I have xy coordinates that represents a subject over a given space. It is referenced from another point and is therefore off centre. As in the longitudinal axes is not aligned along the x-axis.
The randomly generated ellipse below provides an indication of this:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import scatter
xx = np.array([-0.51, 51.2])
yy = np.array([0.33, 51.6])
means = [xx.mean(), yy.mean()]
stds = [xx.std() / 3, yy.std() / 3]
corr = 0.8 # correlation
covs = [[stds[0]**2 , stds[0]*stds[1]*corr],
[stds[0]*stds[1]*corr, stds[1]**2]]
m = np.random.multivariate_normal(means, covs, 1000).T
scatter(m[0], m[1])
To straighten the coordinates I was thinking of applying the vector to a rotation matrix.
Would something like this work?
angle = 65.
theta = (angle/180.) * np.pi
rotMatrix = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)],
[np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
This may also seem like a silly question but is there a way to determine if the resulting vector of xy coordinates is perpendicular? Or will you just have to play around with the rotation angle?
You can use sklearn.decomposition.PCA (principal component analysis) with n_components=2 to extract the smallest angle required to rotate the point cloud such that its major axis is horizontal.
Runnable example
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
xx = np.array([-0.51, 51.2])
yy = np.array([0.33, 51.6])
means = [xx.mean(), yy.mean()]
stds = [xx.std() / 3, yy.std() / 3]
corr = 0.8 # correlation
covs = [[stds[0]**2, stds[0]*stds[1]*corr],
[stds[0]*stds[1]*corr, stds[1]**2]]
m = np.random.multivariate_normal(means, covs, 1000)
pca = PCA(2)
# This was in my first answer attempt: fit_transform works fine, but it randomly
# flips (mirrors) points across one of the principal axes.
# m2 = pca.fit_transform(m)
# Workaround: get the rotation angle from the PCA components and manually
# build the rotation matrix.
# Fit the PCA object, but do not transform the data
# pca.components_ : array, shape (n_components, n_features)
# cos theta
ct = pca.components_[0, 0]
# sin theta
st = pca.components_[0, 1]
# One possible value of theta that lies in [0, pi]
t = np.arccos(ct)
# If t is in quadrant 1, rotate CLOCKwise by t
if ct > 0 and st > 0:
t *= -1
# If t is in Q2, rotate COUNTERclockwise by the complement of theta
elif ct < 0 and st > 0:
t = np.pi - t
# If t is in Q3, rotate CLOCKwise by the complement of theta
elif ct < 0 and st < 0:
t = -(np.pi - t)
# If t is in Q4, rotate COUNTERclockwise by theta, i.e., do nothing
elif ct > 0 and st < 0:
# Manually build the ccw rotation matrix
rotmat = np.array([[np.cos(t), -np.sin(t)],
[np.sin(t), np.cos(t)]])
# Apply rotation to each row of m
m2 = (rotmat # m.T).T
# Center the rotated point cloud at (0, 0)
m2 -= m2.mean(axis=0)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plot_kws = {'alpha': '0.75',
'edgecolor': 'white',
'linewidths': 0.75}
ax.scatter(m[:, 0], m[:, 1], **plot_kws)
ax.scatter(m2[:, 0], m2[:, 1], **plot_kws)
Warning: pca.fit_transform() sometimes flips (mirrors) the point cloud
The principal components can randomly come out as either positive or negative. In some cases, your point cloud may appear flipped upside down or even mirrored across one of its principal axes. (To test this, change the random seed and re-run the code until you observe flipping.) There's an in-depth discussion here (based in R, but the math is relevant). To correct this, you'd have to replace the fit_transform line with manual flipping of one or both components' signs, then multiply the sign-flipped component matrix by the point cloud array.
Indeed a very useful concept here is a linear transformation of a vector v performed by a matrix A. If you treat your scatter points as the tip of vectors originating from (0,0), then is very easy to rotate them any angle theta. A matrix that performs such rotation of theta would be
A = [[cos(theta) -sin(theta]
[sin(theta) cos(theta)]]
Evidently, when theta is 90 degrees this results into
A = [[ 0 1]
[-1 0]]
And to apply the rotation you would only need to perform the matrix multiplication w = A v
With this, the current goal is to perform a matrix multiplication of the vectors stored in m with x,y tips as m[0],m[1]. The rotated vector are gonna be stored in m2. Below is the relevant code to do so. Note that I have transposed m for an easier computation of the matrix multiplication (performed with #) and that the rotation angle is 90 degress counterclockwise.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xx = np.array([-0.51, 51.2])
yy = np.array([0.33, 51.6])
means = [xx.mean(), yy.mean()]
stds = [xx.std() / 3, yy.std() / 3]
corr = 0.8 # correlation
covs = [[stds[0]**2 , stds[0]*stds[1]*corr],
[stds[0]*stds[1]*corr, stds[1]**2]]
m = np.random.multivariate_normal(means, covs, 1000).T
plt.scatter(m[0], m[1])
theta_deg = 90
theta_rad = np.deg2rad(theta_deg)
A = np.matrix([[np.cos(theta_rad), -np.sin(theta_rad)],
[np.sin(theta_rad), np.cos(theta_rad)]])
m2 = np.zeros(m.T.shape)
for i,v in enumerate(m.T):
w = A # v.T
m2[i] = w
m2 = m2.T
plt.scatter(m2[0], m2[1])
This leads to the rotated scatter plot:
You can be sure that the rotated version is exactly 90 degrees counterclockwise with the linear transformation.
To find the rotation angle you need to apply in order for the scatter plot to be aligned with the x axis a good approach is to find the linear approximation of the scattered data with numpy.polyfit. This yields to a linear function by providing the slope and the intercept of the y axis b. Then get the rotation angle with the arctan function of the slope and compute the transformation matrix as before. You can do this by adding the following part to the code
slope, b = np.polyfit(m[1], m[0], 1)
x = np.arange(min(m[0]), max(m[0]), 1)
y_line = slope*x + b
plt.plot(x, y_line, color='r')
theta_rad = -np.arctan(slope)
And result to the plot you were seeking
Edit 2
Because #Peter Leimbigler pointed out that numpy.polyfit does not find the correct global direction of the scattered data, I have thought that you can get the average slope by averaging the x and y parts of the data. This is to find another slope, called slope2 (depicted in green now) to apply the rotation. So simply,
slope, b = np.polyfit(m[1], m[0], 1)
x = np.arange(min(m[0]), max(m[0]), 1)
y_line = slope*x + b
slope2 = np.mean(m[1])/np.mean(m[0])
y_line2 = slope2*x + b
plt.plot(x, y_line, color='r')
plt.plot(x, y_line2, color='g')
theta_rad = -np.arctan(slope2)
And by applying the linear transformation with the rotation matrix you get
If the slope of the two lines multiplied together is equal to -1 than they are perpendicular.
The other case this is true, is when one slope is 0 and the other is undefined (a perfectly horizontal line and a perfectly vertical line).
I have an application that requires a disk populated with 'n' points in a quasi-random fashion. I want the points to be somewhat random, but still have a more or less regular density over the disk.
My current method is to place a point, check if it's inside the disk, and then check if it is also far enough away from all other points already kept. My code is below:
import os
import random
import math
# ------------------------------------------------ #
# geometric constants
center_x = -1188.2
center_y = -576.9
center_z = -3638.3
disk_distance = 2.0*5465.6
disk_diam = 5465.6
# ------------------------------------------------ #
pts_per_disk = 256
closeness_criteria = 200.0
min_closeness_criteria = disk_diam/closeness_criteria
disk_center = [(center_x-disk_distance),center_y,center_z]
pts_in_disk = []
while len(pts_in_disk) < (pts_per_disk):
potential_pt_x = disk_center[0]
potential_pt_dy = random.uniform(-disk_diam/2.0, disk_diam/2.0)
potential_pt_y = disk_center[1]+potential_pt_dy
potential_pt_dz = random.uniform(-disk_diam/2.0, disk_diam/2.0)
potential_pt_z = disk_center[2]+potential_pt_dz
potential_pt_rad = math.sqrt((potential_pt_dy)**2+(potential_pt_dz)**2)
if potential_pt_rad < (disk_diam/2.0):
far_enough_away = True
for pt in pts_in_disk:
if math.sqrt((potential_pt_x - pt[0])**2+(potential_pt_y - pt[1])**2+(potential_pt_z - pt[2])**2) > min_closeness_criteria:
far_enough_away = False
if far_enough_away:
outfile_name = "pt_locs_x_lo_"+str(pts_per_disk)+"_pts.txt"
outfile = open(outfile_name,'w')
for pt in pts_in_disk:
outfile.write(" ".join([("%.5f" % (pt[0]/1000.0)),("%.5f" % (pt[1]/1000.0)),("%.5f" % (pt[2]/1000.0))])+'\n')
In order to get the most even point density, what I do is basically iteratively run this script using another script, with the 'closeness' criteria reduced for each successive iteration. At some point, the script can not finish, and I just use the points of the last successful iteration.
So my question is rather broad: is there a better way to do this? My method is ok for now, but my gut says that there is a better way to generate such a field of points.
An illustration of the output is graphed below, one with a high closeness criteria, and another with a 'lowest found' closeness criteria (what I want).
A simple solution based on Disk Point Picking from MathWorld:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n = 1000
r = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=n) # radius
theta = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=2*np.pi, size=n) # angle
x = np.sqrt(r) * np.cos(theta)
y = np.sqrt(r) * np.sin(theta)
# for plotting circle line:
a = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 500)
cx,cy = np.cos(a), np.sin(a)
fg, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.plot(cx, cy,'-', alpha=.5) # draw unit circle line
ax.plot(x, y, '.') # plot random points
It gives.
Alternatively, you also could create a regular grid and distort it randomly:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri
n = 20
tt = np.linspace(-1, 1, n)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(tt, tt) # create unit square grid
s_x, s_y = xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()
ii = np.argwhere(s_x**2 + s_y**2 <= 1).ravel() # mask off unwanted points
x, y = s_x[ii], s_y[ii]
triang = tri.Triangulation(x, y) # create triangluar grid
# distort the grid
g = .5 # distortion factor
rx = x + np.random.uniform(low=-g/n, high=g/n, size=x.shape)
ry = y + np.random.uniform(low=-g/n, high=g/n, size=y.shape)
rtri = tri.Triangulation(rx, ry, triang.triangles) # distorted grid
# for circle:
a = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 500)
cx,cy = np.cos(a), np.sin(a)
fg, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.plot(cx, cy,'k-', alpha=.2) # circle line
ax.triplot(triang, "g-", alpha=.4)
ax.triplot(rtri, 'b-', alpha=.5)
It gives
The triangles are just there for visualization. The obvious disadvantage is that depending on your choice of grid, either in the middle or on the borders (as shown here), there will be more or less large "holes" due to the grid discretization.
If you have a defined area like a disc (circle) that you wish to generate random points within you are better off using an equation for a circle and limiting on the radius:
x^2 + y^2 = r^2 (0 < r < R)
or parametrized to two variables
cos(a) = x/r
sin(a) = y/r
sin^2(a) + cos^2(a) = 1
To generate something like the pseudo-random distribution with low density you should take the following approach:
For randomly distributed ranges of r and a choose n points.
This allows you to generate your distribution to roughly meet your density criteria.
To understand why this works imagine your circle first divided into small rings of length dr, now imagine your circle divided into pie slices of angle da. Your randomness now has equal probability over the whole boxed area arou d the circle. If you divide the areas of allowed randomness throughout your circle you will get a more even distribution around the overall circle and small random variation for the individual areas giving you the psudo-random look and feel you are after.
Now your job is just to generate n points for each given area. You will want to have n be dependant on r as the area of each division changes as you move out of the circle. You can proportion this to the exact change in area each space brings:
for the n-th to n+1-th ring:
d(Area,n,n-1) = Area(n) - Area(n-1)
The area of any given ring is:
Area = pi*(dr*n)^2 - pi*(dr*(n-1))
So the difference becomes:
d(Area,n,n-1) = [pi*(dr*n)^2 - pi*(dr*(n-1))^2] - [pi*(dr*(n-1))^2 - pi*(dr*(n-2))^2]
d(Area,n,n-1) = pi*[(dr*n)^2 - 2*(dr*(n-1))^2 + (dr*(n-2))^2]
You could expound this to gain some insight on how much n should increase but it may be faster to just guess at some percentage increase (30%) or something.
The example I have provided is a small subset and decreasing da and dr will dramatically improve your results.
Here is some rough code for generating such points:
import random
import math
R = 10.
n_rings = 10.
n_angles = 10.
dr = 10./n_rings
da = 2*math.pi/n_angles
base_points_per_division = 3
increase_per_level = 1.1
points = []
ring = 0
while ring < n_rings:
angle = 0
while angle < n_angles:
for i in xrange(int(base_points_per_division)):
ra = angle*da + da*math.random()
rr = r*dr + dr*random.random()
x = rr*math.cos(ra)
y = rr*math.sin(ra)
angle += 1
base_points_per_division = base_points_per_division*increase_per_level
ring += 1
I tested it with the parameters:
n_rings = 20
n_angles = 20
base_points = .9
increase_per_level = 1.1
And got the following results:
It looks more dense than your provided image, but I imagine further tweaking of those variables could be beneficial.
You can add an additional part to scale the density properly by calculating the number of points per ring.
points_per_ring = densitymath.pi(dr**2)*(2*n+1)
points_per_division = points_per_ring/n_angles
This will provide a an even better scaled distribution.
density = .03
points = []
ring = 0
while ring < n_rings:
angle = 0
base_points_per_division = density*math.pi*(dr**2)*(2*ring+1)/n_angles
while angle < n_angles:
for i in xrange(int(base_points_per_division)):
ra = angle*da + min(da,da*random.random())
rr = ring*dr + dr*random.random()
x = rr*math.cos(ra)
y = rr*math.sin(ra)
angle += 1
ring += 1
Giving better results using the following parameters
R = 1.
n_rings = 10.
n_angles = 10.
density = 10/(dr*da) # ~ ten points per unit area
With a graph...
and for fun you can graph the divisions to see how well it is matching your distriubtion and adjust.
Depending on how random the points need to be, it may be simple enough to just make a grid of points within the disk, and then displace each point by some small but random amount.
It may be that you want more randomness, but if you just want to fill your disc with an even-looking distribution of points that aren't on an obvious grid, you could try a spiral with a random phase.
import math
import random
import pylab
n = 300
alpha = math.pi * (3 - math.sqrt(5)) # the "golden angle"
phase = random.random() * 2 * math.pi
points = []
for k in xrange(n):
theta = k * alpha + phase
r = math.sqrt(float(k)/n)
points.append((r * math.cos(theta), r * math.sin(theta)))
Probability theory ensures that the rejection method is an appropriate method
to generate uniformly distributed points within the disk, D(0,r), centered at origin and of radius r. Namely, one generates points within the square [-r,r] x [-r,r], until a point falls within the disk:
generate P in [-r,r]x[-r,r];
return P;
unif_rnd_disk is a generator function implementing this rejection method:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import itertools
def unif_rnd_disk(r=1.0):
while True:
yield pt
while True:
if (pt[0]**2+pt[1]**2<=r):
G=unif_rnd_disk()# generator of points in disk D(0,r=1)
X,Y=zip(*[pt for pt in itertools.islice(G, 1, 1000)])
plt.scatter(X, Y, color='r', s=3)
If we want to generate points in a disk centered at C(a,b), we have to apply a translation to the points in the disk D(0,r):
C=[2.0, -3.5]
plt.scatter(C[0]+np.array(X), C[1]+np.array(Y), color='r', s=3)
I am trying to use circle fitting code for 3D data set. I have modified it for 3D points just adding z-coordinate where necessary. My modification works fine for one set of points and works bad for another. Please look at the code, if it has some errors.
import trig_items
import numpy as np
from trig_items import *
from numpy import *
from matplotlib import pyplot as p
from scipy import optimize
# Coordinates of the 3D points
##x = r_[36, 36, 19, 18, 33, 26]
##y = r_[14, 10, 28, 31, 18, 26]
##z = r_[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
x = r_[ 2144.18908574, 2144.26880854, 2144.05552972, 2143.90303742, 2143.62520676,
2143.43628579, 2143.14005775, 2142.79919654, 2142.51436023, 2142.11240866,
2141.68564346, 2141.29333828, 2140.92596405, 2140.3475612, 2139.90848046,
2139.24661021, 2138.67384709, 2138.03313547, 2137.40301734, 2137.40908256,
2137.06611224, 2136.50943781, 2136.0553113, 2135.50313189, 2135.07049922,
2134.62098139, 2134.10459535, 2133.50838433, 2130.6600465, 2130.03537342,
2130.04047644, 2128.83522468, 2127.79827542, 2126.43513385, 2125.36700593,
2124.00350543, 2122.68564431, 2121.20709478, 2119.79047011, 2118.38417647,
2116.90063343, 2115.52685778, 2113.82246629, 2112.21159431, 2110.63180117,
2109.00713198, 2108.94434529, 2106.82777156, 2100.62343757, 2098.5090226,
2096.28787738, 2093.91550703, 2091.66075061, 2089.15316429, 2086.69753869,
2084.3002414, 2081.87590579, 2079.19141866, 2076.5394574, 2073.89128676,
y = r_[ 725.74913818, 724.43874065, 723.15226506, 720.45950581, 717.77827954,
715.07048092, 712.39633862, 709.73267688, 707.06039438, 704.43405908,
701.80074596, 699.15371526, 696.5309022, 693.96109921, 691.35585501,
688.83496327, 686.32148661, 683.80286662, 681.30705568, 681.30530975,
679.66483676, 678.01922321, 676.32721779, 674.6667554, 672.9658024,
671.23686095, 669.52021535, 667.84999077, 659.19757984, 657.46179949,
657.45700508, 654.46901086, 651.38177517, 648.41739432, 645.32356976,
642.39034578, 639.42628453, 636.51107198, 633.57732055, 630.63825133,
627.75308356, 624.80162215, 622.01980232, 619.18814892, 616.37688894,
613.57400131, 613.61535723, 610.4724493, 600.98277781, 597.84782844,
594.75983001, 591.77946964, 588.74874068, 585.84525834, 582.92311166,
579.99564481, 577.06666417, 574.30782762, 571.54115037, 568.79760614,
z = r_[ 339.77146775, 339.60021095, 339.47645894, 339.47130963, 339.37216218,
339.4126132, 339.67942046, 339.40917728, 339.39500353, 339.15041461,
339.38959195, 339.3358209, 339.47764895, 339.17854867, 339.14624071,
339.16403926, 339.02308811, 339.27011082, 338.97684183, 338.95087698,
338.97321177, 339.02175448, 339.02543922, 338.88725411, 339.06942374,
339.0557553, 339.04414618, 338.89234303, 338.95572249, 339.00880416,
339.00413073, 338.91080374, 338.98214758, 339.01135789, 338.96393537,
338.73446188, 338.62784913, 338.72443217, 338.74880562, 338.69090173,
338.50765186, 338.49056867, 338.57353355, 338.6196255, 338.43754399,
338.27218569, 338.10587265, 338.43880881, 338.28962141, 338.14338705,
338.25784154, 338.49792568, 338.15572139, 338.52967693, 338.4594245,
338.1511823, 338.03711207, 338.19144663, 338.22022045, 338.29032321,
337.8623197 ]
# coordinates of the barycenter
xm = mean(x)
ym = mean(y)
zm = mean(z)
### Basic usage of optimize.leastsq
def calc_R(xc, yc, zc):
""" calculate the distance of each 3D points from the center (xc, yc, zc) """
return sqrt((x - xc) ** 2 + (y - yc) ** 2 + (z - zc) ** 2)
def func(c):
""" calculate the algebraic distance between the 3D points and the mean circle centered at c=(xc, yc, zc) """
Ri = calc_R(*c)
return Ri - Ri.mean()
center_estimate = xm, ym, zm
center, ier = optimize.leastsq(func, center_estimate)
##print center
xc, yc, zc = center
Ri = calc_R(xc, yc, zc)
R = Ri.mean()
residu = sum((Ri - R)**2)
print 'R =', R
So, for the first set of x, y, z (commented in the code) it works well: the output is R = 39.0097846735. If I run the code with the second set of points (uncommented) the resulting radius is R = 108576.859834, which is almost straight line. I plotted the last one.
The blue points is a given data set, the red ones is the arc of the resulting radius R = 108576.859834. It is obvious that the given data set has much smaller radius than the result.
Here is another set of points.
It is clear that the least squares does not work correctly.
Please help me solving this issue.
Here is my solution:
### fit 3D arc into a set of 3D points ###
### output is the centre and the radius of the arc ###
def fitArc3d(arr, eps = 0.0001):
# Coordinates of the 3D points
x = numpy.array([arr[k][0] for k in range(len(arr))])
y = numpy.array([arr[k][4] for k in range(len(arr))])
z = numpy.array([arr[k][5] for k in range(len(arr))])
# coordinates of the barycenter
xm = mean(x)
ym = mean(y)
zm = mean(z)
### gradient descent minimisation method ###
pnts = [[x[k], y[k], z[k]] for k in range(len(x))]
meanP = Point(xm, ym, zm) # mean point
Ri = [Point(*meanP).distance(Point(*pnts[k])) for k in range(len(pnts))] # radii to the points
Rm = math.fsum(Ri) / len(Ri) # mean radius
dR = Rm + 10 # difference between mean radii
alpha = 0.1
c = meanP
cArr = []
while dR > eps:
Jx = math.fsum([2 * (x[k] - c[0]) * (Ri[k] - Rm) / Ri[k] for k in range(len(Ri))])
Jy = math.fsum([2 * (y[k] - c[1]) * (Ri[k] - Rm) / Ri[k] for k in range(len(Ri))])
Jz = math.fsum([2 * (z[k] - c[2]) * (Ri[k] - Rm) / Ri[k] for k in range(len(Ri))])
gradJ = [Jx, Jy, Jz] # find gradient
c = [c[k] + alpha * gradJ[k] for k in range(len(c)) if len(c) == len(gradJ)] # find new centre point
Ri = [Point(*c).distance(Point(*pnts[k])) for k in range(len(pnts))] # calculate new radii
RmOld = Rm
Rm = math.fsum(Ri) / len(Ri) # calculate new mean radius
dR = abs(Rm - RmOld) # new difference between mean radii
return Point(*c), Rm
It is not very optimal code (I do not have time to fine tune it) but it works.
I guess the problem is the data and the corresponding algorithm. The least square method works fine if it produces a local parabolic minimum, such that a simple gradient method goes approximately direction minimum. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily the case for your data. You can check this by keeping some rough estimates for xc and yc fixed and plotting the sum of the squared residuals as a function of zc and R. I get a boomerang shaped minimum. Depending on your starting parameters you might end in one of the branches going away from the real minimum. Once in the valley this can be very flat such that you exceed the number of max iterations or get something that is accepted within the tolerance of the algorithm. As always, thinks are better the better your starting parameters. Unfortunately you have only a small arc of the circle, so that it is difficult to get better. I am not a specialist in Python, but I think that leastsq allows you to play with the Jacobian and Gradient Methods. Try to play with the tolerance as well.
In short: the code looks basically fine to me, but your data is pathological and you have to adapt the code to that kind of data.
There is a non-iterative solution in 2D from Karimäki, maybe you can adapt
this method to 3D. You can also look at this. Sure you will find more literature.
I just checked the data using a Simplex-Algorithm. The minimum is, as I said, not well behaved. See here some cuts of the residual function. Only in the xy-plane you get some reasonable behavior. The properties of the zr- and xr- plane make the finding process very difficult.
So in the beginning the simplex algorithm finds several almost stable solutions. You can see them as flat steps in the graph below (blue x, purple y, yellow z, green R). At the end the algorithm has to walk down the almost flat but very stretched out valley, resulting in the final conversion of z and R. Nevertheless, I expect many regions that look like a solution if the tolerance is insufficient. With the standard tolerance of 10^-5 the algoritm stopped after approx 350 iterations. I had to set it to 10^-10 to get this solution, i.e. [1899.32, 741.874, 298.696, 248.956], which seems quite ok.
As mentioned earlier, the solution depends on the working precision and requested accuracy. So your hand made gradient method works probably better as these values are different compared to the build-in least square fit. Nevertheless, this is my version making a two step fit. First I fit a plane to the data. In a next step I fit a circle within this plane. Both steps use the least square method. This time it works, as each step avoids critically shaped minima. (Naturally, the plane fit runs into problems if the arc segment becomes small and the data lies virtually on a straight line. But this will happen for all algorithms)
from math import *
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy import optimize
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import pprint as pp
dataTupel=zip(xs,ys,zs) #your data from above
# Fitting a plane first
# let the affine plane be defined by two vectors,
# the zero point P0 and the plane normal n0
# a point p is member of the plane if (p-p0).n0 = 0
def distanceToPlane(p0,n0,p):
return np.dot(np.array(n0),np.array(p)-np.array(p0))
def residualsPlane(parameters,dataPoint):
px,py,pz,theta,phi = parameters
nx,ny,nz =sin(theta)*cos(phi),sin(theta)*sin(phi),cos(theta)
distances = [distanceToPlane([px,py,pz],[nx,ny,nz],[x,y,z]) for x,y,z in dataPoint]
return distances
estimate = [1900, 700, 335,0,0] # px,py,pz and zeta, phi
#you may automize this by using the center of mass data
# note that the normal vector is given in polar coordinates
bestFitValues, ier = optimize.leastsq(residualsPlane, estimate, args=(dataTupel))
xF,yF,zF,tF,pF = bestFitValues
point = [xF,yF,zF]
normal = [sin(tF)*cos(pF),sin(tF)*sin(pF),cos(tF)]
# Fitting a circle inside the plane
#creating two inplane vectors
sArr=np.cross(np.array([1,0,0]),np.array(normal))#assuming that normal not parallel x!
rArr=rArr/np.linalg.norm(rArr)#should be normalized already, but anyhow
def residualsCircle(parameters,dataPoint):
r,s,Ri = parameters
planePointArr = s*sArr + r*rArr + np.array(point)
distance = [ np.linalg.norm( planePointArr-np.array([x,y,z])) for x,y,z in dataPoint]
res = [(Ri-dist) for dist in distance]
return res
estimateCircle = [0, 0, 335] # px,py,pz and zeta, phi
bestCircleFitValues, ier = optimize.leastsq(residualsCircle, estimateCircle,args=(dataTupel))
rF,sF,RiF = bestCircleFitValues
print bestCircleFitValues
# Synthetic Data
centerPointArr=sF*sArr + rF*rArr + np.array(point)
synthetic=[list(centerPointArr+ RiF*cos(phi)*rArr+RiF*sin(phi)*sArr) for phi in np.linspace(0, 2*pi,50)]
[cxTupel,cyTupel,czTupel]=[ x for x in zip(*synthetic)]
### Plotting
d = -np.dot(np.array(point),np.array(normal))# dot product
# create x,y mesh
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(2000,2200,10), np.linspace(540,740,10))
# calculate corresponding z
# Note: does not work if normal vector is without z-component
z = (-normal[0]*xx - normal[1]*yy - d)/normal[2]
# plot the surface, data, and synthetic circle
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(211, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, c='b', marker='o')
ax.set_xlabel('X Label')
ax.set_ylabel('Y Label')
ax.set_zlabel('Z Label')
bx = fig.add_subplot(212, projection='3d')
bx.scatter(xs, ys, zs, c='b', marker='o')
bx.scatter(cxTupel,cyTupel,czTupel, c='r', marker='o')
bx.set_xlabel('X Label')
bx.set_ylabel('Y Label')
bx.set_zlabel('Z Label')
which give a radius of 245. This is close to what the other approach gave (249). So within error margins I get the same.
The plotted result looks reasonable.
Hope this helps.
Feel like you missed some constraints in your 1st version code. The implementation could be explained as fitting a sphere to 3d points. So that's why the 2nd radius for 2nd data list is almost straight line. It's thinking like you are giving it a small circle on a large sphere.