I am attempting to make Minesweeper in python using Tkinter. I have completed all of the initial logic but I am having trouble with the squares with zero surrounding bombs. The program is meant to open all of the surrounding squares when a square with zero surrounding bombs is clicked. The problem here is that it somehow creates an infinite loop. This may be due to the fact that I am calling the function click multiple times using a for loop but I am not sure if this is correct or how to fix it.
My code so far:
import tkinter as tk
from random import choices
from math import floor
def openSurroundings(i):
trash = [i+1, i+8, i+9, i+10, i-1, i-8, i-9, i-10]
for a in trash:
if a<81:
click(floor(a/9), a-((a//9)*9))
def click(row, col):
text = numbers[row][col]
widget = buttons[row][col]
clickSurrounding = False
if text == 0:
text = ''
clickSurrounding = True
lab = tk.Label(window, text = text, height = 2, width = 5)
lab.grid(row = row, column = col)
if clickSurrounding == True:
def placeBombs():
global widgets, bombs
numOfBombs = 10
widgets = list(range(1, (len(buttons)**2)+1))
bombs = choices(widgets, k = numOfBombs)
def findNumbers():
global numbers
numbers = []
lis_num = []
for i in widgets:
if i in bombs:
trash = [i+1, i+8, i+9, i+10, i-1, i-8, i-9, i-10]
num = 0
for a in trash:
if a > 0 and a in bombs:
num += 1
for i in range(0, len(lis_num), 9):
numbers.append(lis_num[i:i + 9])
window = tk.Tk()
sideLen = 9
row_index = 0
cell_index = 0
buttons = []
while row_index != sideLen:
button_row = []
while cell_index != sideLen:
button = tk.Button(window, width=5, height = 2, command=lambda row_index=row_index, cell_index=cell_index: click(row_index, cell_index))
button.grid(row=row_index, column=cell_index)
cell_index += 1
cell_index = 0
row_index += 1
Hi I am making a tkinter program but have run into this issue.
I am trying to use the grid method to center a load of buttons in the middle of the screen(The amount of buttons will vary dynamically) However I cant keep the buttons to a reasonable size I have followed the advice of someone who had a similar problem however I cant figure out what I am doing differently as it hasn't solved my issue.
Here is my code (it uses a directory pathway so it won't work for the reader but maybe you can spot what I am doing wrong)
ef open_win3():
global third_window
third_window = Toplevel()
third_window.config(height = 1800,width = 1800, bg = "chocolate1")
def create_thirdwindow_button():
bf = Frame(third_window,bg = "blue")
bf.grid(row=0, column=0,sticky="NESW")
bf.rowconfigure(0,weight = 1)
bf.columnconfigure(0,weight =1)
third_window.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
third_window.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
count = 0
x = 1
y = 0
mypath = "C:\\Users\\link\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\python stuff\\screenshot example\\Snapshots by catagory"
for g in listdir(mypath):
count += 1
for I in listdir(mypath):
btp = mypath +"\\"+str(I)
screenshot_snap = Button(bf,text = str(I),width = 1,height = 1, bg = "chocolate3",activebackground = "white",padx= 10,pady =10)
screenshot_snap.grid(sticky = "NESW")
screenshot_snap.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
screenshot_snap.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
x += 10
if y < count:
y += 1
Thanks a lot for any help!
This is my current code and it displays in a window but literally prints it the way I've typed it (obviously). But is there a way to write these so they are displayed as powers/exponents?
questionNum = 0
questions = [0,"Given that y = x^4 + 6x^1/2, find dy/dx","Write down the value of 125^1/3","Fully factorise 9x^2 - 25","Find the value of 8^5/3"]
answer1 = [0,"4x^4 + 3x^1/2","25","(3x-5)(3x+5)","1/2"]
answer2 = [0,"4x^3 + 6x^1/2","1/5","(3x+5)(3x+5)","Answer 2 (4)"]
answer3 = [0,"4x^3 + 6x^-1/2","5","(3x-5)(3x-5)","Answer 3 (4)"]
answer4 = [0,"4x^3 + 1/2x^-3/2","125","(9x+5)(x-5)","Answer 4 (4)"]
This is what it looks like:
rightanswers = [0,1,2,3,4] #These are the correct answers
This is the bit that needs to be changed. I've added the rest just in case you need any of it to see what's going on:
from tkinter import * #The TKinter module imported in order to create the menus
import sys #Invoke functions and statements - allows operations to work and searches for named modules i.e. TKinter
global questionNum #Connections between functinos and arrays
questionNum = 0
questions = [0,"Given that y = x^4 + 6x^1/2, find dy/dx","Write down the value of 125^1/3","Fully factorise 9x^2 - 25","Find the value of 8^5/3"] #This is the question bank which has been set up as an array
answer1 = [0,"4x^4 + 3x^1/2","25","(3x-5)(3x+5)","1/2"] #These are the possible answers - this is where multiple choice answers would go
answer2 = [0,"4x^3 + 6x^1/2","1/5","(3x+5)(3x+5)","Answer 2 (4)"]
answer3 = [0,"4x^3 + 6x^-1/2","5","(3x-5)(3x-5)","Answer 3 (4)"]
answer4 = [0,"4x^3 + 1/2x^-3/2","125","(9x+5)(x-5)","Answer 4 (4)"]
rightanswers = [0,1,2,3,4] #These are the correct answers
normal = Tk() #Build the TKinter
normal.geometry("850x350") #Set the size of the normal chess form to 850x350
normal.title("Normal Chess") #Sets a title for the normal chess form
normal.columnconfigure(1,minsize = 300) #This is whereabouts the question and answers are displayed
questionVar = StringVar() #Question will be a string
answerVar = IntVar() #Answers will be numbers
answerVar.set(1) #Questions can only have one solution
aText = StringVar() #Text for the answers - options
bText = StringVar()
cText = StringVar()
dText = StringVar()
qNoText = StringVar() #Questions text which is displayed to the user
questionText = StringVar()
normal.withdraw() #Allows the user to only select one option
title = Tk() #Builds the TKinter
title.title("Chess") #Title of the form
title.geometry("300x300") #The size of the image
watermark = PhotoImage(file = "watermark.gif") #Link to the image itself
Label(image = watermark).place(x=0,y=0,relwidth=1,relheight=1) #Places the image onto the form set on the x,y coordinates
menu = Tk() #Builds the TKinter
menu.title("Main Menu") #Displays 'Main Menu' on screen
menu.geometry("400x350") #Size of the form
p1var = StringVar() #Sets a variable for Player 1 and Player 2
p2var = StringVar()
def Quit(): #Quit function - allows the user to exit the program
sys.exit() #Gets rid of all the modules
def play():
Label(title,text = "Enter Details:",font = ("Calibri",25)).grid(row = 1, column = 1)
#'Enter Details' font, size and location on the form
Label(title,text = "CHESS",font = ("Calibri",50)).grid(row = 0,column = 1)
#'CHESS' font, size and location on the form
Label(title, text = "Player 1: ").grid(row = 2,column = 0)
#'Player 1' font, size and location on the form
Entry(title,textvariable = p1var,width = 30).grid(row = 2,column = 1)
#Allows the user to input a string for the player 1 name
Label(title, text = "Player 2: ").grid(row = 3,column = 0)
#'Player 2' font, size and location on the form
Entry(title,textvariable = p2var,width = 30).grid(row = 3,column = 1)
#Allows the user to input a string for the player 2 name
Label(title,text = "Select Game Mode: ").grid(row = 4,column = 1)
#'Select Game Mode: ' font, size and location on the form
Button(title,command = lambda: playNormalChess(p1var.get(),p2var.get()),text = "Normal Chess").grid(row = 6,column = 1,sticky = W)
#Button for normal chess
Button(title,command = lambda: playSpeedChess(p1var.get(),p2var.get()),text = "Speed Chess").grid(row = 6,column = 1,sticky = E)
#Button for speed chess
Button(title,command = instructions,text = "Instructions").grid(row = 7,column = 1,pady =10)
#Button for instructions
def playNormalChess(p1,p2):
t = Label(textvariable = qNoText,font = ("Arial",50)).grid(row = 0,column = 1,sticky = W,columnspan=2,padx = 20,pady =10)
#Functions for selection
q =Label(textvariable = questionVar,font = ("Arial",30)).grid(row = 1,column = 1,sticky = W,columnspan=2,padx = 20,pady =10)
#Font and size the questions are set in
a=Radiobutton(variable = answerVar,value = 1,textvariable = aText,font = ("Arial",18)).grid(row = 3,column = 1,pady =5,padx = 20,sticky = W)
#These are the radio buttons which are linked to the answers - set the font and the size of the text
b=Radiobutton(variable = answerVar,value = 2,textvariable = bText,font = ("Arial",18)).grid(row = 4,column = 1,padx = 20,sticky = W)
c=Radiobutton(variable = answerVar,value = 3,textvariable = cText,font = ("Arial",18)).grid(row =5,column = 1,pady = 5,padx = 20,sticky = W)
d=Radiobutton(variable = answerVar,value=4,textvariable = dText,font = ("Arial",18)).grid(row = 6,column = 1,padx = 20,sticky = W)
Button(text = "Submit",command = confirm).grid(row =0,column = 3,sticky = W,pady = 10) #Submit button to confirm their answers
newQuestion() #Calls the function for a new question
def confirm():
if messagebox.askyesno('Confirm','Are You Sure?'): #This is the conformation of the correct answer for the user
if answerVar.get() == rightanswers[questionNum]: #If they select yes to confirm they are happy with the selection
# - it checks their answer with the correct answer and prints 'Right' or 'Wrong' depending on their answer
newQuestion() #Once their question is answered, a new question will be presented to them
except IndexError:
print("No more Questions")
def newQuestion():
global questionNum
questionNum = questionNum + 1
qNoText.set("Question "+str(questionNum))
except IndexError:
print("No more questions")
Label(menu,text = "AS Maths Chess",font = ("Arial",37)).pack(pady = 20)
Button(menu,text = "Play",background = "black",foreground = "white",font = ("Arial",20),command = play).pack(ipadx = 80,ipady = 20, pady = 10)
Button(menu,text = "Quit",font = ("Arial",20),command = Quit).pack(ipadx = 80,ipady = 20, pady = 10)
Unicode has superscript numerals, arithmetic operators, and some letters in the BMP, which is supported by tcl/tk. See Wikipedia. Within those constraints, and given a supporting font, the answer is yes. On Windows, running from IDLE, the following works nicely and looks nice, though I would want the tk font larger to see the superscript easily with my eyes.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
# "4x^4 + 3x^1/2"
t1 = "4x\u2074 + 3x\u207b\u00b2" # \u excapes, if needed
t2 = "4x⁴ + 3x⁻²"
label = tk.Label(root, text=t2)
from tkinter import *
from random import *
from functools import partial
class Game:
def __init__(self):
self.root = Tk()
self.frame = Frame(width = 574, height = 574)
self.frame.grid(columnspan = 30, rowspan = 30)
self.minex = []
self.miney = []
self.clickx = 0
self.clicky = 0
blank = PhotoImage(file = 'C:\\Users\\PC\\Desktop\\Python Programs\\Minesweeper\\blank.gif')
for i in range(0,30):
for j in range(0,30):
button = Button(width = 15, height = 15, padx = 2, pady = 2, image = blank, command = partial(self.click, j, i))
button.grid(row = i, column = j)
def mine_place(self):
for i in range(0,15):
def click(self, j, i):
miss = PhotoImage(file = 'C:\\Users\\PC\\Desktop\\Python Programs\\Minesweeper\\miss.gif')
hit = PhotoImage(file = 'C:\\Users\\PC\\Desktop\\Python Programs\\Minesweeper\\hit.gif')
for k in range(0, len(self.minex)):
if j + 1 == self.minex[k] and i + 1 == self.miney[k]:
button = Button(image = hit)
button.grid(row = i, column = j)
button = Button(image = miss)
button.grid(row = i, column = j)
app = Game()
In self.click, when I wish to create a button with this image I am given a blank image. If I create a button in init, the image comes out just fine. What is wrong?..............................................................
It looks like you're images are getting garbage collected you need to save a reference to the images after using PhotoImage.
ie - you create the image blank so save a reference as self.blank= blank and use image = self.hit
My function mapupdater isn't working. It seems tkinter isn't keeping a reference to the image. I tried storing the reference in an array, I tried what was suggester here How to update the image of a Tkinter Label widget?
Both don't work.
#-----Begin Global Declarations-----#
global futureonoff
futureonoff = True
#-----End Global Declarations-----#
#Create a new window
window = Tkinter.Tk()
window.self= Text(bg='black')
window.self.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
#updating map based on ISS location
def mapupdater():
global futureonoff
marker_list = []
timenowforcomputing = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
currentlong = iss.sublong
currentlat = iss.sublat
currentlongfloat= float(iss.sublong)
currentlatfloat= float(iss.sublat)
#convert radians to degrees with the equations 1 radian = 57.2957795 degrees
#TODO Learn how to use pi in python
currentlongfloat = round(currentlongfloat*57.2957795, 3)
currentlatfloat= round(currentlatfloat*57.2957795, 3)
if futureonoff == True:
futureintermenter = 0
while futureintermenter < len(long_list_3_orbits):
futureintermenter = futureintermenter + 1
toopenupdater = get_static_google_map("mymap2", center="42.950827,-122.108974", zoom=1, imgsize=(500,500), imgformat="gif", maptype="satellite", markers=marker_list)
#Code from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6086262/python-3-how-to-retrieve-an-image-from-the-web-and-display-in-a-gui-using-tkint
uupdater = urllib.urlopen(toopenupdater)
raw_data_u = uupdater.read()
b64_data_u = base64.encodestring(raw_data_u)
imgtoprint = Tkinter.PhotoImage(data=b64_data)
# from http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/python/threads/79337/putting-an-image-into-a-tkinter-thingy
# pick an image file you have .bmp .jpg .gif. .png
# load the file and covert it to a Tkinter image object
panel1.configure(image = imgtoprint)
panel1.image = imgtoprint
#updata map after 30 seconds
window.after(30000, mapupdater)
def togglemap():
global futureonoff
if futureonoff == True:
futureonoff = False
futureonoff = True
#Info about buttons http://effbot.org/tkinterbook/button.htm
#Parsing code from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/773797/updating-tkinter-labels-in-python
#settings for font, font size, pixel size, of the text in our GUI
#convert radians to degrees with the equations 1 radian = 57.2957795 degrees
#TODO Learn how to use pi in python
currentlongfloat = round(currentlongfloat*57.2957795, 3)
currentlatfloat= round(currentlatfloat*57.2957795, 3)
if futureonoff == True:
futureintermenter = 0
while futureintermenter < len(long_list_3_orbits):
futureintermenter = futureintermenter + 1
#places map into GUI
toopen = get_static_google_map("mymap2", center="42.950827,-122.108974", zoom=1, imgsize=(500,500), imgformat="gif", maptype="satellite", markers=marker_list)
#im = PIL.Image.open("mymap2.png")
#imageFile = "mymap2.png"
#Code from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6086262/python-3-how-to-retrieve-an-image-from-the-web-and-display-in-a-gui-using-tkint
u = urllib.urlopen(toopen)
raw_data = u.read()
b64_data = base64.encodestring(raw_data)
global imgtoprint
imgtoprint = Tkinter.PhotoImage(data=b64_data)
panel1 = Tkinter.Label(window, image=imgtoprint, bg='black')
panel1.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='yes')
panel1.place(x=250, y=115)
b = Button(window, text="Browse for XML File", font=("Helvetica", 15), command=fileback, bg = 'black')
c = Button(window, text="Toggle Orbit Prediction on Map", font=("Helvetica", 15), command=togglemap, bg = 'black')