Utilize fastai(v2) unet_learner function to utilize resnet34 in transfer learning.
Expected Results
Learner that is passes building phase (.fine_tune(n)).
IndexError: Target 20 is out of bounds.
Attempted Remedy(s)
Ran the same processes as shown here without issue. The process ran smoothly, with the learner completing the fine_tuning and predictions without issue (on the camvid_tiny dataset).
Checked my processed data, including 'labels', 'images', and 'codes' against those in the camvid proccess, and they are near identical (my 21 classes vs camvid's ~30, images & labels are 256x256 vs camvid's 96, 128).
Confirmed label values within dls are not 0/255 (at noted here & here )
for i in range(len(lnames)):
y =[i])
y_array = np.array(y)
[ 5 7 8 11 12 13 14 17 20]
[ 5 12 13 14 15 16 17 20]
[14 17 20]
[14 17 20]
[ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 20]
[ 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20]
[ 2 3 9 10 12 13 14 16 17 19 20]
[ 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20]
import os
import json
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from import *
>>path = Path(r"D:\EuroSATDS")
>>json_file = r"D:\EuroSATDS\esri_accumulated_stats.json"
>>>with open(json_file, 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
>>>classes = data['Classes']
>>>classes_list = []
>>>classes_value = []
>>>for i in classes:
x = i['ClassName']
y = i['ClassValue']
'Palustrine Aquatic Bed'
>>>codes = np.asarray(classes_list, dtype='<U17')
array(['High Intensity De', 'Medium Intensity ', 'Low Intensity Dev',
'Developed Open Sp', 'Cultivated', 'Pasture/Hay', 'Grassland',
'Deciduous Forest', 'Evergreen Forest', 'Mixed Forest',
'Scrub/Shrub', 'Palustrine Forest', 'Palustrine Scrub/',
'Palustrine Emerge', 'Estuarine Foreste', 'Estuarine Scrub/S',
'Estuarine Emergen', 'Unconsolidated Sh', 'Bare Land', 'Water'],
>>fnames = get_image_files(path/"images")
>>def label_func(fn): return pathB/"labels"/f"{fn.stem}_P.png"
>>dls = SegmentationDataLoaders.from_label_func(pathB, bs=8, fnames = fnames, label_func = label_func, codes = codes)
>> learn = unet_learner(dls, resnet34)
>> learn.fine_tune(1)
IndexError: Target 20 is out of bounds.
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
~TEMP/ipykernel_14508/ in <module>
2 import time
3 start = time.time()
----> 4 learn.fine_tune(1)
5 end = time.time()
6 print("The time of execution of above program is :", end-start)
I am trying to build an forward annual EONIA forward curve with inputs of tenors from 1 week to 50 years.
I have managed to code thus far:
maturity spot rate
0 1 -0.529
1 2 -0.529
2 3 -0.529
3 1 -0.504
4 2 -0.505
5 3 -0.506
6 4 -0.508
7 5 -0.509
8 6 -0.510
9 7 -0.512
10 8 -0.514
11 9 -0.515
12 10 -0.517
13 11 -0.518
14 1 -0.520
15 15 -0.524
16 18 -0.526
17 21 -0.527
18 2 -0.528
19 3 -0.519
20 4 -0.501
21 5 -0.476
22 6 -0.441
23 7 -0.402
24 8 -0.358
25 9 -0.313
26 10 -0.265
27 11 -0.219
28 12 -0.174
29 15 -0.062
30 20 0.034
31 25 0.054
32 30 0.039
33 40 -0.001
34 50 -0.037
terms= data["maturity"].tolist()
rates= data['spot rate'].tolist()
calendar = ql.TARGET()
business_convention = ql.ModifiedFollowing
day_count = ql.Actual360()
settlement_days_EONIA = 2
EONIA = ql.OvernightIndex("EONIA", settlement_days_EONIA, ql.EURCurrency(), calendar, day_count)
# Deposit Helper
depo_facility = -0.50
depo_helper = [ql.DepositRateHelper(ql.QuoteHandle(ql.SimpleQuote(depo_facility/100)), ql.Period(1,ql.Days), 1, calendar, ql.Unadjusted, False, day_count)]
# OIS Helper
OIS_helpers = []
for i in range(len(terms)):
if i < 3:
tenor = ql.Period(ql.Weeks)
eon_rate = rates[i]
OIS_helpers.append(ql.OISRateHelper(settlement_days_EONIA, tenor, ql.QuoteHandle(ql.SimpleQuote(eon_rate/100)), EONIA))
elif i < 12:
tenor = ql.Period(ql.Months)
eon_rate = rates[i]
OIS_helpers.append(ql.OISRateHelper(settlement_days_EONIA, tenor, ql.QuoteHandle(ql.SimpleQuote(eon_rate/100)), EONIA))
tenor = ql.Period(ql.Years)
eon_rate = rates[i]
OIS_helpers.append(ql.OISRateHelper(settlement_days_EONIA, tenor, ql.QuoteHandle(ql.SimpleQuote(eon_rate/100)), EONIA))
rate_helpers = depo_helper + OIS_helpers
eonia_curve_c = ql.PiecewiseLogCubicDiscount(0, ql.TARGET(), rate_helpers, day_count)
#This doesn't give me a daily grid of rates, but only the rates at the tenors of my input
days = ql.MakeSchedule(eonia_curve_c.referenceDate(), eonia_curve_c.maxDate(), ql.Period('1Y'))
rates_fwd = [
eonia_curve_c.forwardRate(d, calendar.advance(d,365,ql.Days), day_count, ql.Simple).rate()*100
for d in days
The problem is that when I run the code, I get the following error:
RuntimeError: more than one instrument with pillar June 18th, 2021
There is probably an error somewhere in the code for the OIS helper, where there is an overlap but I am not sure what I have done wrong. Anyone know what the problem is?
First off, apologies for any inelegant Python, as I am coming from C++:
The main issue with the original question was that ql.Period() takes two parameters when used with an integer number of periods: eg ql.Period(3,ql.Years). If instead you construct the input array with string representations of the tenors eg '3y' you can just pass this string to ql.Period(). So ql.Period(3,ql.Years) and ql.Period('3y') give the same result.
import QuantLib as ql
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
curve = [ ['1w', -0.529],
['2w', -0.529],
['3w', -0.529],
['1m', -0.504],
['2m', -0.505],
['3m', -0.506],
['4m', -0.508],
['5m', -0.509],
['6m', -0.510],
['7m', -0.512],
['8m', -0.514],
['9m', -0.515],
['10m', -0.517],
['11m', -0.518],
['1y', -0.520],
['15m', -0.524],
['18m', -0.526],
['21m', -0.527],
['2y', -0.528],
['3y', -0.519],
['4y', -0.501],
['5y', -0.476],
['6y', -0.441],
['7y', -0.402],
['8y', -0.358],
['9y', -0.313],
['10y', -0.265],
['11y', -0.219],
['12y', -0.174],
['15y', -0.062],
['20y', 0.034],
['25y', 0.054],
['30y', 0.039],
['40y', -0.001],
['50y', -0.037] ]
data = pd.DataFrame(curve, columns = ['maturity','spot rate'])
print('Input curve\n',data)
terms= data["maturity"].tolist()
rates= data['spot rate'].tolist()
calendar = ql.TARGET()
day_count = ql.Actual360()
settlement_days_EONIA = 2
EONIA = ql.OvernightIndex("EONIA", settlement_days_EONIA, ql.EURCurrency(), calendar, day_count)
# Deposit Helper
depo_facility = -0.50
depo_helper = [ql.DepositRateHelper(ql.QuoteHandle(ql.SimpleQuote(depo_facility/100)), ql.Period(1,ql.Days), 1, calendar, ql.Unadjusted, False, day_count)]
# OIS Helper
OIS_helpers = []
for i in range(len(terms)):
tenor = ql.Period(terms[i])
eon_rate = rates[i]
OIS_helpers.append(ql.OISRateHelper(settlement_days_EONIA, tenor, ql.QuoteHandle(ql.SimpleQuote(eon_rate/100)), EONIA))
rate_helpers = depo_helper + OIS_helpers
eonia_curve_c = ql.PiecewiseLogCubicDiscount(0, ql.TARGET(), rate_helpers, day_count)
#This doesn't give me a daily grid of rates, but only the rates at the tenors of my input
days = ql.MakeSchedule(eonia_curve_c.referenceDate(), eonia_curve_c.maxDate(), ql.Period('1Y'))
rates_fwd = [
eonia_curve_c.forwardRate(d, calendar.advance(d,365,ql.Days), day_count, ql.Simple).rate()*100
for d in days
print('Output\n',pd.DataFrame(rates_fwd,columns=['Fwd rate']))
What I ultimately want to do is round the expected value of a discrete random variable distribution to a valid number in the distribution. For example if I am drawing evenly from the numbers [1, 5, 6], the expected value is 4 but I want to return the closest number to that (ie, 5).
from scipy.stats import *
xk = (1, 5, 6)
pk = np.ones(len(xk))/len(xk)
custom = rv_discrete(name='custom', values=(xk, pk))
# 4.0
def round_discrete(discrete_rv_dist, val):
# do something here
return answer
print(round_discrete(custom, custom.expect()))
# 5.0
I don't know apriori what distribution will be used (ie might not be integers, might be an unbounded distribution), so I'm really struggling to think of an algorithm that is sufficiently generic. Edit: I just learned that rv_discrete doesn't work on non-integer xk values.
As to why I want to do this, I'm putting together a monte-carlo simulation, and want a "nominal" value for each distribution. I think that the EV is the most physically appropriate rather than the mode or median. I might have values in the downstream simulation that have to be one of several discrete choices, so passing a value that is not within that set is not acceptable.
If there's already a nice way to do this in Python that would be great, otherwise I can interpret math into code.
Here is R code that I think will do what you want, using Poisson data to illustrate:
x = rpois(100, 7) # 100 obs from POIS(7)
a = mean(x); a
[1] 7.16 # so 7 is the value we want
d = min(abs(x-a)); d # min distance btw a and actual Pois val
[1] 0.16
u = unique(x); u # unique Pois values observed
[1] 7 5 4 10 2 9 8 6 11 3 13 14 12 15
v = u[abs(u-a)==d]; v # unique val closest to a
[1] 7
Hope you can translate it to Python.
Another run:
x = rpois(100, 20)
a = mean(x); a
[1] 20.32
d = min(abs(x-a)); d
[1] 0.32
u = unique(x)
v = u[abs(u-a)==d]; v
[1] 20
[1] 17 16 20 23 23 20 19 23 21 19 21 20 22 25 13 15 19 19 14 27 19 30 17 19 23
[26] 16 23 26 33 16 11 23 14 21 24 12 18 20 20 19 26 12 22 24 20 22 17 23 11 19
[51] 19 26 17 17 11 17 23 21 26 13 18 28 22 14 17 25 28 24 16 15 25 26 22 15 23
[76] 27 19 21 17 23 21 24 23 22 23 18 25 14 24 25 19 19 21 22 16 28 18 11 25 23
[1] 17 16 20 23 19 21 22 25 13 15 14 27 30 26 33 11 24 12 18 28
Figured it out, and tested it working. If I plug my value X into the cdf, then I can plug that probability P = cdf(X) into the ppf. The values at ppf(P +- epsilon) will give me the closest values in the set to X.
Or more geometrically, for a discrete pmf, the point (X,P) will lie on a horizontal portion of the corresponding cdf. When you invert the cdf, (P,X) is now on a vertical section of the ppf. Taking P +- eps will give you the 2 nearest flat portions of the ppf connected to that vertical jump, which correspond to the valid values X1, X2. You can then do a simple difference to figure out which is closer to your target value.
import numpy as np
eps = np.finfo(float).eps
ev = custom.expect()
p = custom.cdf(ev)
ev_candidates = custom.ppf([p - eps, p, p + eps])
ev_candidates_distance = abs(ev_candidates - ev)
ev_closest = ev_candidates[np.argmin(ev_candidates_distance)]
# 5.0
pmf - probability mass function
cdf - cumulative distribution function (cumulative sum of the pdf)
ppf - percentage point function (inverse of the cdf)
eps - epsilon (smallest possible increment)
Would the function ceil from the math library help? For example:
from math import ceil
I am converting an application that uses matplotlib's toolkit Basemap to using Cartopy in preparation for moving from Python 2 to Python 3.
I have found similar functions in Cartopy for Basemap's 'addcyclic()' and 'maskoceans()',
However I cannot find something similar in either numpy or Cartopy for Basemap's shiftgrid() function.
This is the code using Basemap:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import cartopy
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import shiftgrid
bmap = Basemap(projection='ortho', lat_0=0, lon_0=0)
lons = np.arange(30, 410, 30)
lons[1] = 70
lats = np.arange(0, 100, 10)
data = np.indices((lats.shape[0], lons.shape[0]))
data = data[0] + data[1]
data, lons = shiftgrid(180., data, lons, start=False)
llons, llats = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
x, y = bmap(llons, llats)
bmap.contourf(x, y, data)
The initial data:
[[ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
[ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13]
[ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14]
[ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15]
[ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16]
[ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17]
[ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18]
[ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19]
[ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20]
[ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21]]
[ 30 70 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390]
After the 'data, lons = shiftgrid(180., data, lons, start=False)':
[[ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5]
[ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 3 4 5 6]
[ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 4 5 6 7]
[ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4 5 6 7 8]
[ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 5 6 7 8 9]
[10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 6 7 8 9 10]
[11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 7 8 9 10 11]
[12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 8 9 10 11 12]
[13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 10 11 12 13]
[14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 10 11 12 13 14]]
[-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 70 90 120 150 180]
I have tried the following cartopy code to recreate what the Basemap shiftgrid did.
This is the Cartopy code, some things are commented out as I tried them at one time:
DATA_CRS = ccrs.PlateCarree()
lons = np.arange(30, 410, 30)
lons[1] = 70
lats = np.arange(0, 100, 10)
data = np.indices((lats.shape[0], lons.shape[0]))
data = data[0] + data[1]
# data2 = np.roll(data, -5)
# lons2 = np.mod(lons2 - 180.0, 360.0) - 180.0
cm_lon = 0
#llons, llats = np.meshgrid(lons2, lats)
llons, llats = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
PROJECTION = ccrs.Orthographic(central_longitude=cm_lon)
fig1 = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(11, 8.5), dpi=150)
ax = plt.axes(projection=PROJECTION)
ax.add_feature(cfeature.COASTLINE, linewidths=0.7)
ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS, edgecolor='black', linewidths=0.7)
ax.contourf(llons, llats, data, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
The data and the longitudes as original and I just used the 'central_longitude' in the projection.
The Basemap image shows the entire globe but the Cartopy image only shows from the equator up.
The color of the data seems similar except for the far right side, so I'm concerned the data didn't map the same in Cartopy as it did in Basemap.
So, the question is... Is there anything equivalent to Basemap's shiftgrid() or do I need to figure out something similar to Basemap's shiftgrid() or just use the 'central_longitude' in the projection?
I don't seem to be able to paste the .png files.
Any help is really appreciated.
I have searched the web looking for equivalent functions but haven't found one for the shiftgrid().
Thank you.
I'm not aware of any shiftgrid equivalent. It may be worth opening an issue over on the CartoPy issue tracker requesting such a feature. It would help in doing so to mention a solid use case to help drive the functionality.
This must be the most inelegant solution, but what I have been doing for several of Basemap's useful features that are not (yet?) in cartopy, is just to copy the function definitions from Basemap's source code. It works fine. For example, shiftgrid:
def shiftgrid(lon0,datain,lonsin,start=True,cyclic=360.0):
Shift global lat/lon grid east or west.
.. tabularcolumns:: |l|L|
============== ====================================================
Arguments Description
============== ====================================================
lon0 starting longitude for shifted grid
(ending longitude if start=False). lon0 must be on
input grid (within the range of lonsin).
datain original data with longitude the right-most
lonsin original longitudes.
============== ====================================================
.. tabularcolumns:: |l|L|
============== ====================================================
Keywords Description
============== ====================================================
start if True, lon0 represents the starting longitude
of the new grid. if False, lon0 is the ending
longitude. Default True.
cyclic width of periodic domain (default 360)
============== ====================================================
returns ``dataout,lonsout`` (data and longitudes on shifted grid).
if np.fabs(lonsin[-1]-lonsin[0]-cyclic) > 1.e-4:
# Use all data instead of raise ValueError, 'cyclic point not included'
start_idx = 0
# If cyclic, remove the duplicate point
start_idx = 1
if lon0 < lonsin[0] or lon0 > lonsin[-1]:
raise ValueError('lon0 outside of range of lonsin')
i0 = np.argmin(np.fabs(lonsin-lon0))
i0_shift = len(lonsin)-i0
if ma.isMA(datain):
dataout = ma.zeros(datain.shape,datain.dtype)
dataout = np.zeros(datain.shape,datain.dtype)
if ma.isMA(lonsin):
lonsout = ma.zeros(lonsin.shape,lonsin.dtype)
lonsout = np.zeros(lonsin.shape,lonsin.dtype)
if start:
lonsout[0:i0_shift] = lonsin[i0:]
lonsout[0:i0_shift] = lonsin[i0:]-cyclic
dataout[...,0:i0_shift] = datain[...,i0:]
if start:
lonsout[i0_shift:] = lonsin[start_idx:i0+start_idx]+cyclic
lonsout[i0_shift:] = lonsin[start_idx:i0+start_idx]
dataout[...,i0_shift:] = datain[...,start_idx:i0+start_idx]
return dataout,lonsout
I have found the shiftgrid function of basemap
You can possibly call it as a separate function together with cartopy.
import numpy as np
import as ma
def shiftgrid(lon0,datain,lonsin,start=True,cyclic=360.0):
Shift global lat/lon grid east or west.
.. tabularcolumns:: |l|L|
============== ====================================================
Arguments Description
============== ====================================================
lon0 starting longitude for shifted grid
(ending longitude if start=False). lon0 must be on
input grid (within the range of lonsin).
datain original data with longitude the right-most
lonsin original longitudes.
============== ====================================================
.. tabularcolumns:: |l|L|
============== ====================================================
Keywords Description
============== ====================================================
start if True, lon0 represents the starting longitude
of the new grid. if False, lon0 is the ending
longitude. Default True.
cyclic width of periodic domain (default 360)
============== ====================================================
returns ``dataout,lonsout`` (data and longitudes on shifted grid).
if np.fabs(lonsin[-1]-lonsin[0]-cyclic) > 1.e-4:
# Use all data instead of raise ValueError, 'cyclic point not included'
start_idx = 0
# If cyclic, remove the duplicate point
start_idx = 1
if lon0 < lonsin[0] or lon0 > lonsin[-1]:
raise ValueError('lon0 outside of range of lonsin')
i0 = np.argmin(np.fabs(lonsin-lon0))
i0_shift = len(lonsin)-i0
if ma.isMA(datain):
dataout = ma.zeros(datain.shape,datain.dtype)
dataout = np.zeros(datain.shape,datain.dtype)
if ma.isMA(lonsin):
lonsout = ma.zeros(lonsin.shape,lonsin.dtype)
lonsout = np.zeros(lonsin.shape,lonsin.dtype)
if start:
lonsout[0:i0_shift] = lonsin[i0:]
lonsout[0:i0_shift] = lonsin[i0:]-cyclic
dataout[...,0:i0_shift] = datain[...,i0:]
if start:
lonsout[i0_shift:] = lonsin[start_idx:i0+start_idx]+cyclic
lonsout[i0_shift:] = lonsin[start_idx:i0+start_idx]
dataout[...,i0_shift:] = datain[...,start_idx:i0+start_idx]
return dataout,lonsout
I have the following script:
import pandas
from collections import Counter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
while True:
data = [int(x) for x in raw_input("Enter the list containing the data: ").split()]
letter_counts = Counter(data)
df = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(letter_counts, orient="index")
When I either type or copy and paste a series or numbers, for instance,
1 4 5 6 3
the script works perfectly and shows me the histogram. However, when I paste numbers from the output I get from a different terminal window, for instance:
13 13 16 16 16 16 9 9 9 9 9 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 13
13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
15 15 22 22 22 22 22 15 15 15 15 13 13 13 13 13 18 18 18 18 10 10 10
10 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
17 17 17 17 17 13
The first time I enter the data, it works perfectly; however, when I enter it the second time, it doesn't do anything and then I have to hit enter again. It shows me the plot, but when I close it, it gives me the following error:
> Enter the list containing the data: Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "", line 9, in <module>
> df.plot(kind="bar") File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pandas/plotting/",
> line 2627, in __call__
> sort_columns=sort_columns, **kwds) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pandas/plotting/",
> line 1869, in plot_frame
> **kwds) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pandas/plotting/",
> line 1694, in _plot
> plot_obj.generate() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pandas/plotting/",
> line 243, in generate
> self._compute_plot_data() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pandas/plotting/",
> line 352, in _compute_plot_data
> 'plot'.format(numeric_data.__class__.__name__))
TypeError: Empty 'DataFrame': no numeric data to plot
What am I doing wrong?
I don't quite get the behavior you described: when I copy-paste the block of numbers from your question I get embedded line breaks and this causes raw_input() to get called multiple times.
A possible workaround for that problem is to make the program treat an empty line as end-of-input: the following very simple code accepts a copy-paste of your block of numbers OK on my system (Windows, Python 2.7):
while True:
print ("Enter the list containing the data: ")
lines = []
while True:
line = raw_input()
if (line):
data = []
for line in lines:
for x in line.split():
print data
Hope this may be helpful.
I have to deal with a square matrix (N x N) (N will change depending on the system, but the matrix will always be a square matrix).
Here is an example:
0 1 2 3 4
0 5.1677124550E-001 5.4962112499E-005 3.2484393256E-002 -1.8901697652E-001 -6.7156804753E-003
1 5.5380106796E-005 5.6159927753E-001 -1.9000545049E-003 -1.4737748792E-002 -7.2598453774E-002
2 3.2486915835E-002 -1.8996351539E-003 5.6791783316E-001 7.2316374186E-002 1.5013066446E-003
3 -1.8901411495E-001 -1.4737367075E-002 7.2315825338E-002 6.2721160365E-001 3.1553528602E-002
4 -6.7136454124E-003 -7.2597907350E-002 1.5007743348E-003 3.1554372311E-002 2.7318109331E-001
5 6.6738948243E-002 1.4102132238E-003 -1.2689244944E-001 4.7666038803E-002 1.8559074897E-002
6 -2.5293332676E-002 3.7536452002E-002 -1.3453018251E-002 -1.3177136905E-001 6.8262612506E-002
7 5.0951492945E-003 2.1082303893E-005 2.2599127408E-004 1.0287898189E-001 -1.1117916184E-001
8 1.0818230191E-003 -1.2435319909E-002 8.1008075834E-003 -4.2864102001E-002 4.2865913226E-002
9 -1.8399671295E-002 -2.1579653853E-002 -8.3073582356E-003 -2.1848513510E-001 -7.3408914625E-002
10 3.4566032399E-003 -4.0687639382E-003 1.3769999130E-003 -1.1873434189E-001 -3.3274201039E-002
11 6.6093238125E-003 1.7153435473E-002 4.9392012712E-003 -8.4590814134E-002 -4.3601041176E-002
12 -1.1418316960E-001 -1.1241625427E-001 -3.2263873516E-002 -1.9323129435E-002 -2.6233049625E-002
13 -1.1352899039E-001 -2.2898299860E-001 -5.3035072561E-002 7.4480651562E-004 6.3778892206E-004
14 -3.2197359289E-002 -5.3404040557E-002 -6.2530142462E-002 9.6648204015E-003 1.5382174347E-002
15 -1.2210509335E-001 1.1380412205E-001 -3.8374895516E-002 -1.2823165326E-002 2.3865200517E-002
16 1.1478157080E-001 -2.1487971631E-001 5.9955334103E-002 -1.2803721235E-003 -2.2477259002E-004
17 -3.9162044498E-002 6.0167325377E-002 -6.7692892326E-002 6.3814569032E-003 -1.3309923267E-002
18 -5.1386866211E-002 -1.1483215267E-003 -3.8482481829E-002 2.2227734790E-003 2.4860195290E-004
19 -1.8287048910E-003 -4.5442287955E-002 -7.6787332291E-003 7.6970470456E-004 -1.8456603178E-003
20 -3.4812676792E-002 -7.8376169613E-003 -3.1205975353E-001 -2.8005140005E-003 3.9792109835E-004
21 2.6908361866E-003 3.7102890907E-004 2.8494060446E-002 -4.8904422930E-002 -5.8840348122E-004
22 -1.6354677061E-003 2.2592828188E-003 1.6591434361E-004 -4.9992263663E-003 -4.3243295112E-002
23 -1.4297833794E-003 -1.7830154308E-003 -1.1426700328E-002 1.7125095395E-003 -1.2016863398E-002
24 1.6271802154E-003 1.6383303957E-003 -7.8049656555E-004 3.7177399735E-003 -1.0472268655E-002
25 -4.1949740427E-004 1.5301971185E-004 -9.8681335931E-004 -2.2257204483E-004 -5.1722898203E-003
26 1.0290471110E-003 9.3255502541E-004 7.7166886713E-004 4.5630851485E-003 -4.3761358485E-003
27 -7.0031784470E-004 -3.5205332654E-003 -1.6311730073E-003 -1.2805479632E-002 -6.5565487971E-003
28 7.4046927792E-004 1.9332629981E-003 3.7374682636E-004 3.9965654817E-003 -6.2275912806E-003
29 -3.4680278867E-004 -2.3027344089E-003 -1.1338817043E-003 -1.2023581780E-002 -5.4242202971E-003
5 6 7 8 9
0 6.6743285428E-002 -2.5292337123E-002 5.0949675928E-003 1.0817408844E-003 -1.8399704662E-002
1 1.4100215877E-003 3.7536256943E-002 2.1212526899E-005 -1.2435482773E-002 -2.1579384876E-002
2 -1.2689432485E-001 -1.3453164785E-002 2.2618690004E-004 8.1008703937E-003 -8.3084039605E-003
3 4.7663851818E-002 -1.3181118094E-001 1.0290976691E-001 -4.2887391630E-002 -2.1847562123E-001
4 1.8558453001E-002 6.8311145594E-002 -1.1122358467E-001 4.2891711956E-002 -7.3413776745E-002
5 6.5246209445E-001 -3.7960754525E-002 5.8439215647E-002 -9.0620367134E-002 -8.4164313206E-002
6 -3.7935271881E-002 1.9415336793E-001 -6.8115262349E-002 5.0899890760E-002 -3.3687874555E-002
7 5.8422477033E-002 -6.8128901087E-002 3.9950499633E-001 -4.4336879147E-002 -4.0665928103E-002
8 -9.0612201567E-002 5.0902528870E-002 -4.4330072001E-002 1.2680415316E-001 1.7096405711E-002
9 -8.4167028549E-002 -3.3690056890E-002 -4.0677875424E-002 1.7097273427E-002 5.2579065978E-001
10 -6.4841142152E-002 -5.4453858464E-003 -2.4697277476E-001 8.5069643903E-005 1.8744016178E-001
11 -1.0367060076E-001 1.5864203200E-002 -1.6074822795E-002 -5.5265410413E-002 -7.3152548403E-002
12 -9.0665723957E-003 3.3027526012E-003 1.8484849938E-003 -7.5841163489E-004 -3.3700244298E-003
13 4.7717318460E-004 -1.8118719766E-003 1.6014630540E-003 -2.3830908057E-004 2.1049292570E-003
14 4.3836856576E-003 -1.7242302777E-003 -1.2023546553E-003 4.0533783460E-004 1.4850814596E-003
15 -1.2402059167E-002 -7.4793143461E-003 -3.8769252328E-004 3.9551076185E-003 1.0737706641E-003
16 -9.3076805579E-005 -1.6074185601E-003 1.7551579833E-003 -5.1663470094E-004 1.1072804383E-003
17 4.6817349747E-003 3.6900011954E-003 -8.6155331565E-004 -9.1007768778E-005 -7.3899260162E-004
18 3.2959550689E-002 3.0400921147E-003 3.9724187499E-004 -1.9220339108E-003 1.8075790317E-003
19 7.0905456379E-004 -5.0949208181E-004 -4.6021500516E-004 -7.9847500945E-004 1.4079850530E-004
20 -1.8687467448E-002 -6.3913023759E-004 -7.3566296037E-004 2.3726543730E-003 -1.0663719038E-003
21 3.6598966411E-003 -8.2335128379E-003 7.5645765132E-004 -2.1824880567E-002 -3.5125687811E-003
22 -1.6198130808E-002 8.4576317115E-003 -6.2045498682E-004 3.3460766491E-002 3.2638760335E-003
23 -3.2057393808E-001 -1.1315081941E-002 3.4822885510E-003 -5.8263446092E-003 2.9508421818E-004
24 -2.6366856593E-002 -5.8331954255E-004 1.1995976399E-003 3.4813904521E-003 -5.0942740761E-002
25 6.5474742063E-003 -5.7681583908E-003 -2.2680039574E-002 -3.3264360995E-002 4.8925407218E-003
26 -1.1288074542E-002 -4.5938216710E-003 -1.9339903561E-003 1.0812058656E-002 2.3005958417E-002
27 1.8937006089E-002 6.5590668002E-003 -2.9973042787E-003 -9.1466195902E-003 -2.0027029530E-001
28 -5.0006834397E-003 -3.1011487603E-002 -2.1071980031E-002 1.5171078954E-002 -6.3286786806E-002
29 1.0199591553E-002 -7.9372677248E-004 3.0157129340E-003 3.3043947441E-003 1.2554933598E-001
10 11 12 13 14
0 3.4566170422E-003 6.6091516193E-003 -1.1418209846E-001 -1.1352717720E-001 -3.2196213169E-002
1 -4.0687114857E-003 1.7153538295E-002 -1.1241515840E-001 -2.2897846552E-001 -5.3401852861E-002
2 1.3767476381E-003 4.9395834885E-003 -3.2262805417E-002 -5.3032729716E-002 -6.2527093260E-002
3 -1.1874067860E-001 -8.4586993618E-002 -1.9322697616E-002 7.4504831410E-004 9.6646936748E-003
4 -3.3280804952E-002 -4.3604931512E-002 -2.6232842935E-002 6.3789697287E-004 1.5382093474E-002
5 -6.4845769217E-002 -1.0366990398E-001 -9.0664935892E-003 4.7719667654E-004 4.3835884630E-003
6 -5.4306282394E-003 1.5863464756E-002 3.3027917727E-003 -1.8118646089E-003 -1.7242102753E-003
7 -2.4687457565E-001 -1.6075394559E-002 1.8484728466E-003 1.6014634135E-003 -1.2023496466E-003
8 8.5962912652E-005 -5.5265657567E-002 -7.5843145596E-004 -2.3831274033E-004 4.0533385644E-004
9 1.8744386918E-001 -7.3152643002E-002 -3.3700964189E-003 2.1048865009E-003 1.4850822567E-003
10 4.2975054072E-001 1.0364270794E-001 -1.5875283846E-003 6.7147216913E-004 1.2875627684E-004
11 1.0364402707E-001 6.0712435750E-001 5.1492123223E-003 8.2705404716E-004 -1.8653698814E-003
12 -1.5875318643E-003 5.1492269487E-003 1.2662026379E-001 1.2488481495E-001 3.3008712754E-002
13 6.7147489686E-004 8.2705994225E-004 1.2488477299E-001 2.4603749137E-001 5.7666439818E-002
14 1.2875157882E-004 -1.8653719810E-003 3.3008614344E-002 5.7666322609E-002 6.3196096154E-002
15 1.1375173141E-003 -1.2188735107E-003 9.5708352328E-003 -1.3282223067E-002 5.3571128896E-003
16 2.1319373893E-004 -2.6367828437E-004 1.4833724552E-002 -2.0115235494E-002 7.8461850894E-003
17 2.3051283757E-004 3.4044831571E-004 4.9262824289E-003 -6.6151918659E-003 1.1684894610E-003
18 -5.6658408835E-004 1.5710333316E-003 -2.6543076573E-003 1.0490950154E-003 -1.5676208892E-002
19 1.0005496308E-003 1.0400419914E-003 -2.7122935995E-003 -5.3716049248E-005 -2.6747366947E-002
20 3.1068907684E-004 5.3348953665E-004 -4.7934824223E-004 4.4853558686E-004 -6.0300656596E-003
21 2.7080517882E-003 -1.9033626829E-002 8.8615570289E-004 -3.7735646663E-004 -7.4101143501E-004
22 -2.9622921796E-003 -2.4159082408E-002 6.6943323966E-004 1.1154593780E-004 1.5914682394E-004
23 3.2842560830E-003 -6.2612752482E-003 1.5738434272E-004 4.6284599959E-004 4.0588132107E-004
24 1.6971737369E-003 2.4217812563E-002 4.3246402884E-004 9.5059931011E-005 3.5484698283E-004
25 -7.4868993750E-002 -8.7332668698E-002 -6.0147742690E-005 -4.8099146029E-005 1.1509155506E-004
26 -9.3177706949E-002 -2.9315061874E-001 2.1287190612E-004 5.0813661565E-005 2.6955715462E-004
27 -7.0097859908E-002 1.2458191360E-001 -1.2846480258E-003 1.2192486380E-004 4.6853704861E-004
28 -6.9485493530E-002 4.8763866344E-002 7.7223643475E-004 1.3853535883E-004 5.4636752811E-005
29 4.8961381968E-002 -1.5272337445E-001 -8.8648769643E-004 -4.4975303480E-005 5.9586006091E-004
15 16 17 18 19
0 -1.2210501176E-001 1.1478027359E-001 -3.9162145749E-002 -5.1389252158E-002 -1.8288904037E-003
1 1.1380272374E-001 -2.1487588526E-001 6.0165774430E-002 -1.1487007778E-003 -4.5441546655E-002
2 -3.8374694597E-002 5.9953296524E-002 -6.7691825286E-002 -3.8484030260E-002 -7.6800715249E-003
3 -1.2822729286E-002 -1.2805898275E-003 6.3813065178E-003 2.2220841872E-003 7.6991955181E-004
4 2.3864994996E-002 -2.2470892452E-004 -1.3309838494E-002 2.4851560674E-004 -1.8460620529E-003
5 -1.2402212045E-002 -9.2994801153E-005 4.6817064931E-003 3.2958166488E-002 7.0866732024E-004
6 -7.4793278406E-003 -1.6074103229E-003 3.6899979002E-003 3.0392561951E-003 -5.0946020505E-004
7 -3.8770026733E-004 1.7551659565E-003 -8.6155605026E-004 3.9692465089E-004 -4.6038088334E-004
8 3.9551171890E-003 -5.1663991899E-004 -9.1008948343E-005 -1.9220277566E-003 -7.9837924658E-004
9 1.0738350084E-003 1.1072790098E-003 -7.3897453645E-004 1.8057852560E-003 1.4013275714E-004
10 1.1375075076E-003 2.1317640112E-004 2.3050639764E-004 -5.6673414945E-004 1.0005316579E-003
11 -1.2189105982E-003 -2.6367792495E-004 3.4043235164E-004 1.5732522246E-003 1.0407973658E-003
12 9.5708232459E-003 1.4833737759E-002 4.9262816092E-003 -2.6542614308E-003 -2.7122986789E-003
13 -1.3282260152E-002 -2.0115238348E-002 -6.6152067653E-003 1.0491248568E-003 -5.3705750675E-005
14 5.3571028398E-003 7.8462085672E-003 1.1684872139E-003 -1.5676176683E-002 -2.6747374282E-002
15 1.3378635756E-001 -1.2613361119E-001 4.2401828623E-002 -2.6595403473E-003 1.9873360401E-003
16 -1.2613349126E-001 2.3154756121E-001 -6.5778628114E-002 -2.2828335280E-003 1.4601821131E-003
17 4.2401749392E-002 -6.5778591727E-002 6.8187241643E-002 -1.6653902450E-002 2.5505038138E-002
18 -2.6595920073E-003 -2.2828074980E-003 -1.6653942562E-002 5.4855247002E-002 2.4729783529E-003
19 1.9873415121E-003 1.4601899329E-003 2.5505058190E-002 2.4729967206E-003 4.4724663284E-002
20 -3.8366743828E-004 -8.8746730931E-004 -6.4420927497E-003 3.6656962180E-002 8.1224860664E-003
21 9.2845385141E-004 3.6802433505E-004 -9.5040708316E-004 -5.1941208846E-003 -1.2444625713E-004
22 -5.0318487549E-004 1.4342911215E-004 2.8985859503E-004 2.0416113478E-004 9.1951318240E-004
23 7.4036073171E-004 -3.4730013615E-004 -1.3351566400E-004 2.3474188588E-003 1.3102362758E-005
24 -2.7749145090E-004 4.7724454321E-005 5.5527644806E-005 -1.7302886151E-004 -1.7726879169E-004
25 -2.5090250470E-004 2.1741519930E-005 2.7208805916E-004 -2.5982303487E-004 -1.9668228900E-004
26 -1.4489113997E-004 -3.0397727583E-005 2.7239543481E-005 -6.0050637375E-004 -2.9892198193E-005
27 -1.6519482597E-005 1.6435294198E-004 5.0961893634E-005 1.4077278097E-004 -1.9027010603E-005
28 -2.3547595249E-004 7.6124571826E-005 1.0117983985E-004 -1.1534040559E-004 -1.0579685787E-004
29 7.0507166233E-005 1.1552377841E-004 -4.5931305760E-005 -2.0007797315E-004 -1.3505340062E-004
20 21 22 23 24
0 -3.4812101478E-002 2.6911592086E-003 -1.6354152863E-003 -1.4301333227E-003 1.6249964844E-003
1 -7.8382610347E-003 3.7103408229E-004 2.2593110441E-003 -1.7829862164E-003 1.6374435740E-003
2 -3.1205423941E-001 2.8493671639E-002 1.6587990556E-004 -1.1426237591E-002 -7.8189111866E-004
3 -2.8004725758E-003 -4.8903739721E-002 -4.9988134121E-003 1.7100983514E-003 3.7179545055E-003
4 3.9806443322E-004 -5.8790208912E-004 -4.3242458298E-002 -1.2016207108E-002 -1.0472139534E-002
5 -1.8686790048E-002 3.6592865292E-003 -1.6198931842E-002 -3.2057224847E-001 -2.6367531700E-002
6 -6.3919412091E-004 -8.2335246704E-003 8.4576155591E-003 -1.1315054733E-002 -5.8369163532E-004
7 -7.3581915791E-004 7.5646519519E-004 -6.2047477465E-004 3.4823216513E-003 1.1991380964E-003
8 2.3726528036E-003 -2.1824763131E-002 3.3460717579E-002 -5.8262172949E-003 3.4812921433E-003
9 -1.0665296285E-003 -3.5124206435E-003 3.2639684654E-003 2.9530797749E-004 -5.0943824872E-002
10 3.1067613876E-004 2.7079189356E-003 -2.9623459983E-003 3.2841200274E-003 1.6984442797E-003
11 5.3351732140E-004 -1.9033427571E-002 -2.4158940046E-002 -6.2609613281E-003 2.4221378111E-002
12 -4.7937892256E-004 8.8611314755E-004 6.6939922854E-004 1.5740024716E-004 4.3249394082E-004
13 4.4851926804E-004 -3.7736678097E-004 1.1153694999E-004 4.6284806253E-004 9.5077824774E-005
14 -6.0300787410E-003 -7.4096053004E-004 1.5918637627E-004 4.0586523098E-004 3.5485782222E-004
15 -3.8368712363E-004 9.2843754228E-004 -5.0316845184E-004 7.4036906127E-004 -2.7745851356E-004
16 -8.8745240886E-004 3.6801936222E-004 1.4342995270E-004 -3.4729860789E-004 4.7711904531E-005
17 -6.4420819427E-003 -9.5038506002E-004 2.8983698019E-004 -1.3352326563E-004 5.5544671478E-005
18 3.6656852373E-002 -5.1941195232E-003 2.0415783452E-004 2.3474119607E-003 -1.7153048632E-004
19 8.1224361521E-003 -1.2444681834E-004 9.1951236579E-004 1.3097434442E-005 -1.7668019335E-004
20 3.3911554853E-001 2.8652507893E-003 -6.8339696880E-005 3.7476484447E-004 8.3606654277E-004
21 2.8652527558E-003 6.1967615286E-002 -3.2455918220E-003 7.8074203872E-003 -1.5351890960E-003
22 -6.8340068690E-005 -3.2455946984E-003 4.1826230856E-002 6.5337193429E-003 -3.1932674182E-003
23 3.7476336333E-004 7.8073802579E-003 6.5336763366E-003 3.4246747567E-001 -2.2590437719E-005
24 8.3515185725E-004 -1.5351889308E-003 -3.1932682244E-003 -2.2585651674E-005 4.7006835231E-002
25 5.3158843621E-007 1.0652535047E-003 1.4954902777E-003 2.4073368793E-004 1.1954474977E-003
26 5.5963948637E-004 -4.4872582333E-004 -1.4772351943E-003 6.3199701928E-004 -2.1389718034E-002
27 -1.7619372799E-004 9.0741766644E-004 9.8175835796E-004 -2.9459682310E-004 7.2835611826E-004
28 2.5127782091E-004 -9.3298199434E-004 6.8787235133E-005 1.2732690365E-004 7.9688727422E-003
29 2.6201943695E-004 1.7128017387E-004 1.2934748675E-003 3.4008367645E-004 1.9615268308E-002
25 26 27 28 29
0 -4.2035299977E-004 1.0294528397E-003 -7.0032537135E-004 7.4047266192E-004 -3.4678947810E-004
1 1.5264932827E-004 9.3263518942E-004 -3.5205362458E-003 1.9332600101E-003 -2.3027335108E-003
2 -9.8735571502E-004 7.7177183895E-004 -1.6311830663E-003 3.7374078263E-004 -1.1338849320E-003
3 -2.2267753982E-004 4.5631164845E-003 -1.2805227755E-002 3.9967067646E-003 -1.2023590679E-002
4 -5.1722782688E-003 -4.3757731112E-003 -6.5561880794E-003 -6.2274289617E-003 -5.4242286711E-003
5 6.5472637324E-003 -1.1287788747E-002 1.8937046693E-002 -5.0006811267E-003 1.0199602824E-002
6 -5.7685226078E-003 -4.5935456207E-003 6.5591405092E-003 -3.1011377655E-002 -7.9382348181E-004
7 -2.2680665405E-002 -1.9338350120E-003 -2.9972765688E-003 -2.1071947728E-002 3.0156847654E-003
8 -3.3264515239E-002 1.0812126530E-002 -9.1466888768E-003 1.5170890552E-002 3.3044094214E-003
9 4.8928775025E-003 2.3007654009E-002 -2.0026482543E-001 -6.3285758846E-002 1.2554808336E-001
10 -7.4869041758E-002 -9.3178724533E-002 -7.0098856149E-002 -6.9485640501E-002 4.8962839723E-002
11 -8.7330564494E-002 -2.9314613543E-001 1.2458021507E-001 4.8763534298E-002 -1.5272144228E-001
12 -6.0132426168E-005 2.1286995818E-004 -1.2846479090E-003 7.7223667108E-004 -8.8648784383E-004
13 -4.8090893023E-005 5.0813447259E-005 1.2192474211E-004 1.3853537972E-004 -4.4975512069E-005
14 1.1509828375E-004 2.6955725919E-004 4.6853708025E-004 5.4636589826E-005 5.9585997916E-004
15 -2.5088560837E-004 -1.4490239429E-004 -1.6517113547E-005 -2.3547725232E-004 7.0506301073E-005
16 2.1741623849E-005 -3.0396484786E-005 1.6435437640E-004 7.6123660238E-005 1.1552303684E-004
17 2.7209709129E-004 2.7234932342E-005 5.0963084246E-005 1.0117936124E-004 -4.5931984725E-005
18 -2.5882735848E-004 -6.0031848430E-004 1.4070861538E-004 -1.1535910049E-004 -2.0001808065E-004
19 -1.9638025822E-004 -2.9919459983E-005 -1.9047914816E-005 -1.0580143635E-004 -1.3503643634E-004
20 8.4829116415E-007 5.5948891149E-004 -1.7619563318E-004 2.5127749619E-004 2.6202088722E-004
21 1.0652521780E-003 -4.4872868033E-004 9.0739586785E-004 -9.3299673048E-004 1.7126146660E-004
22 1.4954902653E-003 -1.4772362211E-003 9.8175151528E-004 6.8801505444E-005 1.2934673074E-003
23 2.4072903510E-004 6.3199689136E-004 -2.9460500091E-004 1.2731327319E-004 3.4007600115E-004
24 1.1952923145E-003 -2.1389995888E-002 7.2832026293E-004 7.9688600183E-003 1.9615297182E-002
25 9.4289717269E-002 1.0562741426E-001 -1.7552990896E-004 7.0060843371E-003 8.7782610441E-003
26 1.0562750999E-001 3.0308674016E-001 -1.6382699707E-003 -5.5832273099E-003 -1.1726448645E-002
27 -1.7551353029E-004 -1.6382784849E-003 2.0673701256E-001 8.2101212014E-002 -1.3115219203E-001
28 7.0060896795E-003 -5.5832572276E-003 8.2101377926E-002 8.7668224780E-002 -5.4259499038E-002
29 8.7782416309E-003 -1.1726450275E-002 -1.3115216547E-001 -5.4259354736E-002 1.5092602943E-001
This should be a 30x30 matrix and I'm trying:
data = pd.read_fwf('C:/Users/henri/Documents/Projects/Python-Lessons/ORCA/orca.hess',
widths=[9, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19])
But it reads as 185x6. I'd like to ignore the first column (numbering the lines) from 0-29 and I'm not using the columns indexes (from 0-29 too) to perform any mathematical operation. Also, Pandas is rounding my numbers and I'd like to keep the original format.
Here is a snip of my output:
Unnamed: 0 0 1 2 3 4
0 0.0 5.167712e-01 0.000055 0.032484 -0.189017 -0.006716
1 1.0 5.538011e-05 0.561599 -0.001900 -0.014738 -0.072598
2 2.0 3.248692e-02 -0.001900 0.567918 0.072316 0.001501
Any help is much appreciated, guys.
import pandas as pd
filename = 'data'
df = pd.read_fwf(filename, widths=[9, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19])
df = df.rename(columns={'Unnamed: 0':'row'})
df = df.dropna(subset=['row'], how='any')
df['col'] = df.groupby('row').cumcount()
df = df.pivot(index='row', columns='col')
df = df.dropna(how='any', axis=1)
df.columns = range(len(df.columns))
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 \
0.0 0.516771 0.066743 0.003457 -0.122105 -0.034812 -0.000420 0.000055
1.0 0.000055 0.001410 -0.004069 0.113803 -0.007838 0.000153 0.561599
2.0 0.032487 -0.126894 0.001377 -0.038375 -0.312054 -0.000987 -0.001900
3.0 -0.189014 0.047664 -0.118741 -0.012823 -0.002800 -0.000223 -0.014737
4.0 -0.006714 0.018558 -0.033281 0.023865 0.000398 -0.005172 -0.072598
7 8 9 ... 20 21 22 \
row ...
0.0 -0.025292 0.006609 0.114780 ... -0.113527 -0.051389 -0.001430
1.0 0.037536 0.017154 -0.214876 ... -0.228978 -0.001149 -0.001783
2.0 -0.013453 0.004940 0.059953 ... -0.053033 -0.038484 -0.011426
3.0 -0.131811 -0.084587 -0.001281 ... 0.000745 0.002222 0.001710
4.0 0.068311 -0.043605 -0.000225 ... 0.000638 0.000249 -0.012016
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
0.0 0.000740 -0.006716 -0.018400 -0.032196 -0.001829 0.001625 -0.000347
1.0 0.001933 -0.072598 -0.021579 -0.053402 -0.045442 0.001637 -0.002303
2.0 0.000374 0.001501 -0.008308 -0.062527 -0.007680 -0.000782 -0.001134
3.0 0.003997 0.031554 -0.218476 0.009665 0.000770 0.003718 -0.012024
4.0 -0.006227 0.273181 -0.073414 0.015382 -0.001846 -0.010472 -0.005424
[5 rows x 30 columns]
After parsing the file with
df = pd.read_fwf(filename, widths=[9, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19])
df = df.rename(columns={'Unnamed: 0':'row'})
the column headers can be identified by have a df['row'] value of NaN.
So they can be removed with
df = df.dropna(subset=['row'], how='any')
Now the row numbers keep repeating from 0 to 29. If we group by the row
value, then we can assign an intra-group "cumulative count" to the rows within
each group. That is, the first row of the group gets assigned the value 0, the
next row 1, etc. -- within that group -- and the process is repeated for each
df['col'] = df.groupby('row').cumcount()
# row 0 1 2 3 4 col
# 0 0.0 5.167712e-01 0.000055 0.032484 -0.189017 -0.006716 0
# 1 1.0 5.538011e-05 0.561599 -0.001900 -0.014738 -0.072598 0
# 2 2.0 3.248692e-02 -0.001900 0.567918 0.072316 0.001501 0
# ...
# 182 27.0 -1.755135e-04 -0.001638 0.206737 0.082101 -0.131152 5
# 183 28.0 7.006090e-03 -0.005583 0.082101 0.087668 -0.054259 5
# 184 29.0 8.778242e-03 -0.011726 -0.131152 -0.054259 0.150926 5
Now the desired DataFrame can be obtained by pivoting:
df = df.pivot(index='row', columns='col')
and relabeling the columns:
df.columns = range(len(df.columns))
A more NumPy-based approach might look like this:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
filename = 'data'
df = pd.read_csv(filename, delim_whitespace=True)
arr = df.values
N = df.index.max()+1
arr = np.delete(arr, np.arange(N, len(arr), N+1), axis=0)
chunks = np.split(arr, np.arange(N, len(arr), N))
result = pd.DataFrame(np.hstack(chunks)).dropna(axis=1)
This will also work for any sized matrix.