convert json data to pandas dataframe in python (dictionary inside list ) - python

I have json data like below:
{"name": "Monkey", "image": "", "attributes": [{"trait_type": "Bones", "value": "Zombie"}, {"trait_type": "Clothes", "value": "Striped"}, {"trait_type": "Mouth", "value": "Bubblegum"}, {"trait_type": "Eyes", "value": "Black Sunglasses"}, {"trait_type": "Hat", "value": "Sushi"}, {"trait_type": "Background", "value": "Purple"}]}
I want to convert this json data as pandas dataframe only selecting the attributes as filter it as below:
Bones Clothes Mouth Eyes Hat Background
zombie striped bubblegum black sushi purple
Can any expert please help me to get the output as i mentioned
Thank you

There is probably a prettier solution but this does the job:
import json
import pandas as pd
with open('file.json') as f:
trait_types= []
values = []
data = json.load(f)
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
for key in data['attributes']:
df = pd.DataFrame({
'trait type': trait_types,
'value' : values})


How to remove delimeted pipe from my json column and split them to different columns and their respective values

"description": ID|100|\nName|Sam|\nCity|New York City|\nState|New York|\nContact|1234567890|\nEmail||
This is how my code in json looks like. I wanted to convert this json file to excel sheet to split the nested column to separate columns and have used pandas for it, but couldn't achieve it. The output I want in my excel sheet is:
ID Name City State Contact Email
100 Sam New York City New York 1234567890
I want to remove those pipes and the solution should be in pandas. Please help me out with this.
The code I am trying:
I want output as:
The output on excel sheet:
The list of dict column looks like:
"assignees": [{
"id": 1234,
"username": "xyz",
"name": "XYZ",
"state": "active",
"avatar_url": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
"web_url": "bbbbbbbbbbb"
"id": 5678,
"username": "abcd",
"name": "ABCD",
"state": "active",
"avatar_url": "hhhhhhhhhhh",
"web_url": "mmmmmmmmm"
This could be one way:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_json('Sample.json')
df2 = pd.DataFrame()
for i in df.index:
desc = df['description'][i]
attributes = desc.split("\n")
d = {}
for attrib in attributes:
if not(attrib.startswith('Name') or attrib.startswith('-----')):
kv = attrib.split("|")
d[kv[0]] = kv[1]
df2 = df2.append(d, ignore_index=True)
Output xls:

How can I organize JSON data from pandas dataframe

I can't figure out how to correctly organize the JSON data that is created from my pandas dataframe. This is my code:
with open (spreadsheetName, 'rb') as spreadsheet:
newSheet =
newSheet = pd.read_excel(newSheet)
exportSheet = newSheet.to_json('file.json', orient = 'index')
And I'd like for the JSON data to look something like
"cars": [
"Model": "Camry",
"Year": "2015"
"Model": "Model S",
"Year": "2018"
But instead I'm getting a single line of JSON data from the code I have. Any ideas on how I can make it so that each row is a JSON 'object' with it's own keys and values from the column headers (like model and year)?
Set an indent argument to desired value in to_json function.
exportSheet = newSheet.to_json('file.json', orient='index', indent=4)

How to handle a JSON that returns a list of dict-like objects in Pandas?

I am using an API from to get data on scores and betting lines. I want to use betting lines to infer expected win % and then compare that to actual results (I feel like my team loses too many games where we are big favorites and want to test that.) This code retrieves one game for example purposes.
parameters = {
"gameId": 401112435,
"year": 2019
response = requests.get("", params=parameters)
The JSON output is this:
"awayConference": "ACC",
"awayScore": 28,
"awayTeam": "Virginia Tech",
"homeConference": "ACC",
"homeScore": 35,
"homeTeam": "Boston College",
"id": 401112435,
"lines": [
"formattedSpread": "Virginia Tech -4.5",
"overUnder": "57.5",
"provider": "consensus",
"spread": "4.5"
"formattedSpread": "Virginia Tech -4.5",
"overUnder": "57",
"provider": "Caesars",
"spread": "4.5"
"formattedSpread": "Virginia Tech -4.5",
"overUnder": "58",
"provider": "numberfire",
"spread": "4.5"
"formattedSpread": "Virginia Tech -4.5",
"overUnder": "56.5",
"provider": "teamrankings",
"spread": "4.5"
"season": 2019,
"seasonType": "regular",
"week": 1
I'm then loading into a pandas dataframe with:
def jstring(obj):
# create a formatted string of the Python JSON object
text = json.dumps(obj, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
return text
json_str = jstring(response.json())
df = pd.read_json(json_str)
This creates a dataframe with a "lines" column that contains the entire lines section of the JSON as a string. Ultimately, I want to use the "spread" value in the block where "provider" = "consensus". Everything else is extraneous for my purposes. I've tried exploding the column with
df = df.explode('lines')
which gives me 4 rows with something like this for each game (as expected):
{'formattedSpread': 'Virginia Tech -4.5', 'overUnder': '57.5', 'provider': 'consensus', 'spread': '4.5'}
Here is where I'm stuck. I want to keep only the rows where 'provider' = 'consensus', and further I need to have 'spread' to use as a separate variable/column in my analysis. I've tried exploding a 2nd time, df.split, df.replace to change { to [ and explode as a list, all to no avail. Any help is appreciated!!
This is probably what you're looking for -
EDIT: Handling special case.
import pandas as pd
import requests
params = {
"gameId": 401112435,
"year": 2019,
r = requests.get("", params=params)
df = pd.DataFrame(r.json()) # Create a DataFrame with a lines column that contains JSON
df = df.explode('lines') # Explode the DataFrame so that each line gets its own row
df = df.reset_index(drop=True) # After explosion, the indices are all the same - this resets them so that you can align the DataFrame below cleanly
def fill_na_lines(lines):
if pd.isna(lines):
return {k: None for k in ['provider', 'spread', 'formattedSpread', 'overUnder']}
return lines
df.lines = df.lines.apply(fill_na_lines)
lines_df = pd.DataFrame(df.lines.tolist()) # A separate lines DataFrame created from the lines JSON column
df = pd.concat([df, lines_df], axis=1) # Concatenating the two DataFrames along the vertical axis.
# Now you can filter down to whichever rows you need.
df = df[df.provider == 'consensus']
The documentation on joining DataFrames in different ways is probably useful.

Convert JSON file into proper format using python pandas

I want to convert JSON file into proper format.
I have a JSON file as given below:
"fruit": "Apple",
"size": "Large",
"color": "Red",
"fruit": "Almond",
"size": "small",
"color": "brown",
You can see the data in the details can vary.
I want to change it into :
"fruit": "Apple",
"size": "Large",
"color": "Red",
"fruit": "Almond",
"size": "small",
"color": "brown",
I have tried doing it in python using pandas as:
import json
import pandas as pd
import re
df = pd.read_json("data.json",lines=True)
#I tried to change the pattern of data in details column as
re1 = re.compile('r/|(.?):(.?)|/')
re2 = re.compile('r\"(.*?)\":\"(.*?)\"')
df.replace({'details' :re1}, {'details' : re2},inplace = True, regex = True);
But that giving output as "objects" in all the rows of details column.
Try this,
for d in data:
details = d.pop('details')
d.update(dict(x.split(":") for x in details.split("|") if ":" in x))
[{'color': 'Red',
'condition': 'New',
'fruit': 'Apple',
'seedless': 'true',
'size': 'Large'},
{'Type': 'dry',
'color': 'brown',
'condition': 'New',
'fruit': 'Almond',
'seedless': 'true',
'size': 'small'}]
You can convert the (list of) dictionaries to a pandas data frame.
import pandas as pd
# data is a list of dictionaries
data = [{
"fruit": "Apple",
"size": "Large",
"color": "Red",
"fruit": "Almond",
"size": "small",
"color": "brown",
# convert to data frame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# remove '|' from details and convert to list
df['details'] = df['details'].str.replace(r'\|', '').str.split(',')
# explode list => one row for each element
df = df.explode('details')
# split details into name/value pair
df[['name', 'value']] = df['details'].str.split(':').apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x))
# drop details column
df = df.drop(columns='details')
fruit size color name value
0 Apple Large Red seedless true
0 Apple Large Red condition New
1 Almond small brown Type dry
1 Almond small brown seedless true
1 Almond small brown condition New

how to extract columns for dictionary that do not have keys

so I have tried resources of how transform dict in data frame, but the problem this is an weird Dict.
it is not like key: {} , key: {} and etc..
the data has lots of items. But the goal is extract only the stuff inside of dict {}, if possible the dates also is a plus.
"year": "2010",
"casa": "aca",
"status": "p",
"Group": "57981",
}",,1,"2020-05-02 11:06:17","2020-05-02 11:06:17"
"year": "27",
"casa": "Na",
"status": "p",
"Group": "57981",
my attempts:
#attempt 1
with open('data.csv') as fd:
pairs = (line.split(None) for line in fd)
res = {int(pair[0]):pair[1] for pair in pairs if len(pair) == 2 and pair[0].isdigit()}
#attempt 2
import json
# reading the JSON data using json.load()
file = 'data.json'
with open(file) as train_file:
dict_train = json.load(train_file)
# converting json dataset from dictionary to dataframe
train = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_train, orient='index')
train.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
#attempt 3
df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")
df = df.melt(id_vars=["index", "Date"], var_name="variables",value_name="values")
Nothening works due the data be weird shaped
Expected output:
All the items inside of the dictionary, every key will be one column at df
Date year casa status Group
2020-05-02 11:06:17 2010 aca p 57981
2020-05-02 11:06:17 27 Na p 57981
Format data into a valid csv stucture:
54252,sdf,https://asdasdadadad,,'{ "ag": "2010", "ca": "aca", "ve": "p", "Group": "57981" }',,1,"2020-05-02 11:06:17","2020-05-02 11:06:17"
54252,msc-lp,https://discover,,'{ "ag": "27", "ca": "Na", "ve": "p", "Group": "57981" }',,1,"2020-05-02 11:06:17","2020-05-02 11:06:17"
This should work for the worst-case scenario as well,
check it out.
import json
import pandas as pd
def parse_column(data):
return json.loads(data)
except Exception as e:
return None
df =pd.read_csv('tmp.csv',converters={"request":parse_column}, quotechar="'")

