celery with Django - python

I am building a app and I am trying to run some tasks everyday. So I saw some answers, blogs and tutorials about using celery, So I liked the idea of using celery for doing background jobs.
But I have some questions about celery :-
As mentioned in Celery Documentation that after setting a celery task , I have to run a command like celery -A proj worker -l INFO which will process all the tasks and after command it will run the tasks, so my question is , I have to stop the running server to execute this command and
what if I deploy Django project with celery on Heroku or Python Anywhere.
Should I have to run command every time Or I can execute this command first then i can start the server ?
If I have to run this command every time to perform background tasks then how is this possible when deploying to Heroku,
Will celery's background tasks will remain running after executing python manage.py run server in only terminal ?
Why I am in doubt ? :-
What I think is, When running celery -A proj worker -l INFO it will process (or Run) the tasks and I cannot execute run server in one terminal.
Any help would be much Appreciated. Thank You

Should I have to run command every time Or I can execute this command first then i can start the server ?
Dockerize your Celecry and write your own script for auto-run.

You can't run celery worker and django application in one terminal simultaneously, because both of them are programs that should be running in parallel. So you should use two terminals, one for django and another for celery worker.
I highly recommend to read this heroku development article for using Celery and Django on heroku.


Start python celery task permanently Linux command

I am running celery task on a remote server I am using following command to run celery:
python manage.py celery worker --beat
celery tasks are running according to schedule but when click ctrl+c or close session windows it stops.
I need a command to run celery permanently.
You can run it as daemon. See:

Starting Celery on openshift

I'm currently writing a flask application and going to use openshift. I start my worker in my dev environment using
celery worker -A wsgi.app
My question is how do I start my celery worker in openshift? Because if I started in the openshift shell when I exit the shell the process is killed and my background workers never run so the flask application never runs correctly.
I really appreciate any help. Thanks.
Why can't try like this
celery multi start worker1 \
--pidfile="$HOME/run/celery/%n.pid" \
where mentioned here

Celery worker working from command line but not as daemon, in a virtualenv

System Info
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Django 1.5.5
Python 2.7.3
Celery 3.1.9
I am running this on a vagrant virtual machine (with puppet) and attempting to set up celery to run the worker as a daemon as described in the celery docs here as well as the celery setup for django described here. I am using a virtualenv for the project located at
The actual project files are located at
I have been able to start the the worker and the beat scheduler without issue when located in the /srv/myproj directory using the command line statements.
~/virtualenvs/myproj/bin/celery -A app beat
~/virtualenvs/myproj/bin/celery worker -A app
Both beat and the worker start without issue and the scheduled task is passed to the worker and executed. The problem arises when I attempt to attempt to run them as background processes. I am using the scripts found on the celery github repo in /etc/init.d/ and using the following configuration settings in my celeryd and celerybeat files located in /etc/default
Attempting to run the services as sudo with
sudo service celeryd start
sudo service celerybeat start
Causes an error message to be thrown, I believe this is because it is using the python located in usr/lib instead of the python in the virtualenv. The error thrown is a cannot import name (the package exists in the virtualenv but not globally hence my assumption).
I also noticed on the Running the worker as a daemon it states that workers should run as unprivileged users, and that you should start workers and beat as using the multi or
--detach command. This way I was able to start the worker (not beat) but all the .log and .pid files are being created in my current directory instead of where I've specified in the /etc/default/celeryd config file.
Does anyone have a solution for getting celery to work in a virtualenv? I feel like I'm really close and am overlooking some simple part of the configuration.
I was eventually able to get this working by using supervisor and setting the environment variables in the [program:celery] environment option.

Running celeryd_multi as a daemon

I'm using celery 3.0.11 and djcelery 3.0.11 with python 2.7 and django 1.3.4.
I'm trying to run celeryd as a daemon and I've followed instructions from http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/tutorials/daemonizing.html
When I run the workers using celeryd as described in the link with a python (non-django) configuration, the daemon comes up.
When I run the workers using python manage.py celery worker --loglevel=info to test the workers, they come up fine and start to consume messages.
But when I run celeryd with a django configuration i.e. using manage.py celeryd_multi, I just get a message that says
> Starting nodes...
> <node_name>.<user_name>: OK
But I don't see any daemon running and my messages obviously don't get consumed. There is an empty log file (the one that's configured in the celeryd config file).
I've tried this with a very basic django project as well and I get the same result.
I'm wondering if I'm missing any basic configuration piece. Since I don't get any errors and I don't have any logs, I'm stuck. Running it with sh-x doesn't show anything special either.
Has anyone experienced this before or does anyone have any suggestions on what I can try?
For now I've switched to using supervisord instead of celeryd and I have no issues running multiple workers.

Upstart job to run Celery doesn't stop all the worker processes

I have written an Upstart job to run celery in my Ubuntu server. Here's my configuration file called celeryd.conf
# celeryd - runs the celery daemon
# This task is run on startup to run the celery daemon
description "run celery daemon"
start on startup
expect fork
exec su - trakklr -c "/app/trakklr/src/trakklr celeryd --events --beat --loglevel=debug --settings=production"
When I execute sudo service celeryd start, the celeryd process starts just fine and all the x number of worker process start fine.
..but when I execute, sudo service celeryd stop, it stops most of the processes but a few processes are left hanging.
Why is this happening? I'm using Celery 2.5.3.
Here's an issue from the Github tracker.
I still use init.d to run celery so this may not apply. With that in mind, stopping the celery service sends the TERM signal to celery. This tells the workers not to accept new tasks but it does not terminate existing tasks. Therefore, depending on how long your tasks take to execute you may see tasks for some time after telling celery to stop. Eventually, they will all shut down unless you have some other problem.
I wasn't able to figure this out but it seemed to be an issue with my older celery version. I found this issue mentioned on their issue-tracker and I guess it points to the same issue:
I upgraded my celery and django-celery to the 3.x.x versions and this issue was gone.

