I am planning to have an asyncio Queue based producer-consumer implementation for a processing of realtime data where sending out data in correct time order is vital. So here is the code snippet of it :
async def produce(Q, n_jobs):
for i in range(n_jobs):
print(f"Producing :{i}")
await Q.put(i)
async def consume(Q):
while True:
n = await Q.get()
print(f"Consumed :{n}")
x = do_sometask_and_return_the_result(n)
print(f"Finished :{n} and Result: {x}")
async def main(loop):
Q = asyncio.Queue(loop=loop, maxsize=3)
await asyncio.wait([produce(Q, 10), consume(Q), consume(Q), consume(Q)])
Here the producer produces data and puts it into the asyncio Queue. I have multiple consumers to consume and process the data. While seeing the outputs, the order is maintained while printing "Consumed :{n}" (as in 1,2,3,4... and so on) , this is completely fine. but, since the function do_sometask_and_return_the_result(n) takes variable time to return the result, the order is not maintained in the next print of n "Finished :{n}" (as in 2,1,4,3,5,...).
Is there any way to synchronize this data as I need to maintain the order of printing the results? I want to see 1,2,3,4,.. sequential prints for 'n' even after do_sometask_and_return_the_result(n).
You could use a priority queue system (using the python heapq library) to reorder your jobs after they are complete. Something like this.
# add these variables at class/global scope
priority_queue = []
current_job_id = 1
job_id_dict = {}
async def produce(Q, n_jobs):
# same as above
async def consume(Q):
while True:
n = await Q.get()
print(f"Consumed :{n}")
x = do_sometask_and_return_the_result(n)
await process_result(n, x)
async def process_result(n, x):
heappush(priority_queue, n)
job_id_dict[n] = x
while current_job_id == priority_queue[0]:
job_id = heappop(priority_queue)
print(f"Finished :{job_id} and Result: {job_id_dict[job_id]}")
current_job_id += 1
async def main(loop):
Q = asyncio.Queue(loop=loop, maxsize=3)
await asyncio.wait([produce(Q, 10), consume(Q), consume(Q), consume(Q)])
For more information on the heapq module: https://docs.python.org/3/library/heapq.html
If I have a slow consumer of an async generator that emits values at a quick frequency, and I only care about consuming the latest value (i.e. I'm not fussed about dropping values), is there a way to achieve this in an eloquent way? I've taken a look at aiostream but I couldn't seem to find anything that fits.
Here is a simple example:
import asyncio
import aiostream
async def main():
xs = aiostream.stream.count(interval=0.2)
async with xs.stream() as stream:
async for x in stream: # do something here to drop updates that aren't processed in time
await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
I propose you to use a class that handles the external generator, since I don't know any source to do that.
The class can consume internally the generator in a task and keep only the last value. It's going to be like a wrapper over the generator you really want to consume.
import asyncio
class RelaxedGenerator:
def __init__(self, async_gen):
self.last_value = None # the last value generated
self.consumed_last = True # flags the last value as consumed
self.async_gen = async_gen # generator which we can drop values
self.exhausted = False # flags the generator as fully consumed
async def start(cls, async_gen):
self = cls(async_gen())
return self
async def generate(self):
# here you can consume the external async generator
# and save only the last value for further process
while True:
self.last_value = await self.async_gen.__anext__()
self.consumed_last = False
except StopAsyncIteration:
self.exhausted = True
async def stream(self):
while not self.exhausted:
if self.consumed_last:
await asyncio.sleep(0.01) # avoids block the loop
self.consumed_last = True
yield self.last_value
Testing with a simple generator:
import asyncio
from random import uniform
async def numbers_stream(max_=100):
next_int = -1
while next_int < max_:
next_int += 1
yield next_int
await asyncio.sleep(0.2)
async def main():
gen = await RelaxedGenerator.start(numbers_stream)
async for value in gen.stream():
print(value, end=", ", flush=True)
await asyncio.sleep(uniform(1, 2))
0, 6, 15, 21, 28, 38, 43, 48, 57, 65, 73, 81, 89, 96,
Other things to keep in mind is if you want to process the last value or if the generator you are working with is going to be exhausted or not in practice. Here I assume that you don't care about last value and the generator can be exhausted.
You could add a queue between your producer and consumer which forgets old results. Unfortunately, there is no implementation for it in the standard library, but it is almost there. If you check the implementation of asyncio.Queue you will notice the use of collections.deque, see https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.10/Lib/asyncio/queues.py#L49.
The collections.deque takes the optional argument maxlen to discard previously added items, see https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.html#collections.deque.
Making use of it, enables us to create our custom queue, which only keeps the last n items.
import asyncio
import collections
class RollingQueue(asyncio.Queue):
def _init(self, maxsize):
self._queue = collections.deque(maxlen=maxsize)
def full(self):
return False
Now you could use this queue as follows:
async def numbers(nmax):
for n in range(nmax):
yield n
await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
async def fill_queue(producer, queue):
async for item in producer:
queue1 = RollingQueue(1)
numgen = numbers(10)
task = fill_queue(numgen, queue1)
while True:
res = await queue1.get()
if res is None:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
Where I set the queue size to 1 to just keep the last item as required in your question.
Using a combination of the two provided answers, I came up with the following solution which seems to work quite well:
import asyncio
import aiostream
import collections
class RollingQueue(asyncio.Queue):
def _init(self, maxsize):
self._queue = collections.deque(maxlen=maxsize)
def full(self):
return False
async def drop_stream(source, max_n=1):
queue = RollingQueue(max_n)
exhausted = False
async def inner_task():
async with aiostream.streamcontext(source) as streamer:
async for item in streamer:
nonlocal exhausted
exhausted = True
task = asyncio.create_task(inner_task())
while not exhausted:
item = await queue.get()
yield item
async def main():
xs = aiostream.stream.count(interval=0.2) | drop_stream.pipe(1) | aiostream.pipe.take(5)
async with xs.stream() as stream:
async for x in stream:
await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
I need to implement the algorithm using asyncio with the following conditions (behaviour):
check the list of arguments is not empty, if empty finish execution
pop next argument from the list of arguments create coroutine with
this argument and schedule it for execution "at same time" can't be
executed no more than 'async_level' coroutines when coroutine finish
execution -> go to the step 1
It is necessary not to plan to complete all tasks at once (as with asyncio.gather), but to do it in parts. When the next task finishes execution, a new one takes its place.
I tried to do it with asyncio.as_completed() but it doesn't actually work as expected:
async_level = 4
params_count = 10
params = [i for i in range(1, params_count + 1)]
tasks = {asyncio.create_task(job(param)) for param in params[0: async_level]}
params = iter(params[async_level:])
while True:
# NOTE: It wont work, because you can't add task in 'tasks' after 'as_completed' is invoked, so execution actually ends when the last coroutine in the 'as_completed' ends
for task in asyncio.as_completed(tasks):
print(f"len(tasks) = {len(tasks)}")
await task
param = next(params)
except StopIteration:
Also, I tried to implement it using asyncio.BoundedSemaphore, but first two conditions are not met:
async_level = 4
params_count = 10
params = [i for i in range(1, params_count + 1)]
async def semaphore_job(name, _asyncio_semaphore):
async with _asyncio_semaphore:
await job(name)
asyncio_semaphore = asyncio.BoundedSemaphore(async_level)
jobs = []
# NOTE: This variant schedule all jobs at ones and it's significant drawback because the count of jobs can be overwhelmed
for param in params:
jobs.append(asyncio.ensure_future(semaphore_job(param, asyncio_semaphore)))
await asyncio.gather(*jobs)
I would be grateful for any of your help.
It seems I found the solution myself:
import asyncio
from typing import Callable
from random import randrange
from asyncio import Semaphore, ensure_future, get_event_loop
async def job(name, time_range=10):
timeout = randrange(time_range)
print(f"Task '{name}' started with timeout {timeout}")
await asyncio.sleep(timeout)
print(f"Task '{name}' finished")
return name
async def custom_executor(func: Callable, args: list, async_level: int = 4):
""" Asynchronously executes no more that 'async_level' callables specified by 'func' with corresponding 'args' """
loop = get_event_loop()
sync = Semaphore()
todo = set(args)
doing = set()
def _schedule_task():
if todo:
arg = todo.pop()
fr = func(*arg) if isinstance(arg, (tuple, list, set)) else func(arg)
f = ensure_future(fr, loop=loop)
def _on_completion(f):
for _ in range(min(async_level, len(todo))):
while True:
if not doing:
await sync.acquire()
async def main():
await custom_executor(job, [(1, 3), 7, (8, 2), 12, 5])
if __name__ == '__main__':
But if you know a better way, please share!
You can create a fixed number of workers and give them tasks using a queue. It's a bit shorter and I find it a bit easier to reason about than your code, which uses callbacks. But YMMV.
async def custom_executor(func, args, async_level=4):
queue = asyncio.Queue(1)
async def worker():
while True:
arg = await queue.get()
fr = func(*arg) if isinstance(arg, (tuple, list, set)) else func(arg)
await fr
# create the workers
workers = [asyncio.create_task(worker()) for _ in range(async_level)]
# Feed the workers tasks. Since the queue is bounded, this will also
# wait for previous tasks to finish, similar to what you wanted to
# achieve with as_completed().
for x in args:
await queue.put(x)
await queue.join() # wait for the remaining tasks to finish
# cancel the now-idle workers
for w in workers:
I need to run a program about 500 times with different inputs.
I'd like to use asyncio.create_subprocess_exec and want to limit the number of processes running at the same time so as not to clog up the machine.
Is there a way to set the concurrency level? For example, I'd expect something like AbstractEventLoop.set_max_tasks.
As suggested by #AndrewSvetlov, you can use an asyncio.Semaphore to enforce the limit:
async def run_program(input):
p = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(...)
# ... communicate with the process ...
return something_useful
async def run_throttled(input, sem):
async with sem:
result = await run_program(input)
return result
LIMIT = 10
async def many_programs(inputs):
sem = asyncio.Semaphore(LIMIT)
results = await asyncio.gather(
*[run_throttled(input, sem) for input in inputs])
# ...
I have been trying all kinds of things to be able to use an asyncio loop inside another asyncio loop. Most of the time my test just end in errors, such as:
RuntimeError: This event loop is already running
My example code below is just the base test I started with, so you can see the basics of what I am trying to do. I tried so many things after this test, it was just too confusing, so I figured I should keep it simple when asking for help. If anyone can point me in the right direction, that would be great. Thank you for your time!
import asyncio
async def fetch(data):
message = 'Hey {}!'.format(data)
other_data = ['image_a.com', 'image_b.com', 'image_c.com']
images = sub_run(other_data)
return {'message' : message, 'images' : images}
async def bound(sem, data):
async with sem:
r = await fetch(data)
return r
async def build(dataset):
tasks = []
sem = asyncio.Semaphore(400)
for data in dataset:
task = asyncio.ensure_future(bound(sem, data))
r = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
return r
def run(dataset):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
future = asyncio.ensure_future(build(dataset))
responses = loop.run_until_complete(future)
return responses
async def sub_fetch(data):
image = 'https://{}'.format(data)
return image
async def sub_bound(sem, data):
async with sem:
r = await sub_fetch(data)
return r
async def sub_build(dataset):
tasks = []
sem = asyncio.Semaphore(400)
for data in dataset:
task = asyncio.ensure_future(sub_bound(sem, data))
r = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
return r
def sub_run(dataset):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
future = asyncio.ensure_future(sub_build(dataset))
responses = loop.run_until_complete(future)
return responses
if __name__ == '__main__':
dataset = ['Joe', 'Bob', 'Zoe', 'Howard']
responses = run(dataset)
print (responses)
Running loop.run_until_compete inside a running event loop would block the outer loop, thus defeating the purpose of using asyncio. Because of that, asyncio event loops aren't recursive, and one shouldn't need to run them recursively. Instead of creating an inner event loop, await a task on the existing one.
In your case, remove sub_run and simply replace its usage:
images = sub_run(other_data)
images = await sub_build(other_data)
And it will work just fine, running the sub-coroutines and not continuing with the outer coroutine until the inner one is complete, as you likely intended from the sync code.
I have a program with one producer and two slow consumers and I'd like to rewrite it with coroutines in such way that each consumer will handle only last value (i.e. skip new values generated during processing the old ones) produced for it (I used threads and threading.Queue() but with it blocks on put(), cause the queue will be full most of the time).
After reading answer to this question I decided to use asyncio.Event and asyncio.Queue. I wrote this prototype program:
import asyncio
async def l(event, q):
h = 1
while True:
# ready
# get value to process
a = await q.get()
# process it
print(a * h)
h *= 2
async def m(event, q):
i = 1
while True:
# pass element to consumer, when it's ready
if event.is_set():
await q.put(i)
# produce value
i += 1
el = asyncio.get_event_loop()
ev = asyncio.Event()
qu = asyncio.Queue(2)
tasks = [
asyncio.ensure_future(l(ev, qu)),
asyncio.ensure_future(m(ev, qu))
and I have noticed that l coroutine blocks on q.get() line and doesn't print anything.
It works as I expect after adding asyncio.sleep() in both (I get 1,11,21,...):
import asyncio
import time
async def l(event, q):
h = 1
a = 1
while True:
# await asyncio.sleep(1)
a = await q.get()
# process it
await asyncio.sleep(1)
print(a * h)
async def m(event, q):
i = 1
while True:
# pass element to consumer, when it's ready
if event.is_set():
await q.put(i)
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
# produce value
i += 1
el = asyncio.get_event_loop()
ev = asyncio.Event()
qu = asyncio.Queue(2)
tasks = [
asyncio.ensure_future(l(ev, qu)),
asyncio.ensure_future(m(ev, qu))
...but I'm looking for solution without it.
Why is it so? How can I fix it? I think I cannot call await l() from m as both of them have states (in original program the first draws solution with PyGame and the second plots results).
The code is not working as expected as the task running the m function is never stopped. The task will continue increment i in the case that event.is_set() == False. Because this task is never suspended, the task running function l will never be called. Therefore, you need a way to suspend the task running function m. One way of suspending is awaiting another coroutine, that is the reason why a asyncio.sleep works as expected.
I think the following code will work as you expect. The LeakyQueue will ensure that only the last value from the producer will be processed by the consumer. As the complexity is very symmetric, the consumer will consume all values produced by the producer. If you increase the delay argument, you can simulate that the consumer only processes the last value created by the producer.
import asyncio
class LeakyQueue(asyncio.Queue):
async def put(self, item):
if self.full():
await self.get()
await super().put(item)
async def consumer(queue, delay=0):
h = 1
while True:
a = await queue.get()
if delay:
await asyncio.sleep(delay)
print ('consumer', a)
h += 2
async def producer(queue):
i = 1
while True:
await asyncio.ensure_future(queue.put(i))
print ('producer', i)
i += 1
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
queue = LeakyQueue(maxsize=1)
tasks = [
asyncio.ensure_future(consumer(queue, 0)),