Ive been learning python recently and am currently working on a small terminal game that has a character move through a maze. Im having a bug where my character is getting stuck and not allowed to move into the open spaces. Ive checked that all my movements the correct directions, and im not sure why the character is stuck.
played = player.Player(3, 2)
while True:
board.printBoard(played.rowPosition, played.columnPosition)
selection = input("Make a move: ")
if selection == "w":
if board.checkMove(played.rowPosition - 1, played.columnPosition):
elif selection == "s":
if board.checkMove(played.rowPosition + 1, played.columnPosition):
elif selection == "a":
if board.checkMove(played.rowPosition, played.columnPosition - 1):
elif selection == "d":
if board.checkMove(played.rowPosition, played.columnPosition - 1):
print("Invalid key")
if board.checkWin(played.rowPosition, played.columnPosition):
print("You Win!")
class Player:
def __init__(self, intitalRow, initialColumn):
self.rowPosition = intitalRow
self.columnPosition = initialColumn
def moveUp(self):
self.rowPosition = self.rowPosition - 1
def moveDown(self):
self.rowPosition = self.rowPosition + 1
def moveRight(self):
self.columnPosition = self.columnPosition + 1
def moveLeft(self):
self.columnPosition = self.columnPosition - 1
class GameBoard:
def __init__(self):
self.winningRow = 0
self.winningColumn = 2
self.board = [
[" * ", " * ", " ", " * ", " * ", " * "],
" * ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" * ",
" * ",
" * ",
" ",
" * ",
" * ",
" ",
" * ",
" * ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" * ",
[" * ", " * ", " * ", " * ", " * ", " * "],
def printBoard(self, playerRow, playerColumn):
for i in range(len(self.board)):
for j in range(len(self.board[i])):
if i == playerRow and j == playerColumn:
print("P", end="")
print(self.board[i][j], end="")
def checkMove(self, testRow, testColumn):
if self.board[testRow][testColumn].find("*") != -1:
print("Can't move there!")
return False
return True
def checkWin(self, playerRow, playerColumn):
if playerRow == 0 and playerColumn == 2:
return True
return False
When the selection is "d" the same cell is being checked as when the selection is "a". I think you meant for one of these to use played.columnPosition + 1.
I've been playing around with some code and recently found this issue out, once this code runs it returns "None" right under the players name and health, I've been trying to figure out why and changed a lot of the code but the issue still remains, does anyone know why this might be? much appreciated!
import random
import math
import os
import time
def return_health(name, health, maxHealth, healthDashes):
dashConvert = int(maxHealth/healthDashes)
currentDashes = int(health/dashConvert)
remainingHealth = healthDashes - currentDashes
healthDisplay = '-' * currentDashes
remainingDisplay = ' ' * remainingHealth
percent = str(int((health/maxHealth)*100)) + "%"
print(name+" "+"|" + healthDisplay + remainingDisplay + "|")
print(" " + percent)
class Player():
def __init__(self, name, maxhealth, health, healthdashes, offense, jutsu1, jutsu2, jutsu3):
self.name = name
self.maxhealth = maxhealth
self.health = health
self.healthdashes = healthdashes
self.offense = offense
self.jutsu1 = jutsu1
self.jutsu2 = jutsu2
self.jutsu3 = jutsu3
class Jutsu():
def __init__(self, name, damage):
self.name = name
self.damage = damage
## Jutsu's
Rasengan = Jutsu("Rasengan", 15)
Rasenshuriken = Jutsu("Rasenshuriken", 30)
VermillionRasengan = Jutsu("Vermillion Rasengan", 50)
Chidori = Jutsu("Chidori", 15)
OnxyChidori = Jutsu("Onxy Chidori", 30)
SusanoArrow = Jutsu("Susano's Arrow", 50)
## Player's
Naruto = Player("Naruto Uzumaki", 100, 100, 20, 10, Rasengan, Rasenshuriken,
Sasuke = Player("Sasuke Uchiha", 100, 100, 20, 10, Chidori, OnxyChidori, SusanoArrow)
def fight(player1, player2):
while True:
if player1.health <= 0:
print(player1.name + " has been defeated.")
elif player2.health <= 0:
print(player2.name + " has been defeated")
print(return_health(player1.name, player1.health, player1.maxhealth, player1.healthdashes))
print(return_health(player2.name, player2.health, player2.maxhealth, player2.healthdashes))
print(player1.name + "'s turn.'")
print("Choose your move!")
print("1. Attack" + " : " + str(+player1.offense))
print("2. " + player1.jutsu1.name + " : " +
print("3. " + player1.jutsu2.name + " : " +
print("4. " + player1.jutsu3.name + " : " +
choice = input("> ")
if choice == "1":
print(player1.name + " has attacked " + player2.name +
" for " + str(player1.offense) + " damage.")
player2.health -= player1.offense
elif choice == "2":
print(player1.name + " attacked " + player2.name + " with " +
player1.jutsu1.name + " for " +
str(player1.jutsu1.damage) + " damage.")
player2.health -= player1.jutsu1.damage
elif choice == "3":
print(player1.name + " attacked " + player2.name + " with " +
player1.jutsu2.name + " for " +
str(player1.jutsu2.damage) + " damage.")
player2.health -= player1.jutsu2.damage
elif choice == "4":
print(player1.name + " attacked " + player2.name + " with " +
player1.jutsu3.name + " for " +
str(player1.jutsu3.damage) + " damage.")
player2.health -= player1.jutsu3.damage
if player2.health <= 0:
print(player2.name + " has been defeated.")
print(player2.name + " : " + str(player2.health))
print(player1.name + " : " + str(player1.health))
print(player2.name + "'s turn.'")
print("Choose your move!")
print("1. Attack" + " : " + str(+player2.offense))
print("2. " + player2.jutsu1.name + " : " +
print("3. " + player2.jutsu2.name + " : " +
print("4. " + player2.jutsu3.name + " : " +
choice = input("> ")
if choice == "1":
print(player2.name + " has attacked " + player1.name +
" for " + str(player2.offense) + " damage.")
player1.health -= player2.offense
elif choice == "2":
print(player2.name + " attacked " + player1.name +
" with " + player2.jutsu1.name + " for " +
str(player2.jutsu1.damage) + " damage.")
player1.health -= player2.jutsu1.damage
elif choice == "3":
print(player2.name + " attacked " + player1.name +
" with " + player2.jutsu2.name + " for " +
str(player2.jutsu2.damage) + " damage.")
player1.health -= player2.jutsu2.damage
elif choice == "4":
print(player2.name + " attacked " + player1.name +
" with " + player2.jutsu3.name + " for " +
str(player2.jutsu3.damage) + " damage.")
player1.health -= player2.jutsu3.damage
fight(Naruto, Sasuke)
Consider the following line
print(return_health(player1.name, player1.health, player1.maxhealth, player1.healthdashes))
You are asking python to print the result of the return_health function. The return_health function doesn't actually return anything so the result of the function is None.
You don't need the print at the start of this line since the return_health function already prints the health information.
Also, it would be better Object Oriented Programming, to make this functionality part of the Player class.
Consider the below change
class Player():
def __init__(self, name, maxhealth, health, healthdashes, offense, jutsu1, jutsu2, jutsu3):
self.name = name
self.maxhealth = maxhealth
self.health = health
self.healthdashes = healthdashes
self.offense = offense
self.jutsu1 = jutsu1
self.jutsu2 = jutsu2
self.jutsu3 = jutsu3
def showhealth(self):
dashConvert = int(self.maxhealth/self.healthdashes)
currentDashes = int(self.health/dashConvert)
remainingHealth = self.healthdashes - currentDashes
healthDisplay = '-' * currentDashes
remainingDisplay = ' ' * remainingHealth
percent = str(int((self.health/self.maxhealth)*100)) + "%"
print(self.name+" "+"|" + healthDisplay + remainingDisplay + "|")
print(" " + percent)
Then when you want to output the health of the player you just call something like
You could also have an "Attack" method for the class.
def attack(self, other_player, chosen_jutsu):
If player1 is attacking player 2, this would look like
player1.attack(player2, choice)
return_health returns nothing (None) and that's what you print, because you called print(return_health(...)).
If you expect the function to print stuff on its own (it currently does), better call it print_health and not return_health, and just call it without also printing its (empty) return value.
I'm writing Connect4 in Python. My problem is the function of player_one and player_two don't seem to be working, so the no piece is drop onto the board after player was asked to give input. I also wonder if my code to return the board after player has dropped is correct; I suspect that my present code doesn't return the board updated with a player's piece but being new, I'm not sure what to do.
Please take a look!
def field(field):
for w in range(14):
if w % 2 == 0:
usable_w = int(w/2)
for h in range(15):
if h % 2 == 0:
usable_h = int(h/2)
if h != 14:
print(field[usable_h][usable_w], end="")
print(" ")
print("|", end="")
PlayField = [[" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]]
def player_one(field):
MoveColumn = int(input("Enter the column 1 - 7\n"))
MoveRow = 6
for row in PlayField:
if MoveColumn >= 1 and MoveColumn <= 7:
if PlayField[MoveColumn-1][MoveRow] == " ":
PlayField[MoveColumn-1][MoveRow] = "X"
MoveRow -= 1
return field(PlayField)
print("Column outside range, please enter valid move")
def player_two(field):
MoveColumn = int(input("Enter the column 1 - 7\n"))
MoveRow = 6
for row in PlayField:
if MoveColumn >= 1 and MoveColumn <= 7:
if PlayField[MoveColumn-1][MoveRow] == " ":
PlayField[MoveColumn-1][MoveRow] = "O"
MoveRow -= 1
return field(PlayField)
print("Column outside range, please enter valid move")
def launch_play():
while True:
Player = 1
print("Player's turn", Player)
Well, your player_... functions contain suitable statements, but in an unsuitable order; and since they operate on the global PlayField, returning it is pointless. Besides that, it's ugly having two nearly identical functions. A rearranged variant where the only difference between player one and two is passed as an argument (instead of the useless field) works as you expect:
def player(xo):
while (MoveColumn := int(input("Enter the column 1 - 7\n"))) < 1 or \
MoveColumn > 7:
print("Column outside range, please enter valid move")
MoveRow = 6
for row in PlayField:
if PlayField[MoveColumn-1][MoveRow] == " ":
PlayField[MoveColumn-1][MoveRow] = xo
MoveRow -= 1
In your launch_play loop you can now call
Now it's up to you to complete the program by checking when the game is over.
I came up with two solutions (before you modified the codes) to prevent players' turn from changing, but which couldn't work:
def player(xo):
while MoveColumn := int(input("Enter the column 1 - 7\n")):
MoveRow = 6
for row in PlayField:
if PlayField[MoveColumn-1][MoveRow] == " ":
PlayField[MoveColumn-1][MoveRow] = xo
Return True
MoveRow -= 1
print("Column outside range, please enter valid move")
Return False
def launch_play():
while True:
Player = 'X'
print("Player's turn", Player)
Player = '0'
print("Player's turn", Player)
The other solution is to introduce player variables in the player functions (also didn't work) :
def player(xo):
while MoveColumn := int(input("Enter the column 1 - 7\n")):
MoveRow = 6
Player = 'X'
for row in PlayField:
if PlayField[MoveColumn-1][MoveRow] == " ":
PlayField[MoveColumn-1][MoveRow] = xo
MoveRow -= 1
Player = '0'
print("Column outside range, please enter valid move")
I'm trying to allow the user to input the # of rows and columns that they'd like in their connect 4 game, so I'm trying to use their input to create the board. I'm trying to create a nested list so that my other code works. I've been trying for the past 2 hours, by searching the web and racking my brains for an answer. Here is the code:
import random
import ast
def winner(board):
"""This function accepts the Connect Four board as a parameter.
If there is no winner, the function will return the empty string "".
If the user has won, it will return 'X', and if the computer has
won it will return 'O'."""
for row in range(7):
count = 0
last = ''
for col in range(7):
row_win = board[row][col]
if row_win == " ":
count = 0
if row_win == last:
count += 1
count = 1
if count >= 4:
return row_win
last = row_win
for col in range(7):
count = 0
last = ''
for row in range(7):
col_win = board[row][col]
if col_win == " ":
count = 0
if col_win == last:
count += 1
count = 1
if count >= 4:
return col_win
last = col_win
for row in range(7):
for col in range(7):
if (board[row][col] == board[row + 1][col + 1] and board[row + 1][col + 1] == board[row + 2][
col + 2] and
board[row + 2][col + 2] == board[row + 3][col + 3]) and (
board[row][col] != " " or board[row + 1][col + 1] != " " or board[row + 2][col + 2] != " " or
board[row + 3][col + 3] != " "):
return board[row][col]
for row in range(7):
for col in range(7):
if (board[row][col] == board[row + 1][col - 1] and board[row + 1][col - 1] == board[row + 2][
col - 2] and
board[row + 2][col - 2] == board[row + 3][col - 3]) and (
board[row][col] != " " or board[row + 1][col - 1] != " " or board[row + 2][col - 2] != " " or
board[row + 3][col - 3] != " "):
return board[row][col]
# No winner: return the empty string
return ""
def display_board(board):
"""This function accepts the Connect Four board as a parameter.
It will print the Connect Four board grid (using ASCII characters)
and show the positions of any X's and O's. It also displays
the column numbers on top of the board to help
the user figure out the coordinates of their next move.
This function does not return anything."""
# print(" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7")
header = " "
i = 1
while i < len(board) + 1:
header = header + str(i) + " "
i += 1
header = header + str(i)
for row in board:
print(" ", " | ".join(row))
print(" ---+---+---+---+---+---+---")
# header = " "
# pipe_line = " |"
# separator = "---+"
# for row_num in range():
# header = header + str(row_num)
# pipe_line = pipe_line + " " + " | ".join(row))
# separator = separator + "---+"
# print()
def make_user_move(board):
"""This function accepts the Connect Four board as a parameter.
It will ask the user for a row and column. If the row and
column are each within the range of 1 and 7, and that square
is not already occupied, then it will place an 'X' in that square."""
valid_move = False
while not valid_move:
col = int(input("What col would you like to move to (1-7): "))
if board[0][col - 1] != ' ':
print("Sorry, that column is full. Please try again!\n")
col = col - 1
for row in range(6, -1, -1):
if board[row][col] == ' ' and not valid_move:
board[row][col] = 'X'
valid_move = True
print("Please enter a valid option! ")
return board
def make_computer_move(board):
"""This function accepts the Connect Four board as a parameter.
It will randomly pick row and column values between 0 and 6.
If that square is not already occupied it will place an 'O'
in that square. Otherwise, another random row and column
will be generated."""
computer_valid_move = False
while not computer_valid_move:
col = random.randint(0, 6)
if board[0][col] != ' ':
print("Sorry, that column is full. Please try again!\n")
for row in range(6, -1, -1):
if board[row][col] == ' ' and not computer_valid_move:
board[row][col] = 'O'
computer_valid_move = True
return board
def main():
"""The Main Game Loop:"""
# free_cells = 42
# users_turn = True
# cf_board = [[" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "], [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
# [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "], [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
# [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "], [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
# [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]]
cf_board = []
row = int(input("How many rows do you want your game to have? "))
col = int(input("How many columns do you want your game to have? "))
free_cells = col * row
row_str = "\" \""
board_str = "\" \""
i = 0
j = 0
while i < col-1:
row_str = row_str + "," + "\" \""
i += 1
row_str = "'" + row_str + "'"
board_str = row_str + ","
while j < row-1:
board_str = board_str + row_str + ","
j += 1
Input = [board_str]
cf_board = [list(ast.literal_eval(x)) for x in Input]
# for i in range(row-1):
# cf_board.append(row_str)
while not winner(cf_board) and (free_cells > 0):
if users_turn:
cf_board = make_user_move(cf_board)
users_turn = not users_turn
cf_board = make_computer_move(cf_board)
users_turn = not users_turn
free_cells -= 1
if (winner(cf_board) == 'X'):
print("Y O U W O N !")
elif (winner(cf_board) == 'O'):
print("T H E C O M P U T E R W O N !")
elif free_cells == 0:
print("S T A L E M A T E !")
print("\n*** GAME OVER ***\n")
# Start the game!
I'd like it to become something formatted like this;
# cf_board = [[" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "], [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
# [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "], [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
# [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "], [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
# [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]]
Where the row and col depends on the user. I've tried achieving that, but I only get this huge list that's not separated by the # of rows and columns.
Please help me fix my code at main(), where I'm trying to construct a board with the user's inputs
Please try to ask questions only using a minimal reproducible example. If you are only trying to solve the problem of constructing a board from user input then only post the necessary code relating to that. To generate a list of lists of open spaces you could do something like this.
row = int(input("How many rows do you want your game to have? "))
col = int(input("How many columns do you want your game to have? "))
cf_board = []
rowLst = []
for i in range(row):
for j in range(col):
rowLst.append(" ")
for j in range(col) appends an open space to a new list. After that finishes that list is appended to the main board list and then cleared to go onto the next row.
getting that board is pretty simple. Don't need eval or anything like that.
Just do cf_board = [[" "]*col]*row to put as many space entries and lists inside as you need.
Can someone assist with identifying the errors in this loop?
I am completely new to Python.
for p in players:
x = len(p)
dice = random.randint(0, x*2)
print p + " rolls a " + dice + " out of " + str(x*2)
if dice > x:
print p + " wins!"
elif dice == x:
print p + "gets a tie."
print p + " loses."}
Works in Python 3.x
import random
players = ["Player 1", "Player 2"]
for p in players:
x = len(p)
dice = random.randint(0, x*2)
print(str(p) + " rolls a " + str(dice) + " out of " + str(x*2))
if dice > x:
print(p + " wins!")
elif dice == x:
print(p + "gets a tie.")
print(p + " loses.")
For Python 2.x
import random
players = ["Player 1", "Player 2"]
for p in players:
x = len(p)
dice = random.randint(0, x*2)
print(str(p) + " rolls a " + str(dice) + " out of " + str(x*2))
if dice > x:
print p + " wins!"
elif dice == x:
print p + "gets a tie."
print p + " loses."
or add from __future__ import print_function to first example to ensure compability between Python 3 and 2.
I am making a connect four type game. I am trying to set up the simple playability of the game. I don't get an error, but it does keep sending me into a input when I want it to print out the board. When I type in a number for the column, it doesn't print anything, it just gives me another input I should fill, this continues until i exit the program.. I am trying to stay away from classes, given that I am not very good at programming these yet. I would like to know why this is happening, and what to do to fix it, or if I just need to reprogram the whole thing.
a = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]
b = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]
c = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]
d = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]
e = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]
f = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]
board = [a, b, c, d, e, f] # sets up the board
print("What is player 1's name?")
player1 = input()
print("What is player 2's name?")
player2 = input()
plays = 0
def print_board(): # prints the board
p = 0
for x in board:
for i in x:
print(i, end=" | ")
p += 1
if p != 6:
print("- "*15)
def win(): # defines a boolean if one player has won
i = 0
k = 0
while i != 5:
while k != 6:
if board[i][k] == "o" or board[i][k] == "x":
if board[i+1][k] == board[i][k] == board[i+2][k] == board[i+3][k]:
return False
elif board[i][k] == board[i][k+1] == board[i][k+2] == board[i][k+3]:
return False
elif board[i][k] == board[i+1][k+1] == board[i+2][k+2] == board[i+3][k+3]:
return False
elif board[i][k] == board[i-1][k-1] == board[i-2][k-2] == board[i-3][k-3]:
return False
return True
def play(): # defines the part you play.
if plays % 2 == 0:
player = "o"
player = "x"
x = int(input("Where would you like to put your chip?"))
i = 0
while i < 5:
if board[i][x] == " ":
if board[i+1][x] == "x" or board[i+1][x] == "o":
board[i][x] = player
if win():
print(player+" won!")
play() # runs the script
try this for your play loop - hopefully it will help you fix the win check also:
def play(): # defines the part you play.
plays = 0
while True:
if plays % 2 == 0:
player = "o"
player = "x"
x = int(input("Where would you like to put your chip?"))
i = 0
for i in range(5):
if board[i][x] == " ":
if board[i+1][x] == "x" or board[i+1][x] == "o":
board[i][x] = player
board[5][x] = player
#if win():
# print(player+" won!")
# break
plays += 1
play() # runs the script
i commented out the win check because it doesn't work yet