Needs clarification regarding the operator "+ =" [duplicate] - python

The += operator in python seems to be operating unexpectedly on lists. Can anyone tell me what is going on here?
class foo:
bar = []
def __init__(self,x): += [x]
class foo2:
bar = []
def __init__(self,x): = + [x]
f = foo(1)
g = foo(2)
print += [3]
print = + [4]
f = foo2(1)
g = foo2(2)
[1, 2]
[1, 2]
[1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 3]
foo += bar seems to affect every instance of the class, whereas foo = foo + bar seems to behave in the way I would expect things to behave.
The += operator is called a "compound assignment operator".

The general answer is that += tries to call the __iadd__ special method, and if that isn't available it tries to use __add__ instead. So the issue is with the difference between these special methods.
The __iadd__ special method is for an in-place addition, that is it mutates the object that it acts on. The __add__ special method returns a new object and is also used for the standard + operator.
So when the += operator is used on an object which has an __iadd__ defined the object is modified in place. Otherwise it will instead try to use the plain __add__ and return a new object.
That is why for mutable types like lists += changes the object's value, whereas for immutable types like tuples, strings and integers a new object is returned instead (a += b becomes equivalent to a = a + b).
For types that support both __iadd__ and __add__ you therefore have to be careful which one you use. a += b will call __iadd__ and mutate a, whereas a = a + b will create a new object and assign it to a. They are not the same operation!
>>> a1 = a2 = [1, 2]
>>> b1 = b2 = [1, 2]
>>> a1 += [3] # Uses __iadd__, modifies a1 in-place
>>> b1 = b1 + [3] # Uses __add__, creates new list, assigns it to b1
>>> a2
[1, 2, 3] # a1 and a2 are still the same list
>>> b2
[1, 2] # whereas only b1 was changed
For immutable types (where you don't have an __iadd__) a += b and a = a + b are equivalent. This is what lets you use += on immutable types, which might seem a strange design decision until you consider that otherwise you couldn't use += on immutable types like numbers!

For the general case, see Scott Griffith's answer. When dealing with lists like you are, though, the += operator is a shorthand for someListObject.extend(iterableObject). See the documentation of extend().
The extend function will append all elements of the parameter to the list.
When doing foo += something you're modifying the list foo in place, thus you don't change the reference that the name foo points to, but you're changing the list object directly. With foo = foo + something, you're actually creating a new list.
This example code will explain it:
>>> l = []
>>> id(l)
>>> l += [3]
>>> id(l)
>>> l = l + [3]
>>> id(l)
Note how the reference changes when you reassign the new list to l.
As bar is a class variable instead of an instance variable, modifying in place will affect all instances of that class. But when redefining, the instance will have a separate instance variable without affecting the other class instances.

The problem here is, bar is defined as a class attribute, not an instance variable.
In foo, the class attribute is modified in the init method, that's why all instances are affected.
In foo2, an instance variable is defined using the (empty) class attribute, and every instance gets its own bar.
The "correct" implementation would be:
class foo:
def __init__(self, x): = [x]
Of course, class attributes are completely legal. In fact, you can access and modify them without creating an instance of the class like this:
class foo:
bar = [] = [x]

There are two things involved here:
1. class attributes and instance attributes
2. difference between the operators + and += for lists
+ operator calls the __add__ method on a list. It takes all the elements from its operands and makes a new list containing those elements maintaining their order.
+= operator calls __iadd__ method on the list. It takes an iterable and appends all the elements of the iterable to the list in place. It does not create a new list object.
In class foo the statement += [x] is not an assignment statement but actually translates to[x]) # modifies the class attribute
which modifies the list in place and acts like the list method extend.
In class foo2, on the contrary, the assignment statement in the init method = + [x]
can be deconstructed as:
The instance has no attribute bar (there is a class attribute of the same name, though) so it accesses the class attribute bar and creates a new list by appending x to it. The statement translates to: =[x]) # bar on the lhs is the class attribute
Then it creates an instance attribute bar and assigns the newly created list to it. Note that bar on the rhs of the assignment is different from the bar on the lhs.
For instances of class foo, bar is a class attribute and not instance attribute. Hence any change to the class attribute bar will be reflected for all instances.
On the contrary, each instance of the class foo2 has its own instance attribute bar which is different from the class attribute of the same name bar.
f = foo2(4)
print # accessing the instance attribute. prints [4]
print # accessing the class attribute. prints []
Hope this clears things.

Although much time has passed and many correct things were said, there is no answer which bundles both effects.
You have 2 effects:
a "special", maybe unnoticed behaviour of lists with += (as stated by Scott Griffiths)
the fact that class attributes as well as instance attributes are involved (as stated by Can Berk Büder)
In class foo, the __init__ method modifies the class attribute. It is because += [x] translates to =[x]). __iadd__() is for inplace modification, so it modifies the list and returns a reference to it.
Note that the instance dict is modified although this would normally not be necessary as the class dict already contains the same assignment. So this detail goes almost unnoticed - except if you do a = [] afterwards. Here the instances's bar stays the same thanks to the said fact.
In class foo2, however, the class's bar is used, but not touched. Instead, a [x] is added to it, forming a new object, as[x]) is called here, which doesn't modify the object. The result is put into the instance dict then, giving the instance the new list as a dict, while the class's attribute stays modified.
The distinction between ... = ... + ... and ... += ... affects as well the assignments afterwards:
f = foo(1) # adds 1 to the class's bar and assigns to this as well.
g = foo(2) # adds 2 to the class's bar and assigns to this as well.
# Here,, and refer to the same object.
print # [1, 2]
print # [1, 2] += [3] # adds 3 to this object
print # As these still refer to the same object,
print # the output is the same. = + [4] # Construct a new list with the values of the old ones, 4 appended.
print # Print the new one
print # Print the old one.
f = foo2(1) # Here a new list is created on every call.
g = foo2(2)
print # So these all obly have one element.
You can verify the identity of the objects with print id(foo), id(f), id(g) (don't forget the additional ()s if you are on Python3).
BTW: The += operator is called "augmented assignment" and generally is intended to do inplace modifications as far as possible.

The other answers would seem to pretty much have it covered, though it seems worth quoting and referring to the Augmented Assignments PEP 203:
They [the augmented assignment operators] implement the same operator
as their normal binary form, except that the operation is done
`in-place' when the left-hand side object supports it, and that the
left-hand side is only evaluated once.
The idea behind augmented
assignment in Python is that it isn't just an easier way to write the
common practice of storing the result of a binary operation in its
left-hand operand, but also a way for the left-hand operand in
question to know that it should operate `on itself', rather than
creating a modified copy of itself.

>>> elements=[[1],[2],[3]]
>>> subset=[]
>>> subset+=elements[0:1]
>>> subset
>>> elements
[[1], [2], [3]]
>>> subset[0][0]='change'
>>> elements
[['change'], [2], [3]]
>>> a=[1,2,3,4]
>>> b=a
>>> a+=[5]
>>> a,b
([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> a=[1,2,3,4]
>>> b=a
>>> a=a+[5]
>>> a,b
([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4])

>>> a = 89
>>> id(a)
>>> a = 89 + 1
>>> print(a)
>>> id(a)
4430689552 # this is different from before!
>>> test = [1, 2, 3]
>>> id(test)
>>> test2 = test
>>> id(test)
>>> test2 += [4]
>>> id(test)
>>> print(test, test2) # [1, 2, 3, 4] [1, 2, 3, 4]```
([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> id(test2)
48638344L # ID is different here
We see that when we attempt to modify an immutable object (integer in this case), Python simply gives us a different object instead. On the other hand, we are able to make changes to an mutable object (a list) and have it remain the same object throughout.
ref :
Also refer below url to understand the shallowcopy and deepcopy

listname.extend() works great for this purpose :)


Why does += work differently than its 'full form' for lists in python? [duplicate]

The += operator in python seems to be operating unexpectedly on lists. Can anyone tell me what is going on here?
class foo:
bar = []
def __init__(self,x): += [x]
class foo2:
bar = []
def __init__(self,x): = + [x]
f = foo(1)
g = foo(2)
print += [3]
print = + [4]
f = foo2(1)
g = foo2(2)
[1, 2]
[1, 2]
[1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 3]
foo += bar seems to affect every instance of the class, whereas foo = foo + bar seems to behave in the way I would expect things to behave.
The += operator is called a "compound assignment operator".
The general answer is that += tries to call the __iadd__ special method, and if that isn't available it tries to use __add__ instead. So the issue is with the difference between these special methods.
The __iadd__ special method is for an in-place addition, that is it mutates the object that it acts on. The __add__ special method returns a new object and is also used for the standard + operator.
So when the += operator is used on an object which has an __iadd__ defined the object is modified in place. Otherwise it will instead try to use the plain __add__ and return a new object.
That is why for mutable types like lists += changes the object's value, whereas for immutable types like tuples, strings and integers a new object is returned instead (a += b becomes equivalent to a = a + b).
For types that support both __iadd__ and __add__ you therefore have to be careful which one you use. a += b will call __iadd__ and mutate a, whereas a = a + b will create a new object and assign it to a. They are not the same operation!
>>> a1 = a2 = [1, 2]
>>> b1 = b2 = [1, 2]
>>> a1 += [3] # Uses __iadd__, modifies a1 in-place
>>> b1 = b1 + [3] # Uses __add__, creates new list, assigns it to b1
>>> a2
[1, 2, 3] # a1 and a2 are still the same list
>>> b2
[1, 2] # whereas only b1 was changed
For immutable types (where you don't have an __iadd__) a += b and a = a + b are equivalent. This is what lets you use += on immutable types, which might seem a strange design decision until you consider that otherwise you couldn't use += on immutable types like numbers!
For the general case, see Scott Griffith's answer. When dealing with lists like you are, though, the += operator is a shorthand for someListObject.extend(iterableObject). See the documentation of extend().
The extend function will append all elements of the parameter to the list.
When doing foo += something you're modifying the list foo in place, thus you don't change the reference that the name foo points to, but you're changing the list object directly. With foo = foo + something, you're actually creating a new list.
This example code will explain it:
>>> l = []
>>> id(l)
>>> l += [3]
>>> id(l)
>>> l = l + [3]
>>> id(l)
Note how the reference changes when you reassign the new list to l.
As bar is a class variable instead of an instance variable, modifying in place will affect all instances of that class. But when redefining, the instance will have a separate instance variable without affecting the other class instances.
The problem here is, bar is defined as a class attribute, not an instance variable.
In foo, the class attribute is modified in the init method, that's why all instances are affected.
In foo2, an instance variable is defined using the (empty) class attribute, and every instance gets its own bar.
The "correct" implementation would be:
class foo:
def __init__(self, x): = [x]
Of course, class attributes are completely legal. In fact, you can access and modify them without creating an instance of the class like this:
class foo:
bar = [] = [x]
There are two things involved here:
1. class attributes and instance attributes
2. difference between the operators + and += for lists
+ operator calls the __add__ method on a list. It takes all the elements from its operands and makes a new list containing those elements maintaining their order.
+= operator calls __iadd__ method on the list. It takes an iterable and appends all the elements of the iterable to the list in place. It does not create a new list object.
In class foo the statement += [x] is not an assignment statement but actually translates to[x]) # modifies the class attribute
which modifies the list in place and acts like the list method extend.
In class foo2, on the contrary, the assignment statement in the init method = + [x]
can be deconstructed as:
The instance has no attribute bar (there is a class attribute of the same name, though) so it accesses the class attribute bar and creates a new list by appending x to it. The statement translates to: =[x]) # bar on the lhs is the class attribute
Then it creates an instance attribute bar and assigns the newly created list to it. Note that bar on the rhs of the assignment is different from the bar on the lhs.
For instances of class foo, bar is a class attribute and not instance attribute. Hence any change to the class attribute bar will be reflected for all instances.
On the contrary, each instance of the class foo2 has its own instance attribute bar which is different from the class attribute of the same name bar.
f = foo2(4)
print # accessing the instance attribute. prints [4]
print # accessing the class attribute. prints []
Hope this clears things.
Although much time has passed and many correct things were said, there is no answer which bundles both effects.
You have 2 effects:
a "special", maybe unnoticed behaviour of lists with += (as stated by Scott Griffiths)
the fact that class attributes as well as instance attributes are involved (as stated by Can Berk Büder)
In class foo, the __init__ method modifies the class attribute. It is because += [x] translates to =[x]). __iadd__() is for inplace modification, so it modifies the list and returns a reference to it.
Note that the instance dict is modified although this would normally not be necessary as the class dict already contains the same assignment. So this detail goes almost unnoticed - except if you do a = [] afterwards. Here the instances's bar stays the same thanks to the said fact.
In class foo2, however, the class's bar is used, but not touched. Instead, a [x] is added to it, forming a new object, as[x]) is called here, which doesn't modify the object. The result is put into the instance dict then, giving the instance the new list as a dict, while the class's attribute stays modified.
The distinction between ... = ... + ... and ... += ... affects as well the assignments afterwards:
f = foo(1) # adds 1 to the class's bar and assigns to this as well.
g = foo(2) # adds 2 to the class's bar and assigns to this as well.
# Here,, and refer to the same object.
print # [1, 2]
print # [1, 2] += [3] # adds 3 to this object
print # As these still refer to the same object,
print # the output is the same. = + [4] # Construct a new list with the values of the old ones, 4 appended.
print # Print the new one
print # Print the old one.
f = foo2(1) # Here a new list is created on every call.
g = foo2(2)
print # So these all obly have one element.
You can verify the identity of the objects with print id(foo), id(f), id(g) (don't forget the additional ()s if you are on Python3).
BTW: The += operator is called "augmented assignment" and generally is intended to do inplace modifications as far as possible.
The other answers would seem to pretty much have it covered, though it seems worth quoting and referring to the Augmented Assignments PEP 203:
They [the augmented assignment operators] implement the same operator
as their normal binary form, except that the operation is done
`in-place' when the left-hand side object supports it, and that the
left-hand side is only evaluated once.
The idea behind augmented
assignment in Python is that it isn't just an easier way to write the
common practice of storing the result of a binary operation in its
left-hand operand, but also a way for the left-hand operand in
question to know that it should operate `on itself', rather than
creating a modified copy of itself.
>>> elements=[[1],[2],[3]]
>>> subset=[]
>>> subset+=elements[0:1]
>>> subset
>>> elements
[[1], [2], [3]]
>>> subset[0][0]='change'
>>> elements
[['change'], [2], [3]]
>>> a=[1,2,3,4]
>>> b=a
>>> a+=[5]
>>> a,b
([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> a=[1,2,3,4]
>>> b=a
>>> a=a+[5]
>>> a,b
([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> a = 89
>>> id(a)
>>> a = 89 + 1
>>> print(a)
>>> id(a)
4430689552 # this is different from before!
>>> test = [1, 2, 3]
>>> id(test)
>>> test2 = test
>>> id(test)
>>> test2 += [4]
>>> id(test)
>>> print(test, test2) # [1, 2, 3, 4] [1, 2, 3, 4]```
([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> id(test2)
48638344L # ID is different here
We see that when we attempt to modify an immutable object (integer in this case), Python simply gives us a different object instead. On the other hand, we are able to make changes to an mutable object (a list) and have it remain the same object throughout.
ref :
Also refer below url to understand the shallowcopy and deepcopy
listname.extend() works great for this purpose :)

What is the difference between x += [0] and x = x + [0]? [duplicate]

The += operator in python seems to be operating unexpectedly on lists. Can anyone tell me what is going on here?
class foo:
bar = []
def __init__(self,x): += [x]
class foo2:
bar = []
def __init__(self,x): = + [x]
f = foo(1)
g = foo(2)
print += [3]
print = + [4]
f = foo2(1)
g = foo2(2)
[1, 2]
[1, 2]
[1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 3]
foo += bar seems to affect every instance of the class, whereas foo = foo + bar seems to behave in the way I would expect things to behave.
The += operator is called a "compound assignment operator".
The general answer is that += tries to call the __iadd__ special method, and if that isn't available it tries to use __add__ instead. So the issue is with the difference between these special methods.
The __iadd__ special method is for an in-place addition, that is it mutates the object that it acts on. The __add__ special method returns a new object and is also used for the standard + operator.
So when the += operator is used on an object which has an __iadd__ defined the object is modified in place. Otherwise it will instead try to use the plain __add__ and return a new object.
That is why for mutable types like lists += changes the object's value, whereas for immutable types like tuples, strings and integers a new object is returned instead (a += b becomes equivalent to a = a + b).
For types that support both __iadd__ and __add__ you therefore have to be careful which one you use. a += b will call __iadd__ and mutate a, whereas a = a + b will create a new object and assign it to a. They are not the same operation!
>>> a1 = a2 = [1, 2]
>>> b1 = b2 = [1, 2]
>>> a1 += [3] # Uses __iadd__, modifies a1 in-place
>>> b1 = b1 + [3] # Uses __add__, creates new list, assigns it to b1
>>> a2
[1, 2, 3] # a1 and a2 are still the same list
>>> b2
[1, 2] # whereas only b1 was changed
For immutable types (where you don't have an __iadd__) a += b and a = a + b are equivalent. This is what lets you use += on immutable types, which might seem a strange design decision until you consider that otherwise you couldn't use += on immutable types like numbers!
For the general case, see Scott Griffith's answer. When dealing with lists like you are, though, the += operator is a shorthand for someListObject.extend(iterableObject). See the documentation of extend().
The extend function will append all elements of the parameter to the list.
When doing foo += something you're modifying the list foo in place, thus you don't change the reference that the name foo points to, but you're changing the list object directly. With foo = foo + something, you're actually creating a new list.
This example code will explain it:
>>> l = []
>>> id(l)
>>> l += [3]
>>> id(l)
>>> l = l + [3]
>>> id(l)
Note how the reference changes when you reassign the new list to l.
As bar is a class variable instead of an instance variable, modifying in place will affect all instances of that class. But when redefining, the instance will have a separate instance variable without affecting the other class instances.
The problem here is, bar is defined as a class attribute, not an instance variable.
In foo, the class attribute is modified in the init method, that's why all instances are affected.
In foo2, an instance variable is defined using the (empty) class attribute, and every instance gets its own bar.
The "correct" implementation would be:
class foo:
def __init__(self, x): = [x]
Of course, class attributes are completely legal. In fact, you can access and modify them without creating an instance of the class like this:
class foo:
bar = [] = [x]
There are two things involved here:
1. class attributes and instance attributes
2. difference between the operators + and += for lists
+ operator calls the __add__ method on a list. It takes all the elements from its operands and makes a new list containing those elements maintaining their order.
+= operator calls __iadd__ method on the list. It takes an iterable and appends all the elements of the iterable to the list in place. It does not create a new list object.
In class foo the statement += [x] is not an assignment statement but actually translates to[x]) # modifies the class attribute
which modifies the list in place and acts like the list method extend.
In class foo2, on the contrary, the assignment statement in the init method = + [x]
can be deconstructed as:
The instance has no attribute bar (there is a class attribute of the same name, though) so it accesses the class attribute bar and creates a new list by appending x to it. The statement translates to: =[x]) # bar on the lhs is the class attribute
Then it creates an instance attribute bar and assigns the newly created list to it. Note that bar on the rhs of the assignment is different from the bar on the lhs.
For instances of class foo, bar is a class attribute and not instance attribute. Hence any change to the class attribute bar will be reflected for all instances.
On the contrary, each instance of the class foo2 has its own instance attribute bar which is different from the class attribute of the same name bar.
f = foo2(4)
print # accessing the instance attribute. prints [4]
print # accessing the class attribute. prints []
Hope this clears things.
Although much time has passed and many correct things were said, there is no answer which bundles both effects.
You have 2 effects:
a "special", maybe unnoticed behaviour of lists with += (as stated by Scott Griffiths)
the fact that class attributes as well as instance attributes are involved (as stated by Can Berk Büder)
In class foo, the __init__ method modifies the class attribute. It is because += [x] translates to =[x]). __iadd__() is for inplace modification, so it modifies the list and returns a reference to it.
Note that the instance dict is modified although this would normally not be necessary as the class dict already contains the same assignment. So this detail goes almost unnoticed - except if you do a = [] afterwards. Here the instances's bar stays the same thanks to the said fact.
In class foo2, however, the class's bar is used, but not touched. Instead, a [x] is added to it, forming a new object, as[x]) is called here, which doesn't modify the object. The result is put into the instance dict then, giving the instance the new list as a dict, while the class's attribute stays modified.
The distinction between ... = ... + ... and ... += ... affects as well the assignments afterwards:
f = foo(1) # adds 1 to the class's bar and assigns to this as well.
g = foo(2) # adds 2 to the class's bar and assigns to this as well.
# Here,, and refer to the same object.
print # [1, 2]
print # [1, 2] += [3] # adds 3 to this object
print # As these still refer to the same object,
print # the output is the same. = + [4] # Construct a new list with the values of the old ones, 4 appended.
print # Print the new one
print # Print the old one.
f = foo2(1) # Here a new list is created on every call.
g = foo2(2)
print # So these all obly have one element.
You can verify the identity of the objects with print id(foo), id(f), id(g) (don't forget the additional ()s if you are on Python3).
BTW: The += operator is called "augmented assignment" and generally is intended to do inplace modifications as far as possible.
The other answers would seem to pretty much have it covered, though it seems worth quoting and referring to the Augmented Assignments PEP 203:
They [the augmented assignment operators] implement the same operator
as their normal binary form, except that the operation is done
`in-place' when the left-hand side object supports it, and that the
left-hand side is only evaluated once.
The idea behind augmented
assignment in Python is that it isn't just an easier way to write the
common practice of storing the result of a binary operation in its
left-hand operand, but also a way for the left-hand operand in
question to know that it should operate `on itself', rather than
creating a modified copy of itself.
>>> elements=[[1],[2],[3]]
>>> subset=[]
>>> subset+=elements[0:1]
>>> subset
>>> elements
[[1], [2], [3]]
>>> subset[0][0]='change'
>>> elements
[['change'], [2], [3]]
>>> a=[1,2,3,4]
>>> b=a
>>> a+=[5]
>>> a,b
([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> a=[1,2,3,4]
>>> b=a
>>> a=a+[5]
>>> a,b
([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> a = 89
>>> id(a)
>>> a = 89 + 1
>>> print(a)
>>> id(a)
4430689552 # this is different from before!
>>> test = [1, 2, 3]
>>> id(test)
>>> test2 = test
>>> id(test)
>>> test2 += [4]
>>> id(test)
>>> print(test, test2) # [1, 2, 3, 4] [1, 2, 3, 4]```
([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> id(test2)
48638344L # ID is different here
We see that when we attempt to modify an immutable object (integer in this case), Python simply gives us a different object instead. On the other hand, we are able to make changes to an mutable object (a list) and have it remain the same object throughout.
ref :
Also refer below url to understand the shallowcopy and deepcopy
listname.extend() works great for this purpose :)

Python append function is not working as expected

>>> a = [1,2,3]
>>> b = []
>>> b.append(a)
>>> print(b)
[[1, 2, 3]]
>>> num = a.pop(0)
>>> a.append(num)
>>> print(a)
[2, 3, 1]
>>> b.append(a)
>>> print(b)
[[2, 3, 1], [2, 3, 1]]
Why is this happening and how to fix it? I need the list like
[[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 1]]
Thank you.
Also, why is this working?
>>> a = []
>>> b = []
>>> a = [1,2,3]
>>> b.append(a)
>>> a = [1,2,3,4]
>>> b.append(a)
>>> print(b)
[[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4]]
Append a copy of your list a, at least the first time. Otherwise, you've appended the same list both times.
When you append the list a, python creates a reference to that variable inside the list b. So when you edit the list a, it is reflected again in the list b. You need to create a copy of your variable and then append it to get the desired result.
Every variable name in Python should be thought of as a reference to a piece of data. In your first listing, b contains two references to the same underlying object that is also referenced by the name a. That object gets changed in-place by the operations you’re using to rotate its members. The effect of that change is seen when you look at either of the two references to the object found in b, or indeed when you look at the reference associated with the name a.
Their identicality can be seen by using the id() function: id(a), id(b[0]) and id(b[1]) all return the same number, which is the unique identifier of the underlying list object that they all refer to. Or you can use the is operator: b[0] is b[1] evaluates to True.
By contrast, in the second listing, you reassign a—in other words, by using the assignment operator = you cause that name to become associated with a different object: in this case, a new list object that you just created with your square-bracketed literal expression. b still contains one reference to the old list, and now you append a new reference that points to this different piece of underlying data. So the two elements of b now look different from each other—and indeed they are different objects and accordingly have different id() numbers, only one of which is the same as the current id(a). b[0] is b[1] now evaluates to False
How to fix it? Reassign the name a before changing it: for example, create a copy:
a = list(a)
import copy
a = copy.copy(a)
(or you could even use copy.deepcopy()—study the difference). Alternatively, rotate the members a using methods that entail reassignment rather than in-place changes—e.g.:
a = a[1:] + a[:1]
(NB immutable objects such as the tuple avoid this whole confusion —not because they behave fundamentally differently but because they lack methods that produce in-place changes and therefore force you to use reassignment strategies.)
In addition to making the copy of a by doing a[:] and assigning it to b.
You can also use collections.deque.rotate to rotate your list
from collections import deque
a = [1,2,3]
#Make a deque of copy of a
b = deque(a[:])
#Rotate the deque
#Create the list and print it
#[[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 1]]

Confused about assinging list items to vars in python

Say I have a list:
L = [1,2,3]
and I assigned L[0] to a variable a
a = L[0]
then if I change a, it won't affect L.
a = a + 1
print L # [1,2,3] not affected
Why is this happening? isn't python passing everything around with references? I thought that a is pointing to L[0]
The problem is that a and L[0] are references to an immutable object, so changing any one of them won't affect the other references:
>>> L = [1, 2, [3]]
>>> a = L[0]
>>> a = a + 1
a now points to a new object, while L[0] still points to the same object.
>>> a, L[0]
(2, 1)
Now in this case b and L[2] are references to a mutable object(list), any in-place operation on them will affect all the references:
>>> b = L[2]
>>> b.append(4) #list.append is an in-place operation
>>> b, L[2]
([3, 4], [3, 4])
>>> b = b + [5] #mutable object, but not an in-place operation
>>> b #b is assigned to new list object
[3, 4, 5]
>>> L[2] #L[2] is unchanged
[3, 4]
L[0] is a name, and when you create the list L, you assign an object to that name, the integer 1. a is also a name, and when you assign a as in a = L[0], you make a to point to the same object that L[0] points to.
But when you later do a = a + 1, this is another assignment. You are not modifying the object that a points to -- the = sign can't do that. You are creating a new object, the integer 2, and assigning that to a.
So in the end, you have two objects in memory; one is referred to by L[0] and the other is referred to by a.
Integers are immutable, which means that there is no possible way to change the properties of the objects in this example; however, that's not salient in this example exactly, because even if the object was mutable it wouldn't change the fact that you're doing assignment (with the = sign). In a case where the object in question was mutable, you could theoretically change the properties of the object when it is still referenced by L[0] and a, instead of doing any additional assignment with = as you are doing. At that point, you would see the properties change regardless of which name you used to inspect the object.
Since L[0] in your case is immutable, changing a doesn't affect the value of L[0]. When you change a, the new object is created and a starts to pointing to it.
See what happens if L[0] is of a mutable type:
>>> L = [[1],2,3]
>>> a = L[0]
>>> a.append(2)
>>> L
[[1, 2], 2, 3]
In this case a and L[0] both point to the same object.
Also see Raymond Hettinger's answer in the relevant thread.
Change the assignment to:
a = L
then when you change L as:
L[0] += 1
you will see that a also changes. This is the reference magic.

When is "i += x" different from "i = i + x" in Python?

I was told that += can have different effects than the standard notation of i = i +. Is there a case in which i += 1 would be different from i = i + 1?
This depends entirely on the object i.
+= calls the __iadd__ method (if it exists -- falling back on __add__ if it doesn't exist) whereas + calls the __add__ method1 or the __radd__ method in a few cases2.
From an API perspective, __iadd__ is supposed to be used for modifying mutable objects in place (returning the object which was mutated) whereas __add__ should return a new instance of something. For immutable objects, both methods return a new instance, but __iadd__ will put the new instance in the current namespace with the same name that the old instance had. This is why
i = 1
i += 1
seems to increment i. In reality, you get a new integer and assign it "on top of" i -- losing one reference to the old integer. In this case, i += 1 is exactly the same as i = i + 1. But, with most mutable objects, it's a different story:
As a concrete example:
a = [1, 2, 3]
b = a
b += [1, 2, 3]
print(a) # [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
print(b) # [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
compared to:
a = [1, 2, 3]
b = a
b = b + [1, 2, 3]
print(a) # [1, 2, 3]
print(b) # [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
notice how in the first example, since b and a reference the same object, when I use += on b, it actually changes b (and a sees that change too -- After all, it's referencing the same list). In the second case however, when I do b = b + [1, 2, 3], this takes the list that b is referencing and concatenates it with a new list [1, 2, 3]. It then stores the concatenated list in the current namespace as b -- With no regard for what b was the line before.
1In the expression x + y, if x.__add__ isn't implemented or if x.__add__(y) returns NotImplemented and x and y have different types, then x + y tries to call y.__radd__(x). So, in the case where you have
foo_instance += bar_instance
if Foo doesn't implement __add__ or __iadd__ then the result here is the same as
foo_instance = bar_instance.__radd__(bar_instance, foo_instance)
2In the expression foo_instance + bar_instance, bar_instance.__radd__ will be tried before foo_instance.__add__ if the type of bar_instance is a subclass of the type of foo_instance (e.g. issubclass(Bar, Foo)). The rationale for this is that Bar is in some sense a "higher-level" object than Foo so Bar should get the option of overriding Foo's behavior.
Under the covers, i += 1 does something like this:
i = i.__iadd__(1)
except AttributeError:
i = i.__add__(1)
While i = i + 1 does something like this:
i = i.__add__(1)
This is a slight oversimplification, but you get the idea: Python gives types a way to handle += specially, by creating an __iadd__ method as well as an __add__.
The intention is that mutable types, like list, will mutate themselves in __iadd__ (and then return self, unless you're doing something very tricky), while immutable types, like int, will just not implement it.
For example:
>>> l1 = []
>>> l2 = l1
>>> l1 += [3]
>>> l2
Because l2 is the same object as l1, and you mutated l1, you also mutated l2.
>>> l1 = []
>>> l2 = l1
>>> l1 = l1 + [3]
>>> l2
Here, you didn't mutate l1; instead, you created a new list, l1 + [3], and rebound the name l1 to point at it, leaving l2 pointing at the original list.
(In the += version, you were also rebinding l1, it's just that in that case you were rebinding it to the same list it was already bound to, so you can usually ignore that part.)
Here is an example that directly compares i += x with i = i + x:
def foo(x):
x = x + [42]
def bar(x):
x += [42]
c = [27]
foo(c); # c is not changed
bar(c); # c is changed to [27, 42]

