So I am writing a trading bot in python. It is more for fun and I just started. Every method works alone, so I excluded them here, to not give you 300lines of Code. I also exclude the hole analyze method, since even if I clear the rest of the method, the same Error appears. When I use analyze just once, it doesn't do anything but also gets no error and when I use it in a loop I get an error:
Exception has occurred: KeyError
'result' (mark get_crypto_data)
This doesn't make sense to me, since if I print get_crypto_data it works just fine.
def get_crypto_data(pair,since):
return api.query_public("OHLC", data = {"pair" : pair, "since" : since})["result"][pair] #array of prices (60sek)
def analyze(pair,since):
data = get_crypto_data(pair[0]+pair[1], since)
if __name__ == "__main__":
api = krakenex.API()
pair = ('XETH' , 'ZEUR') # Currency pair
since = str(int(time.time() - 3600))
while True:
The data structure receiving from the API looks like this(example)(without indents):
"error": [ ],
"result": {
"last": 1616662920
A KeyError in Python is raised when you try to search for an item in an object that doesn't exist. For example, if you make a request:
response = requests.get(url).json()
# KeyError raised as nonexistent doesn't exist in the object
With that in mind, a KeyError when you make an API call to receive this object:
api.query_public("OHLC", data = {"pair" : pair, "since" : since})
We can infer that for whatever reason, ["result"] is not a key in the object above. To debug the issue, follow the steps below.
Make the API call and save the response to a variable. Then print the variable along with its type to understand how you can interact with it.
response = api.query_public("OHLC", data = {"pair" : pair, "since" : since})
print(response, type(response))
If it's in a String format (or another standard convertible format), you can use the inbuilt json library to convert it to a dictionary object you can call as you did in your example.
import json
response = api.query_public("OHLC", data = {"pair" : pair, "since" : since})
response = json.loads(response)
Otherwise, given the structure of the output you displayed, it may be wise to convert the response to a string and then follow step 2.
import json
# Get the response
response = api.query_public("OHLC", data = {"pair" : pair, "since" : since})
# Convert to string
response = str(response)
# Convert to dictionary using JSON
response = json.loads(response)
# Call the data you want
data = response["result"]["XXBTZUSD"]
Current output is of format, dictionary of lists
"majestic-service-1.324.02070909": [
and I'm looking to change that output format to something like below.(dictionary of dictionary)
"majestic-service-1.324.02070909": {
"yaml_file": "/home/robotics/arm-services/FeaturesDir.yaml",
"tar_file": "/home/robotics/arm-services/majestic-service-1.324.02070909.tar.gz",
"kind": "FeaturesDir"
Corresponding code snippet that I've tried,
output_dict = {}
for file in application_files:
match = re.match(regex_pattern, os.path.basename(file))
if match:
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), "FeaturesDir.yaml")):
output_dict[file_without_extension(match.string)] = {os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), "FeaturesDir.yaml")}
output_dict["Kind"] = "FeaturesDir"
elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), "output_path/Deviations.yaml")):
output_dict[file_without_extension(match.string)] = {os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), "output_path/Deviations")}
output_dict["Kind"] = "Deviations"
# where the function file_without_extension, will return - majestic-service-1.324.02070909 from majestic-service-1.324.02070909.tar.gz
It reports the following error
AttributeError: 'set' object has no attribute 'append'
What am I doing wrong ?
The error occurs because in this line output_dict[file_without_extension(match.string)] = {os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), "output_path/Deviations")} you're using {} brackets which for python are intended as the data type called set. Sets don't have append attribute, they have add attribute instead but it's a completely different data type. That's why it shows you that kind of error!
json file =
"success": true,
"terms": "https://curr
"privacy": "https://cu
"timestamp": 162764598
"source": "USD",
"quotes": {
"USDIMP": 0.722761,
"USDINR": 74.398905,
"USDIQD": 1458.90221
The json file is above. i deleted lot of values from the json as it took too many spaces. My python code is in below.
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import json
response = ""
api_key = "42141e*********************"
parms = dict()
parms['key'] = api_key
url = response + urllib.parse.urlencode(parms)
mh = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
source =
data = json.loads(source)
pydata = json.dumps(data, indent=2)
print("which curreny do you want to convert USD to?")
xm = input('>')
print(f"Hoe many USD do you want to convert{xm}to")
value = input('>')
fetch = pydata["quotes"][0]["USD{xm}"]
answer = fetch*value
Here is the
"fetch = pydata["quotes"][0]["USD{xm}"]
TypeError: string indices must be integers"
First of all the JSON data you posted here is not valid. There are missing quotes and commas. For example here "terms": "https://curr. It has to be "terms": "https://curr",. The same at "privacy" and the "timestamp" is missing a comma. After i fixed the JSON data I found a solution. You have to use data not pydata. This mean you have to change fetch = pydata["quotes"][0]["USD{xm}"] to fetch = data["quotes"][0]["USD{xm}"]. But this would result in the next error, which would be a KeyError, because in the JSON data you provided us there is no array after the "qoutes" key. So you have to get rid of this [0] or the json data has to like this:
"USDIMP": 0.722761,
"USDINR": 74.398905,
"USDIQD": 1458.90221
At the end you only have to change data["quotes"]["USD{xm}"] to data["quotes"]["USD"+xm] because python tries to find a key called USD{xm} and not for example USDIMP, when you type "IMP" in the input.I hope this fixed your problem.
I have a list and I would like to turn it into json. but I get the following error:
trackerror:list indices must be integers or slices, not str
The 'operation' tag of the JSON file is not correct or does not exist
What could it be?.
list indices must be integers or slices, not str
It is generated in this line: url = variables["url"]
I have:
[[{'operacion': 'generar','url':'xxxxxxxx', 'items': [{'unidad': 'un', codigo'001'}]
I need (json):
def lambda_handler(event, context):
variables= json.loads(payload)
url =variables["url"] --------->>>>I have an error here too.<<<<<<<-----------
headers={'content-type': "application/json",'authorization': "xxxxxxxx",'cache-`enter code here`control': "no-cache",'postman-token': "xxxxxxxx"}
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers)
The webservice response indicates that it does not exist.
This should work:
event=[[{'operacion': 'generar','url':'xxxxxxxx', 'items': [{'unidad': 'un', 'codigo':'001'}]}]]
# '{"operacion": "generar", "url": "xxxxxxxx", "items": [{"unidad": "un", "codigo": "001"}]}'
PS: Your dictionary key codigo is formatted incorrectly. If this is not simply a typo when making this post, you will need to fix this before any processing can be done. However, since Python would throw an error, I'm guessing it's just a formatting error in your post?
Your event list is one level too deep to make any sense. Based on your desired output description, you could do this:
event = [
{'operacion': 'generar','url':'xxxxxxxx', 'items': [
{'unidad': 'un', 'codigo': '001'}
extractedEvents = []
for e in event:
It's a bit easier to see what you're dealing with if you take the time to format the original source similar to what I've done.
By traversing into the redundant list index with e[0] we're flattening the object by one level, like you indicated you wanted
I'm new to Python and dealing with JSON. I'm trying to grab an array of strings from my database and give them to an API. I don't know why I'm getting the missing data error. Can you guys take a look?
rpt_cursor = rpt_conn.cursor()
sql="""SELECT `ContactID` AS 'ContactId' FROM
row_headers=[x[0] for x in rpt_cursor.description] #this will extract row headers
row_values= rpt_cursor.fetchall()
for result in row_values:
results_to_load = json.dumps(json_data)
print(results_to_load) # Prints: [{"ContactId": 9}, {"ContactId": 274556}]
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
targetlist = '302'
# This is for their PUT to "add multiple contacts to lists".
api_request_url = '' + str(targetlist)
+'/contactid/Api_Key/' + bwg_apikey
print(api_request_url) #Prints
response = requests.put(api_request_url, headers=headers, data=results_to_load)
print(response) #Prints <Response [200]>
print(response.content) #Prints b'{"status":"error","Message":"ContactId is Required."}'
Edit for Clarity:
I'm passing it this [{"ContactId": 9}, {"ContactId": 274556}]
and I'm getting this response body b'{"status":"error","Message":"ContactId is Required."}'
The API doc gives this as the from to follow for the request body.
"ContactId": "string"
When I manually put this data in there test thing I get what I want.
"ContactId": "9"
"ContactId": "274556"
Maybe there is something wrong with json.dumps vs json.load? Am I not creating a dict, but rather a string that looks like a dict?
This was dumb.
I needed to define results_to_load = [] as a dict before I loaded it at results_to_load = json.dumps(json_data).
Thanks for all the answers and attempts to help.
I would recommend you to go and check the API docs to be specific, but from it seems, the API requires a field with the name ContactID which is an array, rather and an array of objects where every object has key as contactId
contactId: [9,229]
instead of
// not correct
[{contactId:9}, {contactId:229}]
Tweaking this might help:
res = {}
contacts = []
for result in row_values:
res[contactId] = contacts
response = requests.put(api_request_url, headers=headers, data=res)
This was dumb.
I needed to define results_to_load = [] as an empty dict before I loaded it at results_to_load = json.dumps(json_data).
Thanks for all the answers and attempts to help.
I'm working with the Microsoft Azure face API and I want to get only the glasses response.
heres my code:
########### Python 3.6 #############
import http.client, urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, base64, requests, json
#### Update or verify the following values. ###
# Replace the subscription_key string value with your valid subscription key.
subscription_key = '(MY SUBSCRIPTION KEY)'
# Replace or verify the region.
# You must use the same region in your REST API call as you used to obtain your subscription keys.
# For example, if you obtained your subscription keys from the westus region, replace
# "westcentralus" in the URI below with "westus".
# NOTE: Free trial subscription keys are generated in the westcentralus region, so if you are using
# a free trial subscription key, you should not need to change this region.
uri_base = ''
# Request headers.
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': subscription_key,
# Request parameters.
params = {
'returnFaceAttributes': 'glasses',
# Body. The URL of a JPEG image to analyze.
body = {'url': ''}
# Execute the REST API call and get the response.
response = requests.request('POST', uri_base + '/face/v1.0/detect', json=body, data=None, headers= headers, params=params)
print ('Response:')
parsed = json.loads(response.text)
info = (json.dumps(parsed, sort_keys=True, indent=2))
except Exception as e:
and it returns a list like this:
"faceAttributes": {
"glasses": "NoGlasses"
"faceId": "0f0a985e-8998-4c01-93b6-8ef4bb565cf6",
"faceRectangle": {
"height": 162,
"left": 177,
"top": 131,
"width": 162
I want just the glasses attribute so it would just return either "Glasses" or "NoGlasses"
Thanks for any help in advance!
I think you're printing the whole response, when really you want to drill down and get elements inside it. Try this:
I'm not sure how the API works so I don't know what your specified params are actually doing, but this should work on this end.
EDIT: Thank you to #Nuageux for noting that this is indeed an array, and you will have to specify that the first object is the one you want.
I guess that you can get few elements in that list, so you could do this:
info = [
"faceAttributes": {
"glasses": "NoGlasses"
"faceId": "0f0a985e-8998-4c01-93b6-8ef4bb565cf6",
"faceRectangle": {
"height": 162,
"left": 177,
"top": 131,
"width": 162
for item in info:
print (item["faceAttributes"]["glasses"])
>>> 'NoGlasses'
Did you try:
glasses = parsed[0]['faceAttributes']['glasses']
This looks more like a dictionary than a list. Dictionaries are defined using the { key: value } syntax, and can be referenced by the value for their key. In your code, you have faceAttributes as a key that for value contains another dictionary with a key glasses leading to the last value that you want.
Your info object is a list with one element: a dictionary. So in order to get at the values in that dictionary, you'll need to tell the list where the dictionary is (at the head of the list, so info[0]).
So your reference syntax will be:
#If you want to store it in a variable, like glass_var
glass_var = info[0]["faceAttributes"]["glasses"]
#Or if you want to print it directly
What's going on here? info[0] is the dictionary containing several keys, including faceAttributes,faceId and faceRectangle. faceRectangle and faceAttributes are both dictionaries in themselves with more keys, which you can reference to get their values.
Your printed tree there is showing all the keys and values of your dictionary, so you can reference any part of your dictionary using the right keys:
print(info["faceId"]) #prints "0f0a985e-8998-4c01-93b6-8ef4bb565cf6"
print(info["faceRectangle"]["left"]) #prints 177
print(info["faceRectangle"]["width"]) #prints 162
If you have multiple entries in your info list, then you'll have multiple dictionaries, and you can get all the outputs as so:
for entry in info: #Note: "entry" is just a variable name,
# this can be any name you want. Every
# iteration of entry is one of the
# dictionaries in info.
Edit: I didn't see that info was a list of a dictionary, adapted for that fact.