The data needed:
I want to scrape through two webpages, one here: and the other:
From the first page, I need values of the row called Total Assets. This would be 5 values in that row named: 365,725,000 375,319,000 321,686,000 290,479,000 231,839,000
Then I need 5 values of the row named Total Current Liabilities. These would be: 43,658,000 38,542,000 27,970,000 20,722,000 11,506,000
From the second link, I need 10 values of the row named Operating Income or Loss. These would be: 52,503,000 48,999,000 55,241,000 33,790,000 18,385,000.
EDIT: I need the TTM value too, and then the five years' values mentioned above. Thanks.
Here is the logic of what I want. I want to run this module, and when run, I want the output to be:
TTM array: 365725000, 116866000, 64423000
year1 array: 375319000, 100814000, 70898000
year2 array: 321686000, 79006000, 80610000
My code:
This is what I have written so far. I can extract the value within the div class if I just put it in a variable as shown below. However, how do I loop efficiently through the 'div' classes as there are thousands of them in the page. In other words, how do I find just the values I am looking for?
# Import libraries
import requests
import urllib.request
import time
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Set the URL you want to webscrape from
url = ''
# Connect to the URL
response = requests.get(url)
# Parse HTML and save to BeautifulSoup object¶
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
soup1 = BeautifulSoup("""<div class="D(tbc) Ta(end) Pstart(6px) Pend(4px) Bxz(bb) Py(8px) BdB Bdc($seperatorColor) Miw(90px) Miw(110px)--pnclg" data-test="fin-col"><span>321,686,000</span></div>""", "html.parser")
spup2 = BeautifulSoup("""<span data-reactid="1377">""", "html.parser");
#This works
print(soup1.find("div", class_="D(tbc) Ta(end) Pstart(6px) Pend(4px) Bxz(bb) Py(8px) BdB Bdc($seperatorColor) Miw(90px) Miw(110px)--pnclg").text)
#How to loop through all the relevant div classes?
EDIT - At the request of #Life is complex, edited to add date headings.
Try this using lxml:
import requests
from lxml import html
url = ''
url2 = ''
page = requests.get(url)
page2 = requests.get(url2)
tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
tree2 = html.fromstring(page2.content)
total_assets = []
Total_Current_Liabilities = []
Operating_Income_or_Loss = []
heads = []
path = '//div[#class="rw-expnded"][#data-test="fin-row"][#data-reactid]'
data_path = '../../div/span/text()'
heads_path = '//div[contains(#class,"D(ib) Fw(b) Ta(end)")]/span/text()'
dats = [tree.xpath(path),tree2.xpath(path)]
for entry in dats:
for d in entry[0]:
for s in d.xpath('//div[#title]'):
if s.attrib['title'] == 'Total Assets':
if s.attrib['title'] == 'Total Current Liabilities':
if s.attrib['title'] == 'Operating Income or Loss':
del total_assets[0]
del Total_Current_Liabilities[0]
del Operating_Income_or_Loss[0]
print('Date Total Assets Total_Current_Liabilities:')
for date,asset,current in zip(heads[0],total_assets[0],Total_Current_Liabilities[0]):
print(date, asset, current)
print('Operating Income or Loss:')
for head,income in zip(heads[1],Operating_Income_or_Loss[0]):
Date Total Assets Total_Current_Liabilities:
9/29/2018 365,725,000 116,866,000
9/29/2017 375,319,000 100,814,000
9/29/2016 321,686,000 79,006,000
Operating Income or Loss:
ttm 64,423,000
9/29/2018 70,898,000
9/29/2017 61,344,000
9/29/2016 60,024,000
Of course, if so desired, this can be easily incorporated into a pandas dataframe.
Some suggestions for parse html use 'BeautifulSoup' which is helpful for me maybe helpful for you.
use 'id' to location the element, instead of using 'class' because the 'class' change more frequently than id.
use structure info to location the element instead of using 'class', the structure info change less frequently.
use headers with user-agent info to get response is always better than no headers. In this case, if do not specify headers info, you can not find id 'Col1-1-Financials-Proxy', but you can find 'Col1-3-Financials-Proxy', which is not same with result in Chrome inspector.
Here is runnable codes for your requirement use structure info to location elements. You definitely can use 'class' info to make it. Just remember that when your code do not work well, check the website's source code.
# import libraries
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# set the URL you want to webscrape from
first_page_url = ''
second_page_url = ''
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.132 Safari/537.36'
# first page
print('*' * 10, ' FIRST PAGE RESULT ', '*' * 10)
total_assets = {}
total_current_liabilities = {}
operating_income_or_loss = {}
page1_table_keys = []
page2_table_keys = []
# connect to the first page URL
response = requests.get(first_page_url, headers=headers)
# parse HTML and save to BeautifulSoup object¶
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
# the nearest id to get the result
sheet = soup.find(id='Col1-1-Financials-Proxy')
sheet_section_divs = sheet.section.find_all('div', recursive=False)
# last child
sheet_data_div = sheet_section_divs[-1]
div_ele_table = sheet_data_div.find('div').find('div').find_all('div', recursive=False)
# table header
div_ele_header = div_ele_table[0].find('div').find_all('div', recursive=False)
# first element is label, the remaining element containing data, so use range(1, len())
for i in range(1, len(div_ele_header)):
# table body
div_ele = div_ele_table[-1]
div_eles = div_ele.find_all('div', recursive=False)
tgt_div_ele1 = div_eles[0].find_all('div', recursive=False)[-1]
tgt_div_ele1_row = tgt_div_ele1.find_all('div', recursive=False)[-1]
tgt_div_ele1_row_eles = tgt_div_ele1_row.find('div').find_all('div', recursive=False)
# first element is label, the remaining element containing data, so use range(1, len())
for i in range(1, len(tgt_div_ele1_row_eles)):
total_assets[page1_table_keys[i - 1]] = tgt_div_ele1_row_eles[i].find('span').text
tgt_div_ele2 = div_eles[1].find_all('div', recursive=False)[-1]
tgt_div_ele2 = tgt_div_ele2.find('div').find_all('div', recursive=False)[-1]
tgt_div_ele2 = tgt_div_ele2.find('div').find_all('div', recursive=False)[-1]
tgt_div_ele2_row = tgt_div_ele2.find_all('div', recursive=False)[-1]
tgt_div_ele2_row_eles = tgt_div_ele2_row.find('div').find_all('div', recursive=False)
# first element is label, the remaining element containing data, so use range(1, len())
for i in range(1, len(tgt_div_ele2_row_eles)):
total_current_liabilities[page1_table_keys[i - 1]] = tgt_div_ele2_row_eles[i].find('span').text
print('Total Assets', total_assets)
print('Total Current Liabilities', total_current_liabilities)
# second page, same logic as the first page
print('*' * 10, ' SECOND PAGE RESULT ', '*' * 10)
# Connect to the second page URL
response = requests.get(second_page_url, headers=headers)
# Parse HTML and save to BeautifulSoup object¶
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
# the nearest id to get the result
sheet = soup.find(id='Col1-1-Financials-Proxy')
sheet_section_divs = sheet.section.find_all('div', recursive=False)
# last child
sheet_data_div = sheet_section_divs[-1]
div_ele_table = sheet_data_div.find('div').find('div').find_all('div', recursive=False)
# table header
div_ele_header = div_ele_table[0].find('div').find_all('div', recursive=False)
# first element is label, the remaining element containing data, so use range(1, len())
for i in range(1, len(div_ele_header)):
# table body
div_ele = div_ele_table[-1]
div_eles = div_ele.find_all('div', recursive=False)
tgt_div_ele_row = div_eles[4]
tgt_div_ele_row_eles = tgt_div_ele_row.find('div').find_all('div', recursive=False)
for i in range(1, len(tgt_div_ele_row_eles)):
operating_income_or_loss[page2_table_keys[i - 1]] = tgt_div_ele_row_eles[i].find('span').text
print('Operating Income or Loss', operating_income_or_loss)
Output with header info:
********** FIRST PAGE RESULT **********
Total Assets {'9/29/2018': '365,725,000', '9/29/2017': '375,319,000', '9/29/2016': '321,686,000'}
Total Current Liabilities {'9/29/2018': '116,866,000', '9/29/2017': '100,814,000', '9/29/2016': '79,006,000'}
********** SECOND PAGE RESULT **********
Operating Income or Loss {'ttm': '64,423,000', '9/29/2018': '70,898,000', '9/29/2017': '61,344,000', '9/29/2016': '60,024,000'}
I am making a function to print a list of links so I can add them to a list of companies and job titles. However, I am having difficulties navigating tag sub-contents. I am looking to list all the 'href' in 'a' in 'div' like so:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
import pandas as pd
import requests
page = ""
headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0'}
def get_soup():
session = requests.Session()
pageTree = session.get(page, headers=headers)
return BeautifulSoup(pageTree.content, 'html.parser')
pageSoup = get_soup()
def print_links():
"""this function scrapes the job title links"""
jobLink = [div.a for div in pageSoup.find_all('div', class_='title')]
for div in jobLink:
I am trying to make a list but my result is simply text and does not seem to be a link like so:
Additionally, here is my attempt at making a list with the links:
def get_job_titles():
"""this function scrapes the job titles"""
jobs = []
jobTitle = pageSoup.find_all('div', class_='title')
for span in jobTitle:
link = span.find('href')
if link:
jobs.append({'title':span.text, 'href':None})
return jobs
I would regex out from html returned the required info and construct the url from the parameters the page javascript uses to dynamically construct each url. Interestingly, the total number of listings is different when using requests than using browser. You can manually enter the number of listings e.g. 6175 (currently) or use the number returned by the request (which is lower and you miss some results). You could also use selenium to get the correct initial result count). You can then issue requests with offsets to get all listings.
Listings can be randomized in terms of ordering.
It seems you can introduce a limit parameter to increase results_per_page up to 50 e.g.
Furthermore, it seems that it is possible to retrieve more results that are actually given as the total results count on webpage.
py with 10 per page:
import requests, re, hjson, math
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
p = re.compile(r"jobmap\[\d+\]= ({.*?})")
p1 = re.compile(r"var searchUID = '(.*?)';")
counter = 0
final = {}
with requests.Session() as s:
r = s.get('')
soup = bs(r.content, 'lxml')
tk = p1.findall(r.text)[0]
listings_per_page = 10
number_of_listings = int(soup.select_one('[name=description]')['content'].split(' ')[0].replace(',',''))
#number_of_pages = math.ceil(number_of_listings/listings_per_page)
number_of_pages = math.ceil(6175/listings_per_page) #manually calculated
for page in range(1, number_of_pages + 1):
if page > 1:
r = s.get('{}'.format(10*page-1))
soup = bs(r.content, 'lxml')
tk = p1.findall(r.text)[0]
for item in p.findall(r.text):
data = hjson.loads(item)
jk = data['jk']
row = {'title' : data['title']
,'company' : data['cmp']
,'url' : f'{jk}&tk={tk}&from=serp&vjs=3'
final[counter] = row
df = pd.DataFrame(final)
output_df = df.T
output_df.to_csv(r'C:\Users\User\Desktop\Data.csv', sep=',', encoding='utf-8-sig',index = False )
If you want to use selenium to get correct initial listings count:
import requests, re, hjson, math
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
from selenium import webdriver
from import Options
options = Options()
d = webdriver.Chrome(r'C:\Users\HarrisQ\Documents\chromedriver.exe', options = options)
number_of_listings = int(d.find_element_by_css_selector('[name=description]').get_attribute('content').split(' ')[0].replace(',',''))
p = re.compile(r"jobmap\[\d+\]= ({.*?})")
p1 = re.compile(r"var searchUID = '(.*?)';")
counter = 0
final = {}
with requests.Session() as s:
r = s.get('')
soup = bs(r.content, 'lxml')
tk = p1.findall(r.text)[0]
listings_per_page = 10
number_of_pages = math.ceil(6175/listings_per_page) #manually calculated
for page in range(1, number_of_pages + 1):
if page > 1:
r = s.get('{}'.format(10*page-1))
soup = bs(r.content, 'lxml')
tk = p1.findall(r.text)[0]
for item in p.findall(r.text):
data = hjson.loads(item)
jk = data['jk']
row = {'title' : data['title']
,'company' : data['cmp']
,'url' : f'{jk}&tk={tk}&from=serp&vjs=3'
final[counter] = row
df = pd.DataFrame(final)
output_df = df.T
output_df.to_csv(r'C:\Users\User\Desktop\Data.csv', sep=',', encoding='utf-8-sig',index = False )
I am scraping a website. However, I want to create a code that will continuously scrape the website and print whenever the data changes. If the data doesn't change then it remains the same. Basically, something that will mean I don't have to keep clicking run to see if the data has changed.
I tried doing a while loop but didn't know how to include the data I have received online.
import urllib
import urllib.request
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
theurl = 'xyz'
thepage = urllib.request.urlopen(theurl)
soup = BeautifulSoup(thepage, 'html.parser')
data = soup.find('div' , ( 'class' , 'sticky')). text
something like this may get the job done:
import urllib.request
import time
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
theurl = ''
# first iteration
thepage =
lastsoup = thissoup = BeautifulSoup(thepage, 'html.parser')
data = soup.find('div' , ( 'class' , 'sticky')). text
while True:
thepage =
thissoup = BeautifulSoup(thepage, 'html.parser')
if thissoup != lastsoup:
data = soup.find('div' , ( 'class' , 'sticky')). text
time.sleep(30) # sleep 30 seconds before looping
This script can get you started. Each 1sec the script will scrape the page and checks for a change. If there's change, returns old and new value:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
from time import sleep
url = ''
def get_data(url):
return BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text, 'lxml')
def watch(url, seconds=1):
soup = get_data(url)
old_data = soup.select_one('').text.strip()
while True:
soup = get_data(url)
data = soup.select_one('').text.strip()
if data != old_data:
yield old_data, data
old_data = data
for old_val, new_val in watch(url):
print('Data changed! Old value was {}, new value is {}'.format(old_val, new_val))
Prints (for example):
Data changed! Old value was 1, new value is 2
Data changed! Old value was 2, new value is 1
Data changed! Old value was 1, new value is 2
Data changed! Old value was 2, new value is 1
Data changed! Old value was 1, new value is 2
Data changed! Old value was 2, new value is 1
...and so on.
You need to change URL and selecting right HTML element according to your needs.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import csv
url = ""
page = requests.get(url)
html_doc = page.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc,"html.parser")
coinname =soup.find_all("div",attrs={"class":"coin-content center"})
coin_sign = soup.find_all("div",attrs={"class":"coin-icon mr-2 center flex-column"})
coinvalue = soup.find_all("td",attrs={"class":"td-price price text-right "})
marketcap = soup.find_all("td",attrs={"class":"td-market_cap cap "})
Liquidity = soup.find_all("td", attrs={"class": "td-liquidity_score lit text-right "})
coin_name = []
coinsign = []
Coinvalue = []
Marketcap = []
marketliquidity = []
for div in coinname:
for sign in coin_sign:
for Value in coinvalue:
for cap in marketcap:
for liquidity in Liquidity:
I want to save the output into a csv file file with 5 columns. Column 1 will be "coin_name", Column 2 will be "coinsign", Column 3 will be "coinvalue", Column 4 will be "Marketcap", and Column 5 will be "Marketliquidity". How can I solve this?
I also want to limit the data I receive, as I want to receive only 100 coin_name but I received 200 coin_name.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import csv
url = ""
page = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content,"html.parser")
#Instead of assigning variable and looping you can use list comprehension.
names = [div.a.span.text for div in soup.find_all("div",attrs={"class":"coin-content center"})]
signs = [sign.span.text for sign in soup.find_all("div",attrs={"class":"coin-icon mr-2 center flex-column"})]
values = [value.a.span.text for value in soup.find_all("td",attrs={"class":"td-price price text-right "})]
caps = [cap.div.span.text for cap in soup.find_all("td",attrs={"class":"td-market_cap cap "})]
liquidities = [liquidity.a.span.text for liquidity in soup.find_all("td", attrs={"class": "td-liquidity_score lit text-right "})]
with open('coins.csv', mode='w',newline='') as coins:
writer = csv.writer(coins, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
#Take only first 100 coins
for i in range(100):
The output will be
I am trying to loop through multiple pages to scrape data with Python and Beautifulsoup. My script works for one page, but when trying to iterate through multiple pages, it only returns the data from the last page scraped. I think there may be something wrong in the way I am looping or storing/appending the player_data list.
Here is what I have thus far -- any help is much appreciated.
#! python3
# - Downloads espn college basketball recruiting database info
import requests, os, bs4, csv
import pandas as pd
# Starting url (class of 2007)
base_url = ''
# Number of pages to scrape (Not inclusive, so number + 1)
pages = map(str, range(1,3))
# url for starting page
url = base_url + pages[0]
for n in pages:
# Create url
url = base_url + n
# Parse data using BS
print('Downloading page %s...' % url)
res = requests.get(url)
# Creating bs object
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text, "html.parser")
table = soup.find('table')
# Get the data
data_rows = soup.findAll('tr')[1:]
player_data = []
for tr in data_rows:
tdata = []
for td in tr:
if td.div and td.div['class'][0] == 'school-logo':
You should have your player_data list definition outside your loop, otherwise only the last iteration's results will be stored.
This is an indentation issue or a declaration issue, depending on the results you expect.
If you need to print the result for each page:
You can solve this by adding 4 spaces before print(player_data).
If you let the print statement outside the for loop block, it will be executed only once, after the loop has ended. So the only values it can display are the last values of player_data leaking from the last iteration of the for loop.
if you want to store all results in player_data and print it at the end :
you must declare player_data outside and before your for loop.
player_data = []
for n in pages:
# [...]
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Starting url (class of 2007)
base_url = ''
# Number of pages to scrape (Not inclusive, so number + 1)
pages = list(map(str,range(1,3)))
# In Python 3, map returns an iterable object of type map, and not a subscriptible list, which would allow you to write map[i]. To force a list result, write
# url for starting page
url = base_url + pages[0]
for n in pages:
# Create url
url = base_url + n
# Parse data using BS
print('Downloading page %s...' % url)
res = requests.get(url)
# Creating bs object
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, "html.parser")
table = soup.find('table')
# Get the data
data_rows = soup.findAll('tr')[1:]
player_data = []
for tr in data_rows:
tdata = []
for td in tr:
if td.div and td.div['class'][0] == 'school-logo':