Split dataset for multi-output image classification with threshold - python

I use StratifiedShuffleSplit from sklearn.model_selection to split dataset. But it is just for 1 label. So how to Stratified split for both label, and add a threshold for the number of samples in each class in each label?
Sorry for my bad english.
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedShuffleSplit
split = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits=1, test_size=val_size, random_state=42)
for train_index, val_index in split.split(tdf, tdf['layout']):
train_df = tdf.loc[train_index]
val_df = tdf.loc[val_index]

Could you elaborate more on (in each label in each class) please?
This API can be used to ensure that both the train and test sets have the proportion of examples in each class. In other words, we use it to make sure that we will have samples from each class in both train and test sets. It does not handle the problem of imbalanced classes which is another problem.
If you mean 1 class by 1 label, then you need to check the number of classes before splitting
The output should be: 2
Also, in your code you are only splitting the independent features (input) and not splitting the output/target (in your case: tdf['layout])
Add this line of code:
y_train, y_val = tdf['layout][train_index], tdf['layout][val_index]
Also, just make sure that 'layout' column is dropped from tdf


How to use multiclassification model to make predicitions in entire dataframe

I have trained multiclassification models in my training and test sets and have achieved good results with SVC. Now, I want to use the model o make predictions in my entire dataframe, but when I get the following error: ValueError: X has 36976 features, but SVC is expecting 8989 features as input.
My dataframe has two columns: one with the categories (which I manually labeled for around 1/5 of the dataframe) and the text columns with all the texts (including those that have not been labeled).
data={'categories':['1','NaN','3', 'NaN'], 'documents':['Paragraph 1.\nParagraph 2.\nParagraph 3.', 'Paragraph 1.\nParagraph 2.', 'Paragraph 1.\nParagraph 2.\nParagraph 3.\nParagraph 4.', ''Paragraph 1.\nParagraph 2.']}
First, I drop the rows with Nan values in the 'categories' column. I then, create the document term matrix, define the 'y', and split into training and test sets.
tf = CountVectorizer(tokenizer=word_tokenize)
X = tf.fit_transform(df['documents'])
y = df['categories']
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.33, random_state=42)
Second, I run the SVC model getting good results:
from sklearn.svm import SVC
svm = SVC(C=0.1, class_weight='balanced', kernel='linear', probability=True)
model = svm.fit(X_train, y_train)
print('accuracy:', model.score(X_test, y_test))
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
print(metrics.classification_report(y_test, y_pred))
Finally, I try to apply the the SVC model to predict the categories of the entire column 'documents' of my dataframe. To do so, I create the document term matrix of the entire column 'documents' and then apply the model:
tf_entire_df = CountVectorizer(tokenizer=word_tokenize)
X_entire_df = tf_entire_df.fit_transform(df['documents'])
y_pred_entire_df = model.predict(X_entire_df)
Bu then I get the error that my X_entire_df has more features than the SVC model is expecting as input. I magine that this is because now I am trying to apply the model to the whole column documents, but I do know how to fix this.
I would appreciate your help!
These issues usually comes from the fact that you are feeding the model with unknown or unseen data (more/less features than the one used for training).
I would strongly suggest you to use sklearn.pipeline and create a pipeline to include preprocessing (CountVectorizer) and your machine learning model (SVC) in a single object.
From experience, this helps a lot to avoid tedious complex preprocessing fitting issues.

Can I use StandardScaler() on whole data set, or should I calculate on train and test sets separately?

I'm developing a SVR for ~100 continuous features and a continuous label.
For scaling the data, I wrote:
#Read in
df = pd.read_csv(data_path,sep='\t')
features = df.iloc[:,1:-1] #100 features
target = df.iloc[:,-1] #The label
names = df.iloc[:,0] #Column names
#Scale features
scaler = StandardScaler()
scaled_df = scaler.fit_transform(features)
# rename columns (since now its an np array)
features.columns = df_columns
So now I have a scaled data frame, and my next step was to split into train and test, and then develop a model (SVR):
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(scaled_df, target, test_size=0.2)
model = SVR()
...and then I fit the model to the data.
But I noticed other people don't fit the StandardScaler() to the whole data frame, but they split the dataframe into train and test first, and then apply StandardScaler() to each separately.
Is there a difference between whether you apply the StandardScaler to the whole data frame, or train and test separately?
The previous answer says that you should separate the training and testing set when scaling, otherwise the testing one might bias the transformation of the training one. This is half correct and half wrong.
If you do the transformation separately, then it might well be that the training set will get scaled to wrong proportions (e.g. if it comes from a narrow continuous time range, thus taking on a subset of the values range). You will end up having wrong values for the variables of the test set.
In general, what you must do is scale on the training set and transfer the scale over to the testing set. This is done by using the methods fit and transform separately, as seen in the documentation.
You need to apply StandardScaler to the training set to prevent the distribution of the test set leaking into the model. If you fit the scaler on the full dataset before splitting, the test set information is used to transform the training set and use it to train the model.

Multi labeled image classification with imbalanced data, how to split it?

I am working multi labeled image classification. This is my data frame:
As you can see images labeled with 26 features. "1" means exist, "0" means not exist.
My problem is in many of label has imbalanced data. For example:
[1] train_df.value_counts('Eyeglasses')
0 54735
1 1265
dtype: int64
[2] train_df.value_counts('Double_Chin')
0 55464
1 536
dtype: int64
How can I split it both of for training and validation data as a balanced?
I tried to
from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE
smote = SMOTE()
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3,
X_train_smote, y_train_smote = smote.fit_sample(X_train, y_train)
ValueError: Imbalanced-learn currently supports binary, multiclass and
binarized encoded multiclasss targets. Multilabel and multioutput
targets are not supported.
Your question mixes two concepts: splitting a multi-class, multi-label image dataset into subsets which have proportional representation, and resampling methods to deal with class imbalance. I am going to focus on just the splitting part of the problem, since that's what the title is about.
I would use a stratified-shuffle-split so to make sure that each subset has equal reprentation. Here's a handy visual for stratified sampling from Wikipedia:
For this I recommend skmultilearn's IterativeStratification method. It supports multi-label datasets.
from skmultilearn.model_selection.iterative_stratification import IterativeStratification
stratifier = IterativeStratification(
n_splits=2, order=2, sample_distribution_per_fold=[1.0 - train_fraction, train_fraction],
# this class is a generator that produces k-folds. we just want to iterate it once to make a single static split
# NOTE: needs to be computed on hard labels.
train_indexes, everything_else_indexes = next(stratifier.split(X=img_urls, y=labels))
# s3url array shape (N_samp,)
x_train, x_else = img_urls[train_indexes], img_urls[everything_else_indexes]
# labels array shape (N_samp, n_classes)
Y_train, Y_else = labels[train_indexes, :], labels[everything_else_indexes, :]
I wrote a more complete solution, including unit tests, in a blog post.
One downside with skmultilearn is that it is not very well maintained and has some broken functionality. I documented a few of these sharp corners and gotchas in my blog post. Also note that this stratification procedure is painfully slow when you get to several million images because the stratifier only uses a single CPU.

Format of train/test for random forest classifier with categorical variables

Updated: How do I set up my train/test df for scikit randomforestclassifier for multiple categories? How do I predict?
My training dataset has a categorical Outcome column with 4 classes and I want to predict which of those four is most likely for my test data. Looking at other questions, I tried use pandas get_dummies to encode four new columns into the original df in place of the original Outcome column but wasn't sure how to indicate to the classifier that those four columns were the categories, so I used y = df_raw['Outcomes'].values .
I then split the training set 80/20 and called fit() with these x_train, x_valid and y_train, y_valid:
def split_vals(a,n): return a[:n].copy(), a[n:].copy()
n_valid = 10000
n_trn = len(df_raw_dumtrain)-n_valid
raw_train, raw_valid = split_vals(df_raw_dumtrain, n_trn)
X_train, X_valid = split_vals(df_raw_dumtrain, n_trn)
y_train, y_valid = split_vals(df_raw_dumtrain, n_trn)
random_forest = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10)
random_forest.fit(X_train, y_train)
Y_prediction = random_forest.predict(X_train)
I tried running fit() as:
test_pred = random_forest.predict(df_test)
But I get an error:
ValueError: Number of features of the model must match the input.
Model n_features is 27 and input n_features is 28
How should I be configuring my test set?
You have to remove the target variable from the test data and then give the remaining column of the dataframe as the input for the prediction function. You would able to solve the number of features mismatch.
Try this!
Note : you don't have to create dummy variables of the target variables for using the random forest or any decision tree based models.

How do I handle unbalanced classes in my classifier?

I am using LinearSVM to classify my documents into categories. However, my dataset is unbalanced with some categories having 48,000 documents under them and some as small as 100. When I train my model, even with using Stratified KFold, I see that the category with 48,000 documents get a larger portion of documents(3300) compared to others. In such a case, it would definitely give me biased predictions. How can I make sure this selection isn't biased?
kf=StratifiedKFold(labels, n_folds=10, shuffle=True)
for train_index, test_index in kf:
X_train, X_test = docs[train_index],docs[test_index]
Y_train, Y_test = labels[train_index],labels[test_index]
Then I'm writing these(X_train, Y_train) to a file, computing the feature matrix and passing them to the classifier as follows:
model1 = LinearSVC()
model1 = model1.fit(matrix, label_tmp)
pred = model1.predict(matrix_test)
print("Accuracy is:")
print(metrics.accuracy_score(label_test, pred))
print(metrics.classification_report(label_test, pred))
The StratifiedKFold method by default takes into account the ratio of labels in all your classes, meaning that each fold will have the exact (or close to exact) ratio of each label in that sample. Whether you want to adjust for this or not is somewhat up to you - you can either let the classifier learn some kind of bias for labels with more samples (as you are now), or you can do one of two things:
Construct a separate train / test set, where the training set has equal number of samples in each label (therefore in your case, each class label in the training set might only have 50 examples, which is not ideal). Then you can train on your training set and test on the rest. If you do this multiple times with different samples, you are essentially doing k-fold cross validation, just choosing your sample sizes in a different way.
You can change your loss function (i.e. the way you initialize LinearSVC() to account for the class imbalances. For example: model = LinearSVC(class_weight='balanced'). This will cause the model to learn a loss function that takes class imbalances into account.

