to respond with regular C++ Qt as I can translate pretty easily.
I'm attempting to make a UI with the following:
A main form (inherits from QWidget, could just as well use QMainWindow)
The main form should contain a QSplitter oriented vertically containing a QTextEdit at the top and containing a custom class (inheriting from QLabel) to show an image taking up the rest of the space.
The QTextEdit at the top should default to about 3 lines of text high, but this should be resizable to any reasonable extreme via the QSplitter.
The custom class should resize the image to be as big as possible given the available space while maintaining the aspect ratio.
Of course the tricky part is getting everything to resize correctly depending on how big a monitor the user has and how the move the form around. I need this to run on screens as small as about 1,000 px width and perhaps as big as 3,000+ px width.
Here is what I have so far:
# QSplitter3.py
import cv2
import numpy as np
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QLabel, QGridLayout, QSizePolicy, \
QFrame, QTabWidget, QTextEdit, QSplitter
from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap, QPainter
from PyQt5.Qt import Qt
from PyQt5.Qt import QPoint
def main():
app = QApplication([])
screenSize = app.primaryScreen().size()
print('screenSize = ' + str(screenSize.width()) + ', ' + str(screenSize.height()))
mainForm = MainForm(screenSize)
# end function
class MainForm(QWidget):
def __init__(self, screenSize):
# set the title and size of the Qt QWidget window
self.setWindowTitle('Qt Window')
self.setGeometry(screenSize.width() * 0.2, screenSize.height() * 0.2,
screenSize.width() * 0.5 , screenSize.height() * 0.7)
# declare a QTextEdit to show user messages at the top, set the font size, height, and read only property
self.txtUserMessages = QTextEdit()
self.setFontSize(self.txtUserMessages, 14)
# make the min height of the text box about 2 lines of text high
self.txtUserMessages.setMinimumHeight(self.getTextEditHeightForNLines(self.txtUserMessages, 2))
# populate the user messages text box with some example text
self.txtUserMessages.append('message 1')
self.txtUserMessages.append('message 2')
self.txtUserMessages.append('message 3')
self.txtUserMessages.append('stuff here')
self.txtUserMessages.append('bla bla bla')
# instantiate the custom ImageWidget class below to show the image
self.imageWidget = ImageWidget()
self.imageWidget.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
self.imageWidget.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Ignored, QSizePolicy.Ignored)
# declare the splitter, then add the user message text box and tab widget
self.splitter = QSplitter(Qt.Vertical)
defaultTextEditHeight = self.getTextEditHeightForNLines(self.txtUserMessages, 3)
print('defaultTextEditHeight = ' + str(defaultTextEditHeight))
# How can I use defaultTextEditHeight height here, but still allow resizing ??
# I really don't like this line, the 1000 is a guess and check that may only work with one screen size !!!
self.splitter.setSizes([defaultTextEditHeight, 1000])
# Should setStretchFactor be used here ?? This does not seem to work
# self.splitter.setStretchFactor(0, 0)
# self.splitter.setStretchFactor(1, 1)
# What about sizeHint() ?? Should that be used here, and if so, how ??
# set the main form's layout to the QGridLayout
self.gridLayout = QGridLayout()
# open the two images in OpenCV format
self.openCvImage = cv2.imread('image.jpg')
if self.openCvImage is None:
print('error opening image')
# end if
# convert the OpenCV image to QImage
self.qtImage = openCvImageToQImage(self.openCvImage)
# show the QImage on the ImageWidget
# end function
def setFontSize(self, widget, fontSize):
font = widget.font()
# end function
def getTextEditHeightForNLines(self, textEdit, numLines):
fontMetrics = textEdit.fontMetrics()
rowHeight = fontMetrics.lineSpacing()
rowHeight = rowHeight * 1.21
textEditHeight = int(numLines * rowHeight)
return textEditHeight
# end function
# end class
def openCvImageToQImage(openCvImage):
# get the height, width, and num channels of the OpenCV image, then compute the byte value
height, width, numChannels = openCvImage.shape
byteValue = numChannels * width
# make the QImage from the OpenCV image
qtImage = QImage(openCvImage.data, width, height, byteValue, QImage.Format_RGB888).rgbSwapped()
return qtImage
# end function
class ImageWidget(QLabel):
def __init__(self):
super(QLabel, self).__init__()
# end function
def setPixmap(self, pixmap):
self.pixmap = pixmap
# end function
def paintEvent(self, event):
size = self.size()
painter = QPainter(self)
point = QPoint(0, 0)
scaledPixmap = self.pixmap.scaled(size, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, transformMode=Qt.SmoothTransformation)
point.setX((size.width() - scaledPixmap.width()) / 2)
point.setY((size.height() - scaledPixmap.height()) / 2)
painter.drawPixmap(point, scaledPixmap)
# end function
# end class
if __name__ == '__main__':
Currently I'm testing on a 2560x1440 screen and with the magic 1000 entered it works on this screen size, but I really don't like the hard-coded 1000. I suspect the area of the code where I'm missing something is this part:
# declare the splitter, then add the user message text box and tab widget
self.splitter = QSplitter(Qt.Vertical)
defaultTextEditHeight = self.getTextEditHeightForNLines(self.txtUserMessages, 3)
print('defaultTextEditHeight = ' + str(defaultTextEditHeight))
# How can I use defaultTextEditHeight height here, but still allow resizing ??
# I really don't like this line, the 1000 is a guess and check that may only work with one screen size !!!
self.splitter.setSizes([defaultTextEditHeight, 1000])
# Should setStretchFactor be used here ?? This does not seem to work
# self.splitter.setStretchFactor(0, 0)
# self.splitter.setStretchFactor(1, 1)
# What about sizeHint() ?? Should that be used here, and if so, how ??
# set the main form's layout to the QGridLayout
self.gridLayout = QGridLayout()
With the hard coded 1000 and on this particular screen it works pretty well:
To reiterate (hopefully more clearly) I'm attempting to be able to remove the hard-coded 1000 and command Qt as follows:
Initially make the form take up about 2/3 of the screen
Initially make the text box about 3 lines of text high (min of 2 lines of text high)
Allow the user to use the QSplitter to resize the text box and image at any time and without limit
When the form is resized (or minimized or maximized), resize the text box and image proportionally per how the user had them at the time of the resize
I've tried about every combination of the stuff mentioned in the title and so far in this post but I've not been able to get this functionality, except with the hard-coded 1000 that probably won't work with a different screen size.
How can I remove the hard-coded 1000 and modify the above to achieve the intended functionality?
In my solution I will not take into account the part of opencv since it adds unnecessary complexity.
The solution is to use the setStretchFactor() method, in this case override the sizeHint() method of the QTextEdit to set the initial size and setMinimumHeight() for the minimum height. To show the image I use a QGraphicsView instead of the QLabel since the logic is easier.
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
class TextEdit(QtWidgets.QTextEdit):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
font = self.font()
def heightForLines(self, n):
return (
n * self.fontMetrics().lineSpacing() + 2 * self.document().documentMargin()
def showEvent(self, event):
def sizeHint(self):
s = super().sizeHint()
return s
class GraphicsView(QtWidgets.QGraphicsView):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
scene = QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene(self)
self._pixmap_item = QtWidgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem()
def setPixmap(self, pixmap):
def resizeEvent(self, event):
self.fitInView(self._pixmap_item, QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
class Widget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.textedit = TextEdit()
for i in range(10):
self.textedit.append("Message {}".format(i))
self.graphicsview = GraphicsView()
splitter = QtWidgets.QSplitter(QtCore.Qt.Vertical)
splitter.setStretchFactor(1, 1)
lay = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self)
screenSize = QtWidgets.QApplication.primaryScreen().size()
screenSize.width() * 0.2,
screenSize.height() * 0.2,
screenSize.width() * 0.5,
screenSize.height() * 0.7,
def main():
app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
w = Widget()
w.resize(640, 480)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Currently I am working on a program, to display SIP-Trace log files. It is written in Python 3.7 using the PyQt 5(.11.3) module to load and operate a GUI made in QDesigner. As a main feature it parses the SIP-Trace file and displays it as a sequence diagram to a QGraphicsScene with QGraphicsObjects.
My problem lies in the following: For later reference, the content of the QGraphicsScene should be saved as an image file, like .jpg or .png. In the Qt/PyQt documentation I found the useful sounding command QGraphicsScene.render() which renders the content of the GraphicsScene to a saveable file like QImage using QPainter. In the last days, I tried a couple of ways/sample codes found here and elsewhere, but cannot render the GraphicsScene to the QImage much less to an image file. Since I am rather new to Python and Qt, I think I am missing some basic setting somewhere. Following is a minimal version of my code.
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
"""Class for getting a sequence diagram of a sip traffic"""
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5 import uic
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
import sys
class VoipGui(QMainWindow):
""" Class that handles the interaction with the UI """
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.ui = uic.loadUi("main_window.ui", self)
self.sequence_scene = QGraphicsScene()
# self.sequence_scene.setSceneRect(0, 0, 990, 2048)
# sets the spacing between nodes
# For more than three nodes columns should be generated in a more automatic way
self.left_column = 51
self.middle_column = 381
self.right_column = 711
self.flow_height = 60 # Sets the spacing between the arrows in the flowchart
# --------------------------------- /class init and var set -------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------- /connecting slots and signals ----------------------------
def on_open_file(self):
"""Dummy version of the open file dialog"""
self.draw_node(self.left_column, 5, "", 10)
self.draw_node(self.middle_column, 5, "", 10)
def on_close_file(self):
def save_seq_image(self):
""" Here lies the problem: Save the rendered sequence scene to file for later use"""
rect_f = self.sequence_scene.sceneRect()
# rect = self.sequence_scene.sceneRect().toRect()
# img = QPixmap(rect.size())
img = QImage()
p = QPainter()
# p.setPen(QColor(255, 255, 255))
# p.setViewport(rect)
painting = p.begin(img)
self.sequence_scene.render(p, target=QRectF(img.rect()), source=rect_f)
if painting:
print("Painter init pass")
elif not painting:
print("Painter init fail")
saving = img.save("save.jpg")
if saving:
print("Saving Pass")
elif not saving:
print("Saving Not Pass")
def draw_node(self, x_pos, y_pos, ip_address, y_stops):
"""Participating devices are displayed as these nodes"""
width = 100.0
height = 40.0
pc_box = QGraphicsRectItem(x_pos - 50, y_pos, width, height)
pc_ip = QGraphicsTextItem("%s" % ip_address)
pc_ip.setPos(x_pos - 50, y_pos)
node_line = QGraphicsLineItem(x_pos, y_pos + 40, x_pos, y_pos + (y_stops * self.flow_height))
def show_window():
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
dialog = VoipGui()
if __name__ == "__main__":
The problem is simple, in render() you are indicating that the size of the target is equal to that of QImage, and how size is QImage?, how are you using QImage() the size is QSize(0, 0) so it can not be generated the image, the solution is to create a QImage with a size:
def save_seq_image(self):
""" Here lies the problem: Save the rendered sequence scene to file for later use"""
rect_f = self.sequence_scene.sceneRect()
img = QImage(QSize(640, 480), QImage.Format_RGB888)
p = QPainter(img)
self.sequence_scene.render(p, target=QRectF(img.rect()), source=rect_f)
saving = img.save("save.jpg")
print("Saving Pass" if saving else "Saving Not Pass")
Primary issue: the QGraphicsView.mapToScene method returns different answers depending on whether or not the GUI is shown. Why, and can I get around it?
The context is I'm trying to write unit tests but I don't want to actually show the tools for the tests.
The small example below illustrates the behavior. I use a sub-classed view that prints mouse click event positions in scene coordinates with the origin at the lower left (it has a -1 scale vertically) by calling mapToScene. However, mapToScene does not return what I am expecting before the dialog is shown. If I run the main section at the bottom, I get the following output:
Size is (150, 200)
Putting in (50, 125) - This point should return (50.0, 75.0)
Before show(): PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(84.0, -20.0)
After show() : PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(50.0, 75.0)
Before show(), there is a consistent offset of 34 pixels in x and 105 in y (and in y the offset moves in reverse as if the scale is not being applied). Those offset seem rather random, I have no idea where they are coming from.
Here is the example code:
import numpy as np
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot, QPointF, QPoint
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QDialog, QGraphicsView, QGraphicsScene,
QVBoxLayout, QPushButton, QApplication,
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap, QImage
class MyView(QGraphicsView):
"""View subclass that emits mouse events in the scene coordinates."""
mousedown = pyqtSignal(QPointF)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# This is the key thing I need
self.scale(1, -1)
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
return self.mousedown.emit(self.mapToScene(event.pos()))
class SimplePicker(QDialog):
def __init__(self, data, parent=None):
# Get a grayscale image
bdata = ((data - data.min()) / (data.max() - data.min()) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
wid, hgt = bdata.shape
img = QImage(bdata.T.copy(), wid, hgt, wid,
# Construct a scene with pixmap
self.scene = QGraphicsScene(0, 0, wid, hgt, self)
self.scene.setSceneRect(0, 0, wid, hgt)
self.px = self.scene.addPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(img))
# Construct the view and connect mouse clicks
self.view = MyView(self.scene, self)
# End button
self.doneb = QPushButton('Done', self)
# Layout
layout = QVBoxLayout(self)
def mouse_click(self, xy):
print((xy.x(), xy.y()))
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Fake data
x, y = np.mgrid[0:4*np.pi:150j, 0:4*np.pi:200j]
z = np.sin(x) * np.sin(y)
qapp = QApplication.instance()
if qapp is None:
qapp = QApplication(['python'])
pick = SimplePicker(z)
print("Size is (150, 200)")
print("Putting in (50, 125) - This point should return (50.0, 75.0)")
p0 = QPoint(50, 125)
print("Before show():", pick.view.mapToScene(p0))
print("After show() :", pick.view.mapToScene(p0))
This example is in PyQt5 on Windows, but PyQt4 on Linux does the same thing.
Upon diving into the C++ Qt source code, this is the Qt definition of mapToScene for a QPoint:
QPointF QGraphicsView::mapToScene(const QPoint &point) const
Q_D(const QGraphicsView);
QPointF p = point;
p.rx() += d->horizontalScroll();
p.ry() += d->verticalScroll();
return d->identityMatrix ? p : d->matrix.inverted().map(p);
The critical things there are the p.rx() += d->horizontalScroll(); and likewise vertical scroll. A QGraphicsView always contains scroll bars, even if they are always off or not shown. The offsets observed before the widget is shown are from the values of the horizontal and vertical scroll bars upon initialization, which must get modified to match the view/viewport when the widgets are shown and layouts calculated. In order for mapToScene to operate properly, the scroll bars must be set up to match the scene/view.
If I put the following lines put before the call to mapToScene in the example, then I get the appropriate transformation result without the necessity of showing the widget.
pick.view.horizontalScrollBar().setRange(0, 150)
pick.view.verticalScrollBar().setRange(-200, 0)
To do this more generally, you can pull some relevant transformations from the view.
# Use the size hint to get shape info
wid, hgt = (pick.view.sizeHint().width()-2,
pick.view.sizeHint().height()-2) # -2 removes padding ... maybe?
# Get the opposing corners through the view transformation
px = pick.view.transform().map(QPoint(wid, 0))
py = pick.view.transform().map(QPoint(0, hgt))
# Set the scroll bars accordingly
pick.view.horizontalScrollBar().setRange(px.y(), px.x())
pick.view.verticalScrollBar().setRange(py.y(), py.x())
This is a hack-ish and ugly solution, so while it does work there may be a more elegant way to handle this.
have you tried implementing your own qgraphicsview and overriding your resizeEvent? When you mess around with mapTo"something" you gotta take care of your resizeEvents, have a look in this piece of code I've took from yours and modified a bit ><
from PyQt5.QtCore import QRectF
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsView, QVBoxLayout,
QApplication, QFrame, QSizePolicy)
from PyQt5.QtCore import QPoint
class GraphicsView(QGraphicsView):
def __init__(self):
super(GraphicsView, self).__init__()
# Scene and view
scene = QGraphicsScene(0, 0, 150, 200,)
scene.setSceneRect(0, 0, 150, 200)
def resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent):
qapp = QApplication(['python'])
# Just something to be a parent
view = GraphicsView()
# Short layout
# Make a test point
p0 = QPoint(50, 125)
# Pass in the test point before and after
print("Passing in point: ", p0)
print("Received point before show:", view.mapToScene(p0))
print("Received point after show:", view.mapToScene(p0))
Is that the behavior you wanted? ")
In my program I'm trying to map the coordinates of a mousepress back to the coordinate dimensions of an image. I'm using PyQt4 in Python. The program below demonstrates the problem. I have a widget that makes a few image transformations. After those image transformations the image is shown in the center of the widget, while maintaining the original aspect ratio of the image. Since the image is scaled and translated, a coordinate of a MouseEvent must be remapped to the coordinate system of the Image.
The program below has a class "ScalingWidget", that should be able to do these transformations and should also be able to remap the coordinate in a mouseReleaseEvent back to the coordinate system of the image. This works perfectly as expected when I show the widget outside a Layout and mainwindow, but it gets evil when I embed the widget in a bigger gui. Then the coordinates after mapping them back to the Image coordinates suddenly displays an offset.
The minimal program below can be started with and without the bug by specifing flag -b when starting the program. The option -n can put the instance of ScalingWidget deep and deeper inside a "gui", and the deeper it is embedded in the layouts the more strong the bug will be visible.
The stupid thing is, although drawing indicates that the transformations are correct, the mapped coordinates (printed in the window title and console) indicate that remapping them back to the image coordinates is screwed up when the -b flag is present.
So my question is: What am I doing wrong with remapping the mouse coordinates back to the image dimensions when my ScalingWidget is embedded in a layout?
I don't expect the remapping to be pixel perfect, but just as accurate as the end user can position the mouse. There are two points x=20, y=20 and at x=380 and y=380 these can be used as reference point.
Any help is most welcome!
#!/usr/bin/env python
from PyQt4 import QtGui
from PyQt4 import QtCore
import sys
import argparse
class ScalingWidget (QtGui.QWidget):
''' Displays a pixmap optimally in the center of the widget, in such way
the pixmap is shown in the middle
white = QtGui.QColor(255,255,255)
black = QtGui.QColor( 0, 0, 0)
arcrect = QtCore.QRect(-10, -10, 20, 20)
def __init__(self):
super(ScalingWidget, self).__init__()
self.pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(400, 400)
painter = QtGui.QPainter(self.pixmap)
painter.fillRect(self.pixmap.rect(), self.white)
self.point1 = QtCore.QPoint(20, 20)
self.point2 = QtCore.QPoint(380, 380)
painter.drawRect(QtCore.QRect(self.point1, self.point2))
self.matrix = None
def sizeHint(self):
return QtCore.QSize(500,400)
# Applies the default transformations
def _default_img_transform(self, painter):
#size of widget
winheight = float(self.height())
winwidth = float(self.width())
#size of pixmap
scrwidth = float(self.pixmap.width())
scrheight = float(self.pixmap.height())
if scrheight <= 0 or scrwidth <= 0:
raise RuntimeError(repr(self) + "Unable to determine Screensize")
widthr = winwidth / scrwidth
heightr = winheight / scrheight
if widthr > heightr:
translate = (winwidth - heightr * scrwidth) /2
painter.translate(translate, 0)
painter.scale(heightr, heightr)
translate = (winheight - widthr * scrheight) / 2
painter.translate(0, translate)
painter.scale(widthr, widthr)
# now store the matrix used to map the mouse coordinates back to the
# coordinates of the pixmap
self.matrix = painter.deviceTransform()
def paintEvent(self, e):
painter = QtGui.QPainter(self)
# fill the background of the entire widget.
painter.fillRect(self.rect(), QtGui.QColor(0,0,0))
# transform to place the image nicely in the center of the widget.
painter.drawPixmap(self.pixmap.rect(), self.pixmap, self.pixmap.rect())
pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(255,0,0))
# Just draw on the points used to make the black rectangle of the pix map
# drawing is not affected, be remapping those coordinates with the "same"
# matrix is.
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
x, y = float(event.x()), float(event.y())
inverted, invsucces = self.matrix.inverted()
xmapped, ymapped = inverted.map(x,y)
print x, y
print xmapped, ymapped
self.setWindowTitle("mouse x,y = {}, {}, mapped x, y = {},{} "
.format(x, y, xmapped, ymapped)
def start_bug():
''' Displays the mouse press mapping bug.
This is a bit contrived, but in the real world
a widget is embedded in deeper in a gui
than a single widget, besides the problem
grows with the depth of embedding.
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
win = QtGui.QWidget()
layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
widget = None
for i in range(0, args.increase_bug):
if i < args.increase_bug-1:
widget = QtGui.QWidget()
layout= QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
def start_no_bug():
''' Does not show the mapping bug, the mouse event.x() and .y() map nicely back to
the coordinate system of the pixmap
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
win = ScalingWidget()
# parsing arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('-b', '--display-bug', action='store_true',
help="Toggle this option to get the bugged version"
parser.add_argument('-n', '--increase-bug', type=int, default=1,
help="Increase the bug by n times."
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.display_bug:
The basic idea of the _default_image_transform is correct. The error is in the end of the function.
def _default_img_transform(self, painter):
#size of widget
winheight = float(self.height())
winwidth = float(self.width())
#size of pixmap
scrwidth = float(self.pixmap.width())
scrheight = float(self.pixmap.height())
if scrheight <= 0 or scrwidth <= 0:
raise RuntimeError(repr(self) + "Unable to determine Screensize")
widthr = winwidth / scrwidth
heightr = winheight / scrheight
if widthr > heightr:
translate = (winwidth - heightr * scrwidth) /2
painter.translate(translate, 0)
painter.scale(heightr, heightr)
translate = (winheight - widthr * scrheight) / 2
painter.translate(0, translate)
painter.scale(widthr, widthr)
# now store the matrix used to map the mouse coordinates back to the
# coordinates of the pixmap
self.matrix = painter.deviceTransform() ## <-- error is here
The last line of the function _default_image_transform should be:
self.matrix = painter.transform()
According to the documentation one should only call the QPainter.deviceTransform() when you are working with QT::HANDLE which is an platform dependent handle. Since I wasn't working with a platform dependent handle I shouldn't have called it. It works out when I show the widget, but not when it is embedded in a layout. Then the deviceTransform matrix is different from the normal QPainter.transform() matrix. See also http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qpainter.html#deviceTransform
Short question:
I know how to draw text on a wx.Bitmap, but how can I draw text on a wx.Icon in wxpython so that it does not appear transparent?
Long question:
I have a wxpython based GUI application, that has a taskbar icon, which I set using mytaskbaricon.SetIcon("myicon.ico").
Now I would like to dynamically put some text on the icon, so I tried to use the wx .DrawText method as explained here.This works fine if I test this for bitmaps (which I use in menu items).
However, the taskbar requires an wxIcon instead of a wxBitmap. So I figured I'll convert the icon to a bitmap, draw the text, and then convert it back to an icon. This works, except that the text is not shown transparent. Why ? And how can I make the text NOT transparent ?
My code is as roughly follows:
import wx
class MyTaskBarIcon(wx.TaskBarIcon):
icon = wx.Icon("myicon.ico", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)
bmp = wx.Bitmap("myicon.ico", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)
memDC = wx.MemoryDC()
memDC.DrawText("A", 0, 0)
self.SetIcon(icon, APP_NAME_WITH_VERSION)
So, no errors raised and myicon.ico is shown, but the letter A is transparant (instead of red). If I use a .bmp file to start with (myicon.bmp) the text appears in the correct color (but the borders are jagged). I've played around with masks, foreground and background colors, but that didn't help.
(I am using Windows 7, Python 2.6, wxpython 2.8)
Edit: I've shortened my explanation, and made the code more self-contained
Short answer: It seems to me that there is a bug in this particular piece of wx code. I am going to report it and see what comes out of it.
Long answer: You can hack your way around. Setup a color, which is not used in the image. Then draw using that color and when done, fix alpha values and color of those pixels to match your expectation:
import wx
from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage, EmptyIcon
import cStringIO, zlib
# ================================ ICON ======================================
def getData():
return zlib.decompress(
<\xed\xda><\xa3#\xcb\x8a\x0cp\xac8\x15\x87\x89/ \x11\xd1d&:5&#n\xc9\\\xa2\
\x06\x08\xd95\x1e\xeej\xa2\xa1^F \xa1\x1b5\xae\xcf\xe5\xa8D\x14\xea\xf4\xf3\
\xc0\xaf\x95iV+\xbc\xf7rR\xc8rcD\xa2kv\xe0\xcc\xdf;\x19 \x95J5\x17\n\x85\xef\
\xb3' )
def getBitmap():
return BitmapFromImage(getImage())
def getImage():
stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getData())
return ImageFromStream(stream)
def getIcon():
icon = EmptyIcon()
return icon
# ============================================================================
class MainWindow(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.number = 0
self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose)
self.panel = wx.Panel(self)
self.button = wx.Button(self.panel, label="Test")
self.button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton)
self.tbicon = wx.TaskBarIcon()
self.tbicon.SetIcon(getIcon(), "Test")
self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def OnClose(self, e):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def OnButton(self, e):
self.number += 1
bitmap = getBitmap()
# Find unused color
image = bitmap.ConvertToImage()
my_solid_color = wx.Color(*image.FindFirstUnusedColour(0, 0, 0)[1:])
# Use the unused *unique* color to draw
dc = wx.MemoryDC()
dc.DrawText(str(self.number), 0, 0)
# Convert the bitmap to Image again
# and fix the alpha of pixels with that color
image = bitmap.ConvertToImage()
for x in range(image.GetWidth()):
for y in range(image.GetHeight()):
p = wx.Colour(image.GetRed(x, y),
image.GetGreen(x, y),
image.GetBlue(x, y))
if p == my_solid_color:
image.SetAlpha(x, y, 255) # Clear the alpha
image.SetRGB(x, y, 0, 0, 0) # Set the color that we want
# Convert back to Bitmap and save to Icon
bitmap = image.ConvertToBitmap()
icon = wx.IconFromBitmap(bitmap)
self.tbicon.SetIcon(icon, "Test")
app = wx.App(False)
win = MainWindow(None)
Note: A had to add some icon. You can ignore that part of the code.
Just a guess, but perhaps create your initial icon as an "EmptyIcon", then copy the bmp to it.
import wx
class MyTaskBarIcon(wx.TaskBarIcon):
icon = wx.EmptyIcon()
bmp = wx.Bitmap("myicon.ico", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)
bmp = WriteTextOnBitmap("A", bmp, color=wx.RED) #this function is as in the link above
self.SetIcon(icon, APP_NAME_WITH_VERSION)