How to set norm for multiple plots in matplotlib? - python

Doing plt.set_cmap('coolwarm') one can set the coolwarm colormap as default. I also want to set a normalization like CenteredNorm for multiple plots.
The motivation for my question is to avoid having a keyword parameter norm=CenteredNorm(vcenter=0) in all my pcolor calls.
Despite search attempts in the docs for normalization and for colormaps and about the cm namespace (I'm not sure if that's just a namespace or a class), I haven't found a way to do that. Maybe it is because I don't understand deeply how they work. Can someone help?


Matplotlib plot function output differs from seaborn's lineplot

I want to plot a PDF function given data which follows a normal distribution. Mainly I followed this link.
Now, if I am working on the data created like on that website (x=np.linspace()) and I plot it with either seaborn.lineplot() or matplotlib.pyplot.plot(), I get a normal curve as shown on the website linked above. But when I do this with my own data (which I believe is normal, but with a lot more data points) instead of initializing it with np.linspace I get a clear normal curve with seaborn's lineplot and a messy normal curve with matplotlib's plot function.
I have tried to look for default arguments on both functions but couldn't find any (except estimator) which would cause this behavior. The estimator argument of Seaborn's lineplot was the only argument that looked like it could do something like this but setting it to None did not make any difference (and it kind of makes sense I think since the y value is always same for a specific x so averaging out will produce the same value).
I used to think both functions are the same, but then why do they have different output?
The Seaborn lineplot function has the default parameter sort=True.
So unless you tell it not to, it'll order the data for you. This is not something which pyplot.plot() does, instead it'll draw lines between the points in the order provided.
If you want to order the data before plotting it using Pyplot, there's a good solution for how to do that.

Using matplotlib when one should use `axes`?

Let me first say I've never studied matplotlib and pyplot organically. I've been able to employ these fantastic tools to some success however without developing a big picture of how things are supposed to be used. One of the thing that confuse me the most is the use of axes instances.
In many occasions I have found solutions to a particular problem which make use of axes or do not.
Example: one can set ticks to the x-axis through matplotlib.pyplot.xticks without using axes or through matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xticks.
I usually try to avoid the use of axes. However there are times at which this seems to not be possible. For example when trying to use subplots with shared axis.
Can someone help me to shed some light on this subject? When am i supposed to use axes? When should I not?

Data visualization in python (matplotlib) [duplicate]

I'm not really new to matplotlib and I'm deeply ashamed to admit I have always used it as a tool for getting a solution as quick and easy as possible. So I know how to get basic plots, subplots and stuff and have quite a few code which gets reused from time to time...but I have no "deep(er) knowledge" of matplotlib.
Recently I thought I should change this and work myself through some tutorials. However, I am still confused about matplotlibs plt, fig(ure) and ax(arr). What is really the difference?
In most cases, for some "quick'n'dirty' plotting I see people using just pyplot as plt and directly plot with plt.plot. Since I am having multiple stuff to plot quite often, I frequently use f, axarr = plt.subplots()...but most times you see only code putting data into the axarr and ignoring the figure f.
So, my question is: what is a clean way to work with matplotlib? When to use plt only, what is or what should a figure be used for? Should subplots just containing data? Or is it valid and good practice to everything like styling, clearing a plot, ..., inside of subplots?
I hope this is not to wide-ranging. Basically I am asking for some advice for the true purposes of plt <-> fig <-> ax(arr) (and when/how to use them properly).
Tutorials would also be welcome. The matplotlib documentation is rather confusing to me. When one searches something really specific, like rescaling a legend, different plot markers and colors and so on the official documentation is really precise but rather general information is not that good in my opinion. Too much different examples, no real explanations of the purposes...looks more or less like a big listing of all possible API methods and arguments.
pyplot is the 'scripting' level API in matplotlib (its highest level API to do a lot with matplotlib). It allows you to use matplotlib using a procedural interface in a similar way as you can do it with Matlab. pyplot has a notion of 'current figure' and 'current axes' that all the functions delegate to (#tacaswell dixit). So, when you use the functions available on the module pyplot you are plotting to the 'current figure' and 'current axes'.
If you want 'fine-grain' control of where/what your are plotting then you should use an object oriented API using instances of Figure and Axes.
Functions available in pyplot have an equivalent method in the Axes.
From the repo anatomy of matplotlib:
The Figure is the top-level container in this hierarchy. It is the overall window/page that everything is drawn on. You can have multiple independent figures and Figures can contain multiple Axes.
Most plotting occurs on an Axes. The axes is effectively the area that we plot data on and any ticks/labels/etc associated with it. Usually we'll set up an Axes with a call to subplot (which places Axes on a regular grid), so in most cases, Axes and Subplot are synonymous.
Each Axes has an XAxis and a YAxis. These contain the ticks, tick locations, labels, etc.
If you want to know the anatomy of a plot you can visit this link.
I think that this tutorial explains well the basic notions of the object hierarchy of matplotlib like Figure and Axes, as well as the notion of current figure and current Axes.
If you want a quick answer: There is the Figure object which is the container that wraps multiple Axes(which is different from axis) which also contains smaller objects like legends, line, tick marks ... as shown in this image taken from matplotlib documentation
So when we do
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
>>> type(fig)
<class 'matplotlib.figure.Figure'>
>>> type(ax)
<class 'matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot'>
We have created a Figure object and an Axes object that is contained in that figure.
pyplot is matlab like API for those who are familiar with matlab and want to make quick and dirty plots
figure is object-oriented API for those who doesn't care about matlab style plotting
So you can use either one but perhaps not both together.

Plotting distribution from sampled data in python

I have two sets of sampled points in 2d space[x ,y], each set represents one class. When I plot all points, it's mess and one can't see anything on it. I need somehow plot distribution of each set (if it's possible on same canvas with different colours, then better). Does anybody know about some good library for it?
Matplotlib is a very good library for that task. You can plot histograms, scatter plots and lot of other things. You just have to know what you want and then you can probably do it with that. I use that for similar tasks a lot.
As I said, you can do that with matplotlib. Here is an example from their gallery:
It's not so pretty as with the answer in the comment of #lejlot, but still correct.

Embed matplotlib figure in larger figure

I am writing a bunch of scripts and functions for processing astronomical data. I have a set of galaxies, for which I want to plot some different properties in a 3-panel plot. I have an example of the layout here:
Now, this is not a problem. But sometimes, I want to create this plot just for a single galaxy. In other cases, I want to make a larger plot consisting of subplots that each are made up of the three+pane structure, like this mockup:
For the sake of modularity and reusability of my code, I would like to do something to the effect of just letting my function return a matplotlib.figure.Figure object and then let the caller - function or interactive session - decide whether to show() or savefig the object or embed it in a larger figure. But I cannot seem to find any hints of this in the documentation or elsewhere, it doesn't seem to be something people do that often.
Any suggestions as to what would be the best road to take? I have speculated whether using axes_grid would be the solution, but it doesn't seem quite clean and caller-agnostic to me. Any suggestions?
The best solution is to separate the figure layout logic from the plotting logic. Write your plotting code something like this:
def three_panel_plot(data, ploting_args, ax1, ax2, ax3):
# what you do to plot
So now the code that turns data -> images takes as arguments the data and where it should plot that data too.
If you want to do just one, it's easy, if you want to do a 3x3 grid, you just need to generate the layout and then loop over the axes sets + data.
The way you are suggesting (returning an object out of your plotting routine) would be very hard in matplotlib, the internals are too connected.

