I have a piece of code that generates a function from many smaller functions while making the outermost one accept an argument x.
In other words, I have an input x and I need to do various transformations to x that are decided at runtime.
This is done by iteratively calling this function (it essentially wraps a function in another function).
Here is the function:
def build_layer(curr_layer: typing.Callable, prev_layer: Union[typing.Callable, int]) -> typing.Callable:
def _function(x):
return curr_layer(prev_layer(x) if callable(prev_layer) else x)
return _function
Sidenote: as you can see if prev_layer is not callable it gets substituted for input x so I am using dummy integers to indicate where input goes.
The problem: this code cannot be pickled.
I do not seem to be able to figure out a way to rewrite this code in such a way to be pickleable.
Note: I need this object to be persisted on disk, but also its used in multiprocessing where its pickled for IPC (these functions are not used there, so technically they could be moved)
I have also a more complex version of this function that handles multiple inputs (using fixed aggregation function, in this case torch.cat) I know these two can be merged into one generic function and I will do that once I get it to work.
Here is the code for the second function:
def build_layer_multi_input(curr_layer: typing.Callable, prev_layers: list) -> typing.Callable:
def _function(x):
return curr_layer(torch.cat([layer(x) if callable(layer) else x for layer in prev_layers]))
return _function
I resolved this by attaching the return value of these functions to a class instance as described in this thread.
To implement prettified xml, I have written following code
def prettify_by_response(response, prettify_func):
root = ET.fromstring(response.content)
return prettify_func(root)
def prettify_by_str(xml_str, prettify_func):
root = ET.fromstring(xml_str)
return prettify_func(root)
def make_pretty_xml(root):
rough_string = ET.tostring(root, "utf-8")
reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string)
xml = reparsed.toprettyxml(indent="\t")
return xml
def prettify(response):
if isinstance(response, str) or isinstance(response, bytes):
return prettify_by_str(response, make_pretty_xml)
return prettify_by_response(response, make_pretty_xml)
In prettify_by_response and prettify_by_str functions, I pass function make_pretty_xml as an argument
Instead of passing function as an argument, I can simply call that function.e.g
def prettify_by_str(xml_str, prettify_func):
root = ET.fromstring(xml_str)
return make_pretty_xml(root)
One of the advantage that passing function as an argument to these function over calling that function directly is, this function is not tightly couple to make_pretty_xml function.
What would be other advantages or Am I adding additional complexity?
This seem very open to biased answers I'll try to be impartial but I can't make any promise.
First, high order functions are functions that receive, and/or return functions. The advantages are questionable, I'll try to enumerate the usage of HoF and elucidate the goods and bads of each one
Callbacks came as a solution to blocking calls. I need B to happens after A so I call something that blocks on A and then calls B. This naturally leads to questions like, Hmm, my system wastes a lot of time waiting for things to happen. What if instead of waiting I can get what I need to be done passed as an argument. As anything new in technology that wasn't scaled yet seems a good idea until is scaled.
Callbacks are very common on the event system. If you every code in javascript you know what I'm talking about.
Algorithm abstraction
Some designs, mostly the behavioral ones can make use of HoF to choose some algorithm at runtime. You can have a high-level algorithm that receives functions that deal with low-level stuff. This lead to more abstraction code reuse and portable code. Here, portable means that you can write code to deal with new low levels without changing the high-level ones. This is not related to HoF but can make use of them for great help.
Attaching behavior to another function
The idea here is taking a function as an argument and returning a function that does exactly what the argument function does, plus, some attached behavior. And this is where (I think) HoF really shines.
Python decorators are a perfect example. They take a function as an argument and return another function. This function is attached to the same identifier of the first function
def bar(*args):
is the same of
def bar(*args):
bar = foo(bar)
Now, reflect on this code
from functools import lru_cache
def fib(n):
if n < 2:
return n
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
fib is just a Fibonacci function. It calculates the Fibonacci number up to n. Now lru_cache attach a new behavior, of caching results for already previously calculated values. The logic inside fib function is not tainted by LRU cache logic. What a beautiful piece of abstraction we have here.
Applicative style programming or point-free programming
The idea here is to remove variables, or points and combining function applications to express algorithms. I'm sure there are lots of people better than me in this subject wandering SO.
As a side note, this is not a very common style in python.
for i in it:
from functools import partial
mapped_it = map(func, it)
In the second example, we removed the i variable. This is common in the parsing world. As another side node, map function is lazy in python, so the second example doesn't have effect until if you iterate over mapped_it
Your case
In your case, you are returning the value of the callback call. In fact, you don't need the callback, you can simply line up the calls as you did, and for this case you don't need HoF.
I hope this helps, and that somebody can show better examples of applicative style :)
I have a function with way to much going on in it so I've decided to split it up into smaller functions and call all my block functions inside a single function. --> e.g.
def main_function(self):
and -->
def time_subtraction(self):
todays_hours = datetime.combine(datetime(1,1,1,0,0,0), single_object2) - datetime.combine(datetime(1,1,1,0,0,0),single_object)
return todays_hours
So what im trying to accomplish here is to make todays_hours available to my main_function. I've read lots of documentation and other resources but apparently I'm still struggling with this aspect.
This is not a method of the class. Its just a file where i have a lot of functions coded and i import it where needed.
If you want to pass the return value of one function to another, you need to either nest the function calls:
pay_calculation(self, time_subtraction(self))
… or store the value so you can pass it:
hours = time_subtraction(self)
pay_calculation(self, hours)
As a side note, if these are methods in a class, you should be calling them as self.time_subtraction(), self.pay_calculation(hours), etc., not time_subtraction(self), etc. And if they aren't methods in a class, maybe they should be.
Often it makes sense for a function to take a Spam instance, and for a method of Spam to send self as the first argument, in which case this is all fine. But the fact that you've defined def time_subtraction(self): implies that's not what's going on here, and you're confused about methods vs. normal functions.
Suppose I have an arbitrary function f in Python, that takes parameters.
def f(x): return 2*x
Now suppose I want a function that takes a function and returns the same function, but flipped along the y-axis (if it were graphed).
The obvious way to do it is
def reverse_fn(f): return lambda x, funct=f: funct(-x)
However, stacking function-modifying functions like this ends up breaking max recursion depth after a while, since the result is just a function that called another function that calls more functions all the way down.
What is the best way to make function-modifying-functions in Python, that can be used over and over again without taking excessive call stack or nesting functions?
One approach is editing the bytecode of the function. This is a very advanced technique, and is also very fragile. So, don't use this for production code!
That said, there is a module out there which implements precisely the kind of editing you want. It's called bytecodehacks, first released on April 1, 2000 (yes, it was an April Fools' joke, but a completely functional one). A slightly later edition (from 2005) works fine on my install of Python 2.7.6; grab it from CVS and run setup.py as usual. (Don't use the April2000 version; it won't work on newer Pythons).
bytecodehacks basically implements a number of utility routines that make it possible to edit the bytecode of a section of code (a function, module, or even just a single block within a function). You can use it to implement macros, for example. For the purposes of modifying a function, the inline tool is probably the most useful.
Here's how you would implement reverse_fn using bytecodehacks:
from bytecodehacks.inline import inline
def reverse_fn(f):
def g(x):
# Note that we use a global name here, not `f`.
return _f(-x)
return inline(g, _f=f)
That's all! inline takes care of the dirty business of "inlining" the function f into the body of g. In effect, if f(x) was return 2*x, then the return from reverse_fn(f) would be a function equivalent to return 2*(-x) (which would not have any function calls in it).
Now, one limitation of bytecodehacks is that the variable renaming (in extend_and_rename in inline.py) is somewhat stupid. So, if you apply reverse_fn 1000 times in a row, you will get a huge slowdown as the local variable names will begin to explode in size. I'm not sure how to fix this, but if you do, it will substantially improve the performance for functions that are repeatedly inlined.
The default recursion limit of 1000 can be increased with sys.setrecursionlimit(), but even 1000 is extraordinarily deep recursion, and comes at a steep performance penalty if your wrappers tend to be this kind of trivial alteration you show in your example.
What you could do, if you're trying to build up complex functions procedurally from simple primitives, is to compose the compound functions as Python source text and pass them through eval() to get callable functions. This approach has the significant advantage that a function built up from 1000 primitives won't incur the cost of 1000 function calls and returns when executed.
Note that eval() should be used with caution; don't eval() untrusted sources.
eval() will be fairly expensive per function created, and without knowing a little more about what you're trying to do, it's hard to advise. You could also simply write a program that generates a big .py file full of the compound functions you want.
I don't think you can achieve this in any language that doesn't support Tail Call Optimization without using a trampoline. Another option is to extract the AST of the function under question and generate a "brand new" function that doesn't call the original function at all but implementing this is not trivial and requires good understanding of some of the more internal parts of Python.
A trampoline on the other hand is easy to implement but has the drawback that your functions cannot be simple Python functions anymore—every time they need to make a recursive call, they return that call as, say, a tuple in the form (some_fn, args, kwargs) (while normal return values would be wrapped in a 1-tuple), the trampoline would then make that call for you so that the stack doesn't grow.
def rec(fn, *args, **kwargs):
return (fn, args, kwargs)
def value(val):
return (val,)
def tailrec(fn, *args, **kwargs):
while True:
ret = fn(*args, **kwargs)
if ret is None:
return None
elif len(ret) == 1:
return ret[0]
fn, args, kwargs = ret # no kwargs supported if using tuples
def greet_a_lot(n):
if n > 0:
print "hello: " + str(n)
return rec(greet_a_lot, n - 1)
return value("done")
print tailrec(greet_a_lot, 10000)
hello: 100000
hello: 99999
hello: 3
hello: 2
hello: 1
Same example from the same book: Python deep nesting factory functions
def maker(N):
def action(X):
return X ** N
return action
I understand the concept behind it and i think it's really neat but I cant seem to envision when I could use this approach.
I could have easily implement the above by having maker() take both N and X as an argument instead.
Has anyone use this type of factory function and explain to me why you went this approach instead of just taking multiple arguments?
Is it just user preference?
squarer = maker(2)
print(squarer(2)) # outputs 4
print(squarer(4)) # outputs 16
print(squarer(8)) # outputs 64
Essentially, it means you only have to enter in the N value once and then you can't change it later.
I think it's mostly programming style as there are multiple ways of doing the same thing. However, this way you can only enter the N value once so you could add code to test that it's a valid value once instead of checking each time you called the function.
just thought of a possible example (though it's usually handled by using a class):
writer = connectmaker("")
writer("send this text")
writer("send this other text")
The "maker" method would then connect to the address once and then maintain that value for each call to writer(). But as I said, something like this is usually a class where the __init__ would store the values.
In a certain way, you can see some of the operator function as these as well.
For example, operator.itemgetter() works this way:
import operator
get1 = operator.itemgetter(1) # creates a function which gets the item #1 of the given object
get1([5,4,3,2,1]) # gives 4
This is often used e. g. as a key= function of sorting functions and such.
Similiar, more dedicated use cases are easily imaginable if you have a concrete problem which you can solve with that.
In the same league you have these "decorator creators":
def indirect_deco(outer_param):
def real_deco(func):
def wrapper(*a, **k):
return func(outer_param, *a, **k)
return wrapper
return real_deco
def function(a, b, c):
print (((a, b, c))
function(234, 432)
Here as well, the outer function is a factory function which creates the "real deco" function. This, in turn, even creates another oner which replaces the originally given one.
Out of curiosity is more desirable to explicitly pass functions to other functions, or let the function call functions from within. is this a case of Explicit is better than implicit?
for example (the following is only to illustrate what i mean)
def foo(x,y):
return 1 if x > y else 0
partialfun = functools.partial(foo, 1)
def bar(xs,ys):
return partialfun(sum(map(operator.mul,xs,ys)))
>>> bar([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
def foo(x,y):
return 1 if x > y else 0
partialfun = functools.partial(foo, 1)
def bar(fn,xs,ys):
return fn(sum(map(operator.mul,xs,ys)))
>>> bar(partialfun, [1,2,3], [4,5,6])
There's not really any difference between functions and anything else in this situation. You pass something as an argument if it's a parameter that might vary over different invocations of the function. If the function you are calling (bar in your example) is always calling the same other function, there's no reason to pass that as an argument. If you need to parameterize it so that you can use many different functions (i.e., bar might need to call many functions besides partialfun, and needs to know which one to call), then you need to pass it as an argument.
Generally, yes, but as always, it depends. What you are illustrating here is known as dependency injection. Generally, it is a good idea, as it allows separation of variability from the logic of a given function. This means, for example, that it will be extremely easy for you to test such code.
# To test the process performed in bar(), we can "inject" a function
# which simply returns its argument
def dummy(x):
return x
def bar(fn,xs,ys):
return fn(sum(map(operator.mul,xs,ys)))
>>> assert bar(dummy, [1,2,3], [4,5,6]) == 32
It depends very much on the context.
Basically, if the function is an argument to bar, then it's the responsibility of the caller to know how to implement that function. bar doesn't have to care. But consequently, bar's documentation has to describe what kind of function it needs.
Often this is very appropriate. The obvious example is the map builtin function. map implements the logic of applying a function to each item in a list, and giving back a list of results. map itself neither knows nor cares about what the items are, or what the function is doing to them. map's documentation has to describe that it needs a function of one argument, and each caller of map has to know how to implement or find a suitable function. But this arrangement is great; it allows you to pass a list of your custom objects, and a function which operates specifically on those objects, and map can go away and do its generic thing.
But often this arrangement is inappropriate. A function gives a name to a high level operation and hides the internal implementation details, so you can think of the operation as a unit. Allowing part of its operation to be passed in from outside as a function parameter exposes that it works in a way that uses that function's interface.
A more concrete (though somewhat contrived) example may help. Lets say I've implemented data types representing Person and Job, and I'm writing a function name_and_title for formatting someone's full name and job title into a string, for client code to insert into email signatures or on letterhead or whatever. It's obviously going to take a Person and Job. It could potentially take a function parameter to let the caller decide how to format the person's name: something like lambda firstname, lastname: lastname + ', ' + firstname. But to do this is to expose that I'm representing people's names with a separate first name and last name. If I want to change to supporting a middle name, then either name_and_title won't be able to include the middle name, or I have to change the type of the function it accepts. When I realise that some people have 4 or more names and decide to change to storing a list of names, then I definitely have to change the type of function name_and_title accepts.
So for your bar example, we can't say which is better, because it's an abstract example with no meaning. It depends on whether the call to partialfun is an implementation detail of whatever bar is supposed to be doing, or whether the call to partialfun is something that the caller knows about (and might want to do something else). If it's "part of" bar, then it shouldn't be a parameter. If it's "part of" the caller, then it should be a parameter.
It's worth noting that bar could have a huge number of function parameters. You call sum, map, and operator.mul, which could all be parameterised to make bar more flexible:
def bar(fn, xs,ys, g, h, i):
return fn(g(h(i,xs,ys))
And the way in which g is called on the output of h could be abstracted too:
def bar(fn, xs, ys, g, h, i, j):
return fn(j(g, h(i, xs, ys)))
And we can keep going on and on, until bar doesn't do anything at all, and everything is controlled by the functions passed in, and the caller might as well have just directly done what they want done rather than writing 100 functions to do it and passing those to bar to execute the functions.
So there really isn't a definite answer one way or the other that applies all the time. It depends on the particular code you're writing.