I want to create a dataset.csv file from the various raw files within my input_path. However, my code didn't seem to generate the csv file.
import os
import pandas as pd
from zipfile import ZipFile
import cv2
import re
import csv
from sklearn.dummy import DummyClassifier
input_path = "../input_data/"
class RawToCSV:
def __init__(self, path_, df):
self.df = df
self.measurement_df = None
self.cls = None
self.path_ = path_
def raw_file_processing(self, path_):
# Open all the subfolders within path
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path_):
for file in files:
with open(os.path.join(root, file), "r") as data:
df = pd.read_csv(data)
# Create the ID series by concatenating columns 1-3
df = df.assign(ID=df[['cell_id:cell_id', 'region:region', 'tile_num:tile_num']].apply(
lambda row: '_'.join([str(each) for each in row]), axis=1))
df = df.drop(columns=['cell_id:cell_id', 'region:region', 'tile_num:tile_num'])
# The class info is the tile_num (i.e, column 3) - TODO: Check if class info is tile_num
cls_col = df.iloc[2]
# Dummy-code the classes
cls = pd.get_dummies(cls_col)
# Obtain measurement info
# Normalize data against blank/empty columns
# log-transform the data
for col in df[9:]:
if re.search(r"(Blank|Empty)$", col):
background = col
line = col.readline()
for data in line:
norm_data = data/ background
self.measurement_df = np.log2(norm_data)
return self.df["ID"], cls, self.measurement_df
def dataset_csv(self):
"""Col 1: ID
Col 2: class
Col 3-n: measurements"""
ids = self.df["ID"]
id_col = ids.to_frame()
cls_col = self.cls.to_frame()
frames = [id_col, cls_col, self.measurement_df]
dataset_df = pd.concat(frames)
data_csv = dataset_df.to_csv(r"../input_data/dataset.csv")
return data_csv
dataset = RawToCSV.dataset_csv(input_path)
Desired output dataset.csv
Not sure if you need to treat your url path as a row string. You should simply try:
data_csv = dataset_df.to_csv("../input_data/dataset.csv")
Ps : and as a test, start by saving your csv in the same folder where your script is:
data_csv = dataset_df.to_csv("dataset.csv")
In my code, the csv-writer is writing some un-realistic values to the CSV file.
My goal is to read all csv files in one directory and put filter on any specific column and write the filtered dataframe to a consolidated csv file.
I am able to get the outputs as required in the VS console, but I am not able to write them into a csv file.
Kindly help to understand what I am doing incorrect.
This is my sample input:
And this is the output I am getting:
import pandas as pd
import os
import glob
import csv
from pandas.errors import EmptyDataError
# use glob to get all the csv files
# in the folder
path = os.getcwd()
csv_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.csv"))
col_name = input("Enter the column name to filter: ")
State_Input = input("Enter the {} ".format(col_name) )
df_empty = pd.DataFrame()
for i in csv_files:
df = pd.read_csv(i)
State_Filter = df["State"] == State_Input
df_child = (df[State_Filter])
with open('D:\\PythonProjects\\File-Split-Script\\temp\\output\\csv_fil111.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
data_writer = csv.writer(csvfile, dialect = 'excel')
for row in df_child:
except EmptyDataError as e:
print('There was an error in your input, please try again :{0}'.format(e))
Use pd.to_csv to write your file at once. Prefer store your filtered dataframes into a list then concatenate all of them to a new dataframe:
import pandas as pd
import pathlib
data_dir = pathlib.Path.cwd()
# Your input here
state = input('Enter the state: ') # Gujarat, Bihar, ...
data = []
for csvfile in data_dir.glob('*.csv'):
df = pd.read_csv(csvfile)
df = df.loc[df['State'] == state]]
df = pd.concat(data, axis=1, ignore_index=True)
df.to_csv('output.csv', axis=0)
I need a little help in appending the data thats getting generated out of the for loop below. Currenlty, im writing it to a dataframe in line "df = pd.DataFrame(li_row, columns=col_names)"
But when I have multiple files which starts from PAJ, I need the resulted Dataframe to be appended to one Dataframe.
Also, the below is a bits and pieces we gathered and amended to suit our need. please excuse me in case you feel its a mess. :)
import xmlschema
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pandas as pd
dirpath = "C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\PycharmProjects\\pythonProject\\xmls"
filenames = os.listdir("C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\PycharmProjects\\pythonProject\\xmls")
# print(filenames)
for eachfile in filenames:
fname = eachfile[0:3]
if fname == 'PAJ':
xmlschema.validate(dirpath+'\\'+eachfile, 'PAJ.xsd')
tree = ET.parse(eachfile)
root = tree.getroot()
# Get AlertID from header
cols = {}
for header in root.findall(".//header/alertId"):
cols[header.tag] = header.text
# print(cols)
# get detailhr to be used for column header names
col_names = []
for DtHeader in root.findall(".//detailHdr/c"):
# print(col_names)
# Get row and c
li_row = []
size = 0
for Data in root.findall(".//report/data"):
for child in Data:
# print(child.tag,child.text,len(Data))
for grandchild in child:
# print(grandchild.tag, grandchild.text,len(child))
size += 1
# print(li_row)
# create a dataframe with the col_names and row with c and alertid added at the end
df = pd.DataFrame(li_row, columns=col_names)
df['alertId'] = cols['alertId']
elif fname == 'PIE':
fileContent = ''
with open(dirpath + '\\' + eachfile) as filehandle:
fileContent = filehandle.read()
modFileContent = fileContent.replace("UTF-16", "UTF-8")
xmlschema.validate(modFileContent, 'PIE.xsd')
So if i were to change your current solution as little as possible I create a list of paj_data_frames and concatenate them once the script was done. Look at pd.concat documentation https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/user_guide/merging.html
paj_data_frames = []
for eachfile in filenames:
if fname == 'PAJ':
df = pd.DataFrame(li_row, columns=col_names)
df['alertId'] = cols['alertId']
final_df = pd.concat(paj_data_frames)
I have a python script for generating 1 upload file from 1 input file.
The thing is that the input files have started coming in batches, 30-50 at one time.
1111.xlsx --> upload.xlsx
1125.xlsx --> upload.xlsx
1176.xlsx --> upload.xlsx
1322.xlsx --> upload.xlsx
The code just converting the input files in the upload format.
Here's what I have done so far (1 input file -> 1 output file):
def main():
initial_workbook = 'C:/files/1111.xlsx'
temp_df = pd.ExcelFile(initial_workbook)
initial_df = pd.read_excel(initial_workbook, sheet_name = "default")
#drop first 4 rows to set header
new_header = initial_df.iloc[2]
initial_df = initial_df.iloc[3:]
initial_df.columns = new_header
#drop all rows with no data
indexNames = initial_df[initial_df['grade'] == 'select'].index
initial_df.drop(indexNames , inplace=True)
initial_df.dropna(axis=1, how='all')
output = initial_df.to_excel('C:/files/upload_file.xlsx', index = False)
Is there a way to generate one upload file for all the files from the input folder. And once the files input files have been processed, rename them by prefixing x in front of it. e.g. x1111.xlsx
So here is how I will approach, for a given batch:
from datetime import datetime
import os
from pathlib import Path
all_dfs = []
proj_path = Path("C:/files/")
for f in os.listdir(proj_path):
if f.endswith(".xlsx"):
print(f"processing {f}...")
df_tmp = main(proj_path / f)
df_tmp["file_name"] = f
df_all = pd.concat(all_dfs, axis=0)
df_all.to_excel(proj_path / f"{datetime.now()}_batch.xlsx", index = False)
def main(f):
initial_workbook = proj_path / f
temp_df = pd.ExcelFile(initial_workbook)
initial_df = pd.read_excel(initial_workbook, sheet_name = "default")
#drop first 4 rows to set header
new_header = initial_df.iloc[2]
initial_df = initial_df.iloc[3:]
initial_df.columns = new_header
#drop all rows with no data
indexNames = initial_df[initial_df['grade'] == 'select'].index
initial_df.drop(indexNames, inplace=True)
initial_df.dropna(axis=1, how='all', inplace=True)
return initial_df
You can potentially enclose the logic for a batch in a function.
I have a datafile which is the result of combining several sources that contain name information. Each name have a unique ID (Column ID).
Sorting the ID by column, I would like to remove the second/third source finding in the column Source.
My output today:
(all the red rows are "duplicates" since we already got them from the first source (blue rows))
What I would like to achieve:
How can I achieve this result?
Is there a way to iterate row by row, where I remove duplicate of ID already when I iterate in the function "for file in files:" part of the code?
Or is it easier to do it in the "df_merged" before I output the dataframe to an an excel file?.
import pandas as pd
import os
from datetime import datetime
from shutil import copyfile
from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
base_path = "G:/Till/"
# Def
def get_files(folder, filetype):
list_files = []
directory = os.fsencode(folder)
for file in os.listdir(directory):
filename = os.fsdecode(file)
if filename.endswith("." + filetype.strip().lower()):
return list_files
# export files
df_result_e = pd.DataFrame()
files = get_files(base_path + "datasource/" + "export","xlsx")
df_append_e = pd.DataFrame()
for file in files:
df_temp = pd.read_excel(base_path + "datasource/" + "export/" + file, "Results", dtype=str, index=False)
df_temp["Source"] = file
df_append_e = pd.concat([df_append_e, df_temp])
df_result_e = pd.concat([df_result_e, df_append_e])
# match files
df_result_m = pd.DataFrame()
files = get_files(base_path + "datasource/" + "match","xlsx")
df_append_m = pd.DataFrame()
for file in files:
df_temp = pd.read_excel(base_path + "datasource/" + "match/" + file, "Page 1", dtype=str, index=False)
df_append_m = pd.concat([df_append_m, df_temp])
df_result_m = pd.concat([df_result_m, df_append_m])
df_result_m = df_result_m[['ID_Our','Name_Our','Ext ID']]
df_result_m.rename(columns={'ID_Our' : 'ID', 'Name_Our' : 'Name' , 'Ext ID' : 'Match ID'}, inplace=True)
df_result_m.dropna(subset=["Match ID"], inplace=True) # Drop all NA
data_frames = [df_result_e, df_result_m]
# Join files
df_merged = reduce(lambda left,right: pd.merge(left, right, on=["Match ID"], how='outer'), data_frames)
#Output of files
df_merged.to_excel(base_path + "Total datasource Export/" + datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M") + ".xlsx", index=False)
For remove them you can try transform with factorize
newdf=df[df.groupby('ID')['Source'].transform(lambda x : x.factorize()[0])==0]
I am trying to run through a set of CSV files in order to compile a results CSV file. I'm getting an error that my function is undefined for some reason. Can you tell me why? Thanks.
def response_amp(data):
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#putting in and cutting out unnecessary parts of the data
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', encoding = 'utf-8')
df = df[:-1]
a = df.columns[df.columns.str.startswith('ยต')]
df = df[a]
dfd = df.drop(df.index[:30]) #dropping the section with no sample
#splitting the data into chunks so response values can be measure
df1d = dfd[:320] #first interval
df2d = dfd[330:470] #second interval
df3d = dfd[480:] #third interval
#rolling avg on each
df1r = df1d.rolling(5, win_type='gaussian').sum(std=4)
df2r = df2d.rolling(5, win_type='gaussian').sum(std=4)
df3r = df3d.rolling(5, win_type='gaussian').sum(std=4)
bsln_1 = df1r.iloc[3:6].mean()
bsln_2 = df2r.iloc[3:6].mean()
bsln_3 = df3r.iloc[3:6].mean()
response_1 = abs(df1r.min()-bsln_1)/bsln_1
response_2 = abs(df1r.min()-bsln_2)/bsln_2
response_3 = abs(df1r.min()-bsln_3)/bsln_3
response = response_1,response_2,response_3
import os
directory =(r'file directory goes here')
response = []
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if filename.endswith(".csv"):
a = numpy.asarray(response)
numpy.savetxt("ks_response.csv", a, delimiter=",")
Thanks for the help.