I'm trying to fit a parameter eta_H in function TGp_xx to some data (x_data, data_num_xx) using curve_fit. Now, the code below is a reduced version of what I'm using and it won't work by itself, but I hope the issue is conceptual enough to be understandable even from this
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
Lx = 150
y_cut = 20
data = np.loadtxt("../dump/results.dat")
ux = data[:,3]
ux = np.reshape(ux , (Ly, Lx))
def Par_x(x,y,vec):
fdx = vec[(x+1)%Lx , y]
fsx = vec[(x-1+Lx)%Lx , y]
return (fdx - fsx) / 2.0
def TGp_xx(x, eta_H): return 2*eta_H*Par_x(x,y_cut,ux)
x_data = np.arange(Lx, dtype=np.int)
data_num_xx = np.empty(Lx, dtype='float64') #this is just a placeholder
popt_xx, pcov_xx = curve_fit(TGp_xx, x_data, data_num_xx)
I get an IndexError raised within Par_x:
fdx = vec[(x+1)%Lx , y]
IndexError: arrays used as indices must be of integer (or boolean) type
I tried something simpler like calling TGp_xx(x_data, some_constant) outside curve_fit, and it works. I don't really get why inside curve_fit i get the IndexError, as if I'm passing a float value (or an array of floats) as x, that can't be used as an index.
I am a newbie at Python and I was writing a code to compute, then fit, magnetization data.
Firstly, I am writing the function for the energy to be minimized with respect to the parameter "theta".
def E_uniaxial(H, phi, theta, Keff, Ms):
e = Keff*(np.cos(theta))**2 - ((4*np.pi)**2*mu0)*Ms*H*np.cos(theta - phi)
return e
Then, as the magnetization depends strongly on the previous equilibriuum position of the system, I write a function for the "next equilibriuum position", the parameter H is the one supposed to change between the previous and the new equilibriuum position.
def next_theta(Ms, phi, Keff, H, lasttheta, fctE):
E = lambda x : fctE(H, phi, x, Keff, Ms)[0]
result = scipy.optimize.minimize(E, lasttheta)
return result.x
After this, I write a function that computes a whole hysteresis cycle. Given a starting point that is known, the function increases H and computes all the equilibriuum positions that depends on the previous one (then H is decreased and the same process is performed).
def cycle_theta(Ms, desfield, Keff, Hmax, theta_init_1, theta_init_2, fctE):
H1 = np.linspace(-Hmax, Hmax, 2000)
sol1 = np.zeros(np.shape(H1))
sol1[0] = theta_init_1
for i in range(len(H1)-1):
sol1[i+1] = next_theta(Ms, desfield, Keff, H1[i+1], sol1[i], fctE)
H2 = np.linspace(Hmax, -Hmax, 2000)
sol2 = np.zeros(np.shape(H2))
sol2[0] = theta_init_2
for i in range(len(H2) -1):
sol2[i+1] = next_theta(Ms, desfield, Keff, H2[i+1], sol2[i], fctE)
return H1, sol1, np.flip(sol2)
Then, I have to fit data in order to find the Ms and Keff parameters. I defined this function :
def test_fit(H, Ms, Keff):
a = cycle_theta(Ms, 1., Keff, 20, np.pi, 0., E_uniaxial)[1]
idx = 0
if isinstance(H, float):
idx = find_nearest(a, H)
return np.sin(a[idx])
if isinstance(H, np.ndarray):
c = np.zeros(np.shape(H))
for i in range(len(H)):
idx = find_nearest(a, H[i])
c[i] = a[idx]
return np.sin(c)
The condition on the type seemed to be required for the function to work with curve_fit.
I finally call popt = curve_fit(test_fit, b, sig) where "b" and "sig" are my experimental data.
But I got this error several times coming from the scipy.optimize.minimize, not the curve_fit:
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.
I read that this message can come from the fact my energy function E_unixial returns an array and not a scalar, but actually it's a quite regular function : if you input a scalar, you get a scalar and if you input an array, you get an array.
So I really don't understand, am I not supposed to use scipy.optimize.minimize and scipy.minimize.curve_fit one into the other ?
Thank you a lot for your help !!
I want to interpolate some 3-d data using the scipy LinearNDInterpolator function (Python 2.7). I can't quite figure out how to use it, though: below is my attempt. I'm getting the error ValueError: different number of values and points. This leads me to believe that the shape of "coords" is not appropriate for these data, but it looks in the documentation like the shape is okay.
Note that in the data I really want to use (instead of this example) the spacing of my grid is irregular, so something like RegularGridInterpolator will not do the trick.
Thanks very much for your help!
def f(x,y,z):
return 2 * x**3 + 3 * y**2 - z
x = np.linspace(1,2,2)
y = np.linspace(1,2,2)
z = np.linspace(1,2,2)
data = f(*np.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing='ij', sparse=True))
coords = np.zeros((len(x),len(y),len(z),3))
coords[...,0] = x.reshape((len(x),1,1))
coords[...,1] = y.reshape((1,len(y),1))
coords[...,2] = z.reshape((1,1,len(z)))
coords = coords.reshape(data.size,3)
my_interpolating_function = LinearNDInterpolator(coords,data)
pts = np.array([[2.1, 6.2, 8.3], [3.3, 5.2, 7.1]])
I have a problem with odeint. I have to solve an first order differential system and then a second order system but I am a little confused with the first order one. Can you explain what I have marked as wrong? Thank you :)
import scipy.integrate as integrate
import numpy as np
def fun(t,y):
ys = np.array([y[1], (1-y[0]**2)*y[1]-y[0]])
N = 3
x0 = np.array([2.00861986087484313650940188,0])
t0tf = [0, 17.0652165601579625588917206249]
T=([0 for i in range (N+1)])
T[0]= t0tf[0]
Pas = (t0tf[1]-t0tf[0])/N
for i in range (1,N+1):
T[i]= t0tf[0] + i*Pas
X = integrate.odeint(fun, x0,T,Dfun=None, col_deriv=0,full_output=True)
T = np.array(T)
T = T.reshape(N+1,1)
S = np.append(X,T,axis=1)
The returned error is:
ys = np.array([y[1], (1-y[0]**2)*y[1]-y[0]])
TypeError: 'float' object is not subscriptable
You need to reverse the order of the arguments to your derivative function - it should be f(y, t), not f(t, y). This is the opposite order to that used by the scipy.integrate.ode class.
Also, the concatenation S = np.append(X,T,axis=1) will fail because X is a tuple containing your integrals and a dict. Use S = np.append(X[0],T,axis=1) instead.
I'm trying to fit a 2D-Gaussian to some greyscale image data, which is given by one 2D array.
The lmfit library implements a easy-to-use Model class, that should be capable of doing this.
Unfortunately the documentation (http://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/model.html) does only provide examples for 1D fitting. For my case I simply construct the lmfit Model with 2 independent variables.
The following code seems valid for me, but causes scipy to throw a "minpack.error: Result from function call is not a proper array of floats."
Tom sum it up: How to input 2D (x1,x2)->(y) data to a Model of lmfit.?
Here is my approach:
Everything is packed in a GaussianFit2D class, but here are the important parts:
That's the Gaussian function. The documentation says about user defined functions
Of course, the model function will have to return an array that will be the same size as the data being modeled. Generally this is handled by also specifying one or more independent variables.
I don't really get what this should mean, since for given values x1,x2 the only reasonable result is a scalar value.
def _function(self, x1, x2, amp, wid, cen1, cen2):
val = (amp/(np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*wid)) * np.exp(-((x1-cen1)**2+(x2-cen2)**2)/(2*wid**2))
return val
Here the model is generated:
def _buildModel(self, **kwargs):
model = lmfit.Model(self._function, independent_vars=["x1", "x2"],
param_names=["amp", "wid", "cen1", "cen2"])
return model
That's the function that takes the data, builds the model and params and calls lmfit fit():
def fit(self, data, freeX, **kwargs):
freeX = np.asarray(freeX, float)
model = self._buildModel(**kwargs)
params = self._generateModelParams(model, **kwargs)
model.fit(data, x1=freeX[0], x2=freeX[1], params=params)
Anf finally here this fit function gets called:
data = np.asarray(img, float)
gaussFit = GaussianFit2D()
x1 = np.arange(len(img[0, :]))
x2 = np.arange(len(img[:, 0]))
fit = gaussFit.fit(data, [x1, x2])
Ok, wrote with the devs and got the answer from them (thanks to Matt here).
The basic idea is to flatten all the input to 1D data, hiding from lmfit the >1 dimensional input.
Here's how you do it.
Modify your function:
def function(self, x1, x2):
return (x1+x2).flatten()
Flatten your 2D input array you want to fit to:
data = data.flatten()
Modify the two 1D x-variables such that you have any combination of them:
x1n = []
x2n = []
for i in x1:
for j in x2:
x1n = np.asarray(x1n)
x2n = np.asarray(x2n)
And throw anything into the fitter:
model.fit(data, x1=x1n, x2=x2n, params=params)
Here is an example for your reference, hope it may help you.
import numpy
from lmfit import Model
def gaussian(x, cenu, cenv, wid):
u = x[:, 0]
v = x[:, 1]
return (1/(2*numpy.pi*wid**2)) * numpy.exp(-(u-cenu)**2 / (2*wid**2)-(v-cenv)**2 / (2*wid**2))
data = numpy.empty((25,3))
x = numpy.arange(-2,3,1)
y = numpy.arange(-2,3,1)
xx, yy = numpy.meshgrid(x, y)
data[:,0] = xx.flatten()
data[:,1] = yy.flatten()
data[:, 2]= gaussian(data[:,0:2],0,0,0.5)
print 'xx\n', xx
print 'yy\n',yy
print 'data to be fit\n', data[:, 2]
cu = 0.9
cv = 0.5
wid = 1
gmod = Model(gaussian)
gmod.set_param_hint('cenu', value=cu, min=cu-2, max=cu+2)
gmod.set_param_hint('cenv', value=cv, min=cv -2, max=cv+2)
gmod.set_param_hint('wid', value=wid, min=0.1, max=5)
params = gmod.make_params()
result = gmod.fit(data[:, 2], x=data[:, 0:2], params=params)
print result.fit_report(min_correl=0.25)
print result.best_values
print result.best_fit
I have a set of data that I am trying to fit to an ODE model using scipy's leastsq function. My ODE has parameters beta and gamma, so that it looks for example like this:
# dS/dt = -betaSI
# dI/dt = betaSI - gammaI
# dR/dt = gammaI
# with y0 = y(t=0) = (S(0),I(0),R(0))
The idea is to find beta and gamma so that the numerical integration of my system of ODE's best approximates the data. I am able to do this just fine using leastsq if I know all the points in my initial condition y0.
Now, I am trying to do the same thing but to pass now one of the entries of y0 as an extra parameter. Here is where the Python and me stop communicating...
I did a function so that now the first entry of the parameters that I pass to leastsq is the initial condition of my variable R.
I get the following message:
*Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/Laura/Dropbox/SHIV/shivmodels/test.py", line 73, in <module>
p1,success = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, initguess, args=(simpleSIR,[y0[0]],[Tx],[mydata]))
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/7.2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/minpack.py", line 283, in leastsq
gtol, maxfev, epsfcn, factor, diag)
TypeError: array cannot be safely cast to required type*
Here is my code. It is a little more involved that what it needs to be for this example because in reality I want to fit another ode with 7 parameters and want to fit to several data sets at once. But I wanted to post here something simpler... Any help will be very very much appreciated! Thank you very much!
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy import optimize
from scipy.integrate import odeint
#define the time span for the ODE integration:
Tx = np.arange(0,50,1)
num_points = len(Tx)
#define a simple ODE to fit:
def simpleSIR(y,t,params):
dydt0 = -params[0]*y[0]*y[1]
dydt1 = params[0]*y[0]*y[1] - params[1]*y[1]
dydt2 = params[1]*y[1]
dydt = [dydt0,dydt1,dydt2]
return dydt
#generate noisy data:
y0 = [1000.,1.,0.]
beta = 12*0.06/1000.0
gamma = 0.25
myparam = [beta,gamma]
sir = odeint(simpleSIR, y0, Tx, (myparam,))
mydata0 = sir[:,0] + 0.05*(-1)**(np.random.randint(num_points,size=num_points))*sir[:,0]
mydata1 = sir[:,1] + 0.05*(-1)**(np.random.randint(num_points,size=num_points))*sir[:,1]
mydata2 = sir[:,2] + 0.05*(-1)**(np.random.randint(num_points,size=num_points))*sir[:,2]
mydata = np.array([mydata0,mydata1,mydata2]).transpose()
#define a function that will run the ode and fit it, the reason I am doing this
#is because I will use several ODE's to see which one fits the data the best.
def fitfunc(myfun,y0,Tx,params):
myfit = odeint(myfun, y0, Tx, args=(params,))
return myfit
#define a function that will measure the error between the fit and the real data:
def errfunc(params,myfun,y0,Tx,y):
params are the parameters for the ODE
myfun is the function to be integrated by odeint
y0 vector of initial conditions, so that y(t0) = y0
Tx is the vector over which integration occurs, since I have several data sets and each
one has its own vector of time points, Tx is a list of arrays.
y is the data, it is a list of arrays since I want to fit to multiple data sets at once
res = []
for i in range(len(y)):
V0 = params[0][i]
myparams = params[1:]
initCond = np.zeros([3,])
initCond[:2] = y0[i]
initCond[2] = V0
myfit = fitfunc(myfun,initCond,Tx[i],myparams)
res.append(myfit[:,0] - y[i][:,0])
res.append(myfit[:,1] - y[i][:,1])
res.append(myfit[1:,2] - y[i][1:,2])
#end for
all_residuals = np.hstack(res).ravel()
return all_residuals
#end errfunc
#example of the problem:
V0 = [0]
params = [V0,beta,gamma]
y0 = [1000,1]
#this is just to test that my errfunc does work well.
initguess = [V0,0.5,0.5]
p1,success = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, initguess, args=(simpleSIR,[y0[0]],[Tx],[mydata]))
The problem is with the variable initguess. The function optimize.leastsq has the following call signature:
It's second argument, x0, has to be an array. Your list
initguess = [v0,0.5,0.5]
won't be converted to an array because v0 is a list instead of an int or float. So you get an error when you try to convert initguess from a list to an array in the leastsq function.
I would adjust the variable params from
def errfunc(params,myfun,y0,Tx,y):
so that it is a 1-D array. Make the first few entries the values of v0 then append beta and gamma to that.