I have a list that already quite resembles a dictionary:
l=["'S':'NP''VP'", "'NP':'DET''N'", "'VP':'V'", "'DET':'a'", "'DET':'an'", "'N':'elephant'", "'N':'elephants'", "'V':'talk'", "'V':'smile'"]
I want to create a dictionary keeping all information:
dict= {'S': [['NP','VP']],
'NP': [['DET', 'N']],
'VP': [['V']], 'DET': [['a'], ['an']],
'N': [['elephants'], ['elephant']],
'V': [['talk'], ['smile]]}
I tried using this:
d = {}
elems = filter(str.isalnum,l.replace('"',"").split("'"))
values = elems[1::2]
keys = elems[0::2]
and this:
s = l.split(",")
dictionary = {}
for i in s:
dictionary[i.split(":")[0].strip('\'').replace("\"", "")] = i.split(":")[1].strip('"\'')
You can use collections.defaultdict with re:
import re, collections
l=["'S':'NP''VP'", "'NP':'DET''N'", "'VP':'V'", "'DET':'a'", "'DET':'an'", "'N':'elephant'", "'N':'elephants'", "'V':'talk'", "'V':'smile'"]
d = collections.defaultdict(list)
for i in l:
d[(k:=re.findall('\w+', i))[0]].append(k[1:])
{'S': [['NP', 'VP']], 'NP': [['DET', 'N']], 'VP': [['V']], 'DET': [['a'], ['an']], 'N': [['elephant'], ['elephants']], 'V': [['talk'], ['smile']]}
I am trying to manipulate the following data from a websocket.
Here is the data:
{'e': 'kline', 'E': 1659440374345, 's': 'MATICUSDT', 'k': {'t': 1659440100000, 'T': 1659440399999, 's': 'MATICUSDT', 'i': '5m', 'f': 274454614, 'L': 274455188, 'o': '0.87210000', 'c': '0.87240000', 'h': '0.87240000', 'l': '0.87000000', 'v': '145806.50000000', 'n': 575, 'x': False, 'q': '127036.96453000', 'V': '76167.60000000', 'Q': '66365.16664000', 'B': '0'}}
I am trying to extract following: 'E', 's' AND 'c'. To manipulate to: 'E' = time, 's' = symbol and 'c' = PRICE
def createframe(msg):
df = pd.DataFrame([msg])
df = df.loc[:,['s','E','c']
df.columns = ['symbol', 'Time', 'Price']
df.Price = df.Price.astype(float)
df.Time = pd.to_datetime(df.Time, unit = 'ms')
return df
When I run the next line of code to pull data:
async with stream as receiver:
while True:
data = await receiver.recv()
data = json.loads(data)['data']
df = createframe(data)
I am getting error that 'c' is not defined.
If you look at the data frame, you'll see that in column "k" you have a whole dictionary's worth of data. That's because the value of k is itself a dictionary. You're getting the error that c is not defined because it is not a column itself, just a piece of data in column "k".
In order to get all this data into individual columns, you'll have to "flatten" the data. You can do something like this:
def createframe(msg):
df = pd.DataFrame([msg])
df = df.loc[:,['s','E','c']]
df.columns = ['symbol', 'Time', 'Price']
df.Price = df.Price.astype(float)
df.Time = pd.to_datetime(df.Time, unit = 'ms')
return df
def flatten(data):
newdict = {}
for each in msg:
if isinstance(msg[each], dict):
for i in msg[each]:
newdict[i] = msg[each][i]
newdict[each] = msg[each]
return newdict
async with stream as receiver:
while True:
data = await receiver.recv()
data = json.loads(data)['data']
data = flatten(data)
df = createframe(data)
Hope this helps! If you have questions just comment on this answer.
This code gets the current price of a stock and its current 21-day EMA.
import yfinance as yf
import numpy as np
import bs4
import stockquotes
import pandas as pd
symbol_name = ['F', 'XOM']
symbol_data = {}
for symbol in symbol_name:
ticker = stockquotes.Stock(symbol)
today_price = ticker.current_price
symbol_data[symbol] = today_price
ema_data = {}
for x in symbol_name:
symbol = yf.Ticker(x)
quote = symbol.history(period='1mo',interval='1d')
quote = quote.sort_index()
ema = 21
quote['ewm'] = quote['Close'].ewm(span=ema,min_periods=0,adjust=False,ignore_na=False).mean()
ema_quote = quote['ewm'].iloc[-1]
ema_data[x] = ema_quote
{'F': 6.82, 'XOM': 40.01}
{'F': 6.912368574990924, 'XOM': 42.168230541483716}
My question is how to code the following:
If a one of the stock's EMA is lower than it's current price then put it into a new dictionary.
Can someone direct me on how to get this?
dict1 = {'F': 6.82, 'XOM': 40.01}
dict2 = {'F': 6.912368574990924, 'XOM': 42.168230541483716}
dict3 = {}
for key in dict1.keys():
if dict1.get(key) < dict2.get(key):
dict3[key] = dict2.get(key)
Output :
{'F': 6.912368574990924, 'XOM': 42.168230541483716}
This should work:
for key in symbol_name:
if ema_data[key] < symbol_data[key]:
new_dict[key] = symbol_data[key]
dict = {'A': 71.07884,
'B': 110,
'C': 103.14484,
'D': 115.08864,
'E': 129.11552,
'F': 147.1766,
'G': 57.05196,
'H': 137.1412
def search_replace(search, replacement, searchstring):
p = re.compile(search)
searchstring = p.sub(replacement, searchstring)
return (searchstring)
def main():
with open(sys.argv[1]) as filetoread:
lines = filetoread.readlines()
file = ""
for i in range(len(lines)):
file += lines[i]
file = search_replace('(?<=[BC])', ' ', file)
letterlist = re.split('\s+', file)
for j in range(len(letterlist)):
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
import re
My program open a file and split the text of letters after B or C.
The file looks like:
Now I want to sum each lines with their values from dict.
For example:
AB = 181.07884
HHFB = 531.4590000000001
And so on.
I dont know how to start. Thanks a lot for all your answers.
You already did most of the work! All you miss out is the sum for each substring.
As substrings can occur more often, I'll do the summation only once, and store the values for each substring encountered in a dict (and your above dict for the relation of letter to value I renamed to mydict in order to avoid keyword confustion):
snippets = {}
for snippet in letterlist:
if snippet not in snippets:
value = 0
for s in snippet:
value += mydict.get(s)
snippets[snippet] = value
That gives me an output of
'AB': 181.07884,
'HHFB': 531.4590000000001,
'FEAC': 450.5158,
'EGDGDAC': 647.6204,
'B': 110,
'GHFEDDC': 803.8074,
'AFEB': 457.37096,
'HGFEB': 580.4852800000001,
'C': 103.14484,
'FHHHGB': 725.6521600000001,
'AHGB': 375.272,
'AFEEAAB': 728.64416,
'HHGFEEEAEAGHHC': 1571.6099199999999,
'F': 147.1766}
Try to simplify things...
Given you already have a string s and a dictionary d:
ctr = 0
temp = ''
for letter in s:
ctr += d[letter]
temp += letter
if letter in 'BC':
print(temp, ctr)
ctr = 0
temp = ''
In the case you supplied where:
d = {'A': 71.07884,
'B': 110,
'C': 103.14484,
'D': 115.08864,
'E': 129.11552,
'F': 147.1766,
'G': 57.05196,
'H': 137.1412
You get the results (printed to terminal):
>>> ('AB', 181.07884)
('HHFB', 531.4590000000001)
('FEAC', 450.5158)
('EGDGDAC', 647.6204)
('B', 110)
('GHFEDDC', 803.8074)
('AFEB', 457.37096)
('HGFEB', 580.4852800000001)
('C', 103.14484)
('FHHHGB', 725.6521600000001)
('AHGB', 375.272)
('C', 103.14484)
('AFEEAAB', 728.64416)
('C', 103.14484)
('HHGFEEEAEAGHHC', 1571.6099199999999)
Open you file and then read each character, then find the character on the dictionary and add the value to your total.
sum_ = 0
letters = "letters_file"
opened = open(letters, "r")
for row in opened:
for char in row:
sum_ += int(your_dictionary[char])
You can use re.split with itertools.zip_longest in a dict comprehension:
import re
from itertools import zip_longest
i = iter(re.split('([BC])', s))
{w: sum(d[c] for c in w)for p in zip_longest(i, i, fillvalue='') for w in (''.join(p),)}
This returns:
{'AB': 181.07884, 'HHFB': 531.4590000000001, 'FEAC': 450.5158, 'EGDGDAC': 647.6204, 'B': 110, 'GHFEDDC': 803.8074, 'AFEB': 457.37096, 'HGFEB': 580.4852800000001, 'C': 103.14484, 'FHHHGB': 725.6521600000001, 'AHGB': 375.272, 'AFEEAAB': 728.64416, 'HHGFEEEAEAGHHC': 1571.6099199999999, 'F': 147.1766}
I am using Python 2; how can I migrate an array to multiple dimensions? example:
a = ['a', 'b', 'c', ...]
And check if exist, example have multiple arrays:
a = ['a', 'b', 'c']
b = ['a', 'x', 'y']
The result:
foo['a'] -> ['b'], ['x']
foo['a']['b'] -> ['c']
foo['a']['x'] -> ['y']
I need this for making a file dir tree navigation, for each path discovered need add the paths and files, the paths is get from db. Need separate a navigation by example:
http://foo.site/a ->
http://foo.site/a/b ->
For each path make a split by / and need make multisimensional array or dictionary with each path and files availables.
It's not really clear what you are asking,
Nevertheless, you can define a simple tree structure like this:
import collections
def tree():
return collections.defaultdict(tree)
And use it as follow:
foo = tree()
foo['a']['b']['c'] = "x"
foo['a']['b']['d'] = "y"
You get:
defaultdict(<function tree at 0x7f9e4829f488>,
{'a': defaultdict(<function tree at 0x7f9e4829f488>,
{'b': defaultdict(<function tree at 0x7f9e4829f488>,
{'c': 'x',
'd': 'y'})})})
Which is similar to:
{'a': {'b': {'c': 'x', 'd': 'y'})})})
But you also ask for “For each path make a split by / and need make multidimensional array or dictionary with each path and files available.”
I usually use os.walk to search files in directories:
import os
import os.path
start_dir = ".."
result = {}
for root, filenames, dirnames in os.walk(start_dir):
relpath = os.path.relpath(root, start_dir)
result[relpath] = filenames
This solution works for me using eval and Dictionaries of dictionaries merge :
def __init__(self):
self.obj = {}
def setPathToObject(self, path):
path_parts = path.replace('://', ':\\\\').split('/')
obj_parts = eval('{ \'' + ('\' : { \''.join(path_parts)) + '\' ' + ('}' * len(path_parts)))
obj_fixed = str(obj_parts).replace('set([\'', '[\'').replace('])}', ']}').replace(':\\\\', '://')
obj = eval(obj_fixed)
self.obj = self.recMerge(self.obj.copy(), obj.copy())
return obj
def recMerge(self, d1, d2):
for k, v in d1.items():
if k in d2:
if all(isinstance(e, MutableMapping) for e in (v, d2[k])):
d2[k] = self.recMerge(v, d2[k])
elif all(isinstance(item, list) for item in (value, dict2[key])):
d2[key] = v + d2[k]
d3 = d1.copy()
return d3
print self.obj
> { 'http://www.google.com': { 'abc': { 'def': { 'ghi': [ 'file1.jpg' ], '123': [ 'file3.jpg', 'file4.jpg' ] }, 'xyz': [ 'file2.jpg' ] } } }
Works on Python 2.
I was trying shortest path finder using dijkstra algorithm but It seems not working. Can't figure out what the problem is. Here are the code and the error message.
(I'm working on Python 3.5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHCVNtxb4ss)
graph = {
'A': {'B': 10, 'D': 4, 'F': 10},
'B': {'E': 5, 'J': 10, 'I': 17},
'C': {'A': 4, 'D': 10, 'E': 16},
'D': {'F': 12, 'G': 21},
'E': {'G': 4},
'F': {'E': 3},
'G': {'J': 3},
'H': {'G': 3, 'J': 3},
'I': {},
'J': {'I': 8},
def dijkstra(graph, start, end):
D = {}
P = {}
for node in graph.keys():
D[node]= -1
while len(unseen_nodes) > 0:
node=' '
for temp_node in unseen_nodes:
if shortest==None:
shortest = D[temp_node]
node = temp_node
elif D[temp_node]<shortest:
for child_node, child_value in graph[node].items():
if D[child_node] < D[node] + child_value:
D[child_node] = D[node] + child_value
path = []
node = end
while not (node==start):
if path.count(node)==0:
path.insert(0, node)
path.insert(0, start)
return path
AttributeError: 'dict_keys' object has no attribute 'remove'
In Python 3, dict.keys() returns a dict_keys object (a view of the dictionary) which does not have remove method; unlike Python 2, where dict.keys() returns a list object.
>>> graph = {'a': []}
>>> keys = graph.keys()
>>> keys
>>> keys.remove('a')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'dict_keys' object has no attribute 'remove'
You can use list(..) to get a keys list:
>>> keys = list(graph)
>>> keys
>>> keys.remove('a')
>>> keys
unseen_nodes = graph.keys()
unseen_nodes = list(graph)