I wrote this script to process a few hundred thousand lines with an localhost API, but the code behaves synchronously.
async def process_line_async(session, line):
async with session.put('http://localhost:8887/load', data=line) as response:
r = await response.json()
f"some info about the response\n")
async def looper(lines):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
tasks = []
for line in lines:
task = asyncio.ensure_future(process_line_async(session, line))
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
When I test it, or when I modify the process_line_async() function leaving out the request part, with a time.sleep() statement and some arbitrary print, it works but it behaves synchronously
I'm using Asyncio and aiohttp to asynchronously get files from an endpoint. My status codes for the request are successful but when I try to write the files everything is always empty for some reason.
This is what my code looks like right now:
async def download_link(url:str,my_session:ClientSession, filename:Path):
async with my_session.get(url, allow_redirects=True) as response:
with filename.open(mode='wb') as f: #Line 3
await f.write(response.content)
async def download_all(urls:list, filenames:list):
my_conn = aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=10)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=my_conn) as session:
tasks = []
for item in zip(urls,file_names):
task = asyncio.ensure_future(download_link(url=item[0],my_session=session, filename=item[1]))
await asyncio.gather(*tasks,return_exceptions=True)
I've also tried to put async in front of the with on line 3, inside the download_link function. And I've also tried making the code that opens the file and writes into it a separate async function a such:
async def store_response(response, filename:Path):
async with filename.open(model='wb') as f:
I know the files I'm fetching from do have data, when I use multi-threading I'm able to get data back. Anyone know why this is happening?
I have used this code to download files asynchronously with no problem and good speed.
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import aiofile
async def download_file(url: str):
filename = url.split('?')[0].split('/')[-1]
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(url) as resp:
if not resp.ok:
print(f"Invalid status code: {resp.status}")
async with aiofile.async_open(filename, "wb+") as afp:
async for chunk in resp.content.iter_chunked(1024 * 512): # 500 KB
await afp.write(chunk)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
print(f"A timeout ocurred while downloading '{filename}'")
I need to scrape and get the raw text of the body paragraphs for many (5-10k per day) news articles. I've written some threading code, but given the highly I/O bound nature of this project I am dabbling in asyncio. The code snippet below is not any faster than a 1-threaded version, and far worse than my threaded version. Could anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Thank you!
async def fetch(session,url):
async with session.get(url) as response:
return await response.text()
async def scrape_urls(urls):
results = []
tasks = []
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
for url in urls:
html = await fetch(session,url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(html,'html.parser')
body = soup.find('div', attrs={'class':'entry-content'})
paras = [normalize('NFKD',para.get_text()) for para in body.find_all('p')]
return results
await means "wait until the result is ready", so when you await the fetching in each loop iteration, you request (and get) sequential execution. To parallelize fetching, you need to spawn each fetch into a background tasks using something like asyncio.create_task(fetch(...)), and then await them, similar to how you'd do it with threads. Or even more simply, you can let the asyncio.gather convenience function do it for you. For example (untested):
async def fetch(session, url):
async with session.get(url) as response:
return await response.text()
def parse(html):
soup = BeautifulSoup(html,'html.parser')
body = soup.find('div', attrs={'class':'entry-content'})
return [normalize('NFKD',para.get_text())
for para in body.find_all('p')]
async def fetch_and_parse(session, url):
html = await fetch(session, url)
paras = parse(html)
return paras
async def scrape_urls(urls):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
return await asyncio.gather(
*(fetch_and_parse(session, url) for url in urls)
If you find that this still runs slower than the multi-threaded version, it is possible that the parsing of HTML is slowing down the IO-related work. (Asyncio runs everything in a single thread by default.) To prevent CPU-bound code from interfering with asyncio, you can move the parsing to a separate thread using run_in_executor:
async def fetch_and_parse(session, url):
html = await fetch(session, url)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# run parse(html) in a separate thread, and
# resume this coroutine when it completes
paras = await loop.run_in_executor(None, parse, html)
return paras
Note that run_in_executor must be awaited because it returns an awaitable that is "woken up" when the background thread completes the given assignment. As this version uses asyncio for IO and threads for parsing, it should run about as fast as your threaded version, but scale to a much larger number of parallel downloads.
Finally, if you want the parsing to run actually in parallel, using multiple cores, you can use multi-processing instead:
_pool = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor()
async def fetch_and_parse(session, url):
html = await fetch(session, url)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# run parse(html) in a separate process, and
# resume this coroutine when it completes
paras = await loop.run_in_executor(pool, parse, html)
return paras
I'm using python 3.7 and trying to make a crawler that can go multiple domains asynchronously. I'm using for this asyncio and aiohttp but i'm experiencing problems with the aiohttp.ClientSession. This is my reduced code:
import aiohttp
import asyncio
async def fetch(session, url):
async with session.get(url) as response:
print(await response.text())
async def main():
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=loop) as session:
cwlist = [loop.create_task(fetch(session, url)) for url in ['http://python.org', 'http://google.com']]
if __name__ == "__main__":
The thrown exception is this:
_GatheringFuture exception was never retrieved
future: <_GatheringFuture finished exception=RuntimeError('Session is closed')>
What am i doing wrong here?
You forgot to await the asyncio.gather result:
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=loop) as session:
cwlist = [loop.create_task(fetch(session, url)) for url in ['http://python.org', 'http://google.com']]
await asyncio.gather(*cwlist)
If you ever have an async with containing no await expressions you should be fairly suspicious.
When I run this it lists off the websites in the database one by one with the response code and it takes about 10 seconds to run through a very small list. It should be way faster and isn't running asynchronously but I'm not sure why.
import dblogin
import aiohttp
import asyncio
import async_timeout
dbconn = dblogin.connect()
dbcursor = dbconn.cursor(buffered=True)
dbcursor.execute("SELECT thistable FROM adatabase")
website_list = dbcursor.fetchall()
async def fetch(session, url):
with async_timeout.timeout(30):
async with session.get(url, ssl=False) as response:
await response.read()
return response.status, url
async def main():
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
for all_urls in website_list:
url = all_urls[0]
resp = await fetch(session, url)
print(resp, url)
if __name__ == '__main__':
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
This article explains the details. What you need to do is pass each fetch call in a Future object, and then pass a list of those to either asyncio.wait or asyncio.gather depending on your needs.
Your code would look something like this:
async def fetch(session, url):
with async_timeout.timeout(30):
async with session.get(url, ssl=False) as response:
await response.read()
return response.status, url
async def main():
tasks = []
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
for all_urls in website_list:
url = all_urls[0]
task = asyncio.create_task(fetch(session, url))
responses = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
if __name__ == '__main__':
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
future = asyncio.create_task(main())
Also, are you sure that loop.close() call is needed? The docs mention that
The loop must not be running when this function is called. Any pending callbacks will be discarded.
This method clears all queues and shuts down the executor, but does not wait for the executor to finish.
As mentioned in the docs and in the link that #user4815162342 posted, it is better to use the create_task method instead of the ensure_future method when we know that the argument is a coroutine. Note that this was added in Python 3.7, so previous versions should continue using ensure_future instead.
First of all heres the code:
import random
import asyncio
from aiohttp import ClientSession
import csv
headers =[]
def extractsites(file):
sites = []
readfile = open(file, "r")
reader = csv.reader(readfile, delimiter=",")
raw = list(reader)
for a in raw:
return sites
async def fetchheaders(url, session):
async with session.get(url) as response:
responseheader = await response.headers
return responseheader
async def bound_fetch(sem, url, session):
async with sem:
print("doing request for "+ url)
await fetchheaders(url, session)
async def run():
urls = extractsites("cisco-umbrella.csv")
tasks = []
# create instance of Semaphore
sem = asyncio.Semaphore(100)
async with ClientSession() as session:
for i in urls:
task = asyncio.ensure_future(bound_fetch(sem, "http://"+i, session))
return tasks
def main():
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
future = asyncio.ensure_future(run())
if __name__ == '__main__':
Most of this code was taken from this blog post:
Here is my problem that I'm facing: I am trying to read a million urls from a file and then make async request for each of them.
But when I try to execute the code above I get the Session expired error.
This is my line of thought:
I am relatively new to async programming so bear with me.
My though process was to create a long task list (that only allows 100 parallel requests), that I build in the run function, and then pass as a future to the event loop to execute.
I have included a print debug in the bound_fetch (which I copied from the blog post) and it looks like it loops over all urls that I have and as soon as it should start making requests in the fetchheaders function I get the runtime errors.
How do I fix my code ?
A couple things here.
First, in your run function you actually want to gather the tasks there and await them to fix your session issue, like so:
async def run():
urls = ['google.com','amazon.com']
tasks = []
# create instance of Semaphore
sem = asyncio.Semaphore(100)
async with ClientSession() as session:
for i in urls:
task = asyncio.ensure_future(bound_fetch(sem, "http://"+i, session))
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
Second, the aiohttp API is a little odd in dealing with headers in that you can't await them. I worked around this by awaiting body so that headers are populated and then returning the headers:
async def fetchheaders(url, session):
async with session.get(url) as response:
data = await response.read()
responseheader = response.headers
return responseheader
There is some additional overhead here in pulling the body however. I couldn't find another way to load headers though without doing a body read.