I implemented the conjugate gradient method using TensorFlow to invert a sparse matrix.
The matrix I used to test the method is well-conditioned, as it is the sum of a mass matrix and a stiffness matrix obtained with finite elements.
I compared with the same method implemented using scipy and on the same data.
The solutions obtained with either methods are the same, however, TensorFlow is 5 times slower (I tested under colab environment).
Under colab environment, scipy ran in 0.27 s, while TensorFlow required 1.37 s
Why the algorithm is so slow under TensorFlow?
I can not cast to dense matrices, as I want to use the formula with matrices of large size (100k X100k or more).
Here is the code I used to test this:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix,linalg
import os
import sys
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2'
from time import time
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
def create_mesh(Lx=1,Ly=1,Nx=100,Ny=100):
dx = Lx/Nx
dy = Ly/Ny
tri = Delaunay(points)
def eval_connectivity(mesh0):
print('computing mesh connectivity')
connectivity = {}
for jpt in range(npt):
connectivity[jpt] = []
for Tria in mesh0['Tria']:
for ilpt in range(3):
for jlpt in range(1+ilpt,3):
for key,value in connectivity.items():
def eval_local_mass(mesh0,iTri):
lmass = np.zeros(shape=(3,3),dtype=np.float32)
v10 = mesh0['Pts'][Tria[1],:]-mesh0['Pts'][Tria[0],:]
v20 = mesh0['Pts'][Tria[2],:]-mesh0['Pts'][Tria[0],:]
N12 = np.cross(v10,v20)
Tsurf = 0.5*np.linalg.norm(N12)
for ipt in range(3):
for jpt in range(1+ipt,3):
lmass[ipt,jpt] = 1.0/24.0
lmass[jpt,ipt] = lmass[ipt,jpt]
lmass = 2.0*Tsurf*lmass
def eval_local_stiffness(mesh0,iTri):
Tria = mesh0['Tria'][iTri]
v10 = mesh0['Pts'][Tria[1],:]-mesh0['Pts'][Tria[0],:]
v20 = mesh0['Pts'][Tria[2],:]-mesh0['Pts'][Tria[0],:]
N12 = np.cross(v10,v20)
Tsurf = 0.5*np.linalg.norm(N12)
covbT = np.zeros(shape=(3,3),dtype=np.float32)
covbT[0,:2] = v10
covbT[1,:2] = v20
covbT[2,2] = N12/(2*Tsurf)
contrb = np.linalg.inv(covbT)
v1 = contrb[:,0]
v2 = contrb[:,1]
a =,v1)
b =,v2)
c =,v2)
gij_c = np.array([[a,b],[b,c]],dtype=np.float32)
lgrad = np.array([[-1.0,1.0,0.0], [-1.0,0.0,1.0] ],dtype=np.float32)
lstif = Tsurf*np.matmul( np.matmul(lgrad.T,gij_c), lgrad )
def compute_vectors_sparse_matrices(mesh0):
npt = mesh0['Pts'].shape[0]
connect = eval_connectivity(mesh0)
nzero = 0
for key,value in connect.items():
nzero += (1+value.shape[0])
I = np.zeros(shape=(nzero),dtype=int)
J = np.zeros(shape=(nzero),dtype=int)
VM = np.zeros(shape=(nzero),dtype=np.float32)
VS = np.zeros(shape=(nzero),dtype=np.float32)
k0 = np.zeros(shape=(npt+1),dtype=int)
k0[0] = 0
k = -1
for jpt in range(npt):
loc_con = connect[jpt].tolist()[:]
loc_con = np.sort(loc_con)
for jloc in range(loc_con.shape[0]):
I[k]= jpt
J[k]= loc_con[jloc]
for iTr, Tria in enumerate(mesh0['Tria']):
lstiff = eval_local_stiffness(mesh0,iTr)
lmass = eval_local_mass(mesh0,iTr)
for iEntry,irow in enumerate(Tria):
loc_con = connect[irow].tolist()[:]
loc_con = np.sort(loc_con)
for jEntry,jcol in enumerate(Tria):
indexEntry = k0[irow]+np.where(loc_con==jcol)[0]
VM[indexEntry] = VM[indexEntry]+lmass[iEntry,jEntry]
VS[indexEntry] = VS[indexEntry]+lstiff[iEntry,jEntry]
def compute_global_sparse_matrices(mesh0):
I,J,VM,VS = compute_vectors_sparse_matrices(mesh0)
npt = mesh0['Pts'].shape[0]
MASS = coo_matrix((VM,(I,J)),shape=(npt,npt))
STIFF = coo_matrix((VS,(I,J)),shape=(npt,npt))
def compute_global_sparse_tensors(mesh0):
I,J,VM,VS = compute_vectors_sparse_matrices(mesh0)
npt = mesh0['Pts'].shape[0]
indices = np.hstack([I[:,np.newaxis], J[:,np.newaxis]])
MASS = tf.sparse.SparseTensor(indices=indices, values=VM.astype(np.float32), dense_shape=[npt, npt])
STIFF = tf.sparse.SparseTensor(indices=indices, values=VS.astype(np.float32), dense_shape=[npt, npt])
def compute_matrices_scipy(mesh0):
MASS,STIFF = compute_global_sparse_matrices(mesh0)
def compute_matrices_tensorflow(mesh0):
MASS,STIFF = compute_global_sparse_tensors(mesh0)
def conjgrad_scipy(A,b,x0,niter=100,toll=1.e-5):
x = np.copy(x0)
r = b - A * x
p = np.copy(r)
rsold =,r)
for it in range(niter):
Ap = A * p
alpha = rsold /,Ap)
x += alpha * p
r -= alpha * Ap
rsnew =,r)
if (np.sqrt(rsnew) < toll):
p = r + (rsnew / rsold) * p
rsold = rsnew
def conjgrad_tensorflow(A,b,x0,niter=100,toll=1.e-5):
x = x0
r = b - tf.sparse.sparse_dense_matmul(A,x)
p = r
rsold = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(r, r))
for it in range(niter):
Ap = tf.sparse.sparse_dense_matmul(A,p)
alpha = rsold /tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(p, Ap))
x += alpha * p
r -= alpha * Ap
rsnew = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(r, r))
if (tf.sqrt(rsnew) < toll):
p = r + (rsnew / rsold) * p
rsold = rsnew
mesh = create_mesh(Lx=10,Ly=10,Nx=100,Ny=100)
x0 = tf.constant( (mesh['Pts'][:,0]<5 ).astype(np.float32) )
nit_time = 10
dcoef = 1.0
maxit = x0.shape[0]//2
stoll = 1.e-6
print('nb of nodes:\t{}'.format(mesh['Pts'].shape[0]))
print('nb of trias:\t{}'.format(mesh['Tria'].shape[0]))
t0 = time()
MASS0,STIFF0 = compute_matrices_scipy(mesh)
print('Matrices; elapsed: {:3.5f} s'.format(elapsed_scipy))
A = MASS0+dcoef*STIFF0
x = np.copy(np.squeeze(x0.numpy()) )
t0 = time()
for jt in range(nit_time):
b = MASS0*x
print('time {}; iters {}; resid: {:3.2f}'.format(1+jt,it,tol) )
print('elapsed, scipy: {:3.5f} s'.format(elapsed_scipy))
t0 = time()
MASS,STIFF =compute_matrices_tensorflow(mesh)
print('Matrices; elapsed: {:3.5f} s'.format(elapsed))
x = None
x1 = None
A = tf.sparse.add(MASS,tf.sparse.map_values(tf.multiply, STIFF, dcoef))
x = tf.expand_dims(tf.identity(x0),axis=1)
t0 = time()
for jt in range(nit_time):
b = tf.sparse.sparse_dense_matmul(MASS,x)
x = x1
print('time {}; iters {}; resid: {:3.2f}'.format(1+jt,it,tol) )
print('elapsed, tf: {:3.2f} s'.format(elapsed_tf))
print('elapsed times:')
print('scipy: {:3.2f} s\ttf: {:3.2f} s'.format(elapsed_scipy,elapsed_tf))
Now, I'm trying to solve the optimization problem as above and I made it in a code as belows.
However for large N (such as 300), the code failed to work because of run out of the memory.
So, I tried m = GEKKO(remote=True) instead of m = GEKKO(remote=False), but it was not done even after 10-12 hours.
I'm now finding a way to solve this problem while using m = GEKKO(remote=False).
# Import package
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
# Define parameters
P_CO = 600 # $/tonCO
beta_CO2 = 1 # no unit
P_CO2 = 60 # $/tonCO2eq
E_ref = 3.1022616 # tonCO2eq/tonCO
E_dir = -1.600570692 # tonCO2eq/tonCO
E_indir_others = 0.3339226804 # tonCO2eq/tonCO
E_indir_elec_cons = 18.46607256 # GJ/tonCO
C1_CAPEX = 285695 # no unit
C2_CAPEX = 188.42 # no unit
C1_FOX = 82282 # no unit
C2_FOX = 24.094 # no unit
C1_ROX = 4471.5 # no unit
C2_ROX = 96.034 # no unit
C1_UOX = 1983.7 # no unit
C2_UOX = 249.79 # no unit
r = 0.08 # discount rate
N = 300 # number of scenarios
T = 30 # total time period
GWP_init = 0.338723235 # 2020 Electricity GWP in EU 27 countries
theta_max = 1600000 # Max capacity
# Function to make GWP_EU matrix (TxN matrix)
def Electricity_GWP(GWP_init, n_years, num_episodes):
GWP_mean = 0.36258224*np.exp(-0.16395611*np.arange(1, n_years+2)) + 0.03091272
GWP_mean = GWP_mean.reshape(-1,1)
GWP_Yearly = np.tile(GWP_mean, num_episodes)
noise = np.zeros((n_years+1, num_episodes))
stdev2050 = GWP_mean[-1] * 0.25
stdev = np.arange(0, stdev2050 * (1 + 1/n_years), stdev2050/n_years)
for i in range(n_years+1):
noise[i,:] = np.random.normal(0, stdev[i], num_episodes)
GWP_forecast = GWP_Yearly + noise
return GWP_forecast
GWP_EU = Electricity_GWP(GWP_init, T, N) # (T+1)*N matrix
GWP_EU = GWP_EU[1:,:] # T*N matrix
# Build Gekko model
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
theta = m.Array(m.Var, N, lb=0, ub=theta_max)
demand = np.ones((T,1))
demand[0] = 8031887.589
for k in range(1,11):
demand[k] = demand[k-1] * 1.026
for k in range(11,21):
demand[k] = demand[k-1] * 1.016
for k in range(21,T):
demand[k] = demand[k-1] * 1.011
demand = 0.12 * demand
demand = np.tile(demand, N) # T*N matrix
obj = m.sum([m.sum([((1/(1+r))**(t+1))*((P_CO*m.min3(demand[t,s], theta[s])) \
+ (beta_CO2*P_CO2*m.min3(demand[t,s], theta[s])*(E_ref-E_dir-E_indir_others-E_indir_elec_cons*GWP_EU[t,s])) \
- (C1_CAPEX+C2_CAPEX*theta[s]+C1_FOX+C2_FOX*theta[s])-(C1_ROX+C2_ROX*m.min3(demand[t,s], theta[s])+C1_UOX+C2_UOX*m.min3(demand[t,s], theta[s]))) for t in range(T)]) for s in range(N)])
The multiple m.min3() expressions lead to many additional variables. Try defining it once and substituting the value m3 into the objective expression.
m3 = [[m.min3(demand[t,s],theta[s]) for t in range(T)] for s in range(N)]
obj = m.sum([sum([((1/(1+r))**(t+1))*((P_CO*m3[s][t]) \
+ (beta_CO2*P_CO2*m3[s][t]\
*(E_ref-E_dir-E_indir_others-E_indir_elec_cons*GWP_EU[t,s])) \
- (C1_CAPEX+C2_CAPEX*theta[s]+C1_FOX+C2_FOX*theta[s])\
- (C1_ROX+C2_ROX*m3[s][t]\
+C1_UOX+C2_UOX*m3[s][t])) \
for t in range(T)]) for s in range(N)])
Below is a test script that increases the size of N from 10 to 100.
It shows the compile time and solution time for each of the cases. The number of variables for N=10 to N=100 is shown as the x-axis.
# Import package
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Define parameters
P_CO = 600 # $/tonCO
beta_CO2 = 1 # no unit
P_CO2 = 60 # $/tonCO2eq
E_ref = 3.1022616 # tonCO2eq/tonCO
E_dir = -1.600570692 # tonCO2eq/tonCO
E_indir_others = 0.3339226804 # tonCO2eq/tonCO
E_indir_elec_cons = 18.46607256 # GJ/tonCO
C1_CAPEX = 285695 # no unit
C2_CAPEX = 188.42 # no unit
C1_FOX = 82282 # no unit
C2_FOX = 24.094 # no unit
C1_ROX = 4471.5 # no unit
C2_ROX = 96.034 # no unit
C1_UOX = 1983.7 # no unit
C2_UOX = 249.79 # no unit
r = 0.08 # discount rate
T = 30 # total time period
GWP_init = 0.338723235 # 2020 Electricity GWP in EU 27 countries
theta_max = 1600000 # Max capacity
# Function to make GWP_EU matrix (TxN matrix)
def Electricity_GWP(GWP_init, n_years, num_episodes):
GWP_mean = 0.36258224*np.exp(-0.16395611*np.arange(1, n_years+2)) + 0.03091272
GWP_mean = GWP_mean.reshape(-1,1)
GWP_Yearly = np.tile(GWP_mean, num_episodes)
noise = np.zeros((n_years+1, num_episodes))
stdev2050 = GWP_mean[-1] * 0.25
stdev = np.arange(0, stdev2050 * (1 + 1/n_years), stdev2050/n_years)
for i in range(n_years+1):
noise[i,:] = np.random.normal(0, stdev[i], num_episodes)
GWP_forecast = GWP_Yearly + noise
return GWP_forecast
Nx = np.array([10,20,30,40,60,80,100])
tv = 122*Nx+1
tt = np.zeros_like(Nx)
tsolve = np.zeros_like(Nx)
for i,N in enumerate(Nx):
# N=number of scenarios
ts = time.time()
GWP_EU = Electricity_GWP(GWP_init, T, N) # (T+1)*N matrix
GWP_EU = GWP_EU[1:,:] # T*N matrix
# Build Gekko model
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
theta = m.Array(m.Var, N, lb=0, ub=theta_max)
demand = np.ones((T,1))
demand[0] = 8031887.589
for k in range(1,11):
demand[k] = demand[k-1] * 1.026
for k in range(11,21):
demand[k] = demand[k-1] * 1.016
for k in range(21,T):
demand[k] = demand[k-1] * 1.011
demand = 0.12 * demand
demand = np.tile(demand, N) # T*N matrix
m3 = [[m.min3(demand[t,s],theta[s]) for t in range(T)] for s in range(N)]
obj = m.sum([sum([((1/(1+r))**(t+1))*((P_CO*m3[s][t]) \
+ (beta_CO2*P_CO2*m3[s][t]\
*(E_ref-E_dir-E_indir_others-E_indir_elec_cons*GWP_EU[t,s])) \
- (C1_CAPEX+C2_CAPEX*theta[s]+C1_FOX+C2_FOX*theta[s])\
- (C1_ROX+C2_ROX*m3[s][t]\
+C1_UOX+C2_UOX*m3[s][t])) \
for t in range(T)]) for s in range(N)])
tsolve[i] = m.options.SOLVETIME
tt[i] = time.time()-ts-tsolve[i]
plt.plot(tv,tt,'ro-',label='Compile time')
plt.plot(tv,tsolve,'b--',label='Solve time')
plt.legend(); plt.grid()
plt.ylabel('Time (sec)'); plt.xlabel('Problem Size')
One other thing that improved the solution time is to use sum() instead of m.sum() for the inner summation. It is faster to solve this way, but other problems are faster with m.sum().
I know the normal method. For example...
m.Equation(x.dt() == v)
But what about for something like a PFR? It is assumed steady state but the flowrates are dependent on the volume of the reactor (or length). I feel IMODE = 3 is the best if I wanted to optimize something in the model as well. I would think it would look something this.
m.Equation(Fa.dVr() == -ra)
Any help? Do I just treat dt() as dVr()? and declare m.time as the Volume array? Is it considered a dynamic system dependent on volume instead?
I just tested this. This below produced the same result from when I did it in odeint
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
k = .00384
Keq = 4
KB = .46
KW = 3.20
Ca_0 = 1.5
Cb_0 = 1.5
Cc_0 = 0
Cd_0 = 0
Fa_0 = 1 # mol/h
v = Fa_0/Ca_0
Fb_0 = Cb_0*v
Fc_0 = 0
Fd_0 = 0
m = GEKKO()
m.time = np.linspace(0, 4000, 1000)
Fa = m.Var(Fa_0)
Fb = m.Var(Fb_0)
Fc = m.Var(Fc_0)
Fd = m.Var(Fd_0)
Ca = m.Intermediate(Fa/v)
Cb = m.Intermediate(Fb/v)
Cc = m.Intermediate(Fc/v)
Cd = m.Intermediate(Fd/v)
r = m.Intermediate(k*(Ca*Cb - Cc*Cd/Keq)/\
( 1 + KB*Cb + KW*Cd))
m.Equation(Fa.dt() == -r)
m.Equation(Fb.dt() == -r)
m.Equation(Fc.dt() == r)
m.Equation(Fd.dt() == r)
m.options.IMODE = 4
plt.plot(m.time, Fa.value, label='Fa')
plt.plot(m.time, Fb.value, label='Fb')
plt.plot(m.time, Fc.value, label='Fc')
plt.plot(m.time, Fd.value, label='Fd')
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
k = .00384
Keq = 4
KB = .46
KW = 3.20
Ca_0 = 1.5
Cb_0 = 1.5
Cc_0 = 0
Cd_0 = 0
Fa_0 = 1 # mol/h
v = Fa_0/Ca_0
Fb_0 = Cb_0*v
Fc_0 = 0
Fd_0 = 0
def f(F, W):
Fa, Fb, Fc, Fd = F
Ca, Cb, Cc, Cd = Fa/v, Fb/v, Fc/v, Fd/v
r = k*(Ca*Cb - Cc*Cd/Keq)/( 1 + KB*Cb + KW*Cd)
return -r, -r, r, r
W = np.linspace(0, 4000, 1000)
Fa1, Fb1, Fc1, Fd1 = odeint(f, [Fa_0, Fb_0, Fc_0, Fd_0], W).T
plt.plot(W, Fa1, label='Fa')
plt.plot(W, Fb1, label='Fb')
plt.plot(W, Fc1, label='Fc')
plt.plot(W, Fd1, label='Fd')
I have been using matplotlib from python to show the animation of 1D wave equation.But I got a problem of making the animation.I want the image of the wave to change with time.It means that I may need a loop to form many different pictures of the wave equation.But it seems that the time cannot be put into the wave functions ,so the images do not change at all.Please help me with the mistake that I made.
Here are the codes that I wrote:(Part of the codes comes from the book "Python Scripting for Computational Science")
from numpy import zeros,linspace,sin,pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl
def I(x):
return sin(2*x*pi/L)
def f(x,t):
return sin(x*t)
def solver0(I,f,c,L,n,dt,tstop):
# f is a function of x and t, I is a function of x
x = linspace(0,L,n+1)
dx = L/float(n)
if dt <= 0:
dt = dx/float(c)
C2 = (c*dt/dx)**2
dt2 = dt*dt
up = zeros(n+1)
u = up.copy()
um = up.copy()
t = 0.0
for i in range(0,n):
u[i] = I(x[i])
for i in range(1,n-1):
um[i] = u[i]+0.5*C2*(u[i-1] - 2*u[i] + u[i+1]) + dt2*f(x[i],t)
um[0] = 0
um[n] = 0
while t <= tstop:
t_old = t
t += dt
#update all inner points:
for i in range(1,n-1):
up[i] = -um[i] + 2*u[i] + C2*(u[i-1] - 2*u[i] + u[i+1]) + dt2*f(x[i],t_old)
#insert boundary conditions:
up[0] = 0
up[n] = 0
#update data structures for next step
um = u.copy()
u = up.copy()
return u
c = 3.0 #given by myself
L = 10
n = 100
dt = 0
tstart = 0
tstop = 6
x = linspace(0,L,n+1)
t_values = linspace(tstart,tstop,31)
y = solver0(I, f, c, L, n, dt, tstop)
lines = mpl.plot(x,y)
mpl.axis([x[0], x[-1], -1.0, 1.0])
counter = 0
for t in t_values:
y = solver0(I,f,c,L,n,dt,tstop)
mpl.legend(['t=%4.1f' % t])
mpl.savefig('sea_%04d.png' %counter)
counter += 1
Maybe that's what you need?
y = solver0(I,f,c,L,n,dt,t)
This question is a follow-up to my previous question here: Assistance, tips and guidelines for converting Matlab code to Python
I have converted the Matlab code manually. I am using a MAC OS and running Python from the terminal. But how do I run the code below, for some value of N, where N is an even number? I should get a graph (specified by the plot code).
When I run it as is, I get nothing.
My code is below:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
def Array(N):
K00 = np.logspace(0,3,101,10)
len1 = len(K00)
y0 = [0]*(3*N/2+3)
S = [np.zeros((len1,1)) for kkkk in range(N/2+1)]
KS = [np.zeros((len1,1)) for kkkk in range(N/2)]
PS = [np.zeros((len1,1)) for kkkk in range(N/2)]
Splot = [np.zeros((len1,1)) for kkkk in range(N/2+1)]
KSplot = [np.zeros((len1,1)) for kkkk in range(N/2)]
PSplot = [np.zeros((len1,1)) for kkkk in range(N/2)]
Kplot = np.zeros((len1,1))
Pplot = np.zeros((len1,1))
for series in range(0,len1):
K0 = K00[series]
Q = 10
r1 = 0.0001
r2 = 0.001
d = 0.001
a = 0.001
k = 0.999
P0 = 1
S10 = 1e5
tf = 1e10
time = np.linspace(0,tf,len1)
y0[0] = S10
y0[3*N/2+1] = K0
y0[3*N/2+2] = P0
for i in range(1,3*N/2+1):
y0[i] = 0
[t,y] = odeint(EqnsArray,y0,time, mxstep = 5000)
for alpha in range(0,(N/2+1)):
S[alpha] = y[:,alpha]
for beta in range((N/2)+1,N+1):
KS[beta-N/2-1] = y[:,beta]
for gamma in range(N+1,3*N/2+1):
PS[gamma-N-1] = y[:,gamma]
for alpha in range(0,(N/2+1)):
Splot[alpha][series] = y[len1-1,alpha]
for beta in range((N/2)+1,N+1):
KSplot[beta-N/2-1][series] = y[len1-1,beta]
for gamma in range(N+1,3*N/2+1):
PSplot[gamma-N-1][series] = y[len1-1,gamma]
for alpha in range(0,(N/2+1)):
u1 = u1 + Splot[alpha]
for beta in range((N/2)+1,N+1):
u2 = u2 + KSplot[beta-N/2-1]
for gamma in range(N+1,3*N/2+1):
u3 = u3 + PSplot[gamma-N-1]
K = soln[:,3*N/2+1]
P = soln[:,3*N/2+2]
Kplot[series] = soln[len1-1,3*N/2+1]
Pplot[series] = soln[len1-1,3*N/2+2]
utot = u1+u2+u3
def EqnsArray(y,t):
for alpha in range(0,(N/2+1)):
S[alpha] = y[alpha]
for beta in range((N/2)+1,N+1):
KS[beta-N/2-1] = y[beta]
for gamma in range(N+1,3*N/2+1):
PS[gamma-N-1] = y[gamma]
K = y[3*N/2+1]
P = y[3*N/2+2]
# The model equations
ydot = np.zeros((3*N/2+3,1))
B = range((N/2)+1,N+1)
G = range(N+1,3*N/2+1)
runsumPS = 0
runsum1 = 0
runsumKS = 0
runsum2 = 0
for m in range(0,N/2):
runsumPS = runsumPS + PS[m]
runsum1 = runsum1 + S[m+1]
runsumKS = runsumKS + KS[m]
runsum2 = runsum2 + S[m]
ydot[B[m]] = a*K*S[m]-(d+k+r1)*KS[m]
for i in range(0,N/2-1):
ydot[G[i]] = a*P*S[i+1]-(d+k+r1)*PS[i]
for p in range(1,N/2):
ydot[p] = -S[p]*(r1+a*K+a*P)+k*KS[p-1]+d*(PS[p-1]+KS[p])
ydot[0] = Q-(r1+a*K)*S[0]+d*KS[0]+k*runsumPS
ydot[N/2] = k*KS[N/2-1]-(r2+a*P)*S[N/2]+d*PS[N/2-1]
ydot[G[N/2-1]] = a*P*S[N/2]-(d+k+r2)*PS[N/2-1]
ydot[3*N/2+1] = (d+k+r1)*runsumKS-a*K*runsum2
ydot[3*N/2+2] = (d+k+r1)*(runsumPS-PS[N/2-1])- \
ydot_new = []
for j in range(0,3*N/2+3):
return ydot_new
You have to call your function, like:
You have to add this at the end of your code.