Python (Numpy Array) - Flipping an image pixel-by-pixel - python

I have written a code to flip an image vertically pixel-by-pixel. However, the code makes the image being mirrored along the line x = height/2.
I have tried to correct the code by setting the range of "i" from (0, h) to (0, h//2) but the result is still the same.
Original Photo Resulted Photo
#import libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
#read image (set image as m)
m ='lena.bmp')
#change image to array (set array as np_array)
np_array = np.array(m)
#define the width(w) and height(h) of the image
h, w = np_array.shape
#make the image upside down
for i in range(0,h):
for j in range(0,w):
np_array[i,j] = np_array[h-1-i,j]
#change array back to image (set processed image as pil_image)
pil_image = Image.fromarray(np_array)
#open the processed image
#save the processed image'upsidedown.bmp')

The above given code is replacing the image pixels inplace, that is why the result is a mirrored image.
If you want to flip the image pixel by pixel, just create a new array with same shape and then replace pixels in this new array. For example:
#import libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
#read image (set image as m)
m ='A-Input-image_Q320.jpg')
#change image to array (set array as np_array)
np_array = np.array(m)
new_np_array = np.copy(np_array)
#define the width(w) and height(h) of the image
h, w = np_array.shape
#make the image upside down
for i in range(0,h):
for j in range(0,w):
new_np_array[i,j] = np_array[h-1-i,j]
#change array back to image (set processed image as pil_image)
pil_image = Image.fromarray(new_np_array)
#open the processed image
#save the processed image'upsidedown.bmp')


What is wrong with my focus stacking algorithm?

You can see in the final focus stacked image that the whole image is in focus. However, pieces of the image are missing and I have no clue why. The basic steps of my algorithm are:
Access images. Convert images to grayscale, blur the gray images a bit, then find the Laplacian of these images. I store all Laplaced images in a list.
Cycle through pixels in a blank image using for loops. Every iteration creates a list containing the pixel intensities of the gray, blurred, Laplaced images at that pixel value. Find the max pixel intensity. Then look at the BGR value of the ORIGINAL image where the max pixel intensity came from. Set the BGR value of the blank pixel equal to that of the max-intensity pixel.
Here is my code:
images = glob2.glob("Pics\\step*") # Accesses images in the Pics folder
laps = [] # A list to contain Laplacians of images in Pics
for image in images:
img = cv.imread(image) # Reads image in Pics
images[i] = img # Bc line 6 only creates a list of image NAMES (ie strings), not actual images, this replaces string w image
img = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Converts image to grayscale
gauss = cv.GaussianBlur(img, (3,3), 0) # Blurs grayed image a bit
lap = cv.Laplacian(gauss, cv.CV_64F) # Converts blurred, gray image to Laplacian
lap = np.uint8(np.absolute(lap)) # Converts to Laplacian
laps.append(lap) # Adds Laplacian to laps
i += 1
sample = laps[0] # Arbitrarily accesses the first image in laps so that we can get dimensions for line 22
fs = np.zeros((sample.shape[0], sample.shape[1], 3), dtype='uint8') # Creates a blank image with the dimensions of sample
for x in range(sample.shape[0]): # The for loops go through every x and y value
for y in range(sample.shape[1]):
intensities = [laps[0][x,y], laps[1][x,y], laps[2][x,y], laps[3][x,y], laps[4][x,y], laps[5][x,y]] # List of intensities of laplacian images
color = images[intensities.index(max(intensities))][x,y] # Finds BGR value of the x,y pixel in the ORIGINAL image corresponding to the highest intensity
fs[x, y] = color # Sets pixel of blank fs image to the color of the pixel with the strongest intensity
cv.imshow('FS', fs)
Here is what the code produces:
Broken Focus Stacked Image
I was inspired by your code and made this simple script, which seems to work fine. (I do not need to align images.) Using mask to select pixels in focus may be faster, but I haven't tried to compare both versions. I would appreciate any advice on how to improve it.
from pathlib import Path
from imageio import imread, imwrite
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage.color import rgb2hsv, rgb2gray
from skimage import img_as_float, img_as_ubyte
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
from skimage.filters.rank import gradient
from skimage.morphology import disk
im_dir = Path("test")
sigma = 3
print("_____ load images _____")
fps = [f for f in im_dir.glob("*.jpg")]
print([ for f in fps])
images_rgb = [imread(f) for f in fps]
images_rgb_cube = np.array(images_rgb)
print("images_rgb_cube", images_rgb_cube.shape, images_rgb_cube.dtype)
print("_____ images to grey _____")
#images_grey = [rgb2hsv(im)[:,:,2] for im in ims] # slow
images_grey = [rgb2gray(im) for im in images_rgb] # faster
print("_____ get gradients _____")
selection_element = disk(sigma) # matrix of n pixels with a disk shape
grads = [gradient(im, selection_element) for im in images_grey]
grads = np.array(grads)
print("grads", grads.shape, grads.dtype)
print("_____ get mask _____")
mask_grey = grads.max(axis=0, keepdims=1) == grads #
mask_rgb = np.repeat(mask_grey[:, :, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=3)
print("mask_rgb", mask_rgb.shape, mask_rgb.dtype)
print("_____ apply mask _____")
image_sharp = images_rgb_cube * mask_rgb
image_sharp = image_sharp.max(axis=0)
print("image_sharp", image_sharp.shape, image_sharp.dtype)
print("_____ save image _____")
imwrite(im_dir / "stacked.jpeg", image_sharp)
print("_____ save masks _____")
print("mask_grey", mask_grey.shape, mask_grey.dtype)
for i in range(mask_grey.shape[0]):
mask = mask_grey[i]
fp = im_dir / "{}_mask.jpeg".format(fps[i].stem)
imwrite(fp, img_as_ubyte(mask))
print("saved", fp, mask.shape, mask.dtype)

saving image using matplotlib in python

I'm trying to make a simple code that loads an image, divide the value of each pixel by 2 and stores the image. The image is stored in an array [1280][720][3]. After changing the value of each pixel I've chequed that the values are the expected. For some reason the values are correct but when I store the new image and check it, the values of the pixels are not the same as before...
The image is 1280x720 pixels and each pixel has 3 bytes (one for each color rgb)
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
img = mpimg.imread('image.jpg') # (1280, 720, 3)
myImg = []
for row in img:
myRow = []
for pixel in row:
myPixel = []
for color in pixel:
myPixel.append(color // 2)
mpimg.imsave("foo.jpg", myImg)
img is a numpy array, so you can just use img / 2. It's also much faster than using a list loop.
myImg = img / 2
mpimg.imsave("foo.jpg", myImg)

Python: Convert image from RGB to YDbDr color space

Trying to convert image from RGB color space to YDbDr color space according to the formula:
Y = 0.299R + 0.587G + 0.114B
Db = -0.45R - 0.883G +1.333B
Dr = -1.333R + 1.116G + 0.217B
With the following code I'm trying to show only Y channel which should be grayscale image but I keep getting image all in blue color:
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
img = cv2.imread("./pics/Slike_modela/Test/Proba/1_Color.png")
new_img = []
for row in img:
new_row = []
for pixel in row:
Y = 0.299*pixel[2]+0.587*pixel[1]+0.114*pixel[0]
Db = -0.45*pixel[2]-0.883*pixel[1]+1.333*pixel[0]
Dr = -1.333*pixel[2]+1.116*pixel[1]+0.217*pixel[0]
new_pixel = [Y, Db, Dr]
new_img_arr = np.array(new_img)
new_img_arr_y = new_img_arr.copy()
new_img_arr_y[:,:,1] = 0
new_img_arr_y[:,:,2] = 0
print (new_img_arr_y)
cv2.imshow("y image", new_img_arr_y)
key = cv2.waitKey(0)
When printing the result array I see correct numbers according to formula and correct shape of the array.
What is my mistake? How to get Y channel image i.e. grayscale image?
When processing images with Python, you really, really should try to avoid:
treating images as lists and appending millions and millions of pixels, each of which creates a whole new object and takes space to administer
processing images with for loops, which are very slow
The better way to deal with both of these is through using Numpy or other vectorised code libraries or techniques. That is why OpenCV, wand, scikit-image open and handle images as Numpy arrays.
So, you basically want to do a dot product of the colour channels with a set of 3 weights:
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Load image
im = cv2.imread('paddington.png', cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
# Calculate Y using Numpy "dot()"
Y =[...,:3], [0.114, 0.587, 0.299]).astype(np.uint8)
That's it.

Can i iterate over an image while ignoring black pixels?

I have a segmented image using SLIC from scipy and for every superpixel i get an image where only that superpixel is colored and the rest of the image is black. I want to iterate ONLY on the colored pixels from that one superpixel.
I have tried using for loop like this:
for i in range(0,mask.shape[0]):
for j in range(0,mask.shape[1]):
x,y,z = each_segment[i][j] #gets the pixel RGB value
unique_pixel_array = [x,y,z] #creates a vector that holds those values for each pixel
if (unique_pixel_array != [0,0,0]):
This method is working however it is very inefficient considerin it is iterating over the entire image, and if i have a big image it will take a very long time to process for every superpixel.
Is there a faster and more efficient way to do this?
I will attach the whole code below , maybe you will get a better sense of the whole thing.
from skimage.segmentation import slic
from skimage.segmentation import mark_boundaries
from skimage.util import img_as_float
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import cv2
img = cv2.imread("image.png")
segments = slic(img_as_float(img),n_segments= 7 ,slic_zero=True,sigma =5)
fig = plt.figure("Superpixels -- %d segments" % (22))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax.imshow(mark_boundaries(img, segments))
for (sp,segVal) in enumerate (np.unique(segments)):
mask = np.zeros(img.shape[:2],dtype = "uint8")
mask[segments == segVal] = 255
each_segment = cv2.bitwise_and(img,img,mask=mask)
for i in range(0,mask.shape[0]):
for j in range(0,mask.shape[1]):
x,y,z = each_segment[i][j]
unique_pixel_array = [x,y,z]
cv2.imshow("Mask", mask)
cv2.imshow("Applied", cv2.bitwise_and(img, img, mask = mask))

Python Image of images

I have a folder with 230400 images, each representing one pixel in a 480 x 480 image.
How can I use Python to make a single image out of each image?
I tried to creat a npy-array but I believe it resulted in a 3d array instead of a 2d array:
import cv2
import glob
import numpy as np
data = []
files = glob.glob("./data/*.PNG")
for myFile in files:
image = cv2.imread(myFile)
print('shape:', np.array(data).shape)'data',data)
Output: shape: (230400, 100, 100, 3)
How do I create a 2d array of images? And how do I convert it to an image?
Start by creating an empty numpy image with the size of your output image. For each pixel load the image in.
import numpy as np
import cv2
import glob
image_x = 480
image_y =480
files = glob.glob("./data/*.PNG")
output = np.zeros((image_x, image_y, 3))
for i in range(image_x):
for j in range(image_y):
pixel = cv2.imread(files[image_x*i+j])
output[i,j] = pixel[0,0]
Note: This is neither fast nor nice, but explicit.
For saving, use cv2.imwrite on the resulting array as in:
cv2.imwrite('output.png', output)

