matplotlib.pyplot continue after calling show - python

for debugging purposes I would like to have my script show intermediate steps and not just the final plot when working with matplotlib. The problem is that after calling, the axis is reset and drawing starts anew. Is there a way to call and continue working with the same axis?
I am working inside PyCharm.
Code concept:
import statements
create part of plot
create next part of plot # Should show whatever was in the first plotted window plus what was added in the meantime
create final part of plot # Should show whatever was in the second plotted window plus what was added in the meantime
System: Windows 10 running Python 3.7.1 and matplotlib 3.3.3

Your best bet to save the plot as it evolves and then compare the different saved figures.
#create part of plot
#create rest of plot


Matplotlib GUI showing even though I never called

I am using the following functions in order...
- plt.figure()
- plt.plot()
- plt.ylim
- plt.xticks()
- figure = plt.gcf()
- figure.set_size_inches()
- plt.savefig()
I just want to save the figure as png, which I've been doing successfully. But the GUI keeps showing up and I am going to generate a bunch of graphs in one script, I don't want the GUI popping up every time one is created and slow my run time.
Does anyone know why it is showing up still?
If you are using a Jupyter Notebook, there are a number of potential solutions posted here.
To summarize, try this to disable inline output from Matplotlib:
import matplotlib as plt
Or put this at the start of a cell to prevent it from creating output:

Matplotlib creates multiple figures after using subplots [duplicate]

In matplotlib.pyplot, what is the difference between plt.clf() and plt.close()? Will they function the same way?
I am running a loop where at the end of each iteration I am producing a figure and saving the plot. On first couple tries the plot was retaining the old figures in every subsequent plot. I'm looking for, individual plots for each iteration without the old figures, does it matter which one I use? The calculation I'm running takes a very long time and it would be very time consuming to test it out.
plt.close() will close the figure window entirely, where plt.clf() will just clear the figure - you can still paint another plot onto it.
It sounds like, for your needs, you should be preferring plt.clf(), or better yet keep a handle on the line objects themselves (they are returned in lists by plot calls) and use .set_data on those in subsequent iterations.
I think it is worth mentioning that plt.close() releases the memory, thus is preferred when generating and saving many figures in one run.
Using plt.clf() in such case will produce a warning after 20 plots (even if they are not going to be shown by
More than 20 figures have been opened. Figures created through the
pyplot interface (matplotlib.pyplot.figure) are retained until
explicitly closed and may consume too much memory.
plt.clf() clears the entire current figure with all its axes, but leaves the window opened, such that it may be reused for other plots.
plt.close() closes a window, which will be the current window, if not specified otherwise.
There is a slight difference between the two functions.
plt.close() - It altogether plots the graph in seperate windows,releasing
memory,retaining each window for view.
plt.clf() - We can say,it displays the graph in the same window one after other
For illustration, I have plotted two graphs with paramters year and views on X axis and Y axis each. Initially I have used closed displayed the graphs in two seperate windows…
Afterwords, when I run the program with clf() it clears the graph and displays next one in same window i.e figure 1.
Here is the code snippet -
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
year = [2001,2002,2003,2004]
Views= [12000,14000,16000,18000]
Views2 = [15000,1800,24000,84000]
plt.clf() not showing data instead holding it for next plot (spyder)

I have been using the same setup for quite some time now but suddenly I am no longer allowed to plot more than one graph in a program.
Usually I can plot multiple plots after each other and let the program run through it. It executes the next lines of code after closing the first window. However, recently the first plot is not shown but instead the data is added to the last plot.
I have included a sample code which used to give me two plots but now only one.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
random_num = np.random.randint(0,5,10)
random_num_2 = np.random.randint(0,100,10)
plt.plot(random_num, 'ko')
plt.plot(random_num_2, 'g*')
The first image shows the output from my program. But I would like to have them separated into two plots like Figure 2 and 3 show.
Maybe I should add that I am using Python 3.6 with Spyder 3.2.4. The graphics option is set to display it in Qt5 even though I tried all settings and only 'Inline' shows me the results the way I want it.
Sorry if this is a very simple question. I have tried googling but I only come up with questions about my topic where the way mine works would be the solution not the problem.
#TheresaOtt. I would suggest you create a new figure instance (plt.figure()) for each plot and use only once at the end the command.

Python lines linking dots in a updating plot with matplotlib

I`m using matplotlib to plot a reward vs episode plot in a reinforcement learning application. So basically I update the plot every time the episode ends.
Searching here python-How do I plot in real time in a while loop using matplotlib I get to make my plot update every time my episode finished. My code for the plot is:
reward_plot = plt.plot(i,total_reward, '-ro')
plt.title('Reward vs episodes')
plt.xlabel("Episodes", fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel("Reward", fontsize=12)
And the plot, actually looks like this:
I just want to make the plot draw a line linking the dots each time the graph is updated. It is possible? I tried with different methods but I didn't have any luck. I'm using Python 3.6.6.

imshow in subplot with interactive mode

I cannot get matshow() or imshow() to actually display the plot when both of the following conditions are true: (1) interactive mode is on: import matplotlib.pyplot as plot; plot.ion(), and (2) I am trying to use matshow on a specific subplot: fig = plot.figure(); ax = fig.add_subplot(111); ax.matshow([[1,2],[3,0]]).
Using plot.matshow([[1,2],[3,0]]) (note: no explicit axes) works find in interactive mode, but will always create a new figure window with a single axes object. The above code with the subplot also works fine without interactive mode using, and will put the image on the correct axes.
More oddly, the above code with the subplot will show the image if I interact with the figure, such as by using the zoom tool and clicking randomly in the figure window (there is no visible axes object, but I just click somewhere in the middle of the figure window).
Any ideas what might be causing this, how I could fix it, or how I could get around it to use matshow or imshow on a specified subplot (the end use case is to have more than 1 subplot in the figure)? This occurs in python (2.7.6) and ipython (1.1.1)
This may have something to do with this documentation:
Display an array as a matrix in a new figure window.
However, you may as well use imshow with suitable arguments:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.imshow(mat, interpolation='nearest', origin='upper', aspect='equal')
This should do the same thing while being a bit less odd. This is actually exactly what matshow does internally. It just adds a few tick markers to the image.
Also, by having a look at the source (or closely reading the help string), you may try to do:
plt.matshow(mat, fignum=0)
This should force it use current axis, which it picks by using gca.
In addition to this, there is ax.matshow which you used, as well. Actually plt.matshow is a very thin wrapper around ax.matshow, mostly to create the new image.
If you still have problems with matshow or imshow in subplots, please make a minimal complete example for us to try! Here is something I tried in the interactive shell (IPython):
ax = subplot(121)
ax2 = subplot(122)
ax2.plot(linspace(-1,1,100), linspace(-1,1,100)**2)
(Could the problem be a missing draw?)
What I got:

