How to strip/replace "domain\" from Pandas DataFrame Column? - python

I have a pandas DataFrame that's being read in from a CSV that has hostnames of computers including the domain they belong to along with a bunch of other columns. I'm trying to strip out the Domain information such that I'm left with ONLY the Hostname.
DataFrame ex:
I've tried using both str.strip() and str.replace() with a regex as well as a string literal, but I can't seem to correctly target the domain information correctly.
Examples of what I've tried thus far:
df['name'].str.replace('.*\\', '', regex = True)
df['name'].str.replace(r'[.*\\]', '', regex = True)
df['name'].str.replace('domain1\\\\', '', regex = False)
df['name'].str.replace('dmain3\\\\', '', regex = False)
None of these seem to make any changes when I spit the DataFrame out using logging.debug(df)

You are already close to the answer, just use:
df['name'] = df['name'].str.replace(r'.*\\', '', regex = True)
which just adds using r-string from one of your tried code.
Without using r-string here, the string is equivalent to .*\\ which will be interpreted to only one \ in the final regex. However, with r-string, the string will becomes '.*\\\\' and each pair of \\ will be interpreted finally as one \ and final result becomes 2 slashes as you expect.
0 computername1
1 computername45
2 servername1
3 computername3
4 servername64
Name: name, dtype: object

You can use .str.split:
df["name"] = df["name"].str.split("\\", n=1).str[-1]
0 computername1
1 computername45
2 servername1
3 computername3
4 servername64

No regex approach with ntpath.basename:
import pandas as pd
import ntpath
df = pd.DataFrame({'name':[r'domain1\computername1']})
df["name"] = df["name"].apply(lambda x: ntpath.basename(x))
Results: computername1.
With rsplit:
df["name"] = df["name"].str.rsplit('\\').str[-1]


Find if the string (sentence) in a list of string in other columns in Python

I want to check if sentence columns contains any keyword in other columns (without case sensitive).
I also got the problem when import file from csv, the keyword list has ' ' on the string so when I tried to use join str.join('|') it add | into every character
Sentence = ["Clear is very good","Fill- low light, compact","stripping topsoil"]
Keyword =[['Clearing', 'grubbing','clear','grub'],['Borrow,', 'Fill', 'and', 'Compaction'],['Fall']]
df = pd.DataFrame({'Sentence': Sentence, 'Keyword': Keyword})
My expect output will be
df['Match'] = [True,True,False]
You can try DataFrame.apply on rows
import re
df['Match'] = df.apply(lambda row: bool('|'.join(row['Keyword']), row['Sentence'], re.IGNORECASE)), axis=1)
Sentence Keyword Match
0 Clear is very good [Clearing, grubbing, clear, grub] True
1 Fill- low light, compact [Borrow,, Fill, and, Compaction] True
2 stripping topsoil [Fall] False

Extract words after a symbol in python

I have the following data where i would like to extract out source= from the values. Is there a way to create a general regex function so that i can apply on other columns as well to extract words after equal sign?
Data Data2
source=book social-media=facebook
source=book social-media=instagram
source=journal social-media=facebook
Im using python and i have tried the following:
df['Data'].astype(str).str.replace(r'[a-zA-Z]\=', '', regex=True)
but it didnt work
you can try this :
df.replace(r'[a-zA-Z]+-?[a-zA-Z]+=', '', regex=True)
It gives you the following result :
Data Data2
0 book facebook
1 book instagram
2 journal facebook
Regex is not required in this situation:
print(df['Data'].apply(lambda x : x.split('=')[-1]))
print(df['Data2'].apply(lambda x : x.split('=')[-1]))
You have to repeat the character class 1 or more times and you don't have to escape the equals sign.
What you can do is make the match a bit broader matching all characters except a whitespace char or an equals sign.
Then set the result to the new value.
import pandas as pd
data = [
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["Data"])
df['Data'] = df['Data'].astype(str).str.replace(r'[^\s=]+=', '', regex=True)
0 book
1 journal
2 facebook
3 instagram
If there has to be a value after the equals sign, you can also use str.extract
df['Data'] = df['Data'].astype(str).str.extract(r'[^\s=]+=([^\s=]+)')

Remove unwanted str in Pandas dataframe

'I am reading a csv file using panda read_csv which contains data,
Id;LibId;1;mod;modId;28;Index=10, Step=0, data=d720983f0000c0bf0000000014ae47bf0fe7c23ad1de3039;
In the last column, I want to remove the Index, Step, data= and want to retain the hex value part.
I have created a list with the unwanted values and used regex but nothing seem to work.
to_remove = ['Index','Step','data=']
rex = '[' + re.escape (''. join (to_remove )) + ']'
output_csv['Column_name'].str.replace(rex , '', regex=True)
I suggest that you fix your code using
to_remove = ['Index','Step','data=']
output_csv['Column_name'] = output_csv['Column_name'].str.replace('|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in to_remove]), '', regex=True)
The '|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in to_remove]) part will create a regex like Index|Step|data\= and will match any of the to_remove substrings.
Input (added columns name for reference, can be avoided):
Id;LibId;1;mod;modId;28;Index=10, Step=0, data=d720983f0000c0bf0000000014ae47bf0fe7c23ad1de3039
Id;LibId;1;mod;modId;28;Index=10, Step=0, data=d7203ad1de3039
Id;LibId;1;mod;modId;28;Index=10, Step=0, data=d720e47bf0fe7c23ad1de3039
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(r"check.csv", sep=";")
df["col7"].replace(regex=True, to_replace="(Index=)(.*)(data=)", value="", inplace=True)
This will extract only the hex value from "data" part and remove everything else. Do not forget about inplace=True.

How to check the pattern of a column in a dataframe

I have a dataframe which has some id's. I want to check the pattern of those column values.
Here is how the column looks like-
I want to to write a code that can distinguish characters and numerics in the pattern above and display an output like 'SSSS99SS' as the pattern of the column above where 'S' represents a character and '9' represents a numeric.This dataset is a large dataset so I can't predefine the position the characters and numeric will be in.I want the code to calculate the position of the characters and numerics. I am new to python so any leads will be helpful!
You can try something like:
my_string = "ASDH12HK"
def decode_pattern(my_string):
my_string = ''.join(str(9) if s.isdigit() else s for s in my_string)
my_string = ''.join('S' if s.isalpha() else s for s in my_string)
return my_string
You can apply this to the column in your dataframe as well as below:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(['ASDH12HK','GHST67KH','AGSH90IL','THKI86LK', 'SOMEPATTERN123'], columns=['id'])
df['pattern'] = df['id'].map(decode_pattern)
id pattern
You can use regular experssion:
st = "SSSS99SSSS"
a = re.match("[A-Za-z]{4}[0-9]{2}[A-Za-z]{4}", st)
It will return a match if the string starting with 4 Char followed by 2 numeric and again 4 char
So you can use this in your df to filter the df
You can use the function findall() from the re module:
import re
result = re.findall("[A-Za-z]{4}[0-9]{2}[A-Za-z]{2}", text)

replacing quotes, commas, apostrophes w/ regex - python/pandas

I have a column with addresses, and sometimes it has these characters I want to remove => ' - " - ,(apostrophe, double quotes, commas)
I would like to replace these characters with space in one shot. I'm using pandas and this is the code I have so far to replace one of them.
test['Address 1'].map(lambda x: x.replace(',', ''))
Is there a way to modify these code so I can replace these characters in one shot? Sorry for being a noob, but I would like to learn more about pandas and regex.
Your help will be appreciated!
You can use str.replace:
test['Address 1'] = test['Address 1'].str.replace(r"[\"\',]", '')
import pandas as pd
test = pd.DataFrame({'Address 1': ["'aaa",'sa,ss"']})
print (test)
Address 1
0 'aaa
1 sa,ss"
test['Address 1'] = test['Address 1'].str.replace(r"[\"\',]", '')
print (test)
Address 1
0 aaa
1 sass
Here's the pandas solution:
To apply it to an entire dataframe use, df.replace. Don't forget the \ character for the apostrophe.
import pandas as pd
df = #some dataframe
df.replace('\'','', regex=True, inplace=True)

