Access 2D array slots by a number and vice versa - python

I want to map an array indices to a number, if this is an array:
grid2=[ ['a','b','c'],
the number of 'a' is 1 and the number of 'b' is 2 and the number of 'c' is 3 and the number of 'x' is 4 and the number of 'y' is 5 and the number of 'z' is 6.
Here is my attempt, but it works only for squared arrays:
def i2d(r,c):
return r*height + c+1
here is the result which is not correct:
slot number of a=1 slot number of b=2 slot number of c=3
slot number of x=6 slot number of y=7 slot number of z=8
the correct result should be:
slot number of a=1 slot number of b=2 slot number of c=3
slot number of x=4 slot number of y=5 slot number of z=6
Also I want to write a convert method for mapping an integer to array index, here is my attempt:
def d2i(d):
r= int(d/height)-1
c= width - r
return (r,c)
but unfortunately, the final output is not correct. please help me in writing these two functions, I don't why my algorithm development aspect is turned off, maybe it is a side effect of using frameworks and libraries that they do the logic behind the scene, and I have used to call them.
Please tell me about the pythonish code if python has solved this by one of its operators or library functions, I want to learn it if such a thing exists.
Example : (input/output)
grid= [['a','b','c'],['x','y','z']]
#desired slot numbers=[1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6]
x = i2d(0,2)
#so x would be 3 if the we suppose number of a is 1
slot = d2i(3)
#the output is 'c'
Thanks in advance
I think calculation the slot number for an array index has different formula for when W=H and W>H and W<H:
def i2d(r,c,w,h):
return r*h + c-r+1
return r*h+c+1
if(h < w):
return r * w + c + 1

I cannot find any examples where this doesn't work.
def i2d(r, c, w):
return r * w + c + 1
def d2i(d, w):
div = int((d - 1) / w)
return (div, (d - 1) % w)

Is this what you're looking for? Outputs are commented throughout.
grid2 = [['a','b','c'], ['x','y','z']]
height = 2
width = 3
def i2d(r = None, c = None):
a = 1
if r is not None and c is not None:
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width):
if i == r and j == c:
return a
a += 1
print(i2d(0, 2)) # 3
def d2i(l, d):
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width):
if d == i2d(i, j):
return l[i][j]
print(d2i(grid2, 3)) # 'c'

Try this, it works for me :
def i2d(r,c):
return r*width + c+1
def d2i(d):
r= int(d/width)
#cover the h=w case
if (d%width==0 and width==height):
c= d%width-1
return (r,c)


Create random systems of linear equations - Python

Edit: more details
Hello I found this problem through one of my teachers but I still don't understand how to approach to it, and I would like to know if anyone had any ideas for it:
Create a program capable of generating systems of equations (randomly) that contain between 2 and 8 variables. The program will ask the user for a number of variables in the system of equations using the input function. The range of the coefficients must be between [-10,10], however, no coefficient should be 0. Both the coefficients and the solutions must be integers.
The goal is to print the system and show the solution to the variables (x,y,z,...). NumPy is allowed.
As far as I understand it should work this way:
Enter the number of variables: 2
x + y = 7
4x - y =3
x = 2
y = 5
I'm still learning arrays in python, but do they work the same as in matlab?
Thank you in advance :)!
For k variables, the lhs of the equations will be k number of unknowns and a kxk matrix for the coefficients. The dot product of those two should give you the rhs. Then it's a simple case of printing that however you want.
import numpy as np
def generate_linear_equations(k):
coeffs = [*range(-10, 0), *range(1, 11)]
rng = np.random.default_rng()
return rng.choice(coeffs, size=(k, k)), rng.integers(-10, 11, k)
k = int(input('Enter the number of variables: '))
if not 2 <= k <= 8:
raise ValueError('The number of variables must be between 2 and 8.')
coeffs, variables = generate_linear_equations(k)
solution =
symbols = 'abcdefgh'[:k]
for row, sol in zip(coeffs, solution):
lhs = ' '.join(f'{r:+}{s}' for r, s in zip(row, symbols)).lstrip('+')
print(f'{lhs} = {sol}')
for s, v in zip(symbols, variables):
print(f'{s} = {v}')
Which for example can give
Enter the number of variables: 3
8a +6b -4c = -108
9a -9b -4c = 3
10a +10b +9c = -197
a = -9
b = -8
c = -3
If you specifically want the formatting of the lhs to have a space between the sign and to not show a coefficient if it has a value of 1, then you need something more complex. Substitute lhs for the following:
def sign(n):
return '+' if n > 0 else '-'
lhs = ' '.join(f'{sign(r)} {abs(r)}{s}' if r not in (-1, 1) else f'{sign(r)} {s}' for r, s in zip(row, symbols))
lhs = lhs[2:] if lhs.startswith('+') else f'-{lhs[2:]}'
I did this by randomly generating the left hand side and the solution within your constraints, then plugging the solutions into the equations to generate the right hand side. Feel free to ask for clarification about any part of the code.
import numpy as np
num_variables = int(input('Number of variables:'))
valid_integers = np.asarray([x for x in range(-10,11) if x != 0])
lhs = np.random.choice(valid_integers, lhs_shape)
solution = np.random.randint(-10, 11, num_variables)
rhs =
for i in range(num_variables):
for j in range(num_variables):
symbol = '=' if j == num_variables-1 else '+'
print(f'{lhs[i, j]:3d}*x{j+1} {symbol} ', end='')
for i in range(num_variables):
print(f'x{i+1} = {solution[i]}'
Example output:
Number of variables:2
2*x1 + -7*x2 = -84
-4*x1 + 1*x2 = 38
x1 = -7
x2 = 10

Navigating a grid

I stumbled upon a problem at Project Euler,
. I solved this by combinatorics but was left wondering if there is a dynamic programming solution to this problem or these kinds of problems overall. And say some squares of the grid are taken off - is that possible to navigate? I am using Python. How should I do that? Any tips are appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You can do a simple backtrack and explore an implicit graph like this: (comments explain most of it)
def explore(r, c, n, memo):
explore right and down from position (r,c)
report a rout once position (n,n) is reached
memo is a matrix which saves how many routes exists from each position to (n,n)
if r == n and c == n:
# one path has been found
return 1
elif r > n or c > n:
# crossing the border, go back
return 0
if memo[r][c] is not None:
return memo[r][c]
a= explore(r+1, c, n, memo) #move down
b= explore(r, c+1, n, memo) #move right
# return total paths found from this (r,c) position
memo[r][c]= a + b
return a+b
if __name__ == '__main__':
n= 20
memo = [[None] * (n+1) for _ in range(n+1)]
paths = explore(0, 0, n, memo)
Most straight-forwardly with python's built-in memoization util functools.lru_cache. You can encode missing squares as a frozenset (hashable) of missing grid points (pairs):
from functools import lru_cache
def paths(m, n, missing=None):
missing = missing or frozenset()
if (m, n) in missing:
return 0
if (m, n) == (0, 0):
return 1
over = paths(m, n-1, missing=missing) if n else 0
down = paths(m-1, n, missing=missing) if m else 0
return over + down
>>> paths(2, 2)
# middle grid point missing: only two paths
>>> paths(2, 2, frozenset([(1, 1)]))
>>> paths(20, 20)
There is also a mathematical solution (which is probably what you used):
def factorial(n):
result = 1
for i in range(1, n + 1):
result *= i
return result
def paths(w, h):
return factorial(w + h) / (factorial(w) * factorial(h))
This works because the number of paths is the same as the number of ways to choose to go right or down over w + h steps, where you go right w times, which is equal to w + h choose w, or (w + h)! / (w! * h!).
With missing grid squares, I think there is a combinatoric solution, but it's very slow if there are many missing squares, so dynamic programming would probably be better there.
For example, the following should work:
missing = [
[0, 1],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
def paths_helper(x, y, path_grid, missing):
if path_grid[x][y] is not None:
return path_grid[x][y]
if missing[x][y]:
path_grid[x][y] = 0
return 0
elif x < 0 or y < 0:
return 0
path_count = (paths_helper(x - 1, y, path_grid, missing) +
paths_helper(x, y - 1, path_grid, missing))
path_grid[x][y] = path_count
return path_count
def paths(missing):
arr = [[None] * w for _ in range(h)]
w = len(missing[0])
h = len(missing)
return paths_helper(w, h, arr, missing)
print paths()

Dynamic programming solution to maximizing an expression by placing parentheses

I'm trying to implement an algorithm from Algorithmic Toolbox course on Coursera that takes an arithmetic expression such as 5+8*4-2 and computes its largest possible value. However, I don't really understand the choice of indices in the last part of the shown algorithm; my implementation fails to compute values using the ones initialized in 2 tables (which are used to store maximized and minimized values of subexpressions).
The evalt function just takes the char, turns it into the operand and computes a product of two digits:
def evalt(a, b, op):
if op == '+':
return a + b
#and so on
MinMax computes the minimum and the maximum values of subexpressions
def MinMax(i, j, op, m, M):
mmin = 10000
mmax = -10000
for k in range(i, j-1):
a = evalt(M[i][k], M[k+1][j], op[k])
b = evalt(M[i][k], m[k+1][j], op[k])
c = evalt(m[i][k], M[k+1][j], op[k])
d = evalt(m[i][k], m[k+1][j], op[k])
mmin = min(mmin, a, b, c, d)
mmax = max(mmax, a, b, c, d)
return(mmin, mmax)
And this is the body of the main function
def get_maximum_value(dataset):
op = dataset[1:len(dataset):2]
d = dataset[0:len(dataset)+1:2]
n = len(d)
#iniitializing matrices/tables
m = [[0 for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)] #minimized values
M = [[0 for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)] #maximized values
for i in range(n):
m[i][i] = int(d[i]) #so that the tables will look like
M[i][i] = int(d[i]) #[[i, 0, 0...], [0, i, 0...], [0, 0, i,...]]
for s in range(n): #here's where I get confused
for i in range(n-s):
j = i + s
m[i][j], M[i][j] = MinMax(i,j,op,m,M)
return M[0][n-1]
Sorry to bother, here's what had to be improved:
for s in range(1,n)
in the main function, and
for k in range(i, j):
in MinMax function. Now it works.
The following change should work.
for s in range(1,n):
for i in range(0,n-s):

Random function with break command in Python

Write a function that accepts 3 numbers and calculates the average of the 3 numbers and raises the average to the second power (returns the average squared).
Write a loop that finds 3 random uniform numbers (0 to 1); sends the 3 numbers to the function and stops the loop when the value of the function is greater than 0.5625
I tried to figure out this 2 things but I am confused a little bit.
import random
a = random.random ()
b = random.random ()
c = random.random ()
def avenum(x1,x2,x3): # the average of the 3 numbers
z = (x1+x2+x3)/3.0
return z
y = avenum(a,b,c)
print 'the average of the 3 numbers = ',y
def avesec(x1,x2,x3): # the average of the second power
d = ((x1**2)+(x2**2)+(x3**2))/3.0
return d
y1 = avesec(a,b,c)
print 'the average of the second power = ',y1
The first question:
Write a function that accepts 3 numbers and calculates the average of the 3 numbers and raises the average to the second power (returns the average squared).
def square_of_average(x1, x2, x3):
z = (x1 + x2 + x3) / 3
return z ** 2 # This returns the square of the average
Your second question:
Write a loop that finds 3 random uniform numbers (0 to 1); sends the 3 numbers to the function and stops the loop when the value of the function is greater than 0.5625.
Assuming you want to write this in another function:
import random
def three_random_square_average():
z = 0 # initialize your answer
while(z <= 0.5625): # While the answer is less or equal than 0.5625...
# Generate three random numbers:
a, b, c = random.random(), random.random(), random.random()
# Assign the square of the average to your answer variable
z = square_of_average(a, b, c)
# When the loop exits, return the answer
return z
Another option:
import random
def three_random_squared_average():
a, b, c = random.random(), random.random(), random.random()
z = square_of_average(a, b, c)
if(z > 0.5625):
return z
If you don't want a function:
import random
z = 0
while(z < 0.5625):
z = square_of_average(random.random(), random.random(), random.random())
print z
Firstly for 1) - you're raising the average to the second power... not each value. Otherwise you want the average of the second powers of the input values.
import random
a = random.random ()
b = random.random ()
c = random.random ()
def avenum1(x1,x2,x3): # the average of the 3 numbers
z = ((x1+x2+x3)/3.0)**2
return z
For 2): There are better ways but this is the most obvious.
def avenum1(x1,x2,x3): # the average of the 3 numbers
z = ((x1+x2+x3)/3.0)**2
return z
avg = 0:
while avg<0.5625:
a = random.random ()
b = random.random ()
c = random.random ()
avg = avenum1(a,b,c)
The better way:
avg = 0
while avg<0.5625:
list_ = [random.random() for i in range(3)]
avg = (sum(list_)/3.0)**2

Python programming beginner difficulties

I am trying to write a program in Python, but I am stuck in this piece of code:
def function():
for x in range(5):
if a[x-1]>b:
return c
It gives me value 1 instead of 5. Actually the function I am trying to write is a little bit more complicated, but the problem is actually the same, it doesn't give me the right result.
def result():
while b>0:
for x in range(len(y)) :
if y[x-1] > 1/a and b>0:
return r
v is a list of values smaller than 1 and b has an integer as value. If some values x in v are bigger than 1/a then the values x in r should get 1 bigger, then it should repeat a=a+1 until b becomes 0. I want this function to give a result of the type for ex. [7,6,5,4,3] where the sum of the elements in this list is equal to b.
Sometimes it gives me the right value, sometimes not and when the elements in v are equal for example v=[0.33333,0.33333,0.33333] it gets stuck and doesn't give me a result.
I don't know what I am doing wrong !
Your return statements are incorrectly indented. You want to return after the loop ends, not inside the loop.
def function():
a = [3, 4, 5, 2, 4]
b = 1
c = 0
for x in range(5):
if a[x-1] > b:
c = c + 1
return c
Also, a couple of optimizations to the code:
def function(a, b):
c = 0
for x in a:
if x > b:
c += 1
return c
or further:
def function(a, b):
return sum(x > b for x in a)
return; only inside the fun in the end it.
and name the Variable v

