I have the following dataframe:
17,450.00 NaN NaN 26 19.45 1.40 -4.05 600 1.15 2.10 500
17,500.00 351 351 772 20.06 1.35 -3.15 2,050 1.35 1.65 450
17,550.00 4 4 13 21.81 2.00 -1.65 600 1.25 2.45 300
17,600.00 1 1 1 21.91 1.60 -1.40 600 1.25 1.95 300
17,650.00 NaN NaN 7 22.15 1.35 -1.05 2,000 1.05 1.95 300
When i do put['OI'].idxmax() it throws error:
TypeError: reduction operation 'argmax' not allowed for this dtype
Earlier I did this. put.replace('-', np.nan, inplace = True) to replace the dash but i am still getting the same error.
I did some looking and it seems like its because it was looking for numeric dtype but as you can see from the below df, the dtype is numbers:
15,200.00 39
15,250.00 14
15,300.00 60
15,350.00 10
15,400.00 199
15,450.00 25
15,500.00 925
15,550.00 131
15,600.00 634
15,650.00 120
15,700.00 1,290
15,750.00 887
15,800.00 4,039
15,850.00 1,207
15,900.00 6,504
15,950.00 1,503
16,000.00 10,704
16,050.00 2,366
16,100.00 9,328
16,150.00 3,348
16,200.00 17,240
16,250.00 9,100
16,300.00 18,938
16,350.00 3,685
16,400.00 15,145
16,450.00 3,654
16,500.00 16,496
16,550.00 2,053
16,600.00 8,982
16,650.00 1,156
16,700.00 6,872
16,750.00 849
16,800.00 4,026
16,850.00 339
16,900.00 3,167
16,950.00 13
17,000.00 6,160
17,050.00 197
17,100.00 641
17,150.00 1
17,200.00 373
17,250.00 NaN
17,300.00 66
17,350.00 236
17,400.00 551
17,450.00 NaN
17,500.00 351
17,550.00 4
17,600.00 1
17,650.00 NaN
Name: OI, dtype: object
I am not sure why i am getting this error
Perhaps it's because there are , in your column. Try replacing them with a ., converting to float, and re-running to get your idxmax():
>>> df['col'].str.replace(',','.').astype(float).idxmax()
Data used
>>> df.to_dict()
{'STRIKE PRICE': {0: '15,200.00',
1: '15,250.00',
2: '15,300.00',
3: '15,350.00',
4: '15,400.00',
5: '15,450.00',
6: '15,500.00',
7: '15,550.00',
8: '15,600.00',
9: '15,650.00',
10: '15,700.00',
11: '15,750.00',
12: '15,800.00',
13: '15,850.00',
14: '15,900.00',
15: '15,950.00',
16: '16,000.00',
17: '16,050.00',
18: '16,100.00',
19: '16,150.00',
20: '16,200.00',
21: '16,250.00',
22: '16,300.00',
23: '16,350.00',
24: '16,400.00',
25: '16,450.00',
26: '16,500.00',
27: '16,550.00',
28: '16,600.00',
29: '16,650.00',
30: '16,700.00',
31: '16,750.00',
32: '16,800.00',
33: '16,850.00',
34: '16,900.00',
35: '16,950.00',
36: '17,000.00',
37: '17,050.00',
38: '17,100.00',
39: '17,150.00',
40: '17,200.00',
41: '17,250.00',
42: '17,300.00',
43: '17,350.00',
44: '17,400.00',
45: '17,450.00',
46: '17,500.00',
47: '17,550.00',
48: '17,600.00',
49: '17,650.00'},
'col': {0: '39',
1: '14',
2: '60',
3: '10',
4: '199',
5: '25',
6: '925',
7: '131',
8: '634',
9: '120',
10: '1,290',
11: '887',
12: '4,039',
13: '1,207',
14: '6,504',
15: '1,503',
16: '10,704',
17: '2,366',
18: '9,328',
19: '3,348',
20: '17,240',
21: '9,100',
22: '18,938',
23: '3,685',
24: '15,145',
25: '3,654',
26: '16,496',
27: '2,053',
28: '8,982',
29: '1,156',
30: '6,872',
31: '849',
32: '4,026',
33: '339',
34: '3,167',
35: '13',
36: '6,160',
37: '197',
38: '641',
39: '1',
40: '373',
41: 'NaN',
42: '66',
43: '236',
44: '551',
45: 'NaN',
46: '351',
47: '4',
48: '1',
49: 'NaN'}}
# Check dtypes
>>> df.dtypes
col object
# Run idxmax()
>>> df.idxmax()
TypeError: reduction operation 'argmax' not allowed for this dtype
You column are dtype:object, .idxmax() operate on numerical dtype.
put['OI'].apply(lambda x : float(x.replace(',',''))).idxmax()
It'll remove comma from the numerical string and convert to float
As requested, here is a minimal reproducable example that will generate the issue of .isin() not dropping the values not in .isin() but just setting them to zero:
import os
import pandas as pd
df_example = pd.DataFrame({'Requesting as': {0: 'Employee', 1: 'Ex- Employee', 2: 'Employee', 3: 'Employee', 4: 'Ex-Employee', 5: 'Employee', 6: 'Employee', 7: 'Employee', 8: 'Ex-Employee', 9: 'Ex-Employee', 10: 'Employee', 11: 'Employee', 12: 'Ex-Employee', 13: 'Ex-Employee', 14: 'Employee', 15: 'Employee', 16: 'Employee', 17: 'Ex-Employee', 18: 'Employee', 19: 'Employee', 20: 'Ex-Employee', 21: 'Employee', 22: 'Employee', 23: 'Ex-Employee', 24: 'Employee', 25: 'Employee', 26: 'Ex-Employee', 27: 'Employee', 28: 'Employee', 29: 'Ex-Employee', 30: 'Employee', 31: 'Employee', 32: 'Ex-Employee', 33: 'Employee', 34: 'Employee', 35: 'Ex-Employee', 36: 'Employee', 37: 'Employee', 38: 'Ex-Employee', 39: 'Employee', 40: 'Employee'}, 'Years of service': {0: -0.4, 1: -0.3, 2: -0.2, 3: 1.0, 4: 1.0, 5: 1.0, 6: 2.0, 7: 2.0, 8: 2.0, 9: 2.0, 10: 3.0, 11: 3.0, 12: 3.0, 13: 4.0, 14: 4.0, 15: 4.0, 16: 5.0, 17: 5.0, 18: 5.0, 19: 5.0, 20: 6.0, 21: 6.0, 22: 6.0, 23: 11.0, 24: 11.0, 25: 11.0, 26: 16.0, 27: 17.0, 28: 18.0, 29: 21.0, 30: 22.0, 31: 23.0, 32: 26.0, 33: 27.0, 34: 28.0, 35: 31.0, 36: 32.0, 37: 33.0, 38: 35.0, 39: 36.0, 40: 37.0}, 'yos_bins': {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: '0-1', 4: '0-1', 5: '0-1', 6: '1-2', 7: '1-2', 8: '1-2', 9: '1-2', 10: '2-3', 11: '2-3', 12: '2-3', 13: '3-4', 14: '3-4', 15: '3-4', 16: '4-5', 17: '4-5', 18: '4-5', 19: '4-5', 20: '5-6', 21: '5-6', 22: '5-6', 23: '10-15', 24: '10-15', 25: '10-15', 26: '15-20', 27: '15-20', 28: '15-20', 29: '20-40', 30: '20-40', 31: '20-40', 32: '20-40', 33: '20-40', 34: '20-40', 35: '20-40', 36: '20-40', 37: '20-40', 38: '20-40', 39: '20-40', 40: '20-40'}})
cut_labels = ['0-1','1-2', '2-3', '3-4', '4-5', '5-6', '6-10', '10-15', '15-20', '20-40']
cut_bins = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 15, 20, 40)
df_example['yos_bins'] = pd.cut(df_example['Years of service'], bins=cut_bins, labels=cut_labels)
test = df_example[df_example['yos_bins'].isin(['0-1', '1-2', '2-3'])]
print('test dataframe:\n',test)
print('test value counts of yos_bins:\n', test['yos_bins'].value_counts())
dic_test = test.to_dict()
I have created bins for a column with "years of service":
cut_labels = ['0-1','1-2', '2-3', '3-4', '4-5', '5-6', '6-10', '10-15', '15-20', '20-40']
cut_bins = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 15, 20, 40)
df['yos_bins'] = pd.cut(df['Years of service'], bins=cut_bins, labels=cut_labels)
Then I applied .isin() to the dataframe column called 'yos_bins' with the intention to filter for a selection of column values. Excerpt from column in df.
The column I use to slice is called 'yos_bins' (i.e. binned Years of Service). I want to select only 3 ranges (0-1, 1-2, 2-3 years), but apparently there are more ranges included in the column.
To my surprise, when I apply value_counts(), I still get all values of the yos_bins column from the df dataframe (but with 0 counts).
Looks like this:
This was not intended, all other bins except the 3 in isin() should have been dropped. The resulting issue is that the 0 values are shown in sns.countplots, so I end up with undesired columns with zero counts.
When I save the df to_excel(), all "10-15" value fields show a "Text Date with 2-Digit Year" error. I do not load that dataframe back into python, so not sure if this could cause the problem?
Does anybody know how I can create the test dataframe that merely consists of the 3 yos_bins values instead of showing all yos_bins values, but some with zeros?
An ugly solution because numpy and pandas are misfeatured in terms of element-wise "is in". In my experience I do the comparison manually with numpy arrays.
yos_bins = np.array(df["yos_bins"])
yos_bins_sel = np.array(["0-1", "1-2", "2-3"])
mask = (yos_bins[:, None] == yos_bins_sel[None, :]).any(1)
Requesting as Years of service yos_bins
3 Employee 1.0 0-1
4 Ex-Employee 1.0 0-1
5 Employee 1.0 0-1
6 Employee 2.0 1-2
7 Employee 2.0 1-2
8 Ex-Employee 2.0 1-2
9 Ex-Employee 2.0 1-2
10 Employee 3.0 2-3
11 Employee 3.0 2-3
12 Ex-Employee 3.0 2-3
(using x as yos_bins and y as yos_bins_sel)
x[:, None] == y[None, :]).all(1) is the main takeaway, x[:, None] converts x from shape to (n,) to (n, 1). y[None, :] converts y from shape (m,) to (1, m). Comparing them with == forms a broadcasted element-wise boolean array of shape (n, m), we want our array to be (n,)-shaped, so we apply .any(1) so that the second dimension is compressed to True if at least one of it's booleans is True (which is if the element is in the yos_bins_sel array). You end up with a boolean array which can be used to mask the original Data Frame. Replace x with the array containing the values to be compared and y with the array that the values of x should be contained in and you will be able to do this for any data set.
I know the question is worded horribly but I can't think of how to word it any better.
I have two dataframes, one containing the original data:
{2016: {1: 88698.0,
2: 86725.0,
3: 80426.0,
4: 74888.0,
5: 71659.0,
6: 67431.0,
7: 63613.0,
8: 60174.0,
9: 59495.0,
10: 59487.0,
11: 59118.0,
12: 59542.0,
13: 61170.0,
14: 63785.0,
15: 65038.0,
16: 67441.0,
17: 68188.0,
18: 69303.0,
19: 70224.0,
20: 70163.0,
21: 71522.0,
22: 73707.0,
23: 75002.0,
24: 76487.0,
25: 78806.0,
26: 81444.0,
27: 84114.0,
28: 84274.0,
29: 86701.0,
30: 87051.0,
31: 89298.0,
32: 91461.0,
33: 93937.0,
34: 96308.0,
35: 96803.0,
36: 98718.0,
37: 99343.0,
38: 100494.0,
39: 101260.0,
40: 101153.0,
41: 99668.0,
42: 97139.0,
43: 97203.0,
44: 95940.0,
45: 96969.0,
46: 98608.0,
47: 96332.0,
48: 94736.0,
49: 90970.0,
50: 87938.0,
51: 82082.0,
52: 79481.0,
53: nan},
2017: {1: 75212.0,
2: 68024.0,
3: 64087.0,
4: 58824.0,
5: 52226.0,
6: 50006.0,
7: 46975.0,
8: 46794.0,
9: 42855.0,
10: 42021.0,
11: 41884.0,
12: 40281.0,
13: 39117.0,
14: 37985.0,
15: 37120.0,
16: 36968.0,
17: 36702.0,
18: 38486.0,
19: 39051.0,
20: 40589.0,
21: 44099.0,
22: 47631.0,
23: 49984.0,
24: 51726.0,
25: 55653.0,
26: 57663.0,
27: 59409.0,
28: 62820.0,
29: 63324.0,
30: 64788.0,
31: 64693.0,
32: 66452.0,
33: 69349.0,
34: 70697.0,
35: 76470.0,
36: 78805.0,
37: 77624.0,
38: 75268.0,
39: 74695.0,
40: 75892.0,
41: 75930.0,
42: 74942.0,
43: 75824.0,
44: 74628.0,
45: 72058.0,
46: 71113.0,
47: 70602.0,
48: 71898.0,
49: 72186.0,
50: 68760.0,
51: 65931.0,
52: 65441.0,
53: nan},
2018: {1: 59224.0,
2: 55546.0,
3: 51355.0,
4: 50126.0,
5: 45962.0,
6: 42438.0,
7: 39840.0,
8: 39370.0,
9: 37844.0,
10: 35470.0,
11: 33731.0,
12: 32671.0,
13: 33416.0,
14: 33039.0,
15: 33260.0,
16: 32937.0,
17: 33599.0,
18: 35737.0,
19: 37453.0,
20: 38314.0,
21: 40159.0,
22: 44152.0,
23: 47971.0,
24: 51381.0,
25: 55825.0,
26: 58905.0,
27: 61242.0,
28: 62724.0,
29: 61766.0,
30: 63514.0,
31: 63533.0,
32: 66825.0,
33: 65732.0,
34: 68240.0,
35: 70572.0,
36: 71835.0,
37: 72966.0,
38: 74556.0,
39: 76592.0,
40: 78223.0,
41: 79895.0,
42: 79209.0,
43: 79793.0,
44: 80800.0,
45: 79795.0,
46: 78203.0,
47: 77027.0,
48: 75356.0,
49: 72124.0,
50: 68584.0,
51: 67402.0,
52: 65576.0,
53: nan},
2019: {1: 63624.0,
2: 62046.0,
3: 58091.0,
4: 54316.0,
5: 51765.0,
6: 52033.0,
7: 48140.0,
8: 46787.0,
9: 44772.0,
10: 43806.0,
11: 44905.0,
12: 45564.0,
13: 46906.0,
14: 48134.0,
15: 50554.0,
16: 51797.0,
17: 53271.0,
18: 54197.0,
19: 57114.0,
20: 60312.0,
21: 60509.0,
22: 63388.0,
23: 66265.0,
24: 69530.0,
25: 70905.0,
26: 72313.0,
27: 72288.0,
28: 73153.0,
29: 74967.0,
30: 76430.0,
31: 79261.0,
32: 82623.0,
33: 86492.0,
34: 90041.0,
35: 92856.0,
36: 93701.0,
37: 96520.0,
38: 95368.0,
39: 96264.0,
40: 96355.0,
41: 95794.0,
42: 95282.0,
43: 94817.0,
44: 95536.0,
45: 92914.0,
46: 89160.0,
47: 88321.0,
48: 86443.0,
49: 88099.0,
50: 85469.0,
51: 82634.0,
52: 82188.0,
53: nan},
2020: {1: 82784.0,
2: 81804.0,
3: 80581.0,
4: 77236.0,
5: 77976.0,
6: 71822.0,
7: 68726.0,
8: 68132.0,
9: 64557.0,
10: 61529.0,
11: 61379.0,
12: 59424.0,
13: 59134.0,
14: 59027.0,
15: 56780.0,
16: 57442.0,
17: 56835.0,
18: 59376.0,
19: 61625.0,
20: 62697.0,
21: 64240.0,
22: 67329.0,
23: 66282.0,
24: 68967.0,
25: 71331.0,
26: 74599.0,
27: 76823.0,
28: 80348.0,
29: 82388.0,
30: 84404.0,
31: 86713.0,
32: 89336.0,
33: 89295.0,
34: 90833.0,
35: 95222.0,
36: 97380.0,
37: 96141.0,
38: 97890.0,
39: 101959.0,
40: 101842.0,
41: 99897.0,
42: 98325.0,
43: 98391.0,
44: 95828.0,
45: 94889.0,
46: 92887.0,
47: 92562.0,
48: 91718.0,
49: 87637.0,
50: 83927.0,
51: 81596.0,
52: 75146.0,
53: 72777.0},
2021: {1: 66048.0,
2: 59818.0,
3: 57610.0,
4: 56053.0,
5: 51545.0,
6: 48649.0,
7: 43491.0,
8: 41246.0,
9: 41199.0,
10: 41029.0,
11: 41269.0,
12: nan,
13: nan,
14: nan,
15: nan,
16: nan,
17: nan,
18: nan,
19: nan,
20: nan,
21: nan,
22: nan,
23: nan,
24: nan,
25: nan,
26: nan,
27: nan,
28: nan,
29: nan,
30: nan,
31: nan,
32: nan,
33: nan,
34: nan,
35: nan,
36: nan,
37: nan,
38: nan,
39: nan,
40: nan,
41: nan,
42: nan,
43: nan,
44: nan,
45: nan,
46: nan,
47: nan,
48: nan,
49: nan,
50: nan,
51: nan,
52: nan,
53: nan}}
and then one which is just the first dataframe.diff():
{2016: {1: nan,
2: -1973.0,
3: -6299.0,
4: -5538.0,
5: -3229.0,
6: -4228.0,
7: -3818.0,
8: -3439.0,
9: -679.0,
10: -8.0,
11: -369.0,
12: 424.0,
13: 1628.0,
14: 2615.0,
15: 1253.0,
16: 2403.0,
17: 747.0,
18: 1115.0,
19: 921.0,
20: -61.0,
21: 1359.0,
22: 2185.0,
23: 1295.0,
24: 1485.0,
25: 2319.0,
26: 2638.0,
27: 2670.0,
28: 160.0,
29: 2427.0,
30: 350.0,
31: 2247.0,
32: 2163.0,
33: 2476.0,
34: 2371.0,
35: 495.0,
36: 1915.0,
37: 625.0,
38: 1151.0,
39: 766.0,
40: -107.0,
41: -1485.0,
42: -2529.0,
43: 64.0,
44: -1263.0,
45: 1029.0,
46: 1639.0,
47: -2276.0,
48: -1596.0,
49: -3766.0,
50: -3032.0,
51: -5856.0,
52: -2601.0,
53: nan},
2017: {1: nan,
2: -7188.0,
3: -3937.0,
4: -5263.0,
5: -6598.0,
6: -2220.0,
7: -3031.0,
8: -181.0,
9: -3939.0,
10: -834.0,
11: -137.0,
12: -1603.0,
13: -1164.0,
14: -1132.0,
15: -865.0,
16: -152.0,
17: -266.0,
18: 1784.0,
19: 565.0,
20: 1538.0,
21: 3510.0,
22: 3532.0,
23: 2353.0,
24: 1742.0,
25: 3927.0,
26: 2010.0,
27: 1746.0,
28: 3411.0,
29: 504.0,
30: 1464.0,
31: -95.0,
32: 1759.0,
33: 2897.0,
34: 1348.0,
35: 5773.0,
36: 2335.0,
37: -1181.0,
38: -2356.0,
39: -573.0,
40: 1197.0,
41: 38.0,
42: -988.0,
43: 882.0,
44: -1196.0,
45: -2570.0,
46: -945.0,
47: -511.0,
48: 1296.0,
49: 288.0,
50: -3426.0,
51: -2829.0,
52: -490.0,
53: nan},
2018: {1: nan,
2: -3678.0,
3: -4191.0,
4: -1229.0,
5: -4164.0,
6: -3524.0,
7: -2598.0,
8: -470.0,
9: -1526.0,
10: -2374.0,
11: -1739.0,
12: -1060.0,
13: 745.0,
14: -377.0,
15: 221.0,
16: -323.0,
17: 662.0,
18: 2138.0,
19: 1716.0,
20: 861.0,
21: 1845.0,
22: 3993.0,
23: 3819.0,
24: 3410.0,
25: 4444.0,
26: 3080.0,
27: 2337.0,
28: 1482.0,
29: -958.0,
30: 1748.0,
31: 19.0,
32: 3292.0,
33: -1093.0,
34: 2508.0,
35: 2332.0,
36: 1263.0,
37: 1131.0,
38: 1590.0,
39: 2036.0,
40: 1631.0,
41: 1672.0,
42: -686.0,
43: 584.0,
44: 1007.0,
45: -1005.0,
46: -1592.0,
47: -1176.0,
48: -1671.0,
49: -3232.0,
50: -3540.0,
51: -1182.0,
52: -1826.0,
53: nan},
2019: {1: nan,
2: -1578.0,
3: -3955.0,
4: -3775.0,
5: -2551.0,
6: 268.0,
7: -3893.0,
8: -1353.0,
9: -2015.0,
10: -966.0,
11: 1099.0,
12: 659.0,
13: 1342.0,
14: 1228.0,
15: 2420.0,
16: 1243.0,
17: 1474.0,
18: 926.0,
19: 2917.0,
20: 3198.0,
21: 197.0,
22: 2879.0,
23: 2877.0,
24: 3265.0,
25: 1375.0,
26: 1408.0,
27: -25.0,
28: 865.0,
29: 1814.0,
30: 1463.0,
31: 2831.0,
32: 3362.0,
33: 3869.0,
34: 3549.0,
35: 2815.0,
36: 845.0,
37: 2819.0,
38: -1152.0,
39: 896.0,
40: 91.0,
41: -561.0,
42: -512.0,
43: -465.0,
44: 719.0,
45: -2622.0,
46: -3754.0,
47: -839.0,
48: -1878.0,
49: 1656.0,
50: -2630.0,
51: -2835.0,
52: -446.0,
53: nan},
2020: {1: nan,
2: -980.0,
3: -1223.0,
4: -3345.0,
5: 740.0,
6: -6154.0,
7: -3096.0,
8: -594.0,
9: -3575.0,
10: -3028.0,
11: -150.0,
12: -1955.0,
13: -290.0,
14: -107.0,
15: -2247.0,
16: 662.0,
17: -607.0,
18: 2541.0,
19: 2249.0,
20: 1072.0,
21: 1543.0,
22: 3089.0,
23: -1047.0,
24: 2685.0,
25: 2364.0,
26: 3268.0,
27: 2224.0,
28: 3525.0,
29: 2040.0,
30: 2016.0,
31: 2309.0,
32: 2623.0,
33: -41.0,
34: 1538.0,
35: 4389.0,
36: 2158.0,
37: -1239.0,
38: 1749.0,
39: 4069.0,
40: -117.0,
41: -1945.0,
42: -1572.0,
43: 66.0,
44: -2563.0,
45: -939.0,
46: -2002.0,
47: -325.0,
48: -844.0,
49: -4081.0,
50: -3710.0,
51: -2331.0,
52: -6450.0,
53: -2369.0}}
What I am trying to do is calculate, for all columns in any row where 2021 is NaN, the next value row by taking the value in the normal dataframe and adding the next down value from the .diff() dataframe. So, for example, 2020 for week 12 would be 61379 (row 11 in normal df) + (-1955.0, row 12 from the .diff() df)
Same logic like before
out = df1.mask(df1[2021].notna(),df1+df2.shift(-1),axis=0).fillna(df1[[2021]])
I have a df with three columns(Day-Shift, State, seconds).
Day-Shift State seconds
Day 01-05 A 7439
Day 01-05 STOPPED 0
Day 01-05 B 10
Day 01-05 C 35751
Night 01-05 C 43200
Day 01-06 STOPPED 7198
Day 01-06 F 18
Day 01-06 A 14
Day 01-06 A 29301
Day 01-06 STOPPED 6
Day 01-06 A 6663
Night 01-06 A 43200
My code to build a stacked bar chart is:
import plotly.express as px
fig = px.bar(df, x="Day-Shift", y="seconds", color="State")
But it returns this stacked bar chart.
The fault here is that the Day-Shift order is changed and the corresponding seconds are not in this chart. I cannot identify the error. Really appreciate your support!
{'Day-Shift': {0: 'Day 01-05',
1: 'Day 01-05',
2: 'Day 01-05',
3: 'Day 01-05',
4: 'Night 01-05',
5: 'Day 01-06',
6: 'Day 01-06',
7: 'Day 01-06',
8: 'Day 01-06',
9: 'Day 01-06',
10: 'Day 01-06',
11: 'Night 01-06',
12: 'Day 01-07',
13: 'Night 01-07',
14: 'Night 01-07',
15: 'Night 01-07',
16: 'Night 01-07',
17: 'Night 01-07',
18: 'Night 01-08',
19: 'Night 01-08',
20: 'Night 01-08',
21: 'Night 01-08',
22: 'Day 01-08',
23: 'Day 01-08',
24: 'Day 01-08',
25: 'Night 01-09',
26: 'Night 01-09',
27: 'Night 01-09',
28: 'Day 01-09',
29: 'Day 01-09',
30: 'Day 01-09',
31: 'Day 01-09',
32: 'Day 01-10',
33: 'Night 01-10',
34: 'Day 01-11',
35: 'Day 01-11',
36: 'Day 01-11',
37: 'Day 01-11',
38: 'Day 01-11',
39: 'Night 01-11',
40: 'Day 01-12',
41: 'Night 01-12',
42: 'Day 01-13',
43: 'Day 01-13',
44: 'Day 01-13',
45: 'Day 01-13',
46: 'Day 01-13',
47: 'Day 01-13',
48: 'Day 01-13',
49: 'Night 01-13',
50: 'Day 01-14',
51: 'Day 01-14',
52: 'Day 01-14',
53: 'Day 01-14',
54: 'Day 01-14',
55: 'Day 01-14',
56: 'Day 01-14',
57: 'Day 01-14',
58: 'Day 01-14',
59: 'Night 01-14'},
'State': {0: 'D',
2: 'B',
3: 'A',
4: 'A',
5: 'A',
6: 'A1',
7: 'A2',
8: 'A3',
9: 'A4',
10: 'B1',
11: 'B1',
12: 'B1',
13: 'B1',
14: 'B2',
15: 'STOPPED',
16: 'RUNNING',
17: 'B',
18: 'STOPPED',
19: 'B',
20: 'RUNNING',
21: 'D',
22: 'STOPPED',
23: 'B',
24: 'RUNNING',
25: 'STOPPED',
26: 'RUNNING',
27: 'B',
28: 'RUNNING',
29: 'STOPPED',
30: 'B',
31: 'D',
32: 'B',
33: 'B',
34: 'B',
35: 'RUNNING',
36: 'STOPPED',
37: 'D',
38: 'A',
39: 'A',
40: 'A',
41: 'A',
42: 'A',
43: 'A1',
44: 'A2',
45: 'A3',
46: 'A4',
47: 'B1',
48: 'B2',
49: 'B2',
50: 'B2',
51: 'B',
52: 'STOPPED',
53: 'A',
54: 'A1',
55: 'A2',
56: 'A3',
57: 'A4',
58: 'B1',
59: 'B1'},
'seconds': {0: 7439,
1: 0,
2: 10,
3: 35751,
4: 43200,
5: 7198,
6: 18,
7: 14,
8: 29301,
9: 6,
10: 6663,
11: 43200,
12: 43200,
13: 5339,
14: 8217,
15: 0,
16: 4147,
17: 1040,
18: 24787,
19: 1500,
20: 14966,
21: 1410,
22: 2499,
23: 1310,
24: 39391,
25: 3570,
26: 17234,
27: 47390,
28: 36068,
29: 270,
30: 6842,
31: 20,
32: 43200,
33: 43200,
34: 2486,
35: 8420,
36: 870,
37: 30,
38: 31394,
39: 43200,
40: 43200,
41: 43200,
42: 36733,
43: 23,
44: 6,
45: 4,
46: 4,
47: 3,
48: 6427,
49: 43200,
50: 620,
51: 0,
52: 4,
53: 41336,
54: 4,
55: 4,
56: 4,
57: 23,
58: 1205,
59: 43200}}
Your snippet seems to be running fine on my end:
import plotly.express as px
fig = px.bar(df, x="Day-Shift", y="seconds", color="State")
And produces this plot:
So then it's either an issue with your version, or, more likely, your data. The first thing you should do is make sure that none of your data has been turned into an index. You can easily reset your index using df = df.reset_index(). In the snippet below you'll see that I've used your identical dataset as a dict with no index.
Edit: xaxis formatting
In the figure above, plotly interprets your xaxis as time values. If you'd like to prevent this, just include fig.update_xaxes(type='category') to get this:
Complete code:
import pandas as pd
import plotly.express as px
# df = pd.read_clipboard(sep='\\s+').reset_index()
# df.to_dict()
df = pd.DataFrame({'index': {0: 'Day',
1: 'Day',
2: 'Day',
3: 'Day',
4: 'Night',
5: 'Day',
6: 'Day',
7: 'Day',
8: 'Day',
9: 'Day',
10: 'Day',
11: 'Night'},
'Day-Shift': {0: '01-05',
1: '01-05',
2: '01-05',
3: '01-05',
4: '01-05',
5: '01-06',
6: '01-06',
7: '01-06',
8: '01-06',
9: '01-06',
10: '01-06',
11: '01-06'},
'State': {0: 'A',
2: 'B',
3: 'C',
4: 'C',
6: 'F',
7: 'A',
8: 'A',
10: 'A',
11: 'A'},
'seconds': {0: 7439,
1: 0,
2: 10,
3: 35751,
4: 43200,
5: 7198,
6: 18,
7: 14,
8: 29301,
9: 6,
10: 6663,
11: 43200}})
import plotly.express as px
fig = px.bar(df, x="Day-Shift", y="seconds", color="State")
Started getting confused with this one. I have a large Fact Invoice Header table. I took the original dataframe, used a groupby to split the df up based upon one column. The output was a list of dataframes:
list_of_dfs = []
for _, g in df.groupby(df['Project State Name']):
Then I used a another for loop to loop through the list of dataframes and perform one pivot table aggregation.
for each_state_df in list_of_dfs:
columns_to_index_by = ['Project Issue', 'Project Secondary Issue', 'Project Client Name']
# Aggregating to the Project Level
table_for_pivots = pd.pivot_table(df, index=['FY Year', 'Project Issue'], values=["Project Key", 'Total Net Amount', "Project Total Resolution Amount", 'Project Budgeted Amount'],
aggfunc= {"Project Key": lambda x: len(x.unique()), 'Total Net Amount': np.sum, "Project Total Resolution Amount": np.mean,
'Project Budgeted Amount': np.mean},
My question is, how can I use another for loop replace the second element in the pivot table index with each value in the variable columns_to_index_by? The output would be 3 pivot tables where index=[‘FY Year’, ‘Project Issue’], index=[‘FY Year’, ‘Project Secondary Issue’, and index=[‘FY Year’, ‘Project Client Name’]. Thanks all!
Link to download a sample df data is here:
Use list comprehension and iterate through a zip of the index you want to set for each group:
from pandas import Timestamp
from numpy import nan
d = {'Total Net Amount': {2: 672.0, 41: 1277.9, 17: 270.0, 32: 845.3, 26: 828.62, 11: 733.5, 23: 1741.8, 35: 254.14655, 29: 245.0, 59: 215.0, 38: 617.4, 0: 1061.5}, 'Project Total Resolution Amount': {2: 35000, 41: 27000, 17: 40000, 32: 27000, 26: 27000, 11: 40000, 23: 27000, 35: 27000, 29: 27000, 59: 27000, 38: 27000, 0: 30000}, 'Invoice Header Key': {2: 1229422, 41: 984803, 17: 1270731, 32: 938069, 26: 911535, 11: 1247443, 23: 902150, 35: 943737, 29: 918888, 59: 1071541, 38: 965091, 0: 1279581}, 'Project Key': {2: 259661, 41: 194517, 17: 259188, 32: 194517, 26: 194517, 11: 259188, 23: 194517, 35: 194517, 29: 194517, 59: 194517, 38: 194517, 0: 263736}, 'Project Secondary Issue': {2: 2, 41: 4, 17: 0, 32: 3, 26: 3, 11: 0, 23: 4, 35: 4, 29: 4, 59: 4, 38: 3, 0: 4}, 'Organization Key': {2: 16029, 41: 22638, 17: 24230, 32: 22638, 26: 22638, 11: 24230, 23: 22638, 35: 22638, 29: 22638, 59: 22638, 38: 22638, 0: 4532}, 'Project Budgeted Amount': {2: 42735.0, 41: 32500.0, 17: 26000.0, 32: 32500.0, 26: 32500.0, 11: 26000.0, 23: 32500.0, 35: 32500.0, 29: 32500.0, 59: 32500.0, 38: 32500.0, 0: nan}, 'Project State Name': {2: 0, 41: 1, 17: 2, 32: 1, 26: 1, 11: 2, 23: 1, 35: 1, 29: 1, 59: 1, 38: 1, 0: 1}, 'Project Issue': {2: 0, 41: 2, 17: 1, 32: 2, 26: 2, 11: 1, 23: 2, 35: 2, 29: 2, 59: 2, 38: 2, 0: 1}, 'Project Number': {2: 2, 41: 0, 17: 1, 32: 0, 26: 0, 11: 1, 23: 0, 35: 0, 29: 0, 59: 0, 38: 0, 0: 3}, 'Project Client Name': {2: 1, 41: 0, 17: 0, 32: 0, 26: 0, 11: 0, 23: 0, 35: 0, 29: 0, 59: 0, 38: 0, 0: 1}, 'Paid Date Year Month': {2: 13, 41: 7, 17: 15, 32: 4, 26: 2, 11: 14, 23: 1, 35: 5, 29: 3, 59: 12, 38: 6, 0: 16}, 'FY Year': {2: 2, 41: 0, 17: 2, 32: 0, 26: 0, 11: 2, 23: 0, 35: 0, 29: 0, 59: 1, 38: 0, 0: 2}, 'Invoice Paid Date': {2: Timestamp('2019-09-10 00:00:00'), 41: Timestamp('2017-12-20 00:00:00'), 17: Timestamp('2019-11-25 00:00:00'), 32: Timestamp('2017-08-31 00:00:00'), 26: Timestamp('2017-06-14 00:00:00'), 11: Timestamp('2019-10-08 00:00:00'), 23: Timestamp('2017-05-30 00:00:00'), 35: Timestamp('2017-09-07 00:00:00'), 29: Timestamp('2017-07-10 00:00:00'), 59: Timestamp('2018-10-03 00:00:00'), 38: Timestamp('2017-11-03 00:00:00'), 0: Timestamp('2019-12-12 00:00:00')}, 'Invoice Paid Date Key': {2: 20190910, 41: 20171220, 17: 20191125, 32: 20170831, 26: 20170614, 11: 20191008, 23: 20170530, 35: 20170907, 29: 20170710, 59: 20181003, 38: 20171103, 0: 20191212}, 'Count Project Secondary Issue': {2: 3, 41: 3, 17: 3, 32: 3, 26: 3, 11: 3, 23: 3, 35: 3, 29: 3, 59: 3, 38: 3, 0: 2}, 'Total Net Amount By Count Project Secondary Issue': {2: 224.0, 41: 425.9666666666667, 17: 90.0, 32: 281.7666666666667, 26: 276.2066666666666, 11: 244.5, 23: 580.6, 35: 84.71551666666666, 29: 81.66666666666667, 59: 71.66666666666667, 38: 205.8, 0: 530.75}, 'Total Net Invoice Amount': {2: 672.0, 41: 1277.9, 17: 270.0, 32: 845.3, 26: 828.62, 11: 733.5, 23: 1741.8, 35: 254.14655, 29: 245.0, 59: 215.0, 38: 617.4, 0: 1061.5}, 'Total Project Invoice Amount': {2: 7176.52, 41: 10110.98655, 17: 1678.5, 32: 10110.98655, 26: 10110.98655, 11: 1678.5, 23: 10110.98655, 35: 10110.98655, 29: 10110.98655, 59: 10110.98655, 38: 10110.98655, 0: 1061.5}, 'Invoice Dollar Percent of Project': {2: 0.09363869953682286, 41: 0.1263872712796755, 17: 0.160857908847185, 32: 0.08360212881501655, 26: 0.08195243816242638, 11: 0.4369973190348526, 23: 0.1722680562758735, 35: 0.02513568272919916, 29: 0.02423106773888449, 59: 0.02126399821983741, 38: 0.06106229070198891, 0: 1.0}}
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
# list comprehension with groupby
group = [g for _, g in df.groupby('Project State Name')]
#create a list of indices you want to use in pivot
idx = [['FY Year', 'Project Issue'],
['FY Year', 'Project Secondary Issue'],
['FY Year', 'Project Client Name']]
# create a list of columns to add to the value param in pivot
values = ["Project Key", 'Total Net Amount',
"Project Total Resolution Amount", 'Project Budgeted Amount']
# use your current pivot and iterate through zip(idx, group)
dfs = [pd.pivot_table(df, index=i, values=values,
aggfunc= {"Project Key": lambda x: len(x.unique()), 'Total Net Amount': np.sum,
"Project Total Resolution Amount": np.mean,
'Project Budgeted Amount': np.mean},
fill_value=np.mean) for i,df in zip(idx, group)]
dict comprehension
I did not know what you wanted the key to be so I just selected the second value from idx. You will call each dataframe from the dict by dfs['Project Issue']
dfs = {i[1]: pd.pivot_table(df, index=i, values=values,
aggfunc= {"Project Key": lambda x: len(x.unique()), 'Total Net Amount': np.sum,
"Project Total Resolution Amount": np.mean,
'Project Budgeted Amount': np.mean},
fill_value=np.mean) for i,df in zip(idx, group)}
With the following data
ex = {'id': {0: 12,
1: 7745,
2: 14190,
3: 12,
4: 7745,
5: 14190,
6: 12,
7: 7745,
8: 14190,
9: 12,
10: 7745,
11: 14190,
12: 12,
13: 7745,
14: 14190,
15: 12,
16: 7745,
17: 14190,
18: 12,
19: 7745,
20: 14190,
21: 12,
22: 7745,
23: 14190,
24: 12,
25: 7745,
26: 14190,
27: 12,
28: 7745,
29: 14190,
30: 12,
31: 7745,
32: 14190,
33: 12,
34: 7745,
35: 14190,
36: 12,
37: 7745,
38: 14190,
39: 12,
40: 7745,
41: 14190,
42: 12,
43: 7745,
44: 14190,
45: 12,
46: 7745,
47: 14190,
48: 12,
49: 7745,
50: 14190,
51: 12,
52: 7745,
53: 14190,
54: 12,
55: 7745,
56: 14190,
57: 12,
58: 7745,
59: 14190},
'id2': {0: 0,
1: 0,
2: 0,
3: 1,
4: 1,
5: 1,
6: 2,
7: 2,
8: 2,
9: 3,
10: 3,
11: 3,
12: 4,
13: 4,
14: 4,
15: 5,
16: 5,
17: 5,
18: 6,
19: 6,
20: 6,
21: 7,
22: 7,
23: 7,
24: 8,
25: 8,
26: 8,
27: 9,
28: 9,
29: 9,
30: 10,
31: 10,
32: 10,
33: 11,
34: 11,
35: 11,
36: 12,
37: 12,
38: 12,
39: 13,
40: 13,
41: 13,
42: 14,
43: 14,
44: 14,
45: 15,
46: 15,
47: 15,
48: 16,
49: 16,
50: 16,
51: 17,
52: 17,
53: 17,
54: 18,
55: 18,
56: 18,
57: 19,
58: 19,
59: 19},
'var1': {0: 60.57423361566744,
1: 58.044840216178606,
2: 51.29251700680272,
3: 60.674455993946225,
4: 58.21241610641044,
5: 51.31371599732972,
6: 60.77849708396439,
7: 58.369465051911966,
8: 51.33611104900928,
9: 60.88625886689413,
10: 58.516561288952005,
11: 51.35969457224551,
12: 60.99764332390786,
13: 58.65427905379941,
14: 51.38445897744256,
15: 61.112552436177864,
16: 58.78319258272294,
17: 51.4103966750045,
18: 61.230888184876434,
19: 58.90387611199144,
20: 51.43750007533549,
21: 61.35255255117588,
22: 59.01690387787371,
23: 51.465761588839634,
24: 61.4774475162485,
25: 59.122850116638496,
26: 51.49517362592107,
27: 61.60547506126665,
28: 59.222289064554694,
29: 51.52572859698392,
30: 61.736537167402595,
31: 59.31579495789107,
32: 51.55741891243228,
33: 61.870535815828646,
34: 59.40394203291643,
35: 51.5902369826703,
36: 62.00737298771711,
37: 59.48730452589962,
38: 51.624175218102074,
39: 62.14695066424032,
40: 59.56645667310938,
41: 51.659226029131744,
42: 62.289170826570604,
43: 59.64197271081458,
44: 51.69538182616348,
45: 62.43393545588018,
46: 59.714426875284005,
47: 51.732635019601275,
48: 62.58114653334144,
49: 59.784393402786435,
50: 51.770978019849345,
51: 62.73070604012664,
52: 59.85244652959075,
53: 51.81040323731179,
54: 62.88251595740815,
55: 59.919160491965705,
56: 51.85090308239276,
57: 63.03647826635822,
58: 59.98510952618012,
59: 51.892469965496346},
'var2': {0: 26.46961208868258,
1: 25.02784060286349,
2: 67.01680672268907,
3: 26.362852053047188,
4: 25.16250452630659,
5: 67.20428262498875,
6: 26.257170717779545,
7: 25.25801378937902,
8: 67.37902432665504,
9: 26.15255739707393,
10: 25.315898046471766,
11: 67.5412758313266,
12: 26.04900140512476,
13: 25.33768695197584,
14: 67.69128114264197,
15: 25.946492056126274,
16: 25.32491016028206,
17: 67.82928426423972,
18: 25.84501866427287,
19: 25.27909732578149,
20: 67.95552919975847,
21: 25.74457054375889,
22: 25.201778102865052,
23: 68.07025995283685,
24: 25.64513700877862,
25: 25.094482145923664,
26: 68.17372052711335,
27: 25.546707373526395,
28: 24.958739109348315,
29: 68.26615492622662,
30: 25.449270952196603,
31: 24.796078647529914,
32: 68.34780715381525,
33: 25.35281705898356,
34: 24.608030414859442,
35: 68.41892121351782,
36: 25.257335008081554,
37: 24.396124065727854,
38: 68.47974110897286,
39: 25.162814113684988,
40: 24.16188925452609,
41: 68.53051084381906,
42: 25.069243689988213,
43: 23.906855635645105,
44: 68.57147442169496,
45: 24.976613051185442,
46: 23.63255286347585,
47: 68.60287584623913,
48: 24.88491151147112,
49: 23.340510592409263,
50: 68.62495912109016,
51: 24.79412838503955,
52: 23.03225847683625,
53: 68.63796824988664,
54: 24.704252986085066,
55: 22.70932617114788,
56: 68.64214723626722,
57: 24.615274628802,
58: 22.373243329735022,
59: 68.6377400838704}}
ex = pd.DataFrame(ex).set_index(['id', 'id2'])
I'd like to calculate for each value in id the average of next n values of var1 where "next" is defined by id2. I know that pd.Series.expanding exists and I could do something like df.groupby('id')['var1'].transform(lambda x: x.expanding().mean()) but this would involve all 20 elements of each id, when I want to limit the average to the next n elements (let's say n = 5). How it can be done?
This should do the trick:
print(ex.sort_index(ascending=False).groupby("id")["var1"].rolling(6, min_periods=1).mean().reset_index(0, drop=True))
id id2
12 19 63.036478
18 62.959497
17 62.883233
16 62.807712
15 62.732956
14 62.658992
13 62.510738
12 62.364880
11 62.221519
10 62.080750
9 61.942674
8 61.807387
7 61.674987
6 61.545573
5 61.419242
4 61.296093
3 61.176224
2 61.059732
1 60.946716
0 60.837274
7745 19 59.985110
18 59.952135
17 59.918906
16 59.885277
15 59.851107
14 59.816252
13 59.746476
12 59.674500
11 59.599749
10 59.521650
9 59.439627
8 59.353106
7 59.261514
6 59.164276
5 59.060818
4 58.950565
3 58.832944
2 58.707380
1 58.573298
0 58.430126
14190 19 51.892470
18 51.871687
17 51.851259
16 51.831189
15 51.811478
14 51.792129
13 51.753255
12 51.715467
11 51.678772
10 51.643179
9 51.608695
8 51.575327
7 51.543082
6 51.511970
5 51.481997
4 51.453170
3 51.425498
2 51.398987
1 51.373646
0 51.349482
Name: var1, dtype: float64
[Program finished]