I am trying to export a .csv file from a .mat file, which was generated with OpenModelica. The following code seems to work quite well:
from scipy.io import loadmat
import numpy
x = loadmat('results.mat')
numpy.savetxt("results.csv", traj, delimiter=",")
However, there is an issue that I cannot solve. The line traj=x['data_2'][0] is taking an array with the values (over time) of the first variable in the file (index is 0). The problem is that I cannot make a correspondence between the variable I am looking for and its index. Let's say that I want to print the values of a variable called "My_model.T". How do I know the index of this variable?
The file format is described here: https://www.openmodelica.org/doc/OpenModelicaUsersGuide/1.17/technical_details.html#the-matv4-result-file-format
So you need to lookup the variable's name in the name matrix, then look in the dataInfo matrix to see if the variable is stored in data_1 or data_2 and which index it has in this matrix.
Edit: And since the title was how to create a CSV from MAT-file... You can do this from an OpenModelica .mos-script:
filterSimulationResults("M_res.mat", "M_res.csv", readSimulationResultVars("M_res.mat"))
I'm trying to save data from an array called Sevol. This matrix has 100 rows and 1000 columns, so len(Sevol[i]) has 1000 elements and Sevol[0][0] would be the first element of the first list.
I tried to save this array with the commands
np.savetxt(path + '/data_Sevol.txt', Sevol[i], delimiter=" ")
It works fine. However, I would like the file to be organized as an array anyway. For example, currently, the file is being saved like this in Notepad:
And I would like the data to remain organized, as for example in this file:
Is there an argument in the np.savetxt function or something I can do to better organize the text file?
I am trying to get data from an excel file using xlwings (am new to python) and load it into a multi dimensionnal array (or rather, table) that I could then loop through later on row by row.
What I would like to do :
db = []
wdb = xw.Book(r'C:\temp\xlpython\db.xlsx')
So this would load the data into my table 'db', and I could later loop through it using :
for i in range(len(db)):
If I wanted to retrieve the data originally in column B for instance
But instead of this, it loads the data in a single dimension, so if I run the code :
I will get (0,1) instead of the (0,145) expected if I had 146 rows of data in the excel file
Is there a way to do this, except loading the table line by line ?
Have a look at the documentation here on converting the range to a numpy array or specifying the dimensions.
db = []
wdb = xw.Book(r'C:\temp\xlpython\db.xlsx')
db.append(wdb.sheets[0].range('A2:K2').options(np.array, expand='down').value)
After looking at numpy arrays as suggested by Rawson, it seems they have the same behaviour than python lists when appending a whole range, meaning it generates a flat array and does not preserve the rows of the excel range into the array; at least I couldn't get it to work that way.
So finally I looked into panda DataFrame and it seems to do the exact needed job, you can even import column titles which is a plus.
import pandas as pd
wdb = xw.Book(r'C:\temp\xlpython\db.xlsx')
db= pd.DataFrame(wdb.sheets[0].range('A2:K2').expand('down').value)
I have a netcdf4 file called test.nc
I am calculating monthly median (from the daily values) with the following code:
import xarray as xr
data = xr.open_dataset('test.nc')
monthly_data = data.resample(freq='m', dim ='time', how = 'median')
My question is how can I write this output to a new netcdf file, without having to re-write all the variables and the metadata already included in the input netcdf file.
Not sure if it is what you want. But this creates a new netcdf file from the created Dataset:
You might use .drop() on the Dataset to remove data which you don't want in the output.
Currently, I'm trying to use astropy.io.ascii in python anaconda to write a .dat file that includes data I've already read in (using ascii) from a different .dat file. I defined a specific table in the pre-existing file to be Data, the problem with Data is that I need to multiply the first of the columns by a factor of 101325 to change it's units, and I need fourth of the four columns to disappear entirely. So I defined the first column as Pressure_pa and I converted its units, then I defined the other two columns to be Altitude_km and Temperature_K. Is there any way I can use ascii's write function to tell it to write a .dat file containing the three columns I defined? And how would I go about it? Below is the code that has brought me up to the point of having defined these three columns of data:
from astropy.io import ascii
Data=ascii.read('output_couple_121_100.dat',guess=False,header_start=384,data_start=385,data_end=485,delimiter=' ')
Now I thought that I might be able to use ascii.write(), to write a .dat file with Pressure_pa, Altitude_km and Temperature_K into the same file, is there any way to do this?
So I think I figured it out! I'll create a more generic version to fit others
from astropy.io import ascii
Data=ascii.read('filename.dat',guess=False,header_start=1,data_start=2,data_end=10,delimiter=' ')
#above: defining Data as a certain section of a .dat file beginning at line 2 through 10 with headers in line 1
ascii.write(Data,'new_desired_file_name.dat',names=['col1','col2','col3','col4'],exclude_names=['col3'],delimiter=' ')
#above: telling ascii to take Data and creat a .dat file with it, when defining the names, define a name for every column in Data and then use the exclude_names command to tell it not to include those specific columns
I have this .mat file D887_ALL.mat and there are several matrices in it, one is called trigger_events and is a 671×2 matrix. I will only use the first column. Can I just import the first column in Python?
This is what I can do now, just import the whole matrix events:
How can I do this?
How about this if you want just the first column?
trigger_events_col1 = data['trigger_events'][:, 1]