How can I start an application(zoom client) with python? - python

A week ago, I built an application to automate the process of joining the daily Zoom meetings using pyautogui . To start zoom, I would make my program click on the coordinates where zoom shortcut is located on taskbar. It was fine until today. Yesterday, by mistake, I had changed the taskbar icons' order. Therefore, my whole program crashed. So, I want to know if there is a better way of starting the zoom application with python.


Automating refreshing and checking data in a proprietary program

I am pretty unfamiliar with the automation environment but I'm looking to create a solution for a problem I'm having right now.
There is a proprietary application on my work laptop that shows me some relevant information. Above the table is a refresh button that I have to click as often as possible to refresh this table until a new row shows up which I have to process.
My first approach to this was to create a small .exe in Python that would control the mouse and click the refresh button on an interval and then take a screenshot of the part of the application where the new row would show up and compare it to a screenshot without the row to check that there is a difference.
The issue with that approach is that I would be unable to use the laptop when this program would run as it would control the mouse and the window would have to be in focus.
What other approach could I take to tackle this?

Auto refresh window to using python

I would like to make a program for make my window refresh every 10 min. i'm new to programming and currently exploring python technology
My machine is connected with pc based software which will test the product
The software tend to be freeze and system hang-- we need to restart the pc to solve this issue
I want to make a python program to auto run and keep click refresh button every 10min
my idea is to keep window always ready to receive data
I just beginning to explore below code ( very simple)
import mouse
#left click"right")
# right click"left")
How do I access the "refresh" option on the right click?
is my idea in not particle?
Your question is very unclear, so I'm just guessing you are in a browser window and want to refresh the site (right?)
Using the mouse package to do so will be very hard, therefore I suggest you use the keyboard-package, which is even from the same author.
import keyboard

Vpython(wxpython) project with leap motion, just want to fix that vpython graphic window Not Responding

I am currently building a project with leap motion and vpython (wxpython).
It is a python based project and now I have a problem that when the leap motion senser is on its process (which means that it is continuously getting data from people's hand), the vpython (wxpython) graphic window gets unresponsive (the window of vpython Not Responding, this window should represent the required graphic that i need,and at the mean time, the leap motion senser still works fine, and getting the correct data).
not responding picture
explaination of the above
I tryed to search in google, said that it might be a thread problem, but I have no idea how to solve it.

How to make a clickable control that is always on top, in Windows using Python?

The goal is to have an application that runs on top of all other applications and windows in the desktop, and display a clickable control (say, an image button) that moves around the screen.
The application must run as a service in the background and show thebutton (let's say) each hour, once clicked it disappears until the next hour.
This application has to be written in Python.
It looks like PyQt is one of the better options, but I'm not sure if it does support this sort of functionality and if it is a good alternative for modern Windows applications.
What packages or frameworks are appropriate for this scenario? I have seen Pygl and PyGame but they seem to be limited to a window, is this correct?
You actually don't need to create the program as a service. You can just start the application and not show the window immediately. You can use PyQt or wxPython. I'm more familiar with wxPython, so if you went that route, you could use a wx.Frame style flag such as wx.STAY_ON_TOP to get the functionality you want.
I have created applications that load up in the system tray with just an icon. When you click the icon, it shows the frame. The rest of the time, the frame is hidden. I would try that route before looking at doing a service.

Python Script (main) + Blender "face" animation

SO I am infact doing something very similar to this user posts:
but it has no answers and I couldn't contact the user.
Basically I have a functioning python script that answers me with an action accordingly to my voice command. (Fetch emails, weather forecast, turn lights ON/OFF, etc), it has been made using the pyspeech library which is pretty darn good.
Now I want to give my programm a "face"! I thought about modelling the face with Blender (have some knowledge and would build up on it) and I know I could animate it, so the lips move and such.
So I want to know if it is at all possible to:
Load the "face" that I made from blender from my main python script (so when my programm start the face would be there on the screen too)
Run from the script the animations such that when for example when my programm says "You're welcome" I would run the animation that the lips move on the face to simulate it is speaking.
I know that blender has a good python integration (maybe correct is to say it is built on?) and that is why I thought it would be a good program to use.
Hope someone can help and tell me if that is at all possible and maybe show me some right way to go, my googling just showed me always python scripting with Blender which is not what I exactly need here... I think...
Indeed, what you want is possible.
If all you want is to play pre-rendered animation videos based on decisions on your program, any GUI that allows you to embedd and play video in a widget will do for your application.
You could rool out your own GUI using Pygame (which has video support, but you will need one of the "minor" more or less "amateur" widget toolkits made for pygame to make up the remaining of your application, as pygame is pretty low level.
On a higher level, although I'had not embedded video, I think you could go with PyQT4 (googled a bit, not that many examples either, buthints that there are eamples in QT4 source) or GTK+ (the samething, it looks like there are more examples).
Another option would be to build your application to run inside the Blener Game Engine itself - It offers both a high level Toolkit, and ways to customize behaviors to user actions (even without coding).
The major drawback in doing this is: I don't know which are the options to distribute an application that needs Blender Game Engine nowadays - your users will need to install Blender (but it is likely Blender folks made an easy way to jhandle this).
On the upper hand: you get the most flexibility, it would even be possible to render some sequences in realtime (as opposed to pre-rendered videos) in your app.
One thing: Blender nowadays use Python 3.x - if the other libraries you need are Python 2, you willl need to make one different process for the GUI inside Blender, and exchange data with your application's backeend in Python 2 (for example using jsonrpc or xmlrpc - that is enoguh simple in Python).

