What is the way to get file type from base64 string?
I need a solution which will work on Windows and Linux(Centos7)
E.G.: This is string ; eHh4eHh4 which is = to a text file with xxxxxx inside.
If websites can do this, I guess it is possible to do it in python:
What I have tried:
using magic
using imghdr
You could write the base64 content into BytesIO:
import base64
import magic # https://pypi.org/project/python-magic/
import io
bytesData = io.BytesIO()
bytesData.seek(0) # Jump to the beginning of the file-like interface to read all content!
PNG image data, 1 x 1, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
I'm trying to open a PNG file with Python. I do believe I have a properly encoded PNG.
It starts with:
And ends with:
My code so far:
import PIL.Image as Image
with open('./test_image_3.txt', 'rb') as f:
b = f.read()
b = base64.b64decode(b).decode("unicode_escape").encode("latin-1")
b = b.decode('utf-16-le')
img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(b))
b = base64.b64decode(b).decode("unicode_escape").encode("latin-1")
UnicodeDecodeError: 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 178-179: truncated \uXXXX escape
Unfortunately I can't read the file you've provided as the website butchered it massively. Either use pastebin or github (or something similar) where it'll be possible to retrieve text/plain e.g. via curl so I can attempt to reproduce the problem 1:1 for the contents.
However, the general approach would be this:
from PIL import Image
with Image.open("./test_image_3.txt") as im:
it's directly from Pillow's documentation and it does not care about the file's name or extension.
Alternatively, if you have open() call with a file handle:
from PIL import Image
with open("./test_image_3.txt", "rb") as file:
with Image.open(file) as im:
And if you have it mangled somehow, then judging from your encode() and decode() calls it would be this:
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
data = <some raw PNG bytes, the original image>
# here I store it in that weird format and write as bytes
with open("img.txt", "wb") as file:
# here I read it back as bytes, reverse the chain of calls and invert
# the call pairs for en/decoding so encode() -> decode() and vice-versa
with open("img.txt","rb") as file:
content = BytesIO()
# seek back, so the BytesIO() can return back the full content
# then simply read as if using a file handle
with Image.open(content) as img:
I'm sending the file from PHP to python server which contains an Image Encoded String I am reading it in python and write the image in a folder. The image.jpg file appears in the folder but can't be displayed and the file created in the folder shows 0-byte file size.
import base64
import sys
with open("image.jpg","wb") as fh:
open file in 'rb' mode so it will write an img file
import base64
import sys
with open("image.jpg","wb") as fh:
The main problem is that, from what I could find, there is no easy/documented way to load an image from base64 encoded image. I use the following code to encode the image to base64 (so that I wouldn't need to include all the images with the source, nor should I create temp files and delete them at exit). The image format I use is .png which is supported in Gtk3+. (from GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.get_formats() i have ['png'] in the results. I am really confused on how to use Gtk3+ for this purpose.
import base64
image_name = 'image.png'
image_loc = 'd:\\Home\\' + image_name
with open(image_loc, 'rb') as image_file:
encoded_string = base64.b64encode(image_file.read())
I want to use the output for example:
And render the image from base64.
As a side note, on tkinter this was easily done with:
And then display the image where you needed it.
Getting back to Gtk3+, I didn't find a method of loading the image from base64. Even with GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_data, I get a broken image. I have also tried with Gio.MemoryInputStream.new_from_bytes, but it says that the format of the image isn't supported.
Your data is base64 encoded, in order for Gtk3+ to use it, you must first decode it:
import base64
raw_data = base64.b64decode(data)
Then you were right with GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_data:
(I cannot test, but I think this may work)
import base64
raw_data = base64.b64decode(data)
image = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_data(raw_data)
Else you can do as you showed:
import base64
raw_data = base64.b64decode(data)
byting = GLib.Bytes(raw_data)
inputing = Gio.MemoryInputStream.new_from_bytes(byting)
image = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_data(inputing)
I am looking to create base64 inline encoded data of images for display in a table using canvases. Python generates and creates the web page dynamically. As it stands python uses the Image module to create thumbnails. After all of the thumbnails are created Python then generates base64 data of each thumbnail and puts the b64 data into hidden spans on the user's webpage. A user then clicks check marks by each thumbnail relative to their interest. They then create a pdf file containing their selected images by clicking a generate pdf button. The JavaScript using jsPDF generates the hidden span b64 data to create the image files in the pdf file and then ultimately the pdf file.
I am looking to hopefully shave down Python script execution time and minimize some disk I/O operations by generating the base64 thumbnail data in memory while the script executes.
Here is an example of what I would like to accomplish.
import os, sys
import Image
size = 128, 128
im = Image.open("/original/image/1.jpeg")
thumb = base64.b64encode(im)
This doesn't work sadly, get a TypeErorr -
TypeError: must be string or buffer, not instance
Any thoughts on how to accomplish this?
You first need to save the image again in JPEG format; using the im.tostring() method would otherwise return raw image data that no browser would recognize:
from io import BytesIO
output = BytesIO()
im.save(output, format='JPEG')
im_data = output.getvalue()
This you can then encode to base64:
image_data = base64.b64encode(im_data)
if not isinstance(image_data, str):
# Python 3, decode from bytes to string
image_data = image_data.decode()
data_url = 'data:image/jpg;base64,' + image_data
Here is one I made with this method:
Unfortunately the Markdown parser doesn't let me use this as an actual image, but you can see it in action in a snippet instead:
<img src=""/>
In Python 3, you may need to use BytesIO:
from io import BytesIO
outputBuffer = BytesIO()
bg.save(outputBuffer, format='JPEG')
bgBase64Data = outputBuffer.getvalue()
# http://stackoverflow.com/q/16748083/2603230
return 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + base64.b64encode(bgBase64Data).decode()
thumb = base64.b64encode(im.tostring())
I think would work
I use PNG when I save to the buffer. With JPEG the numpy arrays are a bit different.
import base64
import io
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
image_path = 'dog.jpg'
img2 = np.array(Image.open(image_path))
# Numpy -> b64
buffered = io.BytesIO()
Image.fromarray(img2).save(buffered, format="PNG")
b64image = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue())
# b64 -> Numpy
img = np.array(Image.open(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(b64image))))
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(img, img2)
Note that it will be slower.
I have a Gtk.Image object and I want to convert it's data to a base64 encoded string (for use with imgur). How would I achieve that?
Has to run it through a gdk.pixbuf, but this seems the easiest:
import cStringIO
import base64
pixBuf = gtkImage.get_pixbuf()
fH = cStringIO.StringIO()
pixBuf.save_to_callback(fH.write, "png")
encodedBuffer = base64.b64encode(fH.getvalue()) #base64 encoded png