i have 4 variables here that needs to check whether its true or false. together will all the combinations.. 4 true, 3 true 1 false, 2 true 2 false, 1 true 3 false and all false.. in total this will make like 10++ condition (a bit lazy to count).
if game and owner and platform and is_new and for_sale:
game_copy = GameCopy.objects.all()
elif game:
game_copy = GameCopy.objects.filter(game=game)
elif platform:
game_copy = GameCopy.objects.filter(platform=platform)
elif owner:
game_copy = GameCopy.objects.filter(user=owner)
elif is_new:
game_copy = GameCopy.objects.filter(is_new=is_new)
elif for_sale:
game_copy = GameCopy.objects.filter(for_sale=for_sale)
game_copy = GameCopy.objects.all()
return game_copy
im looking for a leaner approach for this condition.. hopefully ended with something with 5 to 10 lines
You could add everything that's truthy to a dictionary and then pass those to the function by unpacking keyword arguments.
args = { "game": game, "owner": owner, "platform": platform, "is_new": is_new, "for_sale": for_sale }
# check if all args are truthy
all_args = all(v for v in args.values())
# filter out only the truthy args
filtered_args = {k: v for k, v in args.items() if v}
if all_args or not filtered_args:
# if all_args is true or filtered_args is empty
game_copy = GameCopy.objects.all()
# Unpack filtered_args into filter()
game_copy = GameCopy.objects.filter(**filtered_args)
You could change your variable to a set of flags (bits set in a unique integer)
GAME = 1 << 0 # 1
OWNER = 1 << 1 # 2
PLATFORM = 1 << 2 # 4
IS_NEW = 1 << 3 # 8
FOR_SALE = 1 << 4 # 16
# for instance flags = GAME
# or flags = OWNER | IS_NEW
# ensures that there is only one flag set and pass it to you filter
if (flags & (flags-1) == 0) and flags != 0:
game_copy = GameCopy.objects.filter(flags)
# Otherwise
else: game_copy = GameCopy.objects.all()
return game_copy
I am beginner in python.I want to generate genetic algorithm source code in python.To be honest I downloaded this code from internet.I compiled this code in pycharm. It shows an error in MAIN FUNCTION AND RAW_INPUT IN CONFIGURE FUNCTION CONFIGURE SETTINGS can anyone please check the error in main function and check the raw input .I enclosed the code.Thanks in advance
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
import random
import sys
import os
import math
import re
genetic_code = {
solution_found = False
popN = 100 # n number of chromos per population
genesPerCh = 75
max_iterations = 1000
target = 1111.0
crossover_rate = 0.7
mutation_rate = 0.05
"""Generates random population of chromos"""
def generatePop ():
chromos, chromo = [], []
for eachChromo in range(popN):
chromo = []
for bit in range(genesPerCh * 4):
return chromos
"""Takes a binary list (chromo) and returns a protein (mathematical expression in string)"""
def translate (chromo):
protein, chromo_string = '',''
need_int = True
a, b = 0, 4 # ie from point a to point b (start to stop point in string)
for bit in chromo:
chromo_string += str(bit)
for gene in range(genesPerCh):
if chromo_string[a:b] == '1111' or chromo_string[a:b] == '1110':
elif chromo_string[a:b] != '1010' and chromo_string[a:b] != '1011' and chromo_string[a:b] != '1100' and chromo_string[a:b] != '1101':
if need_int == True:
protein += genetic_code[chromo_string[a:b]]
need_int = False
a += 4
b += 4
a += 4
b += 4
if need_int == False:
protein += genetic_code[chromo_string[a:b]]
need_int = True
a += 4
b += 4
a += 4
b += 4
if len(protein) %2 == 0:
protein = protein[:-1]
return protein
"""Evaluates the mathematical expressions in number + operator blocks of two"""
def evaluate(protein):
a = 3
b = 5
output = -1
lenprotein = len(protein) # i imagine this is quicker than calling len everytime?
if lenprotein == 0:
output = 0
if lenprotein == 1:
output = int(protein)
if lenprotein >= 3:
try :
output = eval(protein[0:3])
except ZeroDivisionError:
output = 0
if lenprotein > 4:
while b != lenprotein+2:
try :
output = eval(str(output)+protein[a:b])
except ZeroDivisionError:
output = 0
return output
"""Calulates fitness as a fraction of the total fitness"""
def calcFitness (errors):
fitnessScores = []
totalError = sum(errors)
i = 0
# fitness scores are a fraction of the total error
for error in errors:
fitnessScores.append (float(errors[i])/float(totalError))
i += 1
return fitnessScores
def displayFit (error):
bestFitDisplay = 100
dashesN = int(error * bestFitDisplay)
dashes = ''
for j in range(bestFitDisplay-dashesN):
dashes+=' '
for i in range(dashesN):
return dashes
"""Takes a population of chromosomes and returns a list of tuples where each chromo is paired to its fitness scores and ranked accroding to its fitness"""
def rankPop (chromos):
proteins, outputs, errors = [], [], []
i = 1
# translate each chromo into mathematical expression (protein), evaluate the output of the expression,
# calculate the inverse error of the output
print ('%s: %s\t=%s \t%s %s' %('n'.rjust(5), 'PROTEIN'.rjust(30), 'OUTPUT'.rjust(10), 'INVERSE ERROR'.rjust(17), 'GRAPHICAL INVERSE ERROR'.rjust(105)))
for chromo in chromos:
protein = translate(chromo)
output = evaluate(protein)
error = 1/math.fabs(target-output)
except ZeroDivisionError:
global solution_found
solution_found = True
error = 0
print ('\nSOLUTION FOUND' )
print ('%s: %s \t=%s %s' %(str(i).rjust(5), protein.rjust(30), str(output).rjust(10), displayFit(1.3).rjust(130)))
#error = 1/math.fabs(target-output)
print ('%s: %s \t=%s \t%s %s' %(str(i).rjust(5), protein.rjust(30), str(output).rjust(10), str(error).rjust(17), displayFit(error).rjust(105)))
fitnessScores = calcFitness (errors) # calc fitness scores from the erros calculated
pairedPop = zip ( chromos, proteins, outputs, fitnessScores) # pair each chromo with its protein, ouput and fitness score
rankedPop = sorted ( pairedPop,key = itemgetter(-1), reverse = True ) # sort the paired pop by ascending fitness score
return rankedPop
""" taking a ranked population selects two of the fittest members using roulette method"""
def selectFittest (fitnessScores, rankedChromos):
while 1 == 1: # ensure that the chromosomes selected for breeding are have different indexes in the population
index1 = roulette (fitnessScores)
index2 = roulette (fitnessScores)
if index1 == index2:
ch1 = rankedChromos[index1] # select and return chromosomes for breeding
ch2 = rankedChromos[index2]
return ch1, ch2
"""Fitness scores are fractions, their sum = 1. Fitter chromosomes have a larger fraction. """
def roulette (fitnessScores):
index = 0
cumalativeFitness = 0.0
r = random.random()
for i in range(len(fitnessScores)): # for each chromosome's fitness score
cumalativeFitness += fitnessScores[i] # add each chromosome's fitness score to cumalative fitness
if cumalativeFitness > r: # in the event of cumalative fitness becoming greater than r, return index of that chromo
return i
def crossover (ch1, ch2):
# at a random chiasma
r = random.randint(0,genesPerCh*4)
return ch1[:r]+ch2[r:], ch2[:r]+ch1[r:]
def mutate (ch):
mutatedCh = []
for i in ch:
if random.random() < mutation_rate:
if i == 1:
#assert mutatedCh != ch
return mutatedCh
"""Using breed and mutate it generates two new chromos from the selected pair"""
def breed (ch1, ch2):
newCh1, newCh2 = [], []
if random.random() < crossover_rate: # rate dependent crossover of selected chromosomes
newCh1, newCh2 = crossover(ch1, ch2)
newCh1, newCh2 = ch1, ch2
newnewCh1 = mutate (newCh1) # mutate crossovered chromos
newnewCh2 = mutate (newCh2)
return newnewCh1, newnewCh2
""" Taking a ranked population return a new population by breeding the ranked one"""
def iteratePop (rankedPop):
fitnessScores = [ item[-1] for item in rankedPop ] # extract fitness scores from ranked population
rankedChromos = [ item[0] for item in rankedPop ] # extract chromosomes from ranked population
newpop = []
newpop.extend(rankedChromos[:popN/15]) # known as elitism, conserve the best solutions to new population
while len(newpop) != popN:
ch1, ch2 = [], []
ch1, ch2 = selectFittest (fitnessScores, rankedChromos) # select two of the fittest chromos
ch1, ch2 = breed (ch1, ch2) # breed them to create two new chromosomes
newpop.append(ch1) # and append to new population
return newpop
def configureSettings ():
configure = raw_input ('T - Enter Target Number \tD - Default settings: ')
match1 = re.search( 't',configure, re.IGNORECASE )
if match1:
global target
target = input('Target int: ' )
def main():
configureSettings ()
chromos = generatePop() #generate new population of random chromosomes
iterations = 0
while iterations != max_iterations and solution_found != True:
# take the pop of random chromos and rank them based on their fitness score/proximity to target output
rankedPop = rankPop(chromos)
print ('\nCurrent iterations:', iterations)
if solution_found != True:
# if solution is not found iterate a new population from previous ranked population
chromos = []
chromos = iteratePop(rankedPop)
iterations += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
Probably you are using Python3, rather than Python2.
The function raw_input is for Python2.
In Python3, raw_input() was renamed to input()
From http://docs.python.org/dev/py3k/whatsnew/3.0.html
So, replace raw_input for input and give it a try.
I am currently working on my Python game, in ika, which uses python 2.5
I decided to use A* pathfinding for the AI. However, I find it too slow for my needs (3-4 enemies can lag the game, but I would like to supply up to 4-5 without problems). I know, that such complex search like A* is not mean to be scripted in python, but I am pretty sure, that my pathfinder is also implemented in the wrong way.
My question is: How can I speed up this algorithm?
I wrote my own binary heap, and there are some try: except: lines inside some functions. Those lines can create large overhead? Are there better methods maintaining the open list?
I supplied the algorithm with graphics interface, for testing purposes (when the pathfinder finishes searching, it will write the number of iterations and seconds it takes to find the path, inside the ika.txt file. Also, Pressing A will do a complete search, and S does that step by step.)
Graphical version:
Also, here is a pastebin version:
Here is the main code I use for pathfinding:
import ika
import time
class Node:
def __init__(self,x,y,parent=None,g=0,h=0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.parent = parent
self.g = g
self.h = h
def cost(self):
return self.g + self.h
def equal(self,node):
if self.x == node.x and self.y == node.y:
return True
return False
class Emerald_Pathfinder:
def __init__(self):
def setup(self,start,goal):
self.start = start
self.goal = goal
self.openlist = [None,start] # Implemented as binary heap
self.closedlist = {} # Implemented as hash
self.onopenlist = {} # Hash, for searching the openlist
self.found = False
self.current = None
self.iterations = 0
def lowest_cost(self):
def add_nodes(self,current):
nodes = []
x = current.x
y = current.y
# Dont cut across corners
up = map.is_obstacle((x,y-1),x,y-1)
down = map.is_obstacle((x,y+1),x,y+1)
left = map.is_obstacle((x-1,y),x-1,y)
right = map.is_obstacle((x+1,y),x+1,y)
if right == False and down == False:
if left == False and up == False:
if right == False and up == False:
if left == False and down == False:
return nodes
def heuristic(self,x1,y1,x2,y2):
return (abs(x1-x2)+abs(y1-y2))*10
def add_node(self,x,y,parent,cost,list):
# If not obstructed
if map.is_obstacle((x,y),x,y) == False:
g = parent.g + cost
h = self.heuristic(x,y,self.goal.x,self.goal.y)
node = Node(x,y,parent,g,h)
def ignore(self,node,current):
# If its on the closed list, or open list, ignore
if self.closedlist[(node.x,node.y)] == True:
return True
# If the node is on the openlist, do the following
# If its on the open list
if self.onopenlist[(node.x,node.y)] != None:
# Get the id number of the item on the real open list
index = self.openlist.index(self.onopenlist[(node.x,node.y)])
# If one of the coordinates equal, its not diagonal.
if node.x == current.x or node.y == current.y:
cost = 10
cost = 14
# Check, is this items G cost is higher, than the current G + cost
if self.openlist[index].g > (current.g + cost):
# If so, then, make the list items parent, the current node.
self.openlist[index].g = current.g + cost
self.openlist[index].parent = current
# Now resort the binary heap, in the right order.
# And ignore the node
return True
return False
def resort_binary_heap(self,index):
m = index
while m > 1:
if self.openlist[m/2].cost() > self.openlist[m].cost():
temp = self.openlist[m/2]
self.openlist[m/2] = self.openlist[m]
self.openlist[m] = temp
m = m / 2
def heap_add(self,node):
# Add item to the onopenlist.
self.onopenlist[(node.x,node.y)] = node
m = len(self.openlist)-1
while m > 1:
if self.openlist[m/2].cost() > self.openlist[m].cost():
temp = self.openlist[m/2]
self.openlist[m/2] = self.openlist[m]
self.openlist[m] = temp
m = m / 2
def heap_remove(self):
if len(self.openlist) == 1:
first = self.openlist[1]
# Remove the first item from the onopenlist
self.onopenlist[(self.openlist[1].x,self.openlist[1].y)] = None
last = self.openlist.pop(len(self.openlist)-1)
if len(self.openlist) == 1:
return last
self.openlist[1] = last
v = 1
while True:
u = v
# If there is two children
if (2*u)+1 < len(self.openlist):
if self.openlist[2*u].cost() <= self.openlist[u].cost():
v = 2*u
if self.openlist[(2*u)+1].cost() <= self.openlist[v].cost():
v = (2*u)+1
# If there is only one children
elif 2*u < len(self.openlist):
if self.openlist[2*u].cost() <= self.openlist[u].cost():
v = 2*u
# If at least one child is smaller, than parent, swap them
if u != v:
temp = self.openlist[u]
self.openlist[u] = self.openlist[v]
self.openlist[v] = temp
return first
def iterate(self):
# If the open list is empty, exit the game
if len(self.openlist) == 1:
ika.Exit("no path found")
# Expand iteration by one
self.iterations += 1
# Make the current node the lowest cost
self.current = self.heap_remove()
# Add it to the closed list
self.closedlist[(self.current.x,self.current.y)] = True
# Are we there yet?
if self.current.equal(self.goal) == True:
# Target reached
self.goal = self.current
self.found = True
print self.iterations
# Add the adjacent nodes, and check them
nodes_around = self.add_nodes(self.current)
for na in nodes_around:
if self.ignore(na,self.current) == False:
def iterateloop(self):
time1 = time.clock()
while 1:
# If the open list is empty, exit the game
if len(self.openlist) == 1:
ika.Exit("no path found")
# Expand iteration by one
self.iterations += 1
# Make the current node the lowest cost
self.current = self.heap_remove()
# Add it to the closed list
self.closedlist[(self.current.x,self.current.y)] = True
# Are we there yet?
if self.current.equal(self.goal) == True:
# Target reached
self.goal = self.current
self.found = True
print "Number of iterations"
print self.iterations
# Add the adjacent nodes, and check them
nodes_around = self.add_nodes(self.current)
for na in nodes_around:
if self.ignore(na,self.current) == False:
time2 = time.clock()
time3 = time2-time1
print "Seconds to find path:"
print time3
class Map:
def __init__(self):
self.map_size_x = 20
self.map_size_y = 15
self.obstructed = {} # Library, containing x,y couples
self.start = [2*40,3*40]
self.unit = [16*40,8*40]
def is_obstacle(self,couple,x,y):
if (x >= self.map_size_x or x < 0) or (y >= self.map_size_y or y < 0):
return True
if self.obstructed[(couple)] != None:
return True
return False
def render_screen():
# Draw the Character
# Draw walls
for x in range(0,map.map_size_x):
for y in range(0,map.map_size_y):
if map.is_obstacle((x,y),x,y) == True:
# Draw openlist items
for node in path.openlist:
if node == None:
x = node.x
y = node.y
# Draw closedlist items
for x in range(0,map.map_size_x):
for y in range(0,map.map_size_y):
if path.closedlist[(x,y)] == True:
# Draw the current square
ika.Video.DrawRect(path.current.x*40,path.current.y*40,(path.current.x*40)+40,(path.current.y*40)+40,ika.RGB(128,128,128), 1)
ika.Video.DrawRect(mouse_x.Position(),mouse_y.Position(),mouse_x.Position()+8,mouse_y.Position()+8,ika.RGB(128,128,128), 1)
# Draw the path, if reached
if path.found == True:
node = path.goal
while node.parent:
node = node.parent
# Draw the Target
def mainloop():
while 1:
if mouse_middle.Pressed():
# Iterate pathfinder
if path.found == False:
elif mouse_right.Pressed():
# Iterate pathfinder by one
if path.found == False:
elif ika.Input.keyboard["A"].Pressed():
# Iterate pathfinder
if path.found == False:
elif ika.Input.keyboard["S"].Pressed():
# Iterate pathfinder by one
if path.found == False:
elif mouse_left.Position():
# Add a square to the map, to be obstructed
if path.iterations == 0:
x = mouse_x.Position()
y = mouse_y.Position()
map.obstructed[(int(x/40),int(y/40))] = True
# Mouse preview
x = mouse_x.Position()
y = mouse_y.Position()
mx = int(x/40)*40
my = int(y/40)*40
map = Map()
path = Emerald_Pathfinder()
mouse_middle = ika.Input.mouse.middle
mouse_right = ika.Input.mouse.right
mouse_left = ika.Input.mouse.left
mouse_x = ika.Input.mouse.x
mouse_y = ika.Input.mouse.y
# Initialize loop
I appreciate any help!
(sorry for any spelling mistakes, English is not my native language)
I think a proper implementation in python will be fast enough for your purposes. But the boost library has an astar implementation and python bindings. https://github.com/erwinvaneijk/bgl-python