I'm developing a script for a tables. I had a problem, that the table came with decimal values and I'm trying to make a change of these values in the code.
To do that, just take the decimal value and multiply it by 1000, but there's a problem that I really can't understand. It works up to a certain number, then the values of some
rows of the table change and the result at the end is of immense value. I don't know what's going on, someone can give me a hand.
Put the entire code of the function
# Caminho do arquivo xlsx # Sheet_name Nome da tabela ou planilha. Obs: Tem que ser EXATAMENTE como está escrito no excel.
table = pd.read_excel('./planilha.xlsx', sheet_name='LP')
oneCard = ""
# Remoção de linhas que não contém valores
for i in range(table.shape[0]):
if pd.isna(table[1][i]) == True:
table = table.drop(labels=i, axis=0)
table.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
# Criar nova tabela
table2 = pd.DataFrame(table)
# Resetar o index da nova tabela
table2.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
for i in range(8):
valor2 = int(table2[1][i] * 1000)
table2[1] = table2[1].replace(table2[1][i], valor2)
# table2 = table2.astype({1 : 'int32'})
# table2 = table2.astype({'1.1': 'int32'})
# Pegando os valores da tabela e inserindo em seus determinados campos
for i in range(table2.shape[0]):
values = 'element{}.querySelector("{}").value="{}"; element{}.querySelector("{}").value="{}"; element{}.querySelector("{}").value="{}"; element{}.querySelector("{}").value="{}"; element{}.querySelector("{}").value="{}";' . format(i, "input[name*='Origem']", table2['ORIGEM'][i], i, "input[name*='Destino']", table2['DESTINOS'][i], i, "input[name*='Clube_valor']", table2[1][i], i, "input[name*='Geral_valor']", table2['1.1'][i], i, "input[name*='Link_botao']", table2['LINKS'][i])
oneCard += " let element"+str(i)+" = document.querySelectorAll('[data-fieldname=Itens]')"+str([i])+"; setTimeout(()=>{"+values+"},10000);"
# Código completo
cod = "let totalElements = document.querySelectorAll('[data-fieldname=Itens]').length == "+str(table2.shape[0])+" ? 0 : "+str(table2.shape[0])+" - document.querySelectorAll('[data-fieldname=Itens]').length; let element = document.querySelector('[data-fieldname=Itens]'); for(i = 0; i < totalElements; i++){element.children[13].click()} setTimeout(() => {"+oneCard+"}, 10000); setTimeout(() => {console.log('Pronto, pode publicar!')}, 20050);"
# Inserir o código dentro de um arquivo de texto
# Mensagem de sucesso
the problem was that I was just passing the value, so it got all the equal values from the table. So I used loc, to select the line
for i in range(table2.shape[0]):
valor2 = int(table2[1][i] * 1000)
table2.loc[i] = table2.loc[i].replace(table2.loc[i][1], valor2)
I am creating a menu for a billing program with tuples inside lists, how would you do to delete a data requested by the user deleting all its values?
menu = """
(1) Añadir Cliente
(2) Eliminar Cliente
(3) Añadir Factura
(4) Procesar facturacion del mes
(5) Listar todos los clientes
(6) Terminar
lista_nom =[]
list_borra2 = []
ventas = []
while True:
opc = input("Escriba una opcion: ")
opc = int(opc)
if opc == 1:
nombre = input("Escribe el nombre del cliente: ")
cif = input('Escribe el cif de cliente: ')
direccion = input("Escribe el direccion de cliente: ")
lista_nom1 = (nombre,cif,direccion)
#print(lista_nom1)mismo dato en tupla
if opc == 2:
nombre = input('Escriba el nombre del cliente a borrar: ')
for nombre in lista_nom[0]:
print('No existe el cliente con el nombre', nombre)
# for nom in range(len(lista_nom)):
# for eli in range(len(lista_nom[nom])):
# if lista_nom[nom][eli][0] == nombre:
# del lista_nom[nom:nom+1]
# print(lista_nom)
I have tried to access the element with nested for but it simply does nothing.
try to create a new list to store the deleted data and then install it in the first list with the main values to be deleted
# list_borra2.append(nombre)
# for nom in range(len(lista_nom)):
# for eli in range(len(lista_nom[nom])):
# if lista_nom[nom][eli][0] == nombre:
# del lista_nom[nom:nom+1]
# print(lista_nom)
# lista_nom.remove(nombre)
# list_borra2 += lista_nom
# # print(list_borra2)
# print(list_borra2)
Instead of deleting an element, what is not possible inside of tuples, you could define a new tuple by doing
nom_remove = lista_nom[:nom] + lista_nom[(nom+1):]
At the end I resolved the problem with this, like the other guy tell me the tuples are immutable so I need to go inside the list and i can access to the tuple:
if opc == 2:
nombre = input('Escriba el nombre del cliente a borrar: ')
vivo = 0
for kilo in ventas:
vivo = ventas[kilo].count(nombre)
if vivo == 0:
for nom in range(len(lista_nom)):
if lista_nom[nom].count(nombre)>0:
del lista_nom[nom:nom+1]
I'm trying to register an user and then read the data I just appended. It looks like the csv file is appending the value, but it's not saving it. But this is awkward, because I used the "with open" function at the "registered" function.
def is_registered(ID): #OK
df = read_any_csv(users_path)
x = df.loc[df["ID"] == ID]
if x.empty:
return False
return True
#faz o cadastro do usuario
def register(ID): #OK
x = str(input("Escreva seu nome: "))
name = x.title()
section = int(input("Digite seu setor(111/112/113): "))
data = [name,ID,section]
with open (users_path,'a') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
def start():
#Se o usuario estiver registrado, da as boas vindas a ele, caso nao, registra ele e depois da as boas vindas
if is_registered(ID) == True: #OK
current_user = users_df.loc[users_df["ID"] == ID]
name = current_user["NAME"]
name2 =(name.to_string(index=False))
section = current_user["SECTION"]
print(f"Ola, {name2}, bem vindo ao programa de treinamento Mercedes Benz Brasil!\n")
videos = videos_to_watch(section)
print("Esses sao os videos que faltam serem assistidos:\n")
print(*videos,sep = '\n')
else: #OK
users_df.to_csv("Users.csv",index = False)
current_user = users_df.loc[users_df["ID"] == ID]
But the csv can't find the data, the result that I got is that:
Digite o ID: aaaaa
Escreva seu nome: leo
Digite seu setor(111/112/113): 113
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [NAME, ID, SECTION]
Index: []
What I actually want is:
Digite o ID: 5DBEF04B
Escreva seu nome: Raul Lopes Camina
Digite seu setor(111/112/113): 113
Ola, Raul Lopes Camina, bem vindo ao programa de treinamento Mercedes Benz Brasil!
You write new data to file but this can't change original users_df and you would have to read it again (instead of write again)
users_df = pd.read_csv("Users.csv") # <-- read instead of write
current_user = users_df.loc[users_df["ID"] == ID]
Or you should first add to users_df and later save it with to_csv - and then you don't have to read it again.
def register(ID): # OK
global users_df # need it to add to external variable
name = str(input("Escreva seu nome: "))
name = name.title()
section = int(input("Digite seu setor(111/112/113): "))
data = pd.DataFrame({'NAME': [name], 'ID': [ID], 'SECTION': [section]})
users_df = pd.concat([users_df, data]) # <-- add to original `users_df`
users_df.to_csv("Users.csv", index=False)
and later
# without `to_csv()` and `read_csv()`
current_user = users_df.loc[users_df["ID"] == ID]
Heading ##I have this df['title'] column:
Apartamento en Venta
Proyecto Nuevo de Apartamentos
Proyecto Nuevo de Apartamentos
Lote en Venta
Casa Campestre en Venta
Proyecto Nuevo de Apartamentos
Based on this column I want to create three new ones:
df['property_type'] => (House, Apartment, Lot, etc)
df['property_status'] => (New, Used)
df['ofert_type'] => (Sale, Rent)
I'm achieving this through row iteration and splitting:
df['tipo_inmueble'] = ''
df['estado_inmueble'] = ''
df['tipo_oferta'] = ''
for data in range(len(df)):
if 'Proyecto Nuevo de' in df.loc[data,'title']:
df.loc[data,'property_type'] = df.loc[data,'title'].split('Proyecto Nuevo de')[1]
df.loc[data,'property_type'] = str(df.loc[data,'property_type']).split(' ')[1][:-1]
df.loc[data,'property_status'] = 'new'
df.loc[data,'ofert_type'] = 'sale'
df.loc[data,'property_type'] = df.loc[data,'title'].split(' en ')[0]
df.loc[data,'property_status'] = 'used'
df.loc[data,'ofert_type'] = df.loc[data,'title'].split(' en ')[1].split(' ')[0].lower()
But it seems this approach takes too much time to process the entire data frame. I'm in search of a more "pandas" solution.
Thank you for your help
You can make a function and use the .apply function- might be faster although you are still iterating.
def property_split(row):
if row['delta_points'] == 'apartment:
return 1
return 0
df['apartment'] = df.apply (lambda row: property_split(row), axis=1)
I'm using a numpy array with Python and I would like to know how I can add a new column at the end of my array?
I have an array with N rows and I calculate for each row a new value which is named X. I would like, for each row, to add this new value in a new column.
My script is (the interesting part is at the end of my script) :
# coding: utf-8
from astropy.io import fits
import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
# Fichier contenant la liste des champs #
with open("liste_essai.txt", "r") as f :
fichier_entier = f.read()
files = fichier_entier.split("\n")
for fichier in files :
with open(fichier, 'r') :
reading = fits.open(fichier) # Ouverture du fichier à l'aide d'astropy
tbdata = reading[1].data # Lecture des données fits
# Application du tri en fonction de divers paramètres #
#mask1 = tbdata['CHI'] < 1.0 # Création d'un masque pour la condition CHI
#tbdata_temp1 = tbdata[mask1]
#print "Tri effectué sur CHI"
#mask2 = tbdata_temp1['PROB'] > 0.01 # Création d'un second masque sur la condition PROB
#tbdata_temp2 = tbdata_temp1[mask2]
#print "Tri effectué sur PROB"
#mask3 = tbdata_temp2['SHARP'] > -0.4 # Création d'un 3e masque sur la condition SHARP (1/2)
#tbdata_temp3 = tbdata_temp2[mask3]
#mask4 = tbdata_temp3['SHARP'] < 0.1 # Création d'un 4e masque sur la condition SHARP (2/2)
#tbdata_final = tbdata_temp3[mask4]
#print "Création de la nouvelle table finale"
#print tbdata_final # Affichage de la table après toutes les conditions
#fig = plt.figure()
#plt.plot(tbdata_final['G'] - tbdata_final['R'], tbdata_final['G'], '.')
#plt.title('Diagramme Couleur-Magnitude')
#print "Création du Diagramme"
#hdu = fits.BinTableHDU(data=tbdata_final)
#hdu.writeto('{}_{}'.format(fichier,'traité')) # Ecriture du résultat obtenu dans un nouveau fichier fits
#print "Ecriture du nouveau fichier traité"
# Détermination des valeurs extremales du champ #
RA_max = np.max(tbdata['RA'])
RA_min = np.min(tbdata['RA'])
#print "RA_max vaut : " + str(RA_max)
#print "RA_min vaut : " + str(RA_min)
DEC_max = np.max(tbdata['DEC'])
DEC_min = np.min(tbdata['DEC'])
#print "DEC_max vaut : " + str(DEC_max)
#print "DEC_min vaut : " + str(DEC_min)
# Calcul de la valeur centrale du champ #
RA_central = (RA_max + RA_min)/2.
DEC_central = (DEC_max + DEC_min)/2.
#print "RA_central vaut : " + str(RA_central)
#print "DEC_central vaut : " + str(DEC_central)
print " "
print " ######################################### "
# Détermination de X et de Y #
i = 0
N = len(tbdata)
for i in range(0,N) :
print "Valeur de RA à la ligne " + str(i) + " est : " + str(tbdata['RA'][i])
print "Valeur de RA_moyen est : " + str(RA_central)
print "Valeur de DEC_moyen est : " + str(DEC_central)
X = (tbdata['RA'][i] - RA_central)*math.cos(DEC_central)
Add_column = np.vstack(tbdata, X) # ==> ????
print "La valeur de X est : " + str(X)
print " "
I tried something but I'm not sure that's working.
And I've a second question if it's possible. In the plot part, I would like to save my plot for each file but with the name of each file. I think that I need to write something like :
Numpy arrays are always going to be stored in a continuous memory block, that means that once you've created it, making it any bigger will mean numpy will have to copy the original array to make sure that the addition will be beside the original array in memory.
If you have a general idea of how many columns you will be adding, you can create the original array with additional columns of zeros. This will reserve the space in memory for your array and then you can "add" columns by overwriting the left-most column of zeros.
If you have the memory to spare you can always over-estimate the number of columns you will need and then remove extra columns of zeros later on. As far as I know this is the only way to avoid copying when adding new columns to a numpy array.
For example:
my_array = np.random.rand(200,3) # the original array
zeros = np.zeros((200,400)) # anticipates 400 additional columns
my_array = np.hstack((my_array,zeros)) # join my_array with the array of zeros (only this step will make a copy)
current_column = 3 # keeps track of left most column of zeros
new_columns = [] # put list of new columns to add here
for col in new_columns:
my_array[:,current_column] = col
current_column += 1
I'm fairly new to python, and I'm with some problems with encoding.
Please see the code:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import config # Ficheiro de configuracao
import twitter
import random
import sqlite3
import time
import bitly_api #https://github.com/bitly/bitly-api-python
import feedparser
class TwitterC:
def logToDatabase(self, tweet, timestamp):
# Will log to the database
database = sqlite3.connect('database.db') # Create a database file
cursor = database.cursor() # Create a cursor
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS twitter(id_tweet INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, tweet TEXT, timestamp TEXT);") # Make a table
# Assign the values for the insert into
msg_ins = tweet
timestamp_ins = timestamp
values = [msg_ins, timestamp_ins]
# Insert data into the table
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO twitter(tweet, timestamp) VALUES(?, ?)", values)
database.commit() # Save our changes
database.close() # Close the connection to the database
def shortUrl(self, url):
bit = bitly_api.Connection(config.bitly_username, config.bitly_key) # Instanciar a API
return bit.shorten(url) # Encurtar o URL
def updateTwitterStatus(self, update):
short = self.shortUrl(update["url"]) # Vou encurtar o URL
update_str = update["msg"] + " " + short['url'] # Mensagem em bruto, sem tratamento de contagem de caracteres
# I will see how much characters have the message, if more than 140, delete some chars
length_message = len(update_str)
if length_message > 140:
length_url = len(short['url'])
count_message = 136 - length_url
shorten_msg = update["msg"][0:count_message] + '... '
update_str = shorten_msg + short['url']
# Will post to twitter and print the posted text
api = twitter.Api(consumer_key=config.consumer_key,
status = api.PostUpdate(update_str) # Fazer o update
msg = status.text # Vou gravar o texto enviado para a variavel 'msg'
# Vou gravar p a Base de Dados
self.logToDatabase(msg, time.time())
print msg # So p mostrar o texto enviado. Comentar esta linha de futuro.
# Exemplo base
#x = TwitterC()
#x.updateTwitterStatus({"url": "http://xyz.com/?cat=28", "msg": "Some tips about PostgreSQL Administration?"})
# Solucao para um misto de feeds e frases feitas
# Vou escolher uma fonte ao acaso
p = range(2) # tem o 0 e o 1
p = random.choice(p)
if p == 0: # Escolhe TEXT UPDATES
# Vou escolher um text update ao acaso
text_a_enviar = random.choice(config.text_updates)
update_to_send = text_a_enviar
elif p == 1: # Escolhe FEEDS UPDATES
'''# Vou escolher um feed ao acaso
feed_a_enviar = random.choice(config.feeds_updates)
# Vou apanhar o conteudo do feed
d = feedparser.parse(feed_a_enviar["feedurl"])
# Vou definir quantos feeds quero ter no i
i = range(8)
# Vou meter para "updates" 10 entradas do feed
updates = []
for i in range(8):
updates.append([{"url": feed_a_enviar["linktoourpage"], "msg": d.entries[i].summary + ", "}])
# Vou escolher ums entrada ao acaso
update_to_send = random.choice(updates)'''
# Vou postar p o Twitter
x = TwitterC()
x.updateTwitterStatus({"url": "http://xyz.com/", "msg": "favoritos à distancia"})
The code have some lines but the problem is in this line:
x.updateTwitterStatus({"url": "http://xyz.com/", "msg": "favoritos à distancia"})
This line have a character with an accent "à" and this causes the problem here:
def updateTwitterStatus(self, update):
short = self.shortUrl(update["url"]) # Vou encurtar o URL
update_str = update["msg"] + " " + short['url'] # Mensagem em bruto, sem tratamento de contagem de caracteres
More precisely in this line:
update_str = update["msg"] + " " + short['url'] # Mensagem em bruto, sem tratamento de contagem de caracteres
The output of the error is this:
x.updateTwitterStatus({"url": "http://xyz.com", "msg": "favoritos à distancia"})
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 48: ordinal not in range(128)
Any clues on how to solve this?
Try adding from __future__ import unicode_literals at the top if your file. Alternatively you can prefix every string with a ´u´, ie u"favoritos à distancia"
Make sure your file is actually saved as utf-8 too!