401 error when using API from CPanel for first time - python

I have used API data from websites like Microsoft, Knowbe4, ninja, ITglue, twitch, etc. However I am having trouble understanding the authentication for Cpanel.
I have an API key that I obtained from the cpanel website.
Cpanel authorization: https://api.docs.cpanel.net/cpanel/tokens/
It says:
Using an API token
To call a UAPI function with an API token, run the following command from the command line:
curl -H'Authorization: cpanel username:APITOKEN' 'https://example.com:2083/execute/Module/function?parameter=value'
So I tried using python but I am getting a 401 error which relates to the password or api key.
Here is my code:
import requests
bluehostapi = "ANAPIKEY"
bluehosturl = "https://cpanel-box5504.bluehost.com:2083/cpsess4830273370/"
header = {"Authorization": "cpanel", "username":bluehostapi}
buuserrequest = requests.get(bluehosturl+"execute/email",headers=header)
But I always get back:
<Response [401]>
I also tried putting https://cpanel-box5504.bluehost.com:2083/cpsess4830273370/execute/mail into google chrome's address bar directly as the docs said that you can go to the api url directly. However when I did I received an error saying:
{"warnings":null,"status":0,"data":null,"messages":null,"errors":["Failed to load module “”: “Cpanel::API::” is not a valid name for a Perl module."],"metadata":{}}
My main goal is to test connecting to cpanel's api so I can retrieve all the usernames and emails of my clients programmably.


Spotify / Spotipy web api access token authorization problem running on Google Cloud Function

Im creating a Python script which requests user data from my Spotify account.
This is the piece of my code which gets the access token:
def access_token():
scope = 'user-read-recently-played'
obj = spotipy.oauth2.SpotifyOAuth(client_id=CLIENT_ID,client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET,redirect_uri=redirect_uri,scope=scope)
token = obj.get_access_token(as_dict=False,check_cache=False)
return token
Locally when my redirect_uri was http://localhost the script would open a webpage and I would have to copy the url and paste it as an input back in my python script in order to acquire the access token.
screenshot of this
Im obviously trying to automate this so I changed the uri to http://localhost:8080.
This would then open the webpage but immediately close and I would have the access token returned in my script without having to paste the url.
When I run this locally this works fine but when I run it in a Google Cloud Function it times out . I get this info log:
User authentication requires interaction with your web browser. Once you enter your credentials and give authorization, you will be redirected to a url. Paste that url you were directed to to complete the authorization.
any suggestions to fix this as its not an error but it times out my function.

python linkedin oauth2 - where is http_api.py?

I'm trying to get this example to work from https://github.com/ozgur/python-linkedin. I'm using his example. When I run this code. I don't get the RETURN_URL and authorization_code talked about in the example. I'm not sure why, I think it is because I'm not setting up the HTTP API example correctly. I can't find http_api.py, and when I visit http://localhost:8080, I get a "this site can't be reached".
from linkedin import linkedin
API_KEY = 'wFNJekVpDCJtRPFX812pQsJee-gt0zO4X5XmG6wcfSOSlLocxodAXNMbl0_hw3Vl'
API_SECRET = 'daJDa6_8UcnGMw1yuq9TjoO_PMKukXMo8vEMo7Qv5J-G3SPgrAV0FqFCd0TNjQyG'
RETURN_URL = 'http://localhost:8000'
authentication = linkedin.LinkedInAuthentication(API_KEY, API_SECRET, RETURN_URL, linkedin.PERMISSIONS.enums.values())
# Optionally one can send custom "state" value that will be returned from OAuth server
# It can be used to track your user state or something else (it's up to you)
# Be aware that this value is sent to OAuth server AS IS - make sure to encode or hash it
#authorization.state = 'your_encoded_message'
print authentication.authorization_url # open this url on your browser
application = linkedin.LinkedInApplication(authentication)
http_api.py is one of the examples provided in the package. This is an HTTP server that will handle the response from LinkedIn's OAuth end point, so you'll need to boot it up for the example to work.
As stated in the guide, you'll need to execute that example file to get the server working. Note you'll also need to supply the following environment variables: LINKEDIN_API_KEY and LINKEDIN_API_SECRET.
You can run the example file by downloading the repo and calling LINKEDIN_API_KEY=yourkey LINKEDIN_API_SECRET=yoursecret python examples/http_api.py. Note you'll need Python 3.4 for it to work.

401 Unauthorized making REST Call to Azure API App using Bearer token

I created 2 applications in my Azure directory, 1 for my API Server and one for my API client. I am using the Python ADAL Library and can successfully obtain a token using the following code:
tenant_id = "abc123-abc123-abc123"
context = adal.AuthenticationContext('https://login.microsoftonline.com/' + tenant_id)
token = context.acquire_token_with_username_password(
I then try to send a request to my API app using the following method but keep getting 'unauthorized':
at = token['accessToken']
id_token = "Bearer {0}".format(at)
response = requests.get('https://myapiserver.azurewebsites.net/', headers={"Authorization": id_token})
I am able to successfully login using myuser/mypass from the loginurl. I have also given the client app access to the server app in Azure AD.
Although the question was posted a long time ago, I'll try to provide an answer. I stumbled across the question because we had the exact same problem here. We could successfully obtain a token with the adal library but then we were not able to access the resource I obtained the token for.
To make things worse, we sat up a simple console app in .Net, used the exact same parameters, and it was working. We could also copy the token obtained through the .Net app and use it in our Python request and it worked (this one is kind of obvious, but made us confident that the problem was not related to how I assemble the request).
The source of the problem was in the end in the oauth2_client of the adal python package. When I compared the actual HTTP requests sent by the .Net and the python app, a subtle difference was that the python app sent a POST request explicitly asking for api-version=1.0.
POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/common//oauth2/token?api-version=1.0
Once I changed the following line in oauth2_client.py in the adal library, I could access my resource.
return urlparse('{}?{}'.format(self._token_endpoint, urlencode(parameters)))
in the method _create_token_url, to
return urlparse(self._token_endpoint)
We are working on a pull request to patch the library in github.
For the current release of Azure Python SDK, it support authentication with a service principal. It does not support authentication using an ADAL library yet. Maybe it will in future releases.
See https://azure-sdk-for-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/resourcemanagement.html#authentication for details.
See also Azure Active Directory Authentication Libraries for the platforms ADAL is available on.
Could you set your Issue URL on Azure Portal? If I set the wrong Issue URL, I could get the same error with you. It seems that your code is right.
Base on my experience, you need add your application into Azure AD and get a client ID.(I am sure you have done this.) And then you can get the tenant ID and input into Issue URL textbox on Azure portal.
On old portal(manage.windowsazure.com),in the bottom command bar, click View Endpoints, and then copy the Federation Metadata Document URL and download that document or navigate to it in a browser.
Within the root EntityDescriptor element, there should be an entityID attribute of the form https://sts.windows.net/ followed by a GUID specific to your tenant (called a "tenant ID"). Copy this value - it will serve as your Issuer URL. You will configure your application to use this later.
My demo is as following:
import adal
import requests
context = adal.AuthenticationContext(TenantURL)
RESOURCE = 'http://wi****.azurewebsites.net'
token_response = context.acquire_token_with_client_credentials(
access_token = token_response.get('accessToken')
id_token = "Bearer {0}".format(access_token)
response = requests.get(RESOURCE, headers={"Authorization": id_token})
Please try to modified it. Any updates, please let me know.

YouTube API without user OAuth process

I am trying to fetch captions from YouTube video using YouTube Data API (v3)
So, first I tried to retrieve a captions list using this url:
https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/captions?part=snippet&videoId=KK9bwTlAvgo&key={My API KEY}
I could retrieve the caption id that I'd like to download (jEDP-pmNCIqoB8QGlXWQf4Rh3faalD_l) from the above link.
Then, I followed this instruction to download the caption:
However, even though I input the caption id and my api key correctly, it shows "Login Required" error.
I suppose I need OAuth authentication, but what I am trying to do is not related to my users's account, but simply downloading public caption data automatically.
My question is: Is there any way to process OAuth authentication just once to get an access token of my own YouTube account and then reuse it whenever I need it in my application?
I can't speak to the permissions needed for the captions API in particular, but in general, yes, you can OAuth to your app once using your own account and use the access and refresh tokens to make subsequent OAuth'd requests to the API. You can find the details of generating tokens here:
To perform the steps manually (fortunately, you only need to do this once):
If access has already been granted for an app, it needs to be removed so that new auth credentials can be established. Go to https://security.google.com/settings/security/permissions (while logged into your account) and remove access to the app. If the client ID or secret change (or you need to create one), find them at https://console.developers.google.com under API Manager.
To grant access and receive a temporary code, enter this URL in a browser:
Follow the prompt to grant access to the app.
This will redirect to google.com with a code parameter (e.g.,
https://www.google.com/?code=4/ux5gNj-_mIu4DOD_gNZdjX9EtOFf&gws_rd=ssl#). Save the code.
Send a POST request (e.g., via Postman Chrome plugin) to https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token with the following in the request body:
The response will contain both an access token and refresh token. Save both, but particularly the refresh token (because the access token will expire in 1 hour).
You can then use the access token to send an OAuth'd request manually, following one of the options here, essentially:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/captions/<id>
curl https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/captions/<id>?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
(When I tried the second option for captions, however, I got the message: "The OAuth token was received in the query string, which this API forbids for response formats other than JSON or XML. If possible, try sending the OAuth token in the Authorization header instead.")
You can also use the refresh token in your code to create the credential needed when building your YouTube object. In Java, this looks like the following:
String clientId = <your client ID>
String clientSecret = <your client secret>
String refreshToken = <refresh token>
HttpTransport transport = new NetHttpTransport();
JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();
GoogleCredential credential = new GoogleCredential.Builder()
.setClientSecrets(clientId, clientSecret)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
youtube = new YouTube.Builder(transport, jsonFactory, credential).build();
I imagine you can do something similar in Python with the API Client Libraries, although I haven't tried Python.

Parameter passing in Oauth1 - google API

I have authenticated the the user with scope of Google mail and Google contacts using Oauth1. Fetching mail is working perfectly fine with imaplib
While calling contacts API I'm getting the responds but when I make parametrized call i'm getting an error like "Authorization required"
eg:The user is authenticated for the API(scope) " https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/default/full" and I like to get responds it in json format so the API will look like " https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/default/full?alt=json " -- this API will give me error
I have identified the problem:
The problem was I was not including the parameters of the URL before generating signature for oAuth 1.0

