s = 'scores:start:'
I'm trying to reset the start scores to so that it reads
This works:
But I was looking for something more flexible to use in case the amount of scores change.
Actually my example does not work, because start is removed from the string
but I would like to keep it:
You may use this re.sub with a lambda if you want to replace dot seperated numbers with same number of zeroes:
>>> import re
>>> s = 'scores:start:'
>>> re.sub(r'start:\d+(?:\.\d+)+', lambda m: re.sub(r'\d+', '0', m.group()), s)
We are using regex as start:\d+(?:\.\d+)+ to match text that starts with start: and followed by digits separated by dot.
In lambda part we replace each 1+ digit with 0 to get same number of zeroes in output as the input.
Could replace all numbers before final with a zero:
re.sub(r'\d+(?=.*final)', '0', s)
Try it online!
Or perhaps more efficient if there were many more scores:
re.sub(r'\d|(final.*)', lambda m: m[1] or '0', s)
Another lambda in re.sub:
import re
s = 'scores:start:'
>>> re.sub(pat, lambda m: '.'.join(['0']*len(m.group(1).split('.'))), s)
A variant using the regex PyPi module:
The pattern matches
(?: Non capture group
\bstart: Match start:
| Or
\G(?!^) Assert the position at the end of the previous match, not at the start of the string
) Close the non capture group
\.?\K Match an optional dot, clear the current match buffer (forget what is matched so far)
\d+ Match 1 or more digits (to be replaced with a 0)
Regex demo
import regex
s = 'scores:start:'
pattern = r"(?:\bstart:|\G(?!^))\.?\K\d+"
print(regex.sub(pattern, '0', s))
How can I replace a substring between page1/ and _type-A with 222.6 in the below-provided l string?
l = 'https://homepage.com/home/page1/222.6 a_type-A/go'
replace_with = '222.6'
Expected result:
I tried:
import re
re.sub('page1/.*?_type-A','',l, flags=re.DOTALL)
But it also removes page1/ and _type-A.
You may use re.sub like this:
import re
l = 'https://homepage.com/home/page1/222.6 a_type-A/go'
replace_with = '222.6'
print (re.sub(r'(?<=page1/).*?(?=_type-A)', replace_with, l))
RegEx Demo
RegEx Breakup:
(?<=page1/): Lookbehind to assert that we have page1/ at previous position
.*?: Match 0 or more of any string (lazy)
(?=_type-A): Lookahead to assert that we have _type-A at next position
You can use
import re
l = 'https://'+'homepage.com/home/page1/222.6 a_type-A/go'
replace_with = '222.6'
print (re.sub('(page1/).*?(_type-A)',fr'\g<1>{replace_with}\2',l, flags=re.DOTALL))
Output: https://homepage.com/home/page1/222.6_type-A/go
See the Python demo online
Note you used an empty string as the replacement argument. In the above snippet, the parts before and after .*? are captured and \g<1> refers to the first group value, and \2 refers to the second group value from the replacement pattern. The unambiguous backreference form (\g<X>) is used to avoid backreference issues since there is a digit right after the backreference.
Since the replacement pattern contains no backslashes, there is no need preprocessing (escaping) anything in it.
This works:
import re
l = 'https://homepage.com/home/page1/222.6 a_type-A/go'
pattern = r"(?<=page1/).*?(?=_type)"
replace_with = '222.6'
s = re.sub(pattern, replace_with, l)
The pattern uses the positive lookahead and lookback assertions, ?<= and ?=. A match only occurs if a string is preceded and followed by the assertions in the pattern, but does not consume them. Meaning that re.sub looks for a string with page1/ in front and _type behind it, but only replaces the part in between.
Consider the following example strings:
I want to capture the groups that occur between the abc,
e.g. I should get the following groups:
1235, 53, XX
123, 098YX
I'm trying this regex, but somehow it does not capture the in-between text:
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: I need to do it using regex, no string splitting, since I need to apply further rules on the captured groups.
re.findall() approach with specific regex pattern:
import re
strings = ['abc1235abc53abcXX', '123abc098YXabc']
pat = re.compile(r'(?:abc|^)(.+?)(?=abc|$)') # prepared pattern
for s in strings:
items = pat.findall(s)
# further processing
The output:
['1235', '53', 'XX']
['123', '098YX']
(?:abc|^) - non-captured group to match either abc substring OR start of the string ^
(.+?) - captured group to match any character sequence as few times as possible
(?=abc|$) - lookahead positive assertion, ensures that the previous matched item is followed by either abc sequence OR end of the string $
Use re.split:
import re
s = 'abc1235abc53abcXX'
re.split('abc', s)
# ['', '1235', '53', 'XX']
Note that you get an empty string, representing the match before the first 'abc'.
Try splitting the string by abc and then remove the empty results by using if statement inside list comprehension as below:
[r for r in re.split('abc', s) if r]
I have a cinematic scenario with a bunch of strings like this:
And my goal is to match all the numbers up to : in selected sequence (selected is 80101_ in this example, strings #2, #3, #5, #6), matching strings without existing numbers (like 80101_:Blablab, string #4) but without matching the string with _intertitle (string #1).
My current regex looks like this (code in Python):
selection = "80101"; # I'm getting this from elsewhere
pattern = selection + "_" + "\d*";
This matches all the strings with/without numbers but also a string with _intertitle. If I modify my pattern like this "\d[^:]*", it doesn't match _intertitle but also doesn't match the string without numbers... I can't get the right pattern, could anyone please lead me in the right direction? Thanks.
I think you should add "(?=:)" in the and of your pattern:
This means: select "80101_" + zero or more digits only if it’s followed by ":". In case of "80101_intertitle:Blablabla" we have a non-digit symbol between "80101_" and ":", so it doesn't match.
You could use a negative lookahead:
That negative lookahead (?! ... ) prevents a match if its contents are present at the point it is used.
regex101 demo
Your pattern could be written as:
pattern = selection + r"_\d*(?!intertitle)"
You need anchors and multiline flag. Also, you should add the :.* at the end of the regex as well to match the whole string.
See the Demo: https://regex101.com/r/yqGgrv/1
Here is the respective python code as well:
In [1]: s = """80101_intertitle:Blablabla
...: 80101_1:BlablablaBlablabla
...: 80101_2:Blablabla
...: 80101_:BlablablaBlablablaBlablabla
...: 80101_3:BlablablaBlablabla
...: 80101_11:Blablabla
...: 801_1:Blablabla
...: 801_2:Blablabla"""
In [2]: import re
In [4]: re.findall(r'^80101_\d*:.*$', s, re.M)
Yes, that is easily done:
import re
s = '''80101_intertitle:Blablabla
matches = re.findall(r'(80101_\d+:.*)', s)
for match in matches:
matches = re.findall(r'(80101_:.*)', s)
for match in matches:
I'm using python and regex (new to both) to find sequence of chars in a string as follows:
Grab the first instance of p followed by any number (It'll always be in the form of p_ _ where _ and _ will be integers). Then either find an 's' or a 'go' then all integers till the end of the string. For example:
should yield p12 go 12 23.
should yield p12 s 12 23.
I've only managed to get the p12 part of the string and this is what I've tried so far to extract the 'go' or 's':
decoded = (re.findall(r'([p][0-9]*)',myStr))
print(decoded) //prints p12
I know by doing something like
will give me all occurrences of s and g and o, but something like that is not what I'm looking for. And I'm not sure how I'd combine these regexes to get the desired output.
Use re.findall with pattern grouping:
>>> string = 'ascjksdcvyp12nbvnzxcmgonbmbh12hjg23'
>>> re.findall(r'(p\d{2}).*(s|go)\D*(\d+)(?:\D*(\d+))*', string)
[('p12', 'go', '12', '23')]
>>> string = 'ascjksdcvyp12nbvnzxcmsnbmbh12hjg23'
>>> re.findall(r'(p\d{2}).*(s|go)\D*(\d+)(?:\D*(\d+))*', string)
[('p12', 's', '12', '23')]
With re.findall we are only willing to get what are matched by pattern grouping ()
p\d{2} matches any two digits after p
After that .* matches anything
Then, s|go matches either s or go
\D* matches any number of non-digits
\d+ indicates one or more digits
(?:) is a non-capturing group i.e. the match inside won't show up in the output, it is only for the sake of grouping tokens
>>> re.findall(r'(p\d{2}).*(s|go)(?:\D*(\d+))+?', string)
[('p12', 's', '12')]
>>> re.findall(r'(p\d{2}).*(s|go)(?:\D*(\d+))+', string)
[('p12', 's', '23')]
I would like to use one of the above two as matching later digits is kind of a repeated task but there are problems with both non-greedy and greedy matches, hence we need to match the digits after s or go well, kind of explicitly.
First, try to match your line with a minimal pattern, as a test. Use (grouping) and (?:nongrouping) parens to capture the interesting parts and not capture the uninteresting parts. Store away what you care about,
then chop off the remainder of the string and search for numbers as a second step.
import re
simple_test = r'^.*p(\d{2}).*?(?:s|go).*?(\d+)'
m = re.match(simple_test, line)
if m is not None:
p_num = m.group(1)
trailing_numbers = [m.group(2)]
remainder = line[m.end()+1:]
trailing_numbers.extend( # extend list by appending
map( # list from applying
lambda m: m.group(1), # get group(1) from match
re.finditer(r"(\d+)", remainder) # of each number in string
print("P:", p_num, "Numbers:", trailing_numbers)
I need a regex to parse through a string that contains fractions and a operation [+, -, *, or /] and to return a 5 element tuple containing the numerators, denominators, and operation using the findall function in the re module.
Example: str = "15/9 + -9/5"
The output should of the form[("15","9","+","-9","5")]
I was able to come up with this:
pattern = r'-?\d+|\s+\W\s+'
Which produces an output of ["15","9"," + ","-9","5"]. But after fiddling with this for so time, I cannot get this into a 5 element tuple and I cannot match the operation without also matching the white spaces around it.
This pattern will work:
#lets walk through it
(-?\d+) #matches any group of digits that may or may not have a `-` sign to group 1
\/ #escape character to match `/`
(\d+) #matches any group of digits to group 2
\s+([+\-*/])\s+ #matches any '+,-,*,/' character and puts only that into group 3 (whitespace is not captured in group)
(-?\d+)\/(\d+) #exactly the same as group 1/2 for groups 4/5
demo for this:
>>> s = "15/9 + -9/5 6/12 * 2/3"
>>> re.findall('(-?\d+)\/(\d+)\s([+\-*/])\s(-?\d+)\/(\d+)',s)
[('15', '9', '+', '-9', '5'), ('6', '12', '*', '2', '3')]
A general way to tokenize a string based on a regexp is this:
import re
pattern = "\s*(\d+|[/+*-])"
def tokens(x):
return [ m.group(1) for m in re.finditer(pattern, x) ]
print tokens("9 / 4 + 6 ")
The regex begins with \s* to pass over any initial whitespace.
The part of the regex which matches the token is enclosed in parens to form a capture.
The different token patterns are in the capture separated by the alternation operation |.
Be careful about using \W since that will also match whitespace.