I am trying to train a segmentation algorithm with FastAi. I have training and validation data in separate folders, so was planning on using GrandparentSplitter() but for some reason the validation set is empty.
My files are organised as below:
Path ---> train ---> images
---> masks
---> valid ---> images
---> masks
And this is how I set up my datablock and dataloader:
codes = np.array(['background', 'prostate'])
def label_func(x): return path/'train/masks'/f'{x.stem}_mask.png'
db = DataBlock(blocks=(ImageBlock(), MaskBlock(codes)),
splitter=GrandparentSplitter(train_name='train', valid_name='valid'),
dls = db.dataloaders(path/'train/images', bs=1)
I am assuming there is something wrong with how I organised the files.
i could not make it work with the grandparent
just implement my own get_files
I've trained a Tensorflow Lite (TFLite) model saved as a *.tflite file.
I'm writing code that lets me pick a tflite file, and a folder containing images, and then runs inference on this images using that model.
Here is what I have written:
def testModel(self, testData):
#Test any model on any dataset
model = "**path to model file**"
#Loading TFLite model and allocating tensors.
interpreter = tf.lite.Interpreter(model_path=model)
# Get input and output tensors.
input_details = interpreter.get_input_details()
output_details = interpreter.get_output_details()
rawImg = "**path to test images folder**"
imgNameList = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), rawImg) + os.sep + '*') # gets list of image names in dir
#creates dataset and dataloader from images
testDataset = SalObjDataset(img_name_list = imgNameList,lbl_name_list = [], transform=transforms.Compose([RescaleT(224),ToTensorLab(flag=0)]))
testDataloader = DataLoader(testDataset,batch_size=1,shuffle=False)
#loops through dataloader (goes through each image file)
for _, data in enumerate(testDataloader):
inputImg = data['image']
if torch.cuda.is_available():
inputImg = Variable(inputImg.cuda())
inputImg = Variable(inputImg)
#rearranges dimensions in image file to match the expected input dimensions
#also changes the type to uint8 as expected
inputImg = tf.transpose(inputImg.cpu(), perm = [0,2,3,1])
inputImg = tf.cast(inputImg, tf.uint8)
interpreter.set_tensor(input_details[0]['index'], inputImg)
output_data = interpreter.get_tensor_details()
if __name__ == '__main__':
#initialise object with the modelID of the model you want to test
#pass the testing data folder name to testModel()
#this is the folder where the model is
modelID = "model_1"
tester = ModelTrainer(modelID)
#this is the folder where the testing images are
The way our it's setup, the images for each label are stored in their own subdirectory, so all images of a 'plant' would be in folder/plant/image-1.jpg.
I'm not sure if I'm using 'interpreter.set_tensor' correctly, I've gone through the documentation quite intensively and I'm still a bit confused.
I'm also not sure how to make sense of the output, I would like to somehow get a loss/accuracy value, how do I go about doing this?
My output is currently just [[255]] for each image.
I'm assuming you have trained a object detection Have you added necessary metadata needed for interpreter to get the Outputs according to image given below Outputs
if not make sure to use metadata writer API
use this notebook for writing metadata in which pass the labels and model which
does not have any metadata in it
TensorFlow Lite Metadata Writer API provides an easy-to-use API to create Model Metadata for popular ML tasks supported by the TFLite Task Library. This notebook shows examples on how the metadata should be populated for the following tasks below:
Image classifiers
Object detectors
Image segmenters
Natural language classifiers
Audio classifiers
I have a folder name "seg_train" in which I have 6 labeled folders: building, tree, street, glacier, forest, sea and mountain. I am trying to read all the images in these folders using open cv and for that I have written a function but I don't know what I am doing wrong. There are approximately 14000 files in these 6 folders all together but the function I wrote is reading only 2300 from one folder. Could you please help?
Here's the python code
result- Shape of Images: (2382, 150, 150, 3)
Shape of Labels: (2382,)
i was expecting (14000,150,150,3)
for image_file in os.listdir(r'C:/Users/dhvan/Desktop/intel-image-classification/seg_train/seg_train/'+ labels):
image = cv2.imread(r'C:/Users/dhvan/Desktop/intel-image-classification/seg_train/seg_train/' + labels + r'/'+ image_file)
image = cv2.resize(image,(150,150))
return shuffle(Images,Labels,random_state=812490023)
I suggest the code below. Also I think if you try to read in 14000 images of size (150,150,3) you will get a resource exhaust error because this will use a very large amount
of memory. If you are building a CNN classifier I recommend you read the images in in batches using the Keras ImageDataGenerator.flowfrom directory, documentation is here
import os
path_to_labels=os.path.join (dir, 'labels')
for images in dir_list:
path_to_images=os.path.join (path_to_labels, images)
I started to learn ML using Tensorflow/Deeplab. I tried to train my own model from scratch for clothes recognition using semantic segmentation with mobilenet_v2 model variant. But I don't get results.
I'm using tensorflow/models for tfrecord export and training. And deeplab/example code for visualization and testing purpose (renamed locally as main.py), I modify some lines so I can get the local models and testing image.
I'll show the process I followed:
Download 100 JPEG images (I know is not that big, but I guess I can try it with this amount). Just for 1 class -> shirts
Create the segmentation class PNG for each image.
Create the files image sets definition for: train(85 filenames), trainval(100 filenames) and val(15 filenames).
So my "pascal dataset" directory has: ImageSets, JPEGImages and SegmentationClassPNG folders.
Export the "pascal dataset" directory to tfrecord like this (I'm on "models-master/research/deeplab/datasets" folder):
py build_voc2012_data.py --image_folder="pasc_imgs/JPEGImages" --semantic_segmentation_folder="pasc_imgs/SegmentationClassPNG" --list_folder="pasc_imgs/ImageSets" --image_format="jpg" --output_dir="train/tfrecord"
this works fine, it generates *.tfrecord files on "train/tfrecord"
I edited "models-master/research/deeplab/data_generator.py" like this: {'train': 85, 'trainval': 100, 'val': 15}, num_classes=2.
Now time to start the training, (I'm on "models-master/research/deeplab"). I used 10000 steps, why? I proved with 30000 and takes like 30 hours with no results, so I reduce it with new params. I guess 10000 steps could show me something:
py train.py --logtostderr --training_number_of_steps=10000 --train_split="train" --model_variant="mobilenet_v2" --output_stride=16 --decoder_output_stride=4 --train_batch_size=1 --dataset="pascal_voc_seg" --train_logdir="datasets/train/deeplab_model_mn" --dataset_dir="datasets/train/tfrecord"
This step takes almost 8 hours (have a tiny GPU, so.. can't use it), and it generates the checkpoint, graph.pbtxt, and model.ckpt-XXX (10000 included) files.
I exported the previous result with (I'm on "models-master/research/deeplab") this command line:
py export_model.py --checkpoint_path=datasets/train/deeplab_model_mn/model.ckpt-10000 --export_path=datasets/train/deeplab_inference_mn/frozen_inference_graph.pb --model_variant="mobilenet_v2" --output_stride=16 --num_classes=2
It creates the frozen graph (frozen_inference_graph.pb).
Now run: py main.py (proof image and frozen_inference_graph.pb already imported)
No results with my custom model. This last script works with pre-trained mobilenetv2_coco_voc_trainaug. Not with my custom model
data_generator.py (edited lines):
'train': 85,
'trainval': 100,
'val': 15,
num_classes=2,# 0:background, 1:shirt
Image example (1/100) that I'm using for training (I used the labelMe utility):
main.py result for mobilenetv2_coco_voc_trainaug (shirt as a person, that's ok) and my custom model :
mobilenetv2_coco_voc_trainaug result
my custom model result
As you can see, my model fails. I've been testing many combinations without success. What should I do? Thank you!
Ok, I had the same problem and after many attempts I've done it.
First, you should make correct masks. If you use one class you should create the masks with indexed color map, and all pixels should be 0 or 1, 0 - background, 1 - mask (there're 255 colors in the indexed color map).
Second, you need a bigger dataset. I tried training using a dataset with ~200 images and got no results (even with a correct dataset) even on checkpoint-30k. But when I tried training using a dataset with 450 images I had some results only from ~9000 epoch. There was no improvement after the ~18000 epoch, but the results were plausible (though far from ideal). Then I was training a model with 1100 images, but the results were the same.
I have transformed MNIST images saved as .pt files in a folder in Google drive. I'm writing my Pytorch code in Colab.
I would like to use these files, and create a Dataset that stores these images as Tensors. How can I do this?
Transforming images during training took too long. Hence, transformed them and saved them all as .pt files. I just want to load them back as a dataset and use them in my model.
The approach you are following to save images is indeed a good idea. In such a case, you can simply write your own Dataset class to load the images.
from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader
from torch.utils.data.sampler import RandomSampler
class ReaderDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, filename):
# load the images from file
def __len__(self):
# return total dataset size
def __getitem__(self, index):
# write your code to return each batch element
Then you can create Dataloader as follows.
train_dataset = ReaderDataset(filepath)
train_sampler = RandomSampler(train_dataset)
train_loader = DataLoader(
# args is a dictionary containing parameters
# batchify is a custom function that prepares each mini-batch
I am working on training my own images read from my folders. I would be thankful if you could help me for this.
I successfully read my all images from the folder and create my own onehot_encoded labels. However, in each time I run my code, it takes a lot of time to do read all images from the folders. Therefore, I want to create dataset from these images and save it like MNIST to use faster. Thus, I will not read my whole images again. Could you please help me for this?
The code is:
path = "D:/cleandata/train_data/"
loadedImages = []
labels = []
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
for i in range(len(os.listdir(path))):
imagesList = listdir(path+os.listdir(path)[i])
for image in imagesList:
image_raw_data_jpg tf.gfile.FastGFile(path+os.listdir(path)
[i]+'/'+image, 'rb').read()
raw_image =tf.image.decode_png(image_raw_data_jpg,3)
gray_resize=tf.image.resize_images(raw_image, [28, 28])
image_data =
Here is a tutorial on how to use a TFRecords file. It shows how to create the file (containing images and labels) and read from it.
Or you could just use zipfile, and include the label in the image file name, thus keeping them together (that is what I did)