I am trying to plot angles and add the angles as text. This is what I have:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection='polar'))
ax.set_theta_offset(np.pi/2) # changes the 0 to be at the top
ax.set_theta_direction(-1) # clockwise
# ax.set_facecolor(green_plot_temp) # sets the background color
angle0 = 260
angle1 = 280
actual = np.radians(np.arange(angle0,angle1,1))
expected = np.arange(angle0,angle1,1)
r, theta = np.meshgrid(expected, actual)
values = np.ones((actual.size, expected.size))
# plot slice
ax.contourf(theta, r, values, colors='r') # color of the slice
# add the angles as text
text0_x = str(angle0)
text1_x = str(angle1)
ax.text(np.radians(angle0), ax.get_rmax(), text0_x, color="blue", ha='right', va='bottom', fontdict={'fontsize':11})
ax.text(np.radians(angle1), ax.get_rmax(), text1_x, color="blue", ha='left', va='top', fontdict={'fontsize':11})
This gives:
Now, I don't understand why the text 260 is outside the figure (that's the result I want obv.), and the text 280 is inside.
Replacing the angles with
angle0 = 160
angle1 = 270
Gives this figure:
I am quite lost.
In the end I am looping all that and making a lot of figures with different angles, and so far I have not managed to obtain consistent results with different angles.
I am plotting from a CSV file that contains Cartesian coordinates and I want to change it to Polar coordinates, then plot using the Polar coordinates.
Here is the code
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
df = pd.read_csv('test_for_plotting.csv',index_col = 0)
x_temp = df['x'].values
y_temp = df['y'].values
df['radius'] = np.sqrt( np.power(x_temp,2) + np.power(y_temp,2) )
df['theta'] = np.arctan2(y_temp,x_temp)
df['degrees'] = np.degrees(df['theta'].values)
df['radians'] = np.radians(df['degrees'].values)
ax = plt.axes(polar = True)
sns.set(rc={'axes.facecolor':'white', 'figure.facecolor':'white','figure.figsize':(10,10)})
# sns.scatterplot(data = df, x = 'x',y = 'y', s= 1,alpha = 0.1, color = 'black',ax = ax)
sns.scatterplot(data = df, x = 'radians',y = 'radius', s= 1,alpha = 0.1, color = 'black',ax = ax)
Here is the dataset
If you run this command using polar = False and use this line to plot sns.scatterplot(data = df, x = 'x',y = 'y', s= 1,alpha = 0.1, color = 'black',ax = ax) it will result in this picture
now after setting polar = True and run this line to plot sns.scatterplot(data = df, x = 'radians',y = 'radius', s= 1,alpha = 0.1, color = 'black',ax = ax) It is supposed to give you this
But it is not working as if you run the actual code the shape in the Polar format is the same as Cartesian which does not make sense and it does not match the picture I showed you for polar (If you are wondering where did I get the second picture from, I plotted it using R)
I would appreciate your help and insights and thanks in advance!
For a polar plot, the "x-axis" represents the angle in radians. So, you need to switch x and y, and convert the angles to radians (I also added ax=ax, as the axes was created explicitly):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
data = {'radius': [0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5], 'degrees': [0, 25, 75, 155, 245, 335]}
df_temp = pd.DataFrame(data)
ax = plt.axes(polar=True)
sns.scatterplot(x=np.radians(df_temp['degrees']), y=df_temp['radius'].to_numpy(),
s=100, alpha=1, color='black', ax=ax)
for deg, y in zip(df_temp['degrees'], df_temp['radius']):
x = np.radians(deg)
ax.axvline(x, color='skyblue', ls=':')
ax.text(x, y, f' {deg}', color='crimson')
ax.set_rlabel_position(-15) # Move radial labels away from plotted dots
About your new question: if you have an xy plot, and you convert these xy values to polar coordinates, and then plot these on a polar plot, you'll get again the same plot.
After some more testing with the data, I decided to create the plot directly with matplotlib, as seaborn makes some changes that don't have exactly equal effects across seaborn and matplotlib versions.
What seems to be happening in R:
The angles (given by "x") are spread out to fill the range (0,2 pi). This either requires a rescaling of x, or change how the x-values are mapped to angles. One way to get this, is subtracting the minimum. And with that result divide by the new maximum and multiply by 2 pi.
The 0 of the angles it at the top, and the angles go clockwise.
The following code should create the plot with Python. You might want to experiment with alpha and with s in the scatter plot options. (Default the scatter dots get an outline, which often isn't desired when working with very small dots, and can be removed by lw=0.)
ax = plt.axes(polar=True)
x_temp = df['x'].to_numpy()
y_temp = df['y'].to_numpy()
x_temp -= x_temp.min()
x_temp = x_temp / x_temp.max() * 2 * np.pi
ax.scatter(x=x_temp, y=y_temp, s=0.05, alpha=1, color='black', lw=0)
ax.set_rlim(y_temp.min(), y_temp.max())
ax.set_theta_zero_location("N") # set zero at the north (top)
ax.set_theta_direction(-1) # go clockwise
At the left the resulting image, at the right using the y-values for coloring (ax.scatter(..., c=y_temp, s=0.05, alpha=1, cmap='plasma_r', lw=0)):
The question is to read 10,000 coordinate points from a file and create a colored grid based on the density of each block on the grid. The range of x-axis is [-73.59, -73.55] and the y-axis is [45.49,45.530]. My code will plot a grid with many different colors, now I need a feature to only color the grid that has a specific density n, for example, The n = 100, only the grid with 100 points or higher will be colored to yellow, and other grids will be black.
I just added a link to my shapefile
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import shapefile
grid_size = 0.002
x1 = np.arange(-73.59,-73.55,grid_size)
y1 = np.arange(45.49,45.530,grid_size)
shape = shapefile.Reader("Shape/crime_dt.shp",encoding='ISO-8859-1')
shapeRecords = shape.shapeRecords()
# read all points in .shp file, and store them in 2 lists.
for k in range(len(shapeRecords)):
x = float(shapeRecords[k].shape.__geo_interface__["coordinates"][0])
y = float(shapeRecords[k].shape.__geo_interface__["coordinates"][1])
You can create a colormap with just two colors, and set vmin and vmax to be symmetrical around your desired pivot value.
Optionally you put the value of each bin inside the cells, while the pivot value decides the text color.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
grid_size = 0.002
x1 = np.arange(-73.59, -73.55, grid_size)
y1 = np.arange(45.49, 45.530, grid_size)
# read coordinates from file and put them into two lists, similar to this
x_coordinates = np.random.uniform(x1.min(), x1.max(), size=40000)
y_coordinates = np.random.uniform(y1.min(), y1.max(), size=40000)
pivot_value = 100
# create a colormap with two colors, vmin and vmax are chosen so that their center is the pivot value
cmap = ListedColormap(['indigo', 'gold'])
# create a 2d histogram with xs and ys as bin boundaries
binvalues, _, _, _ = plt.hist2d(x_coordinates, y_coordinates, bins=[x1, y1], cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=2*pivot_value)
binvalues = binvalues.astype(np.int)
for i in range(len(x1) - 1):
for j in range(len(y1) - 1):
plt.text((x1[i] + x1[i + 1]) / 2, (y1[j] + y1[j + 1]) / 2, binvalues[i, j],
color='white' if binvalues[i, j] < pivot_value else 'black',
ha='center', va='center', size=8)
PS: If the bin values are very important, you can add them all as ticks. Then, their positions can also be used to draw gridlines as a division between the cells.
plt.xticks(x1, rotation=90)
plt.grid(True, ls='-', lw=1, color='black')
To obtain contours based on these data, you could plt.contourf with the generated matrix. (You might want to use np.histogram2d to directly create the matrix.)
plt.contourf((x1[1:]+x1[:-1])/2, (y1[1:]+y1[:-1])/2, binvalues.T, levels=[0,100,1000], cmap=cmap)
I am creating a histogram for my data. Interestingly, when I plot my raw data and their histogram together on one plot, they are a "y-flipped" version of each other as follows:
I failed to find out the reason and fix it. My code snippet is as follows:
import math as mt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
x = np.random.randn(50)
y = np.random.randn(50)
w = np.random.randn(50)
leftBound, rightBound, topBound, bottomBound = min(x), max(x), max(y), min(y)
# parameters for histogram
x_edges = np.linspace(int(mt.floor(leftBound)), int(mt.ceil(rightBound)), int(mt.ceil(rightBound))-int(mt.floor(leftBound))+1)
y_edges = np.linspace(int(mt.floor(bottomBound)), int(mt.ceil(topBound)), int(mt.ceil(topBound))-int(mt.floor(bottomBound))+1)
# construct the histogram
wcounts = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=(x_edges, y_edges), normed=False, weights=w)[0]
# wcounts is a 2D array, with each element representing the weighted count in a bins
# show histogram
extent = x_edges[0], x_edges[-1], y_edges[0], y_edges[-1]
fig = plt.figure()
axes = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) # left, bottom, width, height (range 0 to 1)
axes.set_xlabel('x (m)')
axes.set_ylabel('y (m)')
histogram = axes.imshow(np.transpose(wcounts), extent=extent, alpha=1, vmin=0.5, vmax=5, cmap=cm.binary) # alpha controls the transparency
# show data
axes.plot(x, y, color = '#99ffff')
Since the data here are generated randomly for demonstration, I don't think it helps much, if the problem is with that particular data set. But anyway, if it is something wrong with the code, it still helps.
By default, axes.imshow(z) places array element z[0,0] in the top left corner of the axes (or the extent in this case). You probably want to either add the origin="bottom" argument to your imshow() call or pass a flipped data array, i.e., z[:,::-1].
I am creating a histogram for my data. Interestingly, when I plot my raw data and their histogram together on one plot, they are a "y-flipped" version of each other as follows:
I failed to find out the reason and fix it. My code snippet is as follows:
import math as mt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
x = np.random.randn(50)
y = np.random.randn(50)
w = np.random.randn(50)
leftBound, rightBound, topBound, bottomBound = min(x), max(x), max(y), min(y)
# parameters for histogram
x_edges = np.linspace(int(mt.floor(leftBound)), int(mt.ceil(rightBound)), int(mt.ceil(rightBound))-int(mt.floor(leftBound))+1)
y_edges = np.linspace(int(mt.floor(bottomBound)), int(mt.ceil(topBound)), int(mt.ceil(topBound))-int(mt.floor(bottomBound))+1)
# construct the histogram
wcounts = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=(x_edges, y_edges), normed=False, weights=w)[0]
# wcounts is a 2D array, with each element representing the weighted count in a bins
# show histogram
extent = x_edges[0], x_edges[-1], y_edges[0], y_edges[-1]
fig = plt.figure()
axes = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) # left, bottom, width, height (range 0 to 1)
axes.set_xlabel('x (m)')
axes.set_ylabel('y (m)')
histogram = axes.imshow(np.transpose(wcounts), extent=extent, alpha=1, vmin=0.5, vmax=5, cmap=cm.binary) # alpha controls the transparency
# show data
axes.plot(x, y, color = '#99ffff')
Since the data here are generated randomly for demonstration, I don't think it helps much, if the problem is with that particular data set. But anyway, if it is something wrong with the code, it still helps.
By default, axes.imshow(z) places array element z[0,0] in the top left corner of the axes (or the extent in this case). You probably want to either add the origin="bottom" argument to your imshow() call or pass a flipped data array, i.e., z[:,::-1].
I know this is well documented, but I'm struggling to implement this in my code.
I would like to shade the area under my graph with a colormap. Is it possible to have a colour, i.e. red from any points over 30, and a gradient up until that point?
I am using the method fill_between, but I'm happy to change this if there is a better way to do it.
def plot(sd_values):
plt.plot(x,sd_values, linewidth=1)
plt.fill_between(x,sd_values, cmap=plt.cm.jet)
This is the result at the moment. I have tried axvspan, but this doesnt have cmap as an option. Why does the below graph not show a colormap?
I'm not sure if the cmap argument should be part of the fill_between plotting command. In your case probably want to use the fill() command btw.
These fill commands create polygons or polygon collections. A polygon collection can take a cmap but with fill there is no way of providing the data on which it should be colored.
What's (for as far as i know) certainly not possible is to fill a single polygon with a gradient as you wish.
The next best thing is to fake it. You can plot a shaded image and clip it based on the created polygon.
# create some sample data
x = np.linspace(0, 1)
y = np.sin(4 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-5 * x) * 120
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# plot only the outline of the polygon, and capture the result
poly, = ax.fill(x, y, facecolor='none')
# get the extent of the axes
xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim()
# create a dummy image
img_data = np.arange(ymin,ymax,(ymax-ymin)/100.)
img_data = img_data.reshape(img_data.size,1)
# plot and clip the image
im = ax.imshow(img_data, aspect='auto', origin='lower', cmap=plt.cm.Reds_r, extent=[xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax], vmin=y.min(), vmax=30.)
The image is given an extent which basically stretches it over the entire axes. Then the clip_path makes it only showup where the fill polygon is drawn.
I think all you need is to do the plot of the data one at a time, like:
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import matplotlib.colors as colors
# Create fake data
x = numpy.linspace(0,4)
y = numpy.exp(x)
# Now plot one by one
bar_width = x[1] - x[0] # assuming x is linealy spaced
for pointx, pointy in zip(x,y):
current_color = cm.jet( min(pointy/30, 30)) # maximum of 30
plt.bar(pointx, pointy, bar_width, color = current_color)
Resulting in: