How to get only 30 seconds of a song using python - python

I want when i play a song in python it only plays the first 30 seconds of a song only no matter the length of it. I want this to be done without creating a new mp3 file. I have pydub but what is actually doing is creating a new file with 30 seconds cut which is taking too long to load on my Django page.
startMin = 9
startSec = 50
endMin = 13
endSec = 30
# Time to miliseconds
startTime = startMin*60*1000+startSec*1000
endTime = endMin*60*1000+endSec*1000
# Opening file and extracting segment
song = AudioSegment.from_mp3( item_media.file.path )
extract = song[startTime:endTime]
extract.export( 'Zoo'+'-extract.mp3', format="mp3")

I want this to be done without creating a new mp3 file.
Unless you're willing for the client to have the full file, and then manipulate e.g. an <audio> element to only play a part of it, that's not easily possible. (Technically, for an MP3 file, you might be able to seek the MP3 frame for a given time offset, and write MP3 frames until you've found the end offset, and browsers should be able to play a file mangled like that, but it's probably not worth the technical effort.)
If the issue is only that it takes too long for the extraction, only do it once for a given file and cache the result:
import os
import tempfile
import hashlib
def get_extract_mp3(original_path, startMin, startSec, endMin, endSec):
# Time to miliseconds
startTime = int(startMin * 60 * 1000 + startSec * 1000)
endTime = int(endMin * 60 * 1000 + endSec * 1000)
original_path_hash = hashlib.sha256(original_path.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
cache_file = os.path.join(
tempfile.gettempdir(), f"extract-{original_path_hash}-{startTime}-{endTime}.mp3"
if not os.path.isfile(cache_file): # No cache file yet
# Opening file and extracting segment
song = AudioSegment.from_mp3(original_path)
extract = song[startTime:endTime]
# Write the extract to a temporary file...
tmp_cache_file = cache_file + ".tmp"
extract.export(tmp_cache_file, format="mp3")
# ... and replace it into place
os.replace(tmp_cache_file, cache_file)
return cache_file
def my_view(...):
extract_path = get_extract_mp3(item_media.file.path, 9, 50, 13, 50)
return FileResponse(open(extract_path, 'rb'))
This way only the first client to request an extract for a given file and a given time will have to wait for it to happen.
You may wish to put the cache files somewhere else than gettempdir(), maybe a subdirectory thereof, and will want to make sure to clean it every once in a while too (e.g. delete the oldest files).


Split audio on timestamps librosa

I have an audio file and I want to split it every 2 seconds. Is there a way to do this with librosa?
So if I had a 60 seconds file, I would split it into 30 two second files.
librosa is first and foremost a library for audio analysis, not audio synthesis or processing. The support for writing simple audio files is given (see here), but it is also stated there:
This function is deprecated in librosa 0.7.0. It will be removed in 0.8. Usage of write_wav should be replaced by soundfile.write.
Given this information, I'd rather use a tool like sox to split audio files.
From "Split mp3 file to TIME sec each using SoX":
You can run SoX like this:
sox file_in.mp3 file_out.mp3 trim 0 2 : newfile : restart
It will create a series of files with a 2-second chunk of the audio each.
If you'd rather stay within Python, you might want to use pysox for the job.
You can split your file using librosa running the following code. I have added comments necessary so that you understand the steps carried out.
# First load the file
audio, sr = librosa.load(file_name)
# Get number of samples for 2 seconds; replace 2 by any number
buffer = 2 * sr
samples_total = len(audio)
samples_wrote = 0
counter = 1
while samples_wrote < samples_total:
#check if the buffer is not exceeding total samples
if buffer > (samples_total - samples_wrote):
buffer = samples_total - samples_wrote
block = audio[samples_wrote : (samples_wrote + buffer)]
out_filename = "split_" + str(counter) + "_" + file_name
# Write 2 second segment
librosa.output.write_wav(out_filename, block, sr)
counter += 1
samples_wrote += buffer
librosa.output.write_wav() has been removed from librosa, so now we have to use soundfile.write()
Import required library
import soundfile as sf
librosa.output.write_wav(out_filename, block, sr)
sf.write(out_filename, block, sr)

Generate 2d images of molecules from PubChem FTP data

Rather than crawl PubChem's website, I'd prefer to be nice and generate the images locally from the PubChem ftp site:
The only problem is that I'm limited to OSX and Linux and I can't seem to find a way of programmatically generating the 2d images that they have on their site. See this example:
Under the heading "2D Structure" we have this image here:
That is what I'm trying to generate.
If you want something working out of the box I would suggest using molconvert from ChemAxon's Marvin (, which is free for academics. It can be used easily from the command line and it supports plenty of input and output formats. So for your example it would be:
molconvert "png" -s "C1=CC(=C(C=C1[N+](=O)[O-])[N+](=O)[O-])Cl" -o cdnb.png
Resulting in the following image:
It also allows you to set parameters such as width, height, quality, background color and so on.
However, if you are a programmer I would definitely recommend RDKit. Follows a code which generates images for a pair of compounds given as smiles.
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import Draw
ms_smis = [["C1=CC(=C(C=C1[N+](=O)[O-])[N+](=O)[O-])Cl", "cdnb"],
["C1=CC(=CC(=C1)N)C(=O)N", "3aminobenzamide"]]
ms = [[Chem.MolFromSmiles(x[0]), x[1]] for x in ms_smis]
for m in ms: Draw.MolToFile(m[0], m[1] + ".svg", size=(800, 800))
This gives you following images:
So I also emailed the PubChem guys and they got back to me very quickly with this response:
The only bulk access we have to images is through the download
You can request up to 50,000 images at a time.
Which is better than I was expecting, but still not amazing since it requires downloading things that I in theory could generate locally. So I'm leaving this question open until some kind soul writes an open source library to do the same.
I figure I might as well save people some time if they are doing the same thing as I am. I've created a Ruby Gem backed on Mechanize to automate the downloading of images. Please be kind to their servers and only download what you need.
gem install pubchem
An open source option is the Indigo Toolkit, which also has pre-compiled packages for Linux, Windows, and MacOS and language bindings for Python, Java, .NET, and C libraries. I chose the 1.4.0 beta.
I had a similar interest to yours in converting SMILES to 2D structures and adapted my Python to address your question and to capture timing information. It uses the PubChem FTP (Compound/Extras) download of CID-SMILES.gz. The following script is an implementation of a local SMILES-to-2D-structure converter that reads a range of rows from the PubChem CID-SMILES file of isomeric SMILES (which contains over 102 million compound records) and converts the SMILES to PNG images of the 2D structures. In three tests with 1000 SMILES-to-structure conversions, it took 35, 50, and 60 seconds to convert 1000 SMILES at file row offsets of 0, 100,000, and 10,000,000 on my Windows 10 laptop (Intel i7-7500U CPU, 2.70GHz) with a solid state drive and running Python 3.7.4. The 3000 files totaled 100 MB in size.
from indigo import *
from indigo.renderer import *
import subprocess
import datetime
def timerstart():
# start timer and print time, return start time
start =
print("Start time =", start)
return start
def timerstop(start):
# end timer and print time and elapsed time, return elapsed time
endtime =
elapsed = endtime - start
print("End time =", endtime)
print("Elapsed time =", elapsed)
return elapsed
numrecs = 1000
recoffset = 0 # 10000000 # record offset
starttime = timerstart()
indigo = Indigo()
renderer = IndigoRenderer(indigo)
# set render options
indigo.setOption("render-atom-color-property", "color")
indigo.setOption("render-coloring", True)
indigo.setOption("render-comment-position", "bottom")
indigo.setOption("render-comment-offset", "20")
indigo.setOption("render-background-color", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
indigo.setOption("render-output-format", "png")
# set data path (including data file) and output file path
datapath = r'../Download/CID-SMILES'
pngpath = r'./2D/'
# read subset of rows from data file
mycmd = "head -" + str(recoffset+numrecs) + " " + datapath + " | tail -" + str(numrecs)
(out, err) = subprocess.Popen(mycmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()
lines = str(out.decode("utf-8")).split("\n")
count = 0
for line in lines:
cols = line.split("\t") # split on tab
key = cols[0] # cid in cols[0]
smiles = cols[1] # smiles in cols[1]
mol = indigo.loadMolecule(smiles)
s = "CID=" + key
indigo.setOption("render-comment", s)
#indigo.setOption("render-image-size", 200, 250)
#indigo.setOption("render-image-size", 400, 500)
renderer.renderToFile(mol, pngpath + key + ".png")
count += 1
print("Error processing line after", str(count), ":", line)
elapsedtime = timerstop(starttime)
print("Converted", str(count), "SMILES to PNG")

How can I write a MIDI file with Python?

I am writing a script to convert a picture into MIDI notes based on the RGBA values of the individual pixels. However, I cannot seem to get the last step working, which is to actually output the notes to a file.
I have tried using the MIDIUtil library, however its documentation is not the greatest and I can't seem to figure it out.
If anyone could tell me how to sequence the notes (so that they don't all begin at the beginning) it would be greatly appreciated.
Looking at the sample, something like
from midiutil.MidiFile import MIDIFile
# create your MIDI object
mf = MIDIFile(1) # only 1 track
track = 0 # the only track
time = 0 # start at the beginning
mf.addTrackName(track, time, "Sample Track")
mf.addTempo(track, time, 120)
# add some notes
channel = 0
volume = 100
pitch = 60 # C4 (middle C)
time = 0 # start on beat 0
duration = 1 # 1 beat long
mf.addNote(track, channel, pitch, time, duration, volume)
pitch = 64 # E4
time = 2 # start on beat 2
duration = 1 # 1 beat long
mf.addNote(track, channel, pitch, time, duration, volume)
pitch = 67 # G4
time = 4 # start on beat 4
duration = 1 # 1 beat long
mf.addNote(track, channel, pitch, time, duration, volume)
# write it to disk
with open("output.mid", 'wb') as outf:
I know this is an old post, but I'm the author of the library, and I wanted to mention that python 2 and 3 support have now been unified and with the demise of Google Code the code is now hosted on GitHub and can be installed via pip, ie:
pip install MIDIUtil
Documentation is available at Read The Docs.
(Tried to comment but I lacked the experience points.)
The end-of-track message is created automatically when the file is written to disk.

How can I produce real-time audio output from music made with Music21?

How can I produce real-time audio output from music made with Music21. Failing that, how can i produce ANY audio output from music made with Music21 via open-source software? Thanks for the help.
As you've seen, music21 isn't designed to be a music playback system, but it IS designed to be embedded within other playback systems or to call them from within the system. We're not planning on putting too much work into playback systems (because of the hardware support, our being a tiny research lab, the work still needing to be done on musical analysis, etc.), but your solution is so elegant that it is now included in all versions of music21 (post v1.1) as the music21.midi.realtime module. Here's an example that takes music21's ability to dynamically allocate midi channels with different pitch-bend objects in order to simulate microtonal playback (a major problem for most midi playback):
# Set up a detuned piano
# (where each key has a random
# but consistent detuning from 30 cents flat to sharp)
# and play a Bach Chorale on it in real time.
from music21 import *
import random
keyDetune = []
for i in range(0, 127):
keyDetune.append(random.randint(-30, 30))
b = corpus.parse('bach/bwv66.6')
for n in b.flat.notes:
n.microtone = keyDetune[n.pitch.midi]
sp = midi.realtime.StreamPlayer(b)
The StreamPlayer's .play() function can also take busyFunction and busyArgs and busyWaitMilliseconds arguments which specify a function to call with arguments at most every busyWaitMilliseconds (could be more if your system is slower). There is also an endFunction and endArgs that will be called at the end, in case you want to set up some sort of threaded playback. -- Myke Cuthbert (Music21 creator)
So here's what I found out. Here's a python script that works on Windows XP. It needs pygame in addition to music21.
# Generates and Plays 2 Music21 Scores "on the fly".
# see way below for source notes
from music21 import *
# we create the music21 Bottom Part, and do this explicitly, one object at a time.
n1 = note.Note('e4')
n1.duration.type = 'whole'
n2 = note.Note('d4')
n2.duration.type = 'whole'
m1 = stream.Measure()
m2 = stream.Measure()
partLower = stream.Part()
# For the music21 Upper Part, we automate the note creation procedure
data1 = [('g4', 'quarter'), ('a4', 'quarter'), ('b4', 'quarter'), ('c#5', 'quarter')]
data2 = [('d5', 'whole')]
data = [data1, data2]
partUpper = stream.Part()
def makeUpperPart(data):
for mData in data:
m = stream.Measure()
for pitchName, durType in mData:
n = note.Note(pitchName)
n.duration.type = durType
# Now, we can add both Part objects into a music21 Score object.
sCadence = stream.Score()
sCadence.insert(0, partUpper)
sCadence.insert(0, partLower)
# Now, let's play the MIDI of the sCadence Score [from memory, ie no file write necessary] using pygame
import cStringIO
# for music21 <= v.1.2:
if hasattr(sCadence, 'midiFile'):
sCadence_mf = sCadence.midiFile
else: # for >= v.1.3:
sCadence_mf = midi.translate.streamToMidiFile(sCadence)
sCadence_mStr = sCadence_mf.writestr()
sCadence_mStrFile = cStringIO.StringIO(sCadence_mStr)
import pygame
freq = 44100 # audio CD quality
bitsize = -16 # unsigned 16 bit
channels = 2 # 1 is mono, 2 is stereo
buffer = 1024 # number of samples
pygame.mixer.init(freq, bitsize, channels, buffer)
# optional volume 0 to 1.0
def play_music(music_file):
stream music with module in blocking manner
this will stream the sound from disk while playing
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
print "Music file %s loaded!" % music_file
except pygame.error:
print "File %s not found! (%s)" % (music_file, pygame.get_error())
# check if playback has finished
# play the midi file we just saved
# now let's make a new music21 Score by reversing the upperPart notes
data2 = [('d5', 'whole')]
data = [data1, data2]
partUpper = stream.Part()
sCadence2 = stream.Score()
sCadence2.insert(0, partUpper)
sCadence2.insert(0, partLower)
# now let's play the new Score
sCadence2_mf = sCadence2.midiFile
sCadence2_mStr = sCadence2_mf.writestr()
sCadence2_mStrFile = cStringIO.StringIO(sCadence2_mStr)
## There are 3 sources for this mashup:
# 1. Source for the Music21 Score Creation
# 2. Source for the Music21 MidiFile Class Behaviour
# 3. Source for the pygame player:

How to get progress of file move in python?

I've got a little script for sorting out my dowloaded files and it works great, but I'd like to print out the progress of a file move, for when it's doing the big ones, right now I do something like:
print "moving..."
os.renames(pathTofile, newName)
print "done"
But I'd like to be able to see something like a progress bar ( [..... ] style) or a percentage printed to stdout.
I don't need/want a gui of any sort, just the simplest / least-work ( :) ) way to get the operation progress).
You won't be able to get that kind of information using os.renames. Your best bet is to replace that with a home grown file copy operation but call stat on the file beforehand in order to get the complete size so you can track how far through you are.
Something like this:
source_size = os.stat(SOURCE_FILENAME).st_size
copied = 0
source = open(SOURCE_FILENAME, 'rb')
target = open(TARGET_FILENAME, 'wb')
while True:
chunk =
if not chunk:
copied += len(chunk)
print '\r%02d%%' % (copied * 100 / source_size),
Note however that this will more than likely be markedly slower than using os.rename.
There isn't any way to get a progress bar because the "rename" call that moves the file is a single OS call.
It's worth noting that the "rename" call only takes time if the source and destination are on different physical volumes. If they're on the same volume, then the rename will take almost no time. If you know that you're copying data between volumes, you may wish to use functions from the shutil module such as copyfileobj. There is no callback for progress monitoring, however you can implement your own source or destination file-like object to track progress.
This example method expands on the answer by Benno by estimating the time remaining and removing the progress line when the copy is complete.
def copy_large_file(src, dst):
Copy a large file showing progress.
print('copying "{}" --> "{}"'.format(src, dst))
# Start the timer and get the size.
start = time.time()
size = os.stat(src).st_size
print('{} bytes'.format(size))
# Adjust the chunk size to the input size.
divisor = 10000 # .1%
chunk_size = size / divisor
while chunk_size == 0 and divisor > 0:
divisor /= 10
chunk_size = size / divisor
print('chunk size is {}'.format(chunk_size))
# Copy.
with open(src, 'rb') as ifp:
with open(dst, 'wb') as ofp:
copied = 0 # bytes
chunk =
while chunk:
# Write and calculate how much has been written so far.
copied += len(chunk)
per = 100. * float(copied) / float(size)
# Calculate the estimated time remaining.
elapsed = time.time() - start # elapsed so far
avg_time_per_byte = elapsed / float(copied)
remaining = size - copied
est = remaining * avg_time_per_byte
est1 = size * avg_time_per_byte
eststr = 'rem={:>.1f}s, tot={:>.1f}s'.format(est, est1)
# Write out the status.
sys.stdout.write('\r{:>6.1f}% {} {} --> {} '.format(per, eststr, src, dst))
# Read in the next chunk.
chunk =
except IOError as obj:
print('\nERROR: {}'.format(obj))
sys.stdout.write('\r\033[K') # clear to EOL
elapsed = time.time() - start
print('copied "{}" --> "{}" in {:>.1f}s"'.format(src, dst, elapsed))
You can see a fully functioning version in the gist entry here:

