how i can precise this python code into few lines? - python

I want to precise this code where I am finding mean which is updating data frame. How I can find patterns and take this code in few lines.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv('Dataset2.csv')
df = df.to_numpy()
for i in range (0,len(df)):
mean_1 = df[i,1:5].sum() / 4
mean_2 = (df[i,0:1].sum() + df[i,2:5].sum()) / 4
mean_3 = (df[i,0:2].sum() + df[i,3:5].sum()) / 4
mean_4 = (df[i,0:3].sum() + df[i,4:5].sum()) / 4
mean_5 = df[i,0:4].sum() / 4
df[i,0] = df[i,0] - mean_1
df[i,1] = df[i,1] - mean_2
df[i,2] = df[i,2] - mean_3
df[i,3] = df[i,3] - mean_4
df[i,4] = df[i,4] - mean_5

My interpretation of what you are trying to do is
given a dataframe df, create a new dataframe where the value of the element in row i, column j, is given by the mean of all values in row i - except the one in column j
If this is correct then the following will be much quicker. It assumes the dataframe only consists of columns necessary for this calculation. If there are extra columns you will need to adjust the solution with indexing
means = (df.sum(axis=1).reshape((len(df),1)) - df)/4
means will be a numpy array so wrap it up in a pandas Dataframe if that's what you need


Deleting the same outliers in two timeseries

I have a question about eliminating outliers from two-time series. One time series includes spot market prices and the other includes power outputs. The two series are from 2012 to 2016 and are both CSV files with the with a timestamp and then a value. As example for the power output: 2012-01-01 00:00:00,2335.2152646951617 and for the price: 2012-01-01 00:00:00,17.2
Because the spot market prices are very volatile and have a lot of outliers, I have filtered them. For the second time series, I have to delete the values with the same timestamp, which were eliminated in the time series of the prices. I thought about generating a list with the deleted values and writing a loop to delete the values with the same timestamp in the second time series. But so far that has not worked and I'm not really on. Does anyone have an idea?
My python code looks as follow:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
power_output = pd.read_csv("./data/external/power_output.csv", delimiter=",", parse_dates=[0], index_col=[0])
spotmarket = pd.read_csv("./data/external/spotmarket_dhp.csv", delimiter=",", parse_dates=[0], index_col=[0])
r = spotmarket['price'].pct_change().dropna() * 100
Q1 = r.quantile(.25)
Q3 = r.quantile(.75)
q1 = Q1-2*(Q3-Q1)
q3 = Q3+2*(Q3-Q1)
a = r[r.between(q1, q3)]
Can somebody help me?
If your question is about how to compare two timestamps you can have a look at this.
Basically you could do:
out = r[~r.between(q1, q3)] # negation of your between to get the outliers
Which is a merge operation that conserves only those rows that are only present in the left dataframe
The following suggestion is based on an answer of mine from a previous post.
You can solve your problem by merging both of your series and storing them in pandas dataframe. Then you can use any desired technique to identify and remove outliers. Take a look at the post mentioned above.
Here is my take on your particular problem using a snippet that can handle more than one series:
Since I don't have access to your data, the following snippet will produce two series where one of them has a distinctive outlier:
def sample(colname):
base = 100
nsample = 20
sigma = 10
# Basic df with trend and sinus seasonality
trend1 = np.linspace(0,1, nsample)
y1 = np.sin(trend1)
dates = pd.date_range(pd.datetime(2016, 1, 1).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), periods=nsample).tolist()
df = pd.DataFrame({'dates':dates, 'trend1':trend1, 'y1':y1})
df = df.set_index(['dates'])
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
# Gaussian Noise with amplitude sigma
df['y2'] = sigma * np.random.normal(size=nsample)
df['y3'] = df['y2'] + base + (np.sin(trend1))
df['trend2'] = 1/(np.cos(trend1)/1.05)
df['y4'] = df['y3'] * df['trend2']
df.columns = [colname]
df_sample1 = sample(colname = 'series1')
df_sample2 = sample(colname = 'series2')
df_sample2['series2'].iloc[10] = 800
Series 1 - No outliers
Series 2 - A distinctive outlier
Now you can merge those series like this:
# Merge dataframes
df_merged = pd.merge(df_sample1, df_sample2, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True)
What is considered an outlier will depend full on the nature of your dataset. In this case, you can set the level for identifying outliers using sscipy.zscore(). In the following case, every observation with a difference that exceeds 3 is considered an outlier.
# A function for removing outliers
def noSpikes(df, level, keepFirst):
# 1. Get some info about the original data:
#df = df_merged
#level = 3
#keepFirst = True
firstVal = df[:1]
colNames = df.columns
colNumber = len(df.columns)
#cleanBy = 'Series1'
# 2. Take the first difference and
df_diff = df.diff()
# 3. Remove missing values
df_clean = df_diff.dropna()
# 4. Select a level for a Z-score to identify and remove outliers
df_Z = df_clean[(np.abs(stats.zscore(df_clean)) < level).all(axis=1)]
ix_keep = df_Z.index
# 5. Subset the raw dataframe with the indexes you'd like to keep
df_keep = df.loc[ix_keep]
# 6.
# df_keep will be missing some indexes.
# Do the following if you'd like to keep those indexes
# and, for example, fill missing values with the previous values
df_out = pd.merge(df_keep, df, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True)
# 7. Keep only the original columns (drop the diffs)
df_out = df_out.ix[:,:colNumber]
# 8. Fill missing values
df_complete = df_out.fillna(axis=0, method='ffill')
# 9. Reset column names
df_complete.columns = colNames
# Keep the first value
if keepFirst:
df_complete.iloc[0] = firstVal.iloc[0]
df_clean = noSpikes(df = df_merged, level = 3, keepFirst = True)
Let me know how this works out for you.
Here's the whole thing for an easy copy-paste:
# Imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
# A function for noisy data with a trend element
def sample(colname):
base = 100
nsample = 20
sigma = 10
# Basic df with trend and sinus seasonality
trend1 = np.linspace(0,1, nsample)
y1 = np.sin(trend1)
dates = pd.date_range(pd.datetime(2016, 1, 1).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), periods=nsample).tolist()
df = pd.DataFrame({'dates':dates, 'trend1':trend1, 'y1':y1})
df = df.set_index(['dates'])
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
# Gaussian Noise with amplitude sigma
df['y2'] = sigma * np.random.normal(size=nsample)
df['y3'] = df['y2'] + base + (np.sin(trend1))
df['trend2'] = 1/(np.cos(trend1)/1.05)
df['y4'] = df['y3'] * df['trend2']
df.columns = [colname]
df_sample1 = sample(colname = 'series1')
df_sample2 = sample(colname = 'series2')
df_sample2['series2'].iloc[10] = 800
# Merge dataframes
df_merged = pd.merge(df_sample1, df_sample2, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True)
# A function for removing outliers
def noSpikes(df, level, keepFirst):
# 1. Get some info about the original data:
firstVal = df[:1]
colNames = df.columns
colNumber = len(df.columns)
#cleanBy = 'Series1'
# 2. Take the first difference and
df_diff = df.diff()
# 3. Remove missing values
df_clean = df_diff.dropna()
# 4. Select a level for a Z-score to identify and remove outliers
df_Z = df_clean[(np.abs(stats.zscore(df_clean)) < level).all(axis=1)]
ix_keep = df_Z.index
# 5. Subset the raw dataframe with the indexes you'd like to keep
df_keep = df.loc[ix_keep]
# 6.
# df_keep will be missing some indexes.
# Do the following if you'd like to keep those indexes
# and, for example, fill missing values with the previous values
df_out = pd.merge(df_keep, df, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True)
# 7. Keep only the original columns (drop the diffs)
df_out = df_out.ix[:,:colNumber]
# 8. Fill missing values
df_complete = df_out.fillna(axis=0, method='ffill')
# 9. Reset column names
df_complete.columns = colNames
# Keep the first value
if keepFirst:
df_complete.iloc[0] = firstVal.iloc[0]
df_clean = noSpikes(df = df_merged, level = 3, keepFirst = True)

Creating new pandas columns with original value plus random number in error range

I have a pandas dataframe which has a column 'INTENSITY' and a numpy array of same length containing the error for each intensity. I would like to generate columns with randomly generated numbers in the error range.
So far I use two nested for loops to create the new columns but I feel like this is inefficient:
theor_err = [ sqrt(abs(x)) for x in theor_df[str(INTENSITY)] ]
theor_err = np.asarray(theor_err)
for nr_sample in range(2):
sample = np.zeros(len(theor_df[str(INTENSITY)]))
for i, error in enumerate(theor_err):
sample[i] = theor_df[str(INTENSITY)][i] + random.uniform(-error, error)
theor_df['gen_{}'.format(nr_sample)] = Series(sample, index=theor_df.index)
Is there a more efficient way of approaching a problem like this?
Numpy can handle arrays for you. So, you can do it like this:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
Suppose you want to generate 6 samples. You can try to code below. You can tune the number of samples you want by setting the value k.
df = pd.DataFrame([[1],[2],[3],[4],[-5]], columns=["intensity"])
k = 6
sample_names = ["sample" + str(i+1) for i in range(k)]
df["err"] = np.sqrt(np.abs((df["intensity"])))
df[sample_names] = pd.DataFrame(
df["err"].map(lambda x: np.random.uniform(-x, x, k)).values.tolist())
df.loc[:,sample_names] = df.loc[:,sample_names].add(df.intensity, axis=0)

Optimizing Python Code: Faster groupby and for loops

I want to make a For Loop given below, faster in python.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy
xl = pd.DataFrame({'Concat' : np.arange(101,999), 'ships_x' : np.random.randint(1001,3000,size=898)})
yl = pd.DataFrame({'PickDate' : np.random.randint(1,8,size=10000),'Concat' : np.random.randint(101,999,size=10000), 'ships_x' : np.random.randint(101,300,size=10000), 'ships_y' : np.random.randint(1001,3000,size=10000)})
tempno = [np.random.randint(1,100,size=5)]
p = pd.DataFrame(0,index=np.arange(len(xl)),columns=['temp','cv']).astype(object)
for ib in [xb for xb in range(0,len(xl))]:
tempno1 = np.append(tempno,ib)
temp = list(set(tempno1))
temptab = yl[yl['Concat'].isin(np.array(xl['Concat'][tempno1]))].groupby('PickDate')['ships_x','ships_y'].sum().reset_index()
temptab['contri'] = temptab['ships_x']/temptab['ships_y']
p.ix[k-1,'cv'] = 1 if math.isnan(scipy.stats.variation(temptab['contri'])) else scipy.stats.variation(temptab['contri'])
p.ix[k-1,'temp'] = temp
k = k+1
xl, yl - two data frames I am working on with columns like Concat, x_ships and y_ships.
tempno - a initial list of indices of xl dataframe, referring to a list of 'Concat' values.
So, in for loop we add one extra index to tempno in each iteration and then subset 'yl' dataframe based on 'Concat' values matching with those of 'xl' dataframe. Then, we find "coefficient of variation"(taken from scipy lib) and make note in new dataframe 'p'.
The problem is it is taking too much time as number of iterations of for loop varies in thousands. The 'group_by' line is taking maximum time. I have tried and made a few changes, now the code look likes below, changes made mentioned in comments. There is a slight improvement but this doesn't solve my purpose. Please suggest the fastest way possible to implement this. Many thanks.
# Getting all tempno1 into a list with one step
tempno1 = [np.append(tempno,ib) for ib in [xb for xb in range(0,len(xl))]]
temp = [list(set(tempk)) for tempk in tempno1]
# Taking only needed columns from x and y dfs
xtemp = xl[['Concat']]
ytemp = yl[['Concat','ships_x','ships_y','PickDate']]
#Shortlisting y df and groupby in two diff steps
ytemp = [ytemp[ytemp['Concat'].isin(np.array(xtemp['Concat'][tempnokk]))] for tempnokk in tempno1]
temptab = [ytempk.groupby('PickDate')['ships_x','ships_y'].sum().reset_index() for ytempk in ytemp]
tempkcontri = [tempk['ships_x']/tempk['ships_y'] for tempk in temptab]
tempkcontri = [pd.DataFrame(tempkcontri[i],columns=['contri']) for i in range(0,len(tempkcontri))]
temptab = [temptab[i].join(tempkcontri[i]) for i in range(0,len(temptab))]
pcv = [1 if math.isnan(scipy.stats.variation(temptabkk['contri'])) else scipy.stats.variation(temptabkk['contri']) for temptabkk in temptab]
p = pd.DataFrame({'temp' : temp,'cv': pcv})

pandas: setting last N rows of multi-index to Nan for speeding up groupby with shift

I am trying to speed up my groupby.apply + shift and
thanks to this previous question and answer: How to speed up Pandas multilevel dataframe shift by group? I can prove that it does indeed speed things up when you have many groups.
From that question I now have the following code to set the first entry in each multi-index to Nan. And now I can do my shift globally rather than per group.
df.iloc[df.groupby(level=0).size().cumsum()[:-1]] = np.nan
but I want to look forward, not backwards, and need to do calculations across N rows. So I am trying to use some similar code to set the last N entries to NaN, but obviously I am missing some important indexing knowledge as I just can't figure it out.
I figure I want to convert this so that every entry is a range rather than a single integer. How would I do that?
# the start of each group, ignoring the first entry
Test setup (for backwards shift) if you want to try it:
length = 5
groups = 3
rng1 = pd.date_range('1/1/1990', periods=length, freq='D')
frames = []
for x in xrange(0,groups):
tmpdf = pd.DataFrame({'date':rng1,'category':int(10000000*abs(np.random.randn())),'colA':np.random.randn(length),'colB':np.random.randn(length)})
df = pd.concat(frames)
df['tmpShift'] = df['colB'].shift(1)
df.iloc[df.groupby(level=0).size().cumsum()[:-1]] = np.nan
# Yay this is so much faster.
df['newColumn'] = df['tmpShift'] / df['colA']
I ended up doing it using a groupby apply as follows (and coded to work forwards or backwards):
def replace_tail(grp,col,N,value):
if (N > 0):
grp[col][:N] = value
grp[col][N:] = value
return grp
df = df.groupby(level=0).apply(replace_tail,'tmpShift',2,np.nan)
So the final code is:
def replace_tail(grp,col,N,value):
if (N > 0):
grp[col][:N] = value
grp[col][N:] = value
return grp
length = 5
groups = 3
rng1 = pd.date_range('1/1/1990', periods=length, freq='D')
frames = []
for x in xrange(0,groups):
tmpdf = pd.DataFrame({'date':rng1,'category':int(10000000*abs(np.random.randn())),'colA':np.random.randn(length),'colB':np.random.randn(length)})
df = pd.concat(frames)
df['tmpShift'] = df['colB'].shift(shiftBy)
df = df.groupby(level=0).apply(replace_tail,'tmpShift',shiftBy,np.nan)
# Yay this is so much faster.
df['newColumn'] = df['tmpShift'] / df['colA']

Pandas assign each row the mean of its bin

I have the following dataframe (p1.head(7)):
0 6.286333
1 3.317000
2 13.24889
3 26.20667
4 26.25556
5 60.59000
6 79.59000
7 1.361111
I can get the bin ranges using:
pandas.qcut(p1.ColA, 4)
Is there a way I can create a new column where each value corresponds to the mean value of the bin? I.e for each bin, (a,b], I want (a+b)/2
The key here is the retbins option on qcut.
import pandas
df = pandas.DataFrame(np.random.random(100)*100, columns=['val1'])
pctiles = pandas.qcut(df['val1'],4,retbins=True)
pctile_object = pctiles[0]
pctile_boundaries = pctiles[1]
Here pctile_object is just what qcut would return if you hadn't passed retbins=True, and pctile_boundaries is a numpy array of the interval boundaries.
import numpy
bin_halfway = pctile_boundaries[:-1] + (numpy.diff(pctile_boundaries)/2)
This gives us the halfway points of the bins.
Now we make a dataframe with just the interval names (as strings) and the halfway points.
df2 = pandas.DataFrame({'quartile boundaries': pctile_object.levels,
'midway point': bin_halfway})
Finally, merge the bin halfway points back into the original dataframe.
df['quartile boundaries'] = pctile_object
pandas.merge(df,df2,on='quartile boundaries')
Then you can drop quartile boundaries if you want.
I wrote a function to utilize #exp1orer 's logic:
def midway_quantiles(feature_series,q=4):
import pandas as pd
pctiles = pd.qcut(feature_series,q,retbins=True)
pctile_object = pctiles[0]
df1= pd.DataFrame({"feature":feature_series,"q_bound": pctile_object})
pctile_boundaries = pctiles[1]
import numpy as np
bin_halfway = pctile_boundaries[:-1] + (np.diff(pctile_boundaries)/2)
df2 = pd.DataFrame({"q_bound":,
"midpoint": bin_halfway})
return df3["midpoint"]

