I have the following dataframe:
df = pd.DataFrame( columns = ['Name'])
df['Name'] = ['Aadam','adam','AdAm','adammm','Adam.','Bethh','beth.','beht','Beeth','Beth']
I want to clean the column in order to achieve the following:
df['Name Corrected'] = ['adam','adam','adam','adam','adam','beth','beth','beth','beth','beth']
Cleaned names are based on the following reference table:
ref = pd.DataFrame( columns = ['Cleaned Names'])
ref['Cleaned Names'] = ['adam','beth']
I am aware of fuzzy matching but I'm not sure if that's the most efficient way of solving the problem.
You can try:
out=pd.concat([df['Name'].str.contains(x,case=False).map({True:x}) for x in lst],axis=1)
df['Name corrected']=out.bfill(axis=1).iloc[:,0]
df['Name corrected']=df['Name corrected'].ffill()
#but In certain condition ffill() gives you wrong values
#created a list of words
out=pd.concat([df['Name'].str.contains(x,case=False).map({True:x}) for x in lst],axis=1)
#checking If the 'Name' column contain the word one at a time that are inside the list and that will give a boolean series of True and False and then we are mapping The value of that particular element that is inside list so True becomes that value and False become NaN and then we are concatinating both list of Series on axis=1 so that It becomes a Dataframe
df['Name corrected']=out.bfill(axis=1).iloc[:,0]
#Backword filling values on axis=1 and getting the 1st column
df['Name corrected']=df['Name corrected'].ffill()
#Forward filling the missing values
I have pandas dataframe which contains value in below format. How to filter dataframe which matches the 'd6d4e77e-b8ec-467a-ba06-1c6079aa2d82' in any of the value of type list part of PathDSC column
i tried
def get_projects_belongs_to_root_project(project_df, root_project_id):
filter_project_df = project_df.query("root_project_id in PathDSC")
it didn't work i got empty dataframe
Assuming the values of PathDSC column are lists of strings, you can check row-wise if each list contains the wanted value and mask those rows using Series.apply. Then select only those rows using boolean indexing.
def get_projects_belongs_to_root_project(project_df, root_project_id):
mask = project_df['PathDSC'].apply(lambda lst: root_project_id in lst)
filter_project_df = project_df[mask]
# ...
root_project_id = 'd6d4e77e-b8ec-467a-ba06-1c6079aa2d82'
df = df[df['PathDSC'].str.contains(root_project_id)]
I've got a tricky problem in pandas to solve. I was previously referred to this thread as a solution but it is not what I am looking for.
Take this example dataframe with two columns:
df = pd.DataFrame([['Mexico', 'Chile'], ['Nicaragua', 'Nica'], ['Colombia', 'Mex']], columns = ["col1", "col2"])
I first want to check each row in column 2 to see if that value exists in column 1. This is checking full and partial strings.
df['compare'] = df['col2'].apply(lambda x: 'Yes' if df['col1'].str.contains(x).any() else 'No')
I can check to see that I have a match of a partial or full string, which is good but not quite what I need. Here is what the dataframe looks like now:
What I really want is the value from column 1 which the value in column 2 matched with. I have not been able to figure out how to associate them
My desired result looks like this:
Here's a "pandas-less" way to do it. Probably not very efficient but it gets the job done:
def compare_cols(match_col, partial_col):
series = []
for partial_str in partial_col:
for match_str in match_col:
if partial_str in match_str:
break # matches to the first value found in match_col
else: # for loop did not break = no match found
return series
df = pd.DataFrame([['Mexico', 'Chile'], ['Nicaragua', 'Nica'], ['Colombia', 'Mex']], columns = ["col1", "col2"])
df['compare'] = compare_cols(match_col=df.col1, partial_col=df.col2)
Note that if a string in col2 matches to more than one string in col1, the first occurrence is used.
I have pandas df which has 7000 rows * 7 columns. And I have list (row_list) that consists with the value that I want to filter out from df.
What I want to do is to filter out the rows if the rows from df contain the corresponding value in the list.
This is what I got when I tried,
"Empty DataFrame
Columns: [A,B,C,D,E,F,G]
Index: []"
df = pd.read_csv('filename.csv')
df1 = pd.read_csv('filename1.csv', names = 'A')
row_list = []
for index, rows in df1.iterrows():
my_list = [rows.A]
boolean_series = df.D.isin(row_list)
filtered_df = df[boolean_series]
boolean_series = df.RightInsoleImage.isin(row_list)
boolean_series = df.RightInsoleImage.isin(df1.A)
And let us know the result. If it doesn't work show a sample of df and df1.A
(1) generating separate dfs for each condition, concat, then dedup (slow)
(2) a custom function to annotate with bool column (default as False, then annotated True if condition is fulfilled), then filter based on that column
(3) keep a list of indices of all rows with your row_list values, then filter using iloc based on your indices list
Without an MRE, sample data, or a reason why your method didn't work, it's difficult to provide a more specific answer.
I have a dataframe and I have a list of some column names that correspond to the dataframe. How do I filter the dataframe so that it != the list of column names, i.e. I want the dataframe columns that are outside the specified list.
I tried the following:
quant_vair = X != true_binary_cols
but get the output error of: Unable to coerce to Series, length must be 545: given 155
Been battling for hours, any help will be appreciated.
It will help:
df.drop(columns = ["col1", "col2"])
You can either drop the columns from the dataframe, or create a list that does not contain all these columns:
df_filtered = df.drop(columns=true_binary_cols)
filtered_col = [col for col in df if col not in true_binary_cols]
df_filtered = df[filtered_col]
I'm initializing a DataFrame:
columns = ['Thing','Time']
df_new = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
and then writing values to it like this:
for t in df.Thing.unique():
df_temp = df[df['Thing'] == t] #filtering the df
df_new.loc[counter,'Thing'] = t #writing the filter value to df_new
df_new.loc[counter,'Time'] = dftemp['delta'].sum(axis=0) #summing and adding that value to the df_new
counter += 1 #increment the row index
Is there are better way to add new values to the dataframe each time without explicitly incrementing the row index with 'counter'?
If I'm interpreting this correctly, I think this can be done in one line:
newDf = df.groupby('Thing')['delta'].sum().reset_index()
By grouping by 'Thing', you have the various "t-filters" from your for-loop. We then apply a sum() to 'delta', but only within the various "t-filtered" groups. At this point, the dataframe has the various values of "t" as the indices, and the sums of the "t-filtered deltas" as a corresponding column. To get to your desired output, we then bump the "t's" into their own column via reset_index().