def complete_stage_purge_process(self, target_cnxn, stage_table, process_cd):
delete_dt = - timedelta(days=30)
delete_dt = str(delete_dt)
run_pk_sql = "select run_pk from " + schemaName.PROCESS.value + "." + tableName.RUN_LOG.value + " where " + ProcessRunlog.ETL_MODIFIED_DTM.value + " <= '" + delete_dt + "' and " + \
ProcessRunlog.PROCESS_PK.value + " = (select " + ProcessRunlog.PROCESS_PK.value + " from " + schemaName.PROCESS.value + "." + \
tableName.PROCESS.value + " where " + \
Process.PROCESS_CODE.value + " = '" + process_cd + "') "
delete_sql = "delete from " + schemaName.STAGE.value + "." + stage_table + " where run_pk in (" + run_pk_sql + ")"
trgt_cursor = target_cnxn.cursor()
self.logger.debug("deletes processed successfully ")
self.logger.exception('Error in processing deletes')
But when added commit after trgt_cursor.execute(delete_sql) then below error is thrown. Could someone please help on how to handle this
AttributeError: 'psycopg2.extensions.cursor' object has no attribute 'commit'
This question already has answers here:
What is the scope of the variable "a"?
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
This is my code:
def checking():
response2 = requests.get('' + str(word[1])).text
if response2:
print(Fore.GREEN + "[" + Fore.WHITE + strftime("%H:%M:%S")+ Fore.GREEN + "]" + Fore.WHITE + " |" + Fore.GREEN + " ■ " + Fore.WHITE +
"Hash Found: " + Fore.GREEN + response2 + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n", end='')
print(Fore.RED + "[" + Fore.WHITE + strftime("%H:%M:%S")+ Fore.RED + "]" + Fore.WHITE + " |" + Fore.RED + " ■ " + Fore.WHITE +
"Hash Not Found" + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n", end='')
def Mutiple():
filename = askopenfilename(title='Choose a File', filetypes=[("Text Files", "*.txt")])
clear = lambda: os.system('cls')
with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf8") as file:
for line in file:
word = line.strip()
word = word.split(":")
return checking()
And the error code is
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\tosun\OneDrive\Desktop\Hashkiller\", line 111, in <module>
File "C:\Users\tosun\OneDrive\Desktop\Hashkiller\", line 40, in Mutiple
return checking()
File "C:\Users\tosun\OneDrive\Desktop\Hashkiller\", line 18, in checking
response2 = requests.get('' + str(word[1])).text
NameError: name 'word' is not defined
word is a local variable in Mutiple(). If you want to use it in checking(), you should pass it as a parameter.
def checking(word):
response2 = requests.get('' + str(word[1])).text
if response2:
print(Fore.GREEN + "[" + Fore.WHITE + strftime("%H:%M:%S")+ Fore.GREEN + "]" + Fore.WHITE + " |" + Fore.GREEN + " ■ " + Fore.WHITE +
"Hash Found: " + Fore.GREEN + response2 + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n", end='')
print(Fore.RED + "[" + Fore.WHITE + strftime("%H:%M:%S")+ Fore.RED + "]" + Fore.WHITE + " |" + Fore.RED + " ■ " + Fore.WHITE +
"Hash Not Found" + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n", end='')
def Mutiple():
filename = askopenfilename(title='Choose a File', filetypes=[("Text Files", "*.txt")])
clear = lambda: os.system('cls')
with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf8") as file:
for line in file:
word = line.strip()
word = word.split(":")
return checking(word)
How can I print a new line on the output file? When I try to add the new line with "/n" it just prints /n
This is what I have so far.
inputFile = open("demofile1.txt", "r")
outFile = open("Ji
string = line.split(',')
go =(string)[3::]
bo = [float(i) for i in go]
total = sum(bo)
pine = ("%8.2f"%total)
name = string[2] + "," + " " + string[1]
kale = (string[0] + " " + name + " " + "/n")
Current Result
53 Baul
You need to use \n, not /n. So this line:
kale = (string[0] + " " + name + " " + "/n")
Should be:
kale = (string[0] + " " + name + " " + "\n")
Also, please do consider using a str formatter, so all these lines:
go =(string)[3::]
bo = [float(i) for i in go]
total = sum(bo)
pine = ("%8.2f"%total)
name = string[2] + "," + " " + string[1]
kale = (string[0] + " " + name + " " + "/n")
str1 = ''.join(kale)
str2 = ''.join(pine)
outFile.write(str1 + " " + str2 + " ")
Will become:
outFile.write("{} {} {:8.2f}\n".format(string[0], string[2] + ", " + string[1], sum(bo))
This script was created by an ex-lab member that was quite a bit more adapt at Python scripting than I am.
I am attempting to find Cooccupancy between annotated peaks in "exon" regions of the entire human h19 genome. However, after trying to get this to run for about an hour I am looking for help.
Here is the script:
import math
import sys
import re
import csv
import MySQLdb
import itertools
import argparse
# format for execution: ./ <loci file> <comma separated list of marks to check> <window size> <outputfile>
# example: ./ AllGenes.txt PolII-ChIP,KAP1-ChIP,Hexim 150 output.txt
# format of loci file:
# chr2 12345678 12345900 GENEA 1 +
# chr4 987654321 98765000 GENEB 1 -
# etc...
locifile = sys.argv[1]
marks = sys.argv[2]
window = int(sys.argv[3])
outputfile = sys.argv[4]
loci = list(csv.reader(open(locifile, 'rb'),delimiter='\t'))
#loci = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(loci))
db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost",user="snrnp",passwd="snrnp",db="snrnp")
cur = db.cursor()
cntdict = {}
for mark in marks.split(","):
cntdict[mark] = []
counter = 1
for locus in loci:
print "Working on line# " + str(counter)
counter += 1
if str(locus[5]) == "+":
exon = locus[1]
exon = locus[2]
for mark in marks.split(","):
# this is incredibly dirty. sorry. I don't have time to do this better
if mark == 'PolII-ChIP':
cur.execute("select count(*) from CHIP_PEAK where mark = '" + str(mark) + "' and chr = '" + str(locus[0]) + "' and (abs(summit - " + str(exon) + ") < " + str(window) + ")")
#print "select count(*) from CHIP_PEAK where mark = '" + str(mark) + "' and chr = '" + str(locus[0]) + "' and (abs(summit - " + str(exon) + ") < " + str(window) + ")"
cur.execute("select count(*) from CHIP_PEAK where mark = '" + str(mark) + "' and chr = '" + str(locus[0]) + "' and ((chr_start < " + str(exon) + " and chr_end > " + str(exon) + ") or (abs(chr_start - " + str(exon) + ") < " + str(window) + ") or (abs(chr_end - " + str(exon) + ") < " + str(window) + "))")
#print "select count(*) from CHIP_PEAK where mark = '" + str(mark) + "' and chr = '" + str(locus[0]) + "' and ((chr_start < " + str(exon) + " and chr_end > " + str(exon) + ") or (abs(chr_start - " + str(exon) + ") < " + str(window) + ") or (abs(chr_end - " + str(exon) + ") < " + str(window) + "))"
cnt = cur.fetchone()[0]
if cnt > 0:
convertedlist = []
for key in cntdict.keys():
intersectlist = set(convertedlist[0]).intersection(*convertedlist[1:])
for key in cntdict.keys():
print str(key) + " hits: " + str(len(cntdict[key]))
print "\nTotal Intersection Count: " + str(len(intersectlist))
with open(outputfile, 'w') as outputwriter:
for line in intersectlist:
outputwriter.write(line + "\n")
This is the command line that I have been using:
./ ~/code/snRNP/analysis/from\ sequencing/KEC_Project/Pol-IIAnnotatedPeaksGenome.txt PolII-ChIP 150 KECExonOccupancy.txt
This is the latest error message I have received:
Working on line# 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 41, in <module>
cur.execute("select count(*) from CHIP_PEAK where mark = '" + str(mark) + "' and chr = '" + str(locus[0]) + "' and (abs(summit - " + str(exon) + ") < " + str(window) + ")")
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 205, in execute
self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 36, in defaulterrorhandler
raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1054, "Unknown column 'Start' in 'where clause'")
I try to update a game of n in a row. But when I try to update the array matrix i get the "string out of range error.
I made a while statement with ind < len(board_height).
What am I doing wrong here?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 61, in <module>
File "", line 23, in print_board
(matrix[0][4]) + " " + str(matrix[0][5]) + " " + str(matrix[0][6]) +" |")
IndexError: string index out of range
This is what my terminal spits out at me.
import tkinter
def print_board(y):
"""Prints the board"""
matrix = [
matrix = str(y)
print("| " + str(matrix[0][0]) + " " + str(matrix[0][1]) + " " + str(matrix[0][2]) + " " + str(matrix[0][3]) + " " + str
(matrix[0][4]) + " " + str(matrix[0][5]) + " " + str(matrix[0][6]) +" |")
print("| " + str(matrix[1][0]) + " " + str(matrix[1][1]) + " " + str(matrix[1][2]) + " " + str(matrix[1][3]) + " " + str
(matrix[1][4]) + " " + str(matrix[1][5]) + " " + str(matrix[1][6]) +" |")
print("| " + str(matrix[2][0]) + " " + str(matrix[2][1]) + " " + str(matrix[2][2]) + " " + str(matrix[2][3]) + " " + str
(matrix[2][4]) + " " + str(matrix[2][5]) + " " + str(matrix[2][6]) +" |")
print("| " + str(matrix[3][0]) + " " + str(matrix[3][1]) + " " + str(matrix[3][2]) + " " + str(matrix[3][3]) + " " + str (matrix[3][4]) + " " + str(matrix[3][5]) + " " + str(matrix[3][6]) +" |")
print("| " + str(matrix[4][0]) + " " + str(matrix[4][1]) + " " + str(matrix[4][2]) + " " + str(matrix[4][3]) + " " + str (matrix[4][4]) + " " + str(matrix[4][5]) + " " + str(matrix[4][6]) +" |")
print("| " + str(matrix[5][0]) + " " + str(matrix[5][1]) + " " + str(matrix[5][2]) + " " + str(matrix[5][3]) + " " + str (matrix[5][4]) + " " + str(matrix[5][5]) + " " + str(matrix[5][6]) +" |")
print("| " + str(matrix[6][0]) + " " + str(matrix[6][1]) + " " + str(matrix[6][2]) + " " + str(matrix[6][3]) + " " + str (matrix[6][4]) + " " + str(matrix[6][5]) + " " + str(matrix[6][6]) +" |")
return matrix
def drop_disk(matrix):
"Drops the disk in one of the seven columns"
board_height = 7
empty = 0
row = 0
col = 0
ind = 0
player1 = input("Wat is de naam van speler 1?\n")
player2 = input("Wat is de naam van speler 2?\n")
column = int(input(player1 + ", In welke colom wil je je stuk laten vallen (1-7)?\n"))
while ind < len(board_height):
for y in range(board_height):
if matrix[row][col] == empty:
y = matrix[row -1][col -1] = 1
ind += 1
return y
return -1
error is because you are reassigning matrix to str(y)
so matrix changes to str(y) which is actually '1'.
drop_disk(print_board(1)) # calls print_board(1) and sets y = '1'
def print_board(y): # assign y='1'
matrix = [
matrix = str(y) # matrix = 1