I have this weird error I keep getting when I open projects from GitHub. I get this error : "no Python interpreter is selected". And when I go to settings, I don't even find "Project interpreter". It's like PyCharm doesn't recognize my project. I have two python versions 3.8 and 3.9 and they show up both when I create a new project but when I open a ready project I don't get to select any of them.
Project interpreter is missing
You can search for your interpreter (python.exe) by going to add under interpreter if it is not displayed there.
1) Open Interpreter Settings
2) Select Interpreter
Select interpreter image
Been trying to find a workaround for this all morning, but Pycharm (running on linux) won't allow me to select a folder as the python interpreter for the virtual envirionment I have just created. I have managed to follow the exact same steps in windows but I am just unable to click 'ok' in the dialogue box running on Linux.
This issue is not related to the ide.win.file.chooser.native settings found within the Pycharm registry.
Any solutions/workarounds would be wildly appreciated
PyCharm's autocomplete isn't working for installed libraries. I have the following code:
from boto.emr.connection import EmrConnection
conn = EmrConnection(aws_keys.access_key_id, aws_keys.secret_key)
I want the editor to tell me what methods I have available to me when I press Ctrl+Space.
The boto library is installed in my environment, but it doesn't seem to be detected by PyCharm. How can I set this up correctly?
You've installed the 3rd-party library into a virtualenv, but PyCharm doesn't know about that by default. If nothing is specified, it will choose the system Python install as the interpreter. You need to go into the project settings and configure the interpreter to point at the virtualenv. PyCharm will then index the interpreter and allow you to autocomplete.
The virtualenv may be auto-detected in the dropdown menu on the left. If it is not, click the gear to the right, click "Add local", and select /path/to/virtualenv/bin/python (or \Path\to\virtualenv\Scripts\python.exe on Windows).
The above answer didn't work for me, because I wasn't able to find any project related setting in my setting,and the python Interpreter was empty.
The solution was to delete .idea file, from project root, close Pychram then go to project directory and open it with Pycharm:
$pycharm-professional or $pycharm-professional .
when it lunch a pop up window on the bottom right will appear and as you the following
select configure python interpreter then a new window must appear:
chose to use Pipenv as your interpreter or any other solution that is for your case.
Now the Project setting should appear again in Pycharm setting, and the recommendation must be already working.
I'm learning Python through a youtube tutorial and took a break of over a month to deal with life. When I returned and tried to run a program I created along with the instructor in Pycharm (Community 2020.2.1) it gives me this error in the console:
Error:Cannot run program
"/home/user/PycharmProjects/HelloWorld/venv/bin/python" (in directory
"/home/user/PycharmProjects/HelloWorld"): error=2, No such file or
Except I can browse to /home/user/PycharmProjects/HelloWorld/venv/bin/, and see the "python" file. Running the file by double-clicking on it returns the following error in Pycharm:
Cannot find file
When I go to create a new project, the New Project window does not list any interpreter. Is that my issue?
I've tried reinstalling Pycharm and multiple solutions from Stack and other resources without success. I had no issues with Pycharm at all in July. If it matters; this is the Pycharm that's available in the Linux Mint 19.3 Software Manager.
How can I fix this? Why would taking a break cause this issue?
I've just faced the same issue after I upgraded my macOS to Catalina. In a nutshell, you need to restore broken links in venv and the simplest way to do this is to recreate the Python virtual environment for your project.
Here's my step-by-step solution:
In PyCharm go to PyCharm > Preferences... > Project > Python Interpreter
Click on the settings icon on the right upper corner then select "Show All..." in the dropdown menu. "Python Interpreters" window should appear.
Click on the "-" button on the bottom (it shows "Remove" as a hint). Click OK.
Now you should see <No interpreter> on the right side of "Python Interpreter".
Open a terminal. Go to your project folder, find and remove venv subfolder.
Return to PyCharm. Open the same window (PyCharm > Preferences... > Project > Python Interpreter).
Click on the settings icon on the right upper corner then select "Add.." in the dropdown menu. "Add Python Interpreter" window should appear.
Select "New environment", select the correct location (where the removed venv folder was located), select the correct Base interpreter and check "Inherit global site-packages" if your project requires it.
Worked for me with PyCharm 2020.2.2 Community Edition.
I want to downgrade my python to 3.7 because the whl that i want to install(https://github.com/intxcc/pyaudio_portaudio/releases) only supports python 3.7.
I tried uninstalling python 3.8 and installing 3.7.But now i can't configure the interpreter in pycharm.
Anyone can help with that?
You didn't need to uninstall Python 3.8, because PyCharm supports multiple interpreters. You can have some project using 3.7 and others using 3.8.
To set the interpreter for a specific project, click File and select Settings from the drop down.
In the settings popup, find your project and then Project Interpreter :
Click on the drop-down arrow circled in red, and you will get a list of interpreters available to choose from.
If none of them are correct ones, select Show all, and a new popup with the name Project Interpreters appears on top, listing more interpreters.
If none of those is correct one, click on the + in the upper right corner of the Project Interpreters, and get Add Python Interpreter popup.
It's a good idea to use virtual environments. If you already have a virtual environment inside your project, either delete it or create a new one with a different name (the default name is <your project path>/venv). For example, instead of venv, use venv37.
The drop-down arrow I circled in green will show all the interpreters that PyCharm knows about.
If the new one doesn't show, click on ... (circled in blue), and locate the newly installed interpreter in the file system. Then click OK to close Add Python Interpreter popup, and get back to Project Interpreters.
The new virtual environment will show on that list. Select it and click OK.
Now you should be back in Settings. Click Apply and then OK.
From now on, this PyCharm project will be using the new interpreter.
I have made an application using Django in pycharmIDE.after completing my project I deleted python from my machine and re-installed now when I run my application it shows
No Python at 'C:\Users\Raisan\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\python.exe'
how can I set python interpreter in Pycharm
In order to set Python interpreter in a PyCharm project, you should click on:
File -> Settings -> Project -> Project Interpreter
Then, on the top of the window, you should have a dropdown selection with Project Interpreter label. Here you can choose the project interpreter for your project.
If the interpreter is not present, click on the settings icon (gear wheel) on the right anc choose "Add".
Then choose "Existing enviroment" and navigate througth your directories until you will find your Interpreter.
Remember that you have to select the python.exe file.
Please set environment variable and try it otherwise uninstall python and and reinstall it but that time select custom python install and choose appropriate options like IDEdevelopment environment pip etc.