I have a set of about 200 images that I want to cluster into groups of images with similar features. I'm using Resnet50 to extract feature vectors from images and with the help of Faiss Kmeans I'm trying to cluster them into groups.
I have defined a class for Faiss KMeans as given on the link here.
class FaissKMeans:
def __init__(self, n_clusters=8, n_init=10, max_iter=300):
self.n_clusters = n_clusters
self.n_init = n_init
self.max_iter = max_iter
self.kmeans = None
self.cluster_centers_ = None
self.inertia_ = None
def fit(self, X, y):
self.kmeans = faiss.Kmeans(d=X.shape[1],
self.cluster_centers_ = self.kmeans.centroids
self.inertia_ = self.kmeans.obj[-1]
def predict(self, X):
return self.kmeans.index.search(X.astype(np.float32), 1)[1]
I'm storing the images and their vectors in a dictionary as key-value pairs.
#function to extract image vector
def extract_features(file, model):
img = load_img(file,target_size=(224,224))
img = np.array(img)
reshaped_img = img.reshape(1,224,224,3)
imgx = preprocess_input(reshaped_img)
features = model.predict(imgx,use_multiprocessing=True)
return features
#append the images in a folder to list "products"
products = []
with os.scandir(mypath) as files:
for file in files:
if file.name.endswith('.jpg'):
#load ResNet50 model
model = ResNet50()
model = Model(inputs = model.inputs, outputs = model.layers[-2].output)
#save image and image vector to dictionary "feature_dict" as key value pair
feature_dict = {}
p = pkl_path
for product in products:
feat = extract_features(product,model)
feature_dict[product] = feat
with open(p,'wb') as file:
#convert dictionary to a numpy array
filenames = np.array(list(feature_dict.keys()))
feat = np.array(list(feature_dict.values()))
feat = feat.reshape(-1,2048)
I'm using the package "kneed" to determine the number of clusters
#determine the number of clusters
length = len(filenames)
lim = 25
sse = []
list_k = list(range(1, lim))
for k in list_k:
km = KMeans(n_clusters=k,random_state=22, n_jobs=-1)
labels= km.fit_predict(feat)
elbow = kneedle.elbow #number of clusters
Now I'm trying to cluster the images into different groups using faiss Kmeans but I'm getting the error of AttributeError: 'Kmeans' object has no attribute 'fit' on kmeans.fit(feat)
kmeans = faiss.Kmeans(d=feat.shape[0] ,k=elbow, niter=200)
When I try to use kmeans.train(feat) which I found on the link, I get the error AssertionError
Good afternoon!
I have questions about the following tutorial:
https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/data_loading_tutorial.html 1
I have a similar dataset (images + landmarks). I’ve built the custom dataloader following the tutorial and checked the types of dataloader components (torch.float64 for both images and landmarks).
Then I applied the dataloader to the classification model with this training class:
class Trainer():
def __init__(self,criterion = None,optimizer = None,schedular = None):
self.criterion = criterion
self.optimizer = optimizer
self.schedular = schedular
def train_batch_loop(self,model,train_dataloader):
train_loss = 0.0
train_acc = 0.0
for images,landmarks, labels in train_dataloader:
images = images.to(device)
landmarks = landmarks.to(device)
labels = labels.to(device)
I won’t be elaborating further because the training crushes at images = images.to(device) with the following error: AttributeError: ‘str’ object has no attribute 'to’
I don’t understand where this string is coming from if all the dataloader components are torch.float64.
I went back to check the initial data: in the tutorial, the landmarks are summarized in a pandas dataframe with landmark values as int64 and image name as “object”.
In my summary dataframe image name is an “object” as well and landmarks are numpy.float64. Again, no strings anywhere…
Appreciate any advice - what else should I check in addition to dtypes?
There are 30 cats and 48 landmarks for each image
The dataset is defined as follows:
class FaceLandmarksDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, data_frame, root_dir, transform=None):
self.data_frame = data_frame
self.root_dir = root_dir
self.transform = transform
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data_frame)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
if torch.is_tensor(idx):
idx = idx.tolist()
img_name = os.path.join(self.root_dir,
self.data_frame.iloc[idx, 2])
image = io.imread(img_name)
landmarks = self.data_frame.iloc[idx, 3:]
landmarks = np.array([landmarks])
landmarks = landmarks.astype('float').reshape(-1, 2)
labels = self.data_frame.iloc[idx, 1].reshape(1)
sample = {'image': image, 'landmarks': landmarks, 'labels': labels}
if self.transform:
sample = self.transform(sample)
return sample
Hi i made some changes based on your dataset, please make adjustment where you see fit, as i don't have your data i cannot test this out but this should be it based on on my understanding
import torch
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
import os
from skimage import io
import numpy as np
from typing import Dict
class FaceLandmarksDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, data_frame, root_dir, transform=None):
self.data_frame = data_frame
self.root_dir = root_dir
self.transform = transform
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data_frame)
def __getitem__(self, idx) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
if torch.is_tensor(idx):
idx = idx.tolist()
img_name = os.path.join(self.root_dir,self.data_frame.iloc[idx]['image_name'])
image = io.imread(img_name)
landmarks = self.data_frame.iloc[idx, 3:].tolist()
landmarks = np.array(landmarks)
landmarks = landmarks.astype('float32').reshape(-1, 2)
labels = self.data_frame.iloc[idx]['label']
# Your transforming your image only therefore pass in the array
if self.transform:
image = self.transform(image)
# Create dictionary after finishing all transforms -> automatically becomes torch tensor when passed
sample = {
'image': image,
'landmarks': landmarks,
'labels': labels
return sample
I am trying to get the gradient with respect to a specific images (sitting in adv_loader). These images are loaded in adv_loader. I tried just taking the code that was calculating the gradient in the backprop step but Yolo3 doesn’t seem to have a grad attribute. Any ideas on how to get that?
import mxnet as mx
import gluoncv as gcv
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mxnet import gluon
from gluoncv.loss import YOLOV3Loss
import time
ctx = [mx.gpu(i) for i in range(mx.context.num_gpus())] if mx.context.num_gpus()>0 else [mx.cpu()]
train = gcv.data.RecordFileDetection('./data/train.rec',coord_normalized=False)
val = gcv.data.RecordFileDetection('./data/val.rec',coord_normalized=False)
classes = ['Passenger Vehicle','Small Car','Bus']
net = gcv.model_zoo.yolo3_mobilenet0_25_custom(pretrained_base=False,classes=classes,ctx=ctx)
import multiprocessing as mp
### The following looks nasty, and I apologize for the difficulty but basically what we are doing is
# transforming our data so it is in the correct format for yolo3
batch_size = 32 #This can be changed, but it determines how often we update our model.
num_workers = mp.cpu_count()//2
### We will import the following to reduce what i need to type (I am not sure about you but I like being lazy)
from mxnet import autograd
### 416 is our width/height we want the network to train on
sizes = 328
train_transform = gcv.data.transforms.presets.yolo.YOLO3DefaultTrainTransform(sizes,sizes, net)
# return stacked images, center_targets, scale_targets, gradient weights, objectness_targets, class_targets
# additionally, return padded ground truth bboxes, so there are 7 components returned by dataloader
batchify_fn = gcv.data.batchify.Tuple(*([gcv.data.batchify.Stack() for _ in range(6)] + [gcv.data.batchify.Pad(axis=0, pad_val=-1) for _ in range(1)]))
train_loader = mx.gluon.data.DataLoader(train.transform(train_transform), batch_size, shuffle=True,
batchify_fn=batchify_fn, last_batch='rollover',num_workers=num_workers,prefetch=num_workers + num_workers//2)
val_batchify_fn = gcv.data.batchify.Tuple(gcv.data.batchify.Stack(), gcv.data.batchify.Pad(pad_val=-1))
val_transform = gcv.data.transforms.presets.yolo.YOLO3DefaultValTransform(sizes,sizes)
val_loader = mx.gluon.data.DataLoader(
batch_size, False, batchify_fn=val_batchify_fn, last_batch='keep',num_workers=num_workers,prefetch=num_workers + num_workers//2)
adv_loader = mx.gluon.data.DataLoader(train.transform(train_transform), batch_size, shuffle=True,
batchify_fn=batchify_fn, last_batch='rollover',num_workers=num_workers,prefetch=num_workers + num_workers//2) #this is a placeholder for data that will generate advarsaial examples
#How we will validate our model
def validate(net, val_data, ctx, eval_metric):
"""Test on validation dataset."""
# set nms threshold and topk constraint
net.set_nms(nms_thresh=0.45, nms_topk=455)
for batch in val_data:
data = mx.gluon.utils.split_and_load(batch[0], ctx_list=ctx, batch_axis=0, even_split=False)
label = mx.gluon.utils.split_and_load(batch[1], ctx_list=ctx,batch_axis=0, even_split=False)
det_bboxes = []
det_ids = []
det_scores = []
gt_bboxes = []
gt_ids = []
gt_difficults = []
for x, y in zip(data, label):
# get prediction results
ids, scores, bboxes = net(x)
# clip to image size
det_bboxes.append(bboxes.clip(0, batch[0].shape[2]))
# split ground truths
gt_ids.append(y.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=4, end=5))
gt_bboxes.append(y.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=0, end=4))
gt_difficults.append(y.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=5, end=6) if y.shape[-1] > 5 else None)
# update metric
eval_metric.update(det_bboxes, det_ids, det_scores, gt_bboxes, gt_ids, gt_difficults)
return eval_metric.get()
eval_metric = gcv.utils.metrics.voc_detection.VOCMApMetric(class_names=classes)
#Grab a trainer or optimizer to perform the optimization
trainer = mx.gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(),'adam',
for i in range(nepochs):
now = time.time()
for ixl,batch in enumerate(train_loader):
data = mx.gluon.utils.split_and_load(batch[0], ctx_list=ctx, batch_axis=0)
# objectness, center_targets, scale_targets, weights, class_targets
fixed_targets = [mx.gluon.utils.split_and_load(batch[it], ctx_list=ctx, batch_axis=0) for it in range(1, 6)]
gt_boxes = mx.gluon.utils.split_and_load(batch[6], ctx_list=ctx, batch_axis=0)
sum_losses = []
with autograd.record():
for ix, x in enumerate(data):
obj_loss, center_loss, scale_loss, cls_loss = net(x, gt_boxes[ix], *[ft[ix] for ft in fixed_targets])
sum_losses.append(obj_loss + center_loss + scale_loss + cls_loss)
for ixl,batch in enumerate(adv_loader):
data = mx.gluon.utils.split_and_load(batch[0], ctx_list=ctx, batch_axis=0)
# objectness, center_targets, scale_targets, weights, class_targets
fixed_targets = [mx.gluon.utils.split_and_load(batch[it], ctx_list=ctx, batch_axis=0) for it in range(1, 6)]
gt_boxes = mx.gluon.utils.split_and_load(batch[6], ctx_list=ctx, batch_axis=0)
sum_losses = []
with autograd.record():
for ix, x in enumerate(data):
obj_loss, center_loss, scale_loss, cls_loss = net(x, gt_boxes[ix], *[ft[ix] for ft in fixed_targets])
sum_losses.append(obj_loss + center_loss + scale_loss + cls_loss)
I am getting told here that AttributeError: 'YOLOV3' object has no attribute 'grad'. I am using this documentation https://mxnet.apache.org/versions/1.6/api/python/docs/tutorials/packages/autograd/index.html
Any idea how to get an image and pass it through to the gradient of the yolo loss function?
I am training a custom Encoder-Decoder network but the training gets stuck at Epoch 3. Nothing happens for about 2 hours. I will share the Dataset class and the DataLoader object. The version if CUDA and GPU can be seen in the pic below.
Training stuck here:
nvidia-smi output looks like this:
The __getitem__ method of the dataset class looks like this:
def __init__(self,
img_size=(512, 1536),
:param root: dataset directory
:param filenames: filenames inside the root directory
:param labels: Object Detection Labels
self.images_dir = images_dir
self.annots_dir = annots_dir
self.train = train
self.image_size = img_size
self.stride = stride
self.transforms = transforms
self.model = model
# Load the image and annotation files from the dataset
# self.image_files, self.annot_files = self._load_image_and_annot_files()
self.image_files = [os.path.join(self.images_dir, idx) for idx in os.listdir(self.images_dir)]
self.annot_files = [os.path.join(self.annots_dir, idx) for idx in os.listdir(self.annots_dir)]
def __getitem__(self, index):
:param index: index...0 to N
:return: tensor_image and tensor_label
# Image filename from _load_image_files()
# Load Image with _read_matrix() and label
curr_image_filename = self.image_files[index]
curr_annot_filename = self.annot_files[index]
# curr_image_filename = self.image_files[index]
# curr_annot_filename = self.annot_files[index]
np_image = self._read_matrix(raw_img=curr_image_filename)
np_image_normalized = np.squeeze(self._normalize_raw_img(np_image))
# label = self.labels[index]
boxes, classes, depths, tgts = self._load_annotations(curr_annot_filename)
# Normalize bounding boxes: range [0, 1]
targets_normalized = self._normalize_bbox(np_image_normalized, tgts)
# image and the corresponding label should be a tensor
torch_image = torch.from_numpy(np_image).reshape(1, 512, 1536).float() # dtype: torch.float64
torch_boxes = torch.from_numpy(boxes).type(torch.FloatTensor)
torch_depths = torch.from_numpy(depths)
if self.model == 'fasterrcnn':
# For FasterRCNN: As COCO format
area = (torch_boxes[:, 3] - torch_boxes[:, 1]) * (torch_boxes[:, 2] - torch_boxes[:, 0])
iscrowd = torch.zeros((boxes.shape[0],), dtype=torch.int64)
image_id = torch.Tensor([index])
torch_classes = torch.from_numpy(classes)
target = {'boxes': torch_boxes, 'labels': torch_classes.long(),
'area': area, 'iscrowd': iscrowd, 'image_id': image_id}
return torch_image, target
elif self.model == 'custom':
if self.train:
if self.transforms:
tr = self.transforms()
transform_image, transform_boxes, labels = tr.__call__(np_image, tgts, tgts[:, :4], tgts[:, 4:])
transform_targets = np.hstack((np.array(transform_boxes), labels))
gt_tensor = gt_creator(img_size=self.image_size,
return torch.from_numpy(transform_image).float(), gt_tensor
except IndexError:
gt_tensor = gt_creator(img_size=self.image_size,
return torch_image, gt_tensor
return torch_image, targets_normalized
And in the train.py script the DataLoader object is:
train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset=dataset,
Why does the training get stuck? Is there an issue with the __getitem__ method? Or the DataLoader?
Thank You.
This happens because torch doesnt restart your dataset, if your data runs out it stops and waits for more input so cycling has to be done manually.
I used something along the lines of
from itertools import cycle
class Dataloader():
#init and whatever
return cycle(get_sample()) # get_sample is your current getitem
I am new to Pytorch and so far it has been incredible. I am using it to count the number of pills in an image. I have found that in the majority of my images the max number of objects that it detects is 100. For the picture below it reaches a max count of 100 with the confidence around .6. After that it doesn't increase anymore even down to .1 confidence. I haven't been able to find anything in the docs or any other places online. I am using the fasterrcnn_resnet50_fpn model. Below is the code that load the trained model and evaluate the image. Any tips or even different packages that would be able to count all objects would be super helpful.
## Loading the trained module
loaded_model = get_model(num_classes = 2)
class CountDataset(torch.utils.data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, root, data_file, transforms=None):
self.root = root
self.transforms = transforms
self.imgs = sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(root, "count")))
self.path_to_data_file = data_file
def __getitem__(self, idx):
# load images and bounding boxes
img_path = os.path.join(self.root, "count", self.imgs[idx])
img = Image.open(img_path).convert("RGB")
box_list = parse_one_annot(self.path_to_data_file,
boxes = torch.as_tensor(box_list, dtype=torch.float32)
num_objs = len(box_list)
# there is only one class
labels = torch.ones((num_objs,), dtype=torch.int64)
image_id = torch.tensor([idx])
area = (boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1]) * (boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:,
# suppose all instances are not crowd
iscrowd = torch.zeros((num_objs,), dtype=torch.int64)
target = {}
target["boxes"] = boxes
target["labels"] = labels
target["image_id"] = image_id
target["area"] = area
target["iscrowd"] = iscrowd
if self.transforms is not None:
img, target = self.transforms(img, target)
return img, target
def __len__(self):
return len(self.imgs)
dataset_count = CountDataset(root='../../Pill_Object_Detection',
data_file = "../../Pill_Object_Detection/count_labels.csv",
transforms = get_transform(train=False))
idx = 1
img, _ = dataset_count[idx]
#put the model in evaluation mode
with torch.no_grad():
prediction = loaded_model([img])
image = Image.fromarray(img.mul(255).permute(1, 2,0).byte().numpy())
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
# draw groundtruth
count = 0
for element in range(len(prediction[0]["boxes"])):
boxes = prediction[0]["boxes"][element].cpu().numpy()
score = np.round(prediction[0]["scores"][element].cpu().numpy(),
decimals= 4)
if score > 0.6:
draw.rectangle([(boxes[0], boxes[1]), (boxes[2], boxes[3])],
outline ="red", width =3)
draw.text((boxes[0], boxes[1]), text = str(score))
count +=1
print(f'count = {count}')
The advice from the comment above was very helpful. I used the YOLO5vs model and it did an incredible job. This tutorial had a super easy set up that had you upload the annotated images into roboflow, and then it had some google colab tutorials set up for almost all of the current object detectors out there. Here is the result. I just need to give better quality training data but it did extremely well for the few pictures that I gave it. It can count well over 150 objects in the same image no problem.
I am a beginner to AI and sentimental analysis. I'm doing sentimental analysis between two documents. This code is working perfectly fine when I add only one source document rather than a list of multiple source documents to compare it with multiple target documents.
Can someone please tell me what I need to change to work it with multiple source documents list?
#Loading pre=trained word2vec model
from gensim.models.keyedvectors import KeyedVectors
# You need to dowload google pre-trained model using below link
# https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7XkCwpI5KDYNlNUTTlSS21pQmM/edit
#Change the path according to your directory
model_path = 'E:\GoogleNews_vectors_negative300.bin'
w2v_model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(model_path, binary=True)
#Setting Parameters for model
class DocSim(object):
def __init__(self, w2v_model , stopwords=[]):
self.w2v_model = w2v_model
self.stopwords = stopwords
def vectorize(self, doc):
"""Identify the vector values for each word in the given document"""
doc = doc.lower()
words = [w for w in doc.split(" ") if w not in self.stopwords]
word_vecs = []
for word in words:
vec = self.w2v_model[word]
except KeyError:
# Ignore, if the word doesn't exist in the vocabulary
# Assuming that document vector is the mean of all the word vectors
vector = np.mean(word_vecs, axis=0)
return vector
def _cosine_sim(self, vecA, vecB):
"""Find the cosine similarity distance between two vectors."""
csim = np.dot(vecA, vecB) / (np.linalg.norm(vecA) * np.linalg.norm(vecB))
if np.isnan(np.sum(csim)):
return 0
return csim
def calculate_similarity(self, source_doc, target_docs=[], threshold=0):
"""Calculates & returns similarity scores between given source document & all
the target documents."""
if isinstance(target_docs, str):
target_docs = [target_docs]
source_vec = self.vectorize(source_doc)
results = []
for doc in target_docs:
target_vec = self.vectorize(doc)
sim_score = self._cosine_sim(source_vec, target_vec)
if sim_score > threshold:
'score' : sim_score,
'doc' : doc
# Sort results by score in desc order
results.sort(key=lambda k : k['score'] , reverse=True)
return results
ds = DocSim(w2v_model)
#Calculate the similarity score between a source rule & a target rule.
source_rule = [ '2.1.1 Context','2.2.3 Value']
target_rule = [ '2.1.1 Context',' Assist Failed Train']
# This will return one target rules text with a similarity score
sim_scores = ds.calculate_similarity(source_rule, target_rule)
This is the error I am getting right now.
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-22-041084a3f599> in <module>
6 # This will return one target rules text with similarity score
----> 8 sim_scores = ds.calculate_similarity(source_rule, target_rule)
10 print(sim_scores)
<ipython-input-20-055f5d25808f> in calculate_similarity(self, source_doc, target_docs, threshold)
41 source_doc=[source_doc]
---> 43 source_vec = self.vectorize(source_doc)
44 results = []
45 for doc in target_docs:
<ipython-input-20-055f5d25808f> in vectorize(self, doc)
8 def vectorize(self, doc):
9 """Identify the vector values for each word in the given document"""
---> 10 doc = doc.lower()
11 words = [w for w in doc.split(" ") if w not in self.stopwords]
12 word_vecs = []
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'lower'
Rather than sending the whole list to the function, make sure the source_rule is a list and then iterate over it and then execute the calculate_similarity() function on it
#Loading pre=trained word2vec model
from gensim.models.keyedvectors import KeyedVectors
# You need to dowload google pre-trained model using below link
# https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7XkCwpI5KDYNlNUTTlSS21pQmM/edit
#Change the path according to your directory
model_path = 'E:\GoogleNews_vectors_negative300.bin'
w2v_model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(model_path, binary=True)
#Setting Parameters for model
class DocSim(object):
def __init__(self, w2v_model , stopwords=[]):
self.w2v_model = w2v_model
self.stopwords = stopwords
def vectorize(self, doc):
"""Identify the vector values for each word in the given document"""
doc = doc.lower()
words = [w for w in doc.split(" ") if w not in self.stopwords]
word_vecs = []
for word in words:
vec = self.w2v_model[word]
except KeyError:
# Ignore, if the word doesn't exist in the vocabulary
# Assuming that document vector is the mean of all the word vectors
vector = np.mean(word_vecs, axis=0)
return vector
def _cosine_sim(self, vecA, vecB):
"""Find the cosine similarity distance between two vectors."""
csim = np.dot(vecA, vecB) / (np.linalg.norm(vecA) * np.linalg.norm(vecB))
if np.isnan(np.sum(csim)):
return 0
return csim
def calculate_similarity(self, source_doc, target_docs=[], threshold=0):
"""Calculates & returns similarity scores between given source document & all
the target documents."""
if isinstance(target_docs, str):
target_docs = [target_docs]
source_vec = self.vectorize(source_doc)
results = []
for doc in target_docs:
target_vec = self.vectorize(doc)
sim_score = self._cosine_sim(source_vec, target_vec)
if sim_score > threshold:
'score' : sim_score,
'doc' : doc
# Sort results by score in desc order
results.sort(key=lambda k : k['score'] , reverse=True)
return results
ds = DocSim(w2v_model)
#Calculate the similarity score between a source rule & a target rule.
source_rule = [ '2.1.1 Context','2.2.3 Value']
target_rule = [ '2.1.1 Context',' Assist Failed Train']
if isinstance(source_rule, str):
source_rule = [source_rule]
# This will return one target rules text with a similarity score
for rule in source_rule:
sim_scores = ds.calculate_similarity(rule, target_rule)
print("Similarity with {} is {}".format(rule, sim_scores))