I have a 2D pytorch tensor of shape n by m. I want to index the second dimension using a list of indices (which could be done with torch.gather) then then also set new values to the result of the indexing.
data = torch.tensor([[0,1,2], [3,4,5], [6,7,8]]) # shape (3,3)
indices = torch.tensor([1,2,1], dtype=torch.long).unsqueeze(-1) # shape (3,1)
# data tensor:
# tensor([[0, 1, 2],
# [3, 4, 5],
# [6, 7, 8]])
I want to select the specified indices per row (which would be [1,5,7] but then also set these values to another number - e.g. 42
I can select the desired columns row wise by doing:
data.gather(1, indices)
data.gather(1, indices)[:] = 42 # **This does NOT work**, since the result of gather
# does not use the same storage as the original tensor
which is fine, but I would like to change these values now, and have the change also affect the data tensor.
I can do what I want to achieve using this, but it seems to be very un-pythonic:
max_index = torch.max(indices)
for i in range(0, max_index + 1):
mask = (indices == i).nonzero(as_tuple=True)[0]
data[mask, i] = 42
# tensor([[ 0, 42, 2],
# [ 3, 4, 42],
# [ 6, 42, 8]])
Any hints on how to do that more elegantly?
What you are looking for is torch.scatter_ with the value option.
Tensor.scatter_(dim, index, src, reduce=None) → Tensor
Writes all values from the tensor src into self at the indices specified in the index tensor. For each value in src, its output index is specified by
its index in src for dimension != dim and by the corresponding value
in index for dimension = dim.
With 2D tensors as input and dim=1, the operation is:
self[i][index[i][j]] = src[i][j]
No mention of the value parameter though...
With value=42, and dim=1, this will have the following effect on data:
data[i][index[i][j]] = 42
Here applied in-place:
>>> data.scatter_(index=indices, dim=1, value=42)
>>> data
tensor([[ 0, 42, 2],
[ 3, 4, 42],
[ 6, 42, 8]])
I have a numpy array of 4 dimensions:
x = np.arange(1000).reshape(5, 10, 10, 2 )
If we print it:
I want to find the indices of the 6 largest values of the array in the 2nd axis but only for the 0th element in the last axis (red circles in the image):
indLargest2ndAxis = np.argpartition(x[...,0], 10-6, axis=2)[...,10-6:]
These indices have a shape of (5,10,6) as expected.
I want to obtain the values of the array for these indices in the 2nd axis but now for the 1st element in the last axis (yellow circles in the image). They should have a shape of (5,10,6). Without vectorizing, this could be done with:
np.array([ [ [ x[i, j, k, 1] for k in indLargest2ndAxis[i,j]] for j in range(10) ] for i in range(5) ])
However, I would like to achieve it vectorizing. I tried indexing with:
x[indLargest2ndAxis, 1]
But I get IndexError: index 5 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 5. How can I manage this indexing combination in a vectorized way?
Ah, I think I now get what you are after. Fancy indexing is documented here in detail. Be warned though that - in its full generality - this is quite heavy stuff. In a nutshell, fancy indexing allows you to take elements from a source array (according to some idx) and place them into a new array (fancy indexing allways returns a copy):
source = np.array([10.5, 21, 42])
idx = np.array([0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0])
# this is fancy indexing
target = source[idx]
expected = np.array([10.5, 21, 42, 21, 21, 21, 42, 21, 10.5])
assert np.allclose(target, expected)
What is nice about this is that you can control the shape of the resulting array using the shape of the index array:
source = np.array([10.5, 21, 42])
idx = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 2]])
target = source[idx]
expected = np.array([[10.5, 21], [21, 42]])
assert np.allclose(target, expected)
assert target.shape == (2,2)
Where things get a little more interesting is if source has more than one dimension. In this case, you need to specify the indices of each axis so that numpy knows which elements to take:
source = np.arange(4).reshape(2,2)
idxA = np.array([0, 1])
idxB = np.array([0, 1])
# this will take (0,0) and (1,1)
target = source[idxA, idxB]
expected = np.array([0, 3])
assert np.allclose(target, expected)
Observe that, again, the shape of target matches the shape of the index used. What is awesome about fancy indexing is that index shapes are broadcasted if necessary:
source = np.arange(4).reshape(2,2)
idxA = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1]).reshape((4,1))
idxB = np.array([0, 1]).reshape((1,2))
target = source[idxA, idxB]
expected = np.array([[0, 1],[0, 1],[2, 3],[2, 3]])
assert np.allclose(target, expected)
At this point, you can understand where your exception comes from. Your source.ndim is 4; however, you try to index it with a 2-tuple (indLargest2ndAxis, 1). Numpy will interpret this as you trying to index the first axis using indLargest2ndAxis, the second axis using 1, and all other axis using :. Clearly, this doesn't work. All values of indLargest2ndAxis would have to be between 0 and 4 (inclusive), since they would have to refer to positions along the first axis of x.
What my suggestion of x[..., indLargest2ndAxis, 1] does is tell numpy that you wish to index the last two axes of x, i.e., you wish to index the third axis using indLargest2ndAxis, the fourth axis using 1, and : for anything else.
This will produce a result since all elements of indLargest2ndAxis are in [0, 10), but will produce a shape of (5, 10, 5, 10, 6) (which is not what you want). Being a bit hand-wavy, the first part of the shape (5, 10) comes from the ellipsis (...), aka. select everything, the middle part (5, 10, 6) comes from indLargest2ndAxis selecting elements along the third axis of x according to the shape of indLargest2ndAxis and the final part (which you don't see because it is squeezed) comes from selecting index 1 along the fourth axis.
Moving on to your actual problem, you can entirely dodge the fancy indexing bullet and do the following:
x = np.arange(1000).reshape(5, 10, 10, 2)
order = x[..., 0]
values = x[..., 1]
idx = np.argpartition(order, 4)[..., 4:]
result = np.take_along_axis(values, idx, axis=-1)
Edit: Of course, you can also use fancy indexing; however, it is more cryptic and doesn't scale as nicely to different shapes:
x = np.arange(1000).reshape(5, 10, 10, 2)
indLargest2ndAxis = np.argpartition(x[..., 0], 4)[..., 4:]
result = x[np.arange(5)[:, None, None], np.arange(10)[None, :, None], indLargest2ndAxis, 1]
I have a three dimensional numpy source array and a two-dimensional numpy array of indexes.
For example:
src = np.array([[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]],
idx = np.array([[0,1],
I'd like to get a 2d array, where each element represents the indexed value in the innermost dimension in that position:
How do I do this with numpy?
You can try np.take, here is the documentation.
However, you should count the index of the array after flattening all the elements. For example you should use
src = np.array([[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]],
idx = np.array([[0,4],
# Wanted result
res = np.take(src, idx)
where src was regarded as [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
You can also try np.take_along_axis, here is the documentation.
Using this method need your src and idx in same dimension, therefore, you should first unsqueezed the src and squeeze the res.
# Unsqueezed the last dim
idx = np.expand_dims(idx, axis=-1)
# Squeeze the last dim
res = np.take_along_axis(src, idx, axis=2).squeeze(-1)
You can use the np.choose method with a little reshaping:
np.choose(idx.reshape((1, 2, 2)), src.transpose()).reshape((2, 2))
>>>> array([[ 1, 8],
[ 5, 12]])
Direct indexing:
src[np.arange(2)[:, None], np.arange(2), idx]
I am trying to understand what happens in the following python code:
import numpy as np
numberList1 = [1,2,3]
numberList2 = [[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
result = np.dot(numberList2, numberList1)
# Converting iterator to set
resultSet = set(result)
{32, 50}
I can see that it is multiplying each element in numberList1 by the element in the same position in each array within numberList2 - so {1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6 = 32},{1*7+2*8+3*9 = 50}.
But, if I change the arrays to:
numberList1 = [1,1,1]
numberList2 = [[2,2,2],[3,3,3]]
Then the output I see is
{9, 6}
Which is the wrong way around...
and, if I change it to:
numberList1 = [1,1,1]
numberList2 = [[2,2,2],[2,2,2]]
Then the output I see is just
From the documentation:
If a is an N-D array and b is a 1-D array, it is a sum product over the last axis of a and b.
I am not enough of a mathematician to understand quite what this is telling me; or why the order of the outputs swaps around sometimes.
a set is an unordered data type - and it will remove your duplicates. np.dot does not return an iterator (as mentioned in your code) but an np.ndarray which will be in the order you expect:
import numpy as np
numberList1 = [1, 2, 3]
numberList2 = [[4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
result = np.dot(numberList2, numberList1)
# [32 50]
# <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
# numberList1 = [1, 1, 1]
# numberList2 = [[2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3]]
# -> [6 9]
Specifically given a 2-D matrix, how to find median for every column's positive elements?
Mathematically speaking: return B, where B[i] = median({A[j, i] | A[j, i] > 0})
I know that median can by computed by tf.contrib.distributions.percentile
tf.boolean_mask(A, tf.greater(A, 0)) outputs a 1-D list instead of a matrix.
tf.boolean_mask() indeed returns a 1-D tensor, as otherwise the resulting tensor with dimensions kept would be sparse (c.f. columns having a different number of positive elements).
As I do not know of any median function for sparse matrices, the only alternative coming to mind is to loop over the columns, e.g. using tf.map_fn():
import tensorflow as tf
A = tf.convert_to_tensor([[ 1, 0, 20, 5],
[-1, 1, 10, 0],
[-2, 1, -10, 2],
[ 0, 2, 20, 1]])
positive_median_fn = lambda x: tf.contrib.distributions.percentile(tf.boolean_mask(x, tf.greater(x, 0)), q=50)
A_t = tf.matrix_transpose(A) # tf.map_fn is applied along 1st dim, so we need to transpose A
res = tf.map_fn(fn=positive_median_fn, elems=A_t)
with tf.Session() as sess:
# [ 1 1 20 2]
Note: this snippet doesn't cover the case when a column contains no positive elements. tf.contrib.distributions.percentile() would return an error if its input tensor is empty. A condition on the shape of tf.boolean_mask(x, tf.greater(x, 0)) could for instance be used (e.g. with tf.where())
You could loop over the column slices and filter like this.
inputlist = [[5 , -10 ] ,
[10 , 3 ] ,
[15 , -5 ]]
x = tf.Variable(initial_value=inputlist)
sess = tf.Session()
for i in range(x.get_shape().as_list()[1]) : #loop over columns
print( sess.run(tf.contrib.distributions.percentile(tf.gather(x[:,i],
numpy.argsort docs state
index_array : ndarray, int
Array of indices that sort a along the specified axis. If a is one-dimensional, a[index_array] yields a sorted a.
How can I apply the result of numpy.argsort for a multidimensional array to get back a sorted array? (NOT just a 1-D or 2-D array; it could be an N-dimensional array where N is known only at runtime)
>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.random.seed(123)
>>> A = np.random.randn(3,2)
>>> A
array([[-1.0856306 , 0.99734545],
[ 0.2829785 , -1.50629471],
[-0.57860025, 1.65143654]])
>>> i=np.argsort(A,axis=-1)
>>> A[i]
array([[[-1.0856306 , 0.99734545],
[ 0.2829785 , -1.50629471]],
[[ 0.2829785 , -1.50629471],
[-1.0856306 , 0.99734545]],
[[-1.0856306 , 0.99734545],
[ 0.2829785 , -1.50629471]]])
For me it's not just a matter of using sort() instead; I have another array B and I want to order B using the results of np.argsort(A) along the appropriate axis. Consider the following example:
>>> A = np.array([[3,2,1],[4,0,6]])
>>> B = np.array([[3,1,4],[1,5,9]])
>>> i = np.argsort(A,axis=-1)
>>> BsortA = ???
# should result in [[4,1,3],[5,1,9]]
# so that corresponding elements of B and sort(A) stay together
It looks like this functionality is already an enhancement request in numpy.
The numpy issue #8708 has a sample implementation of take_along_axis that does what I need; I'm not sure if it's efficient for large arrays but it seems to work.
def take_along_axis(arr, ind, axis):
... here means a "pack" of dimensions, possibly empty
arr: array_like of shape (A..., M, B...)
source array
ind: array_like of shape (A..., K..., B...)
indices to take along each 1d slice of `arr`
axis: int
index of the axis with dimension M
out: array_like of shape (A..., K..., B...)
out[a..., k..., b...] = arr[a..., inds[a..., k..., b...], b...]
if axis < 0:
if axis >= -arr.ndim:
axis += arr.ndim
raise IndexError('axis out of range')
ind_shape = (1,) * ind.ndim
ins_ndim = ind.ndim - (arr.ndim - 1) #inserted dimensions
dest_dims = list(range(axis)) + [None] + list(range(axis+ins_ndim, ind.ndim))
# could also call np.ix_ here with some dummy arguments, then throw those results away
inds = []
for dim, n in zip(dest_dims, arr.shape):
if dim is None:
ind_shape_dim = ind_shape[:dim] + (-1,) + ind_shape[dim+1:]
return arr[tuple(inds)]
which yields
>>> A = np.array([[3,2,1],[4,0,6]])
>>> B = np.array([[3,1,4],[1,5,9]])
>>> i = A.argsort(axis=-1)
>>> take_along_axis(A,i,axis=-1)
array([[1, 2, 3],
[0, 4, 6]])
>>> take_along_axis(B,i,axis=-1)
array([[4, 1, 3],
[5, 1, 9]])
This argsort produces a (3,2) array
In [453]: idx=np.argsort(A,axis=-1)
In [454]: idx
array([[0, 1],
[1, 0],
[0, 1]], dtype=int32)
As you note applying this to A to get the equivalent of np.sort(A, axis=-1) isn't obvious. The iterative solution is sort each row (a 1d case) with:
In [459]: np.array([x[i] for i,x in zip(idx,A)])
array([[-1.0856306 , 0.99734545],
[-1.50629471, 0.2829785 ],
[-0.57860025, 1.65143654]])
While probably not the fastest, it is probably the clearest solution, and a good starting point for conceptualizing a better solution.
The tuple(inds) from the take solution is:
array([[0, 1],
[1, 0],
[0, 1]], dtype=int32))
In [470]: A[_]
array([[-1.0856306 , 0.99734545],
[-1.50629471, 0.2829785 ],
[-0.57860025, 1.65143654]])
In other words:
In [472]: A[np.arange(3)[:,None], idx]
array([[-1.0856306 , 0.99734545],
[-1.50629471, 0.2829785 ],
[-0.57860025, 1.65143654]])
The first part is what np.ix_ would construct, but it does not 'like' the 2d idx.
Looks like I explored this topic a couple of years ago
argsort for a multidimensional ndarray
a[np.arange(np.shape(a)[0])[:,np.newaxis], np.argsort(a)]
I tried to explain what is going on. The take function does the same sort of thing, but constructs the indexing tuple for a more general case (dimensions and axis). Generalizing to more dimensions, but still with axis=-1 should be easy.
For the first axis, A[np.argsort(A,axis=0),np.arange(2)] works.
We just need to use advanced-indexing to index along all axes with those indices array. We can use np.ogrid to create open grids of range arrays along all axes and then replace only for the input axis with the input indices. Finally, index into data array with those indices for the desired output. Thus, essentially, we would have -
# Inputs : arr, ind, axis
idx = np.ogrid[tuple(map(slice, ind.shape))]
idx[axis] = ind
out = arr[tuple(idx)]
Just to make it functional and do error checks, let's create two functions - One to get those indices and second one to feed in the data array and simply index. The idea with the first function is to get the indices that could be re-used for indexing into any arbitrary array which would support the necessary number of dimensions and lengths along each axis.
Hence, the implementations would be -
def advindex_allaxes(ind, axis):
axis = np.core.multiarray.normalize_axis_index(axis,ind.ndim)
idx = np.ogrid[tuple(map(slice, ind.shape))]
idx[axis] = ind
return tuple(idx)
def take_along_axis(arr, ind, axis):
return arr[advindex_allaxes(ind, axis)]
Sample runs -
In [161]: A = np.array([[3,2,1],[4,0,6]])
In [162]: B = np.array([[3,1,4],[1,5,9]])
In [163]: i = A.argsort(axis=-1)
In [164]: take_along_axis(A,i,axis=-1)
array([[1, 2, 3],
[0, 4, 6]])
In [165]: take_along_axis(B,i,axis=-1)
array([[4, 1, 3],
[5, 1, 9]])
Relevant one.