I'd like to make a database of all the games I play with their developers/publishers/platforms/etc... And I am sure that the RAWG api is the way to do that.
I'm experienced with python but I've never used an API before, here is the code I used from the quickstart guide:
import rawgpy
rawg = rawgpy.RAWG("User-Agent, this should identify your app")
results = rawg.search("Warframe") # defaults to returning the top 5 results
game = results[0]
game.populate() # get additional info for the game
for store in game.stores:
rawg.login("someemail#example.com", "somepassword")
me = rawg.current_user()
print(me.name) # print my name, equivalent to print(self.username)
me.populate() # gets additional info for the user
for game in me.playing:
print(game.name) # prints all the games i'm currently playing
However I don't know what to use as my user agent in the second line. Any help would be much appreciated.
Here is the link to the quickstart guide
It's a bit tricky to tell from their documentation, but typically this means you just need to put in a user agent that shows the API your an app calling their api. Lots of APIs block default user agents to prevent spam and abuse, hence the requirement.
So you could literally put:
rawg = rawgpy.RAWG("My first app")
However it's better practice to put something unique and descriptive that describes your app. For your use case this could be "game-database-app-01".
There probably aren't any syntax requirements on what you can put in, but I wouldn't be surprised if they only accept alphanumeric entries.
It's probably a good idea to always call the same API with the same app name to avoid throwing any errors their end.
I hope this answers your question.
I am trying to find code examples on how G Suite is dealing with api calls in python. For example there is a method called insert: https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/v1/reference/users/insert#try-it which permits you to create new users under your enterprise.
The point is that they dont have an example on how you can do that and i find a bit difficult to figure it out through their documentation. Are there any know examples that i could consult?
This worked for me, also using the QuickStart guide.
First, build your user object with the minimum required fields.
Note, this is just a dictionary containing a basic representation of a user object.
The minimum fields to use look like this:
user = {"name": {"familyName": "Burton", "givenName": "Haniel",}, "password": "some_pass", "primaryEmail": "haniel#yourgsuitedomain.com",}
You can add or update additional fields like any other dictionary:
user["orgUnitPath"] = "/Imported"
Then, call the insert method like this in your main() program:
result = service.users().insert(body=user).execute()
Result should be a JSON representation returned by the Directory API with additional attributes that are automatically added by Google.
Some additional links in case anyone else finds it useful:
I'm working on building a small script/app to handle user creation, updates, and password resets to automate provisioning from our student information system. Depending on how it goes I might post to GitHub and add links here to save others time.
I'm working on a software that deals with drones.
My team introduced a server to allow command and control activities with multiple drones.
Now, I'd like to test its API and create a python module for automated testing.
The API includes actions like add marker, delete marker and so on and so forth that you can do in the app.
I've been researching if there might be a tool to allow me to randomize these actions automatically to create scenarios that imitate user actions.
For example:
check the license, add mission, add a marker, fly to position and delete Marker.
Each of those actions is a request sent to the server within the app, but I've already recreated those activities as functions in python. The server actions have also been written in Python(server is tornado). Now I just need to find a way to randomize their activation(the data they send to the server is generated randomly and legally as well, and that's not a problem).
So before wasting a lot of my time creating these scenarios by hand, I'm sure someone already faced this kind of problem. I couldn't find it here though. Searched for hours but there are so many questions I might have missed something related to my issue.
I can build such a tool myself and even share a git to it here if it comes to that. Then it will be helpful to anyone encountering this question.
I thought it would be worth asking anyway.
Let me know if there are any other details you need to know to answer this question.
I am new to python and pyramid and I am trying to figure out a way to print out some object values that I am using in a view callable to get a better idea of how things are working. More specifically, I am wanting to see what is coming out of a sqlalchemy query.
I need to take that query and then look up what Office a user belongs to by the office_id attribute that is part of the User object. I was thinking of looping through the users that come up from that query and doing another query to look up the office information (in the offices table). I need to build a dictionary that includes some User information and some Office information then return it to the browser as json.
Is there a way that I can experiment with different attempts at this while viewing my output without having to rely on the browser. I am more of a front end developer so when I am writing javascript I just view my outputs using console.log(output).
console.log(output) is to JavaScript
????? is to Python (specifically pyramid view callable)
Hope the question is not dumb. Just trying to learn. Appreciate anyones help.
This is a good reason to experiment with pshell, Pyramid's interactive python interpreter. From within pshell you can tinker with things on the command-line and see what they will do before adding them to your application.
Of course, you can always use "print" and things will show up in the console. SQLAlchemy also has the sqlalchemy.echo ini option that you can turn on to see all queries. And finally, it sounds like you just need to do a join but maybe aren't familiar with how to write complex database queries, so I'd suggest you look into that before resorting to writing separate queries. Likely a single query can return you what you need.
I have to transform my Django application so that it is compliant with "21 CFR Part 11", that is make electronic records have the same validity as signed paper records. Is there any project or application I should look at?
Some issues:
audit trail: every change in selected models must be traced (who, when, what)
detect unauthorized record editing: if a record has been changed/added/deleted outside normal procedure, the application should detect it
for particular operations, user has to enter the password again
passwords must be changed periodically and must satisfy certain criteria
I've found no ready solution on the net...
I work in an environment requiring CFR 21 Part 11 and similar. I have not yet gotten our apps fully compliant, but I have gone through a number of trial and errors so helpfully I can get you started in a few places.
1) I would also suggest Django reversion; however, you will require a little more than what it offers to achieves a variable level audit trail with the action that was taken (in addition to by whom and when). For this I used one of the reversion signals to turn the comment field into a dict that could be evaluated and then called for any variable in the row and the action that was taken on it etc. This is below:
def it_worked(sender, **kwargs):
currentVersion = kwargs.pop('versions')[0].field_dict
fieldList = currentVersion.keys()
commentDict = {}
pastVersion = reversion.get_for_object(kwargs.pop('instances')[0])[0].field_dict
except IndexError:
for field in fieldList:
commentDict[field] = "Created"
except TypeError:
for field in fieldList:
commentDict[field] = "Deleted"
for field in fieldList:
pastTest = pastVersion[field]
except KeyError:
commentDict[field] = "Created"
if currentVersion[field] != pastTest:
commentDict[field] = "Changed"
commentDict[field] = "Unchanged"
comment = commentDict
revision = kwargs.pop('revision')
revision.comment = comment
kwargs['revision'] = revision
2/3) You are going to need to use an object-level permission system for this. I have implemented django-guardian. Pretty much the only limit on the complexity you can implement is how many things you can keep straight yourself. The base set of permissions you will need to implement are view, edit, delete, and some sort of data controller/manager role; however, you will probably want to go more complicated. I would highly suggest using class-based-views and mixins for permission checking, but function based can work as well. This can also be used to prompt for password for certain actions because you can control what happens to a field in any way you like.
4) Expiring passwords can be implemented with even just the Django auth system if you want or any user account management app. You will just need to add an extra field to record whatever datetime you want to begin your expiry countdown. Then on login just check for time from countdown and see if they have gone beyond the window, and if so require them to create a new password by directing them through the built-in view for password change or which mechanism is appropriate to your app.
I will tell you the most difficult part of implementing CFR 21 Part 11 will be getting the appropriate people to tell you exactly what your project should do to meet requirements, and getting inspected for compliance can be time consuming and costly.
Hope this helps you get started.
Django Reversion might give you a start on an audit trail, although you probably don't need all of its facilities.
For 2, 3 and 4 on your list, those are things you'll most likely end up coding yourself.
I'm a real coding n00b so apologies if this is a simple or basic question.
I'm coding on Python, Webapp, Appengine.
My question, is it possible to carry on working after I've written out the page? And is that the best way to do something? Basically, when someone creates a list on my site (www.7bks.com) I want to carry on working for a little bit to do some 'post-processing' on the books they've just chosen.
Currently I have something like this (pseudocode!)
class InputList(webapp.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
#get books data from the post and put in datastore
list = List()
list = self.request.get('books')
#redirect the user to the new list
self.redirect("http://www.7bks.com/list/&s" % list.id)
Now, I have some slow (involving API calls) post-processing I want to do to each book in the list. I don't want to slow down redirecting the user and generating the list page because my post-processing doesn't directly affect the list page. So could I do this?
class InputList(webapp.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
#get books data from the post and put in datastore
list = List()
list = self.request.get('books')
#redirect the user to the new list
self.redirect("http://www.7bks.com/list/&s" % list.id)
#carry on working behind the scenes independently of the user
for book in list:
data = heavyprocessing(book)
Would that cause my application to effectively serve the redirect and then carry on working behind the scenes?
Are there better ways of doing this? I'm aware I could use CRON but I'd like this heavy processed data fairly soon after I create the list, but not immediately. Feels like Cron might not be the right answer (unless I have a CRON script to run every minute or so and check for new books to process?)
I know it's not really async my question but I couldn't think of a good way to phrase it. I'm sure there's some standard terminology for this kind of thing but I don't know what it is. Thanks :)
Check out the Task Queue API.
Task or message queues tend to be the way to go about doing some sort of work that is initiated by a user request, but not necessarily completed within the time frame of that request's execution.