So I had my DQN training fine, solves the environment after ~65_000 iterations. However, I started working on something else and now it's completely broken and won't get to even close to the same level anymore.
Following advice from previous work, I tuned hyperparameters and still didn't see the same results anymore.
import gym
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torch import optim
from models import DQN
from memory import Memory
from utils import wrap_input, epsilon_greedy
def main() -> int:
env = gym.make("CartPole-v1")
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
# Online and offline model for learning
model = DQN(env.observation_space, env.action_space, 24).to(device)
target = DQN(env.observation_space, env.action_space, 24).to(device)
# Optimizer and loss function
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=.001)
loss_fn = F.smooth_l1_loss
memory = Memory(10_000)
obs, info = env.reset()
for it in range(65_000):
# Do this for the batch norm
# Maybe explore
if np.random.random() <= epsilon_greedy(1.0, .01, 15_000, it):
state = wrap_input(obs, device).unsqueeze(0)
action = model(state).argmax().item()
action = env.action_space.sample()
# Act in environment and store the memory
next_state, reward, done, truncated, info = env.step(action)
if truncated or done:
next_state = np.zeros(env.observation_space.shape)[obs, action, reward, int(done), next_state])
done = done or truncated
if done:
obs, info = env.reset()
# Train
if len(memory) > 32:
states, actions, rewards, dones, next_states = memory.sample(32)
# Wrap and move all values to the cpu
states = wrap_input(states, device)
actions = wrap_input(actions, device, torch.int64, reshape=True)
next_states = wrap_input(next_states, device)
rewards = wrap_input(rewards, device, reshape=True)
dones = wrap_input(dones, device, reshape=True)
# Get current q-values
qs = model(states)
qs = torch.gather(qs, dim=1, index=actions)
# Compute target q-values
with torch.no_grad():
next_qs, _ = target(next_states).max(dim=1)
next_qs = next_qs.reshape(-1, 1)
target_qs = rewards + .9 * (1 - dones) * next_qs.reshape(-1, 1)
# Compute loss
loss = loss_fn(qs, target_qs)
# Clip gradients
nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 1)
# Backprop
# soft update
with torch.no_grad():
for target_param, local_param in zip(target.parameters(), model.parameters()): * + (1 - 1e-2) *
if it % 200 == 0:
class FlatExtractor(nn.Module):
'''Does nothing but pass the input on'''
def __init__(self, obs_space):
super(FlatExtractor, self).__init__()
self.n_flatten = obs_space.shape[0]
def forward(self, obs):
return obs
class DQN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, obs_space, act_space, layer_size):
super(DQN, self).__init__()
# Feature extractor
if len(obs_space.shape) == 1:
self.feature_extractor = FlatExtractor(obs_space)
elif len(obs_space.shape) == 3:
self.feature_extractor = NatureCnn(obs_space)
raise NotImplementedErorr("This type of environment is not supported")
# Neural network = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(self.feature_extractor.n_flatten, layer_size),
nn.Linear(layer_size, layer_size),
nn.Linear(layer_size, act_space.n),
def forward(self, obs):
import random
from collections import deque
class Memory(object):
def __init__(self, maxlen):
self.memory = deque(maxlen=maxlen)
def store(self, experience):
def sample(self, n_samples):
return zip(*random.sample(self.memory, n_samples))
def __len__(self):
return len(self.memory)
def wrap_input(arr, device, dtype=torch.float, reshape=False):
output = torch.from_numpy(np.array(arr)).type(dtype).to(device)
if reshape:
output = output.reshape(-1, 1)
return output
def epsilon_greedy(start, end, n_steps, it):
return max(start - (start - end) * (it / n_steps), end)
Is there something that I'm greatly missing? I've tried training for longer it doesn't change. What seems to be the biggest problem is that the loss explodes, and even changing the tau for hard updates didn't seem to fix this problem.
I had a lot of difficulty getting your code to run, therefore I had to comment several things out. I also commented things that added unnecessary complexity while debugging, for instance, a simple environment like cartpole doesn't require a target network. Also, focus more on the total reward gained, instead of the loss.
A few major changes that I made were -
At the end of the iteration, the next_state should become the current_state -
obs = next_state
I swapped your explore and exploit code
if np.random.random() <= epsilon_greedy(1.0, .01, 15_000, it):
state = wrap_input(obs, device).unsqueeze(0)
action = model(state).argmax().item()
action = env.action_space.sample()
Your code basically starts off exploiting by taking the argmax and once the epsilon value is low enough, it starts randomly sampling. This needs to be swapped.
I replaced it with -
if np.random.random() <= epsilon_greedy(1.0, .01, 15_000, it):
action = env.action_space.sample()
state = wrap_input(obs, device).unsqueeze(0)
action = model(state).argmax().item()
I increased your batch size. A larger batch size in cartpole, speeds up training considerably -
states, actions, rewards, dones, next_states = memory.sample(128)
Also, it is a good idea to wait for your model to gain sufficient experiences before starting training -
if len(memory) > 500:
states, actions, rewards, dones, next_states = memory.sample(128)
The other changes that I made were to ease up debugging.
I didn't see any use of class FlatExtractor(nn.Module), therefore I removed it and made the following change -
if len(obs_space.shape) == 1:
self.feature_extractor = env.observation_space.shape[0]
def forward(self, obs):
I removed all instances of BatchNorm
Replaced loss with MSELoss and removed clip gradients
loss_fn = nn.MSELoss()
Changed the learning rate to lr=.0001
Increased the width of your neural network -
model = DQN(env.observation_space, env.action_space, 128).to(device)
Removed the target network and its corresponding soft updates.
Added in total reward to check if the algorithm is learning
tot_rew = 0
for it in range(65_000):
next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
tot_rew += reward
if done:
print("tot_rew = ", tot_rew)
obs= env.reset()
tot_rew = 0
Here is the total reward I get at the end -
tot_rew = 228.0
tot_rew = 472.0
tot_rew = 243.0
tot_rew = 300.0
Here is the entire fixed code -
import gym
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torch import optim
env = gym.make("CartPole-v1")
def main() -> int:
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
# Online and offline model for learning
model = DQN(env.observation_space, env.action_space, 128).to(device)
target = DQN(env.observation_space, env.action_space, 24).to(device)
# target.eval()
# Optimizer and loss function
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=.0001)
loss_fn = nn.MSELoss()
memory = Memory(10_000)
obs = env.reset()
tot_rew = 0
for it in range(65_000):
# print("it = ", it)
# Do this for the batch norm
# model.eval()
# Maybe explore
if np.random.random() <= epsilon_greedy(1.0, .01, 15_000, it):
action = env.action_space.sample()
state = wrap_input(obs, device).unsqueeze(0)
action = model(state).argmax().item()
# print("epsilon_greedy(1.0, .01, 15_000, it) = ", epsilon_greedy(1.0, .01, 15_000, it))
# print("check = ", model(state).detach().numpy())
# print("action = ", action)
# Act in environment and store the memory
next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
tot_rew += reward
if done:
next_state = np.zeros(env.observation_space.shape)[obs, action, reward, int(done), next_state])
done = done
obs = next_state
if done:
print("tot_rew = ", tot_rew)
obs= env.reset()
tot_rew = 0
# Train
if len(memory) > 500:
states, actions, rewards, dones, next_states = memory.sample(128)
# Wrap and move all values to the cpu
states = wrap_input(states, device)
# print("states.shape = ",states.shape)
actions = wrap_input(actions, device, torch.int64, reshape=True)
next_states = wrap_input(next_states, device)
rewards = wrap_input(rewards, device, reshape=True)
dones = wrap_input(dones, device, reshape=True)
# Get current q-values
qs = model(states)
# print("qs.shape = ", qs.shape)
qs = torch.gather(qs, dim=1, index=actions)
# Compute target q-values
with torch.no_grad():
next_qs, _ = model(next_states).max(dim=1)
next_qs = next_qs.reshape(-1, 1)
target_qs = rewards + .9 * (1 - dones) * next_qs.reshape(-1, 1)
# Compute loss
loss = loss_fn(qs, target_qs)
# print("loss.shape = ", loss)
# Clip gradients
# nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 1)
# Backprop
# soft update
# with torch.no_grad():
# for target_param, local_param in zip(target.parameters(), model.parameters()):
# * + (1 - 1e-2) *
# if it % 200 == 0:
# target.load_state_dict(model.state_dict())
class FlatExtractor(nn.Module):
'''Does nothing but pass the input on'''
def __init__(self, obs_space):
super(FlatExtractor, self).__init__()
self.n_flatten = 1
def forward(self, obs):
return obs
class DQN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, obs_space, act_space, layer_size):
super(DQN, self).__init__()
# Feature extractor
if len(obs_space.shape) == 1:
self.feature_extractor = env.observation_space.shape[0]
elif len(obs_space.shape) == 3:
self.feature_extractor = NatureCnn(obs_space)
raise NotImplementedErorr("This type of environment is not supported")
# Neural network = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(self.feature_extractor, layer_size),
nn.Linear(layer_size, layer_size),
nn.Linear(layer_size, act_space.n),
def forward(self, obs):
import random
from collections import deque
class Memory(object):
def __init__(self, maxlen):
self.memory = deque(maxlen=maxlen)
def store(self, experience):
def sample(self, n_samples):
return zip(*random.sample(self.memory, n_samples))
def __len__(self):
return len(self.memory)
def wrap_input(arr, device, dtype=torch.float, reshape=False):
output = torch.from_numpy(np.array(arr)).type(dtype).to(device)
if reshape:
output = output.reshape(-1, 1)
return output
def epsilon_greedy(start, end, n_steps, it):
return max(start - (start - end) * (it / n_steps), end)
I am attempting to teach a Double DQN agent to run a gridworld where there is one seeker (the agent) who will try to collect all the hiders which are randomly spawned. Every step has a path_cost of -0.1 and if a hider is collected a reward of 1 is received. The DQN net receives an array with the shape (world_width,world_height,1) as the state which is a complete translation of the environment viewed from above where empty space is described as 0, seeker as 2, and hider as 3. The agent is then supposed to choose one action, either left, up, right, or down. An example configuration of the environment is shown in the image below.
However, when training my agent the reward initially decreases in correlation to the decreasing exploration and therefore it can be assumed that when the agent follows the DQN net it will perform worse than when choosing actions randomly. Here are a few examples of the reward graphs I have received when training with different hyperparameters (y-axis is total steps where each episode is 100 steps unless it finishes).
Reward Graph
As seen the agent becomes worse at solving the environment and it is approximately when epsilon becomes equal to my min_epsilon the curve stabilizes (meaning almost no exploration or random moves).
I have tried different hyperparameters but without any apparent differences in results and would there appreciate it if someone could give me a pointer to where the problem might be.
The hyperparameters I have been mostly using is:
wandb.config.epsilon = 1.0
wandb.config.epsilon_decay = 0.99
wandb.config.batch_size = 32
wandb.config.learning_rate = 1e-3
wandb.config.gamma = 0.8
wandb.config.min_epsilon = 1e-1
wandb.config.buffersize = 10000
wandb.config.epochs = 1
wandb.config.reward_discount = 0.01
wandb.config.episodes = 1000
And here is my code:
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Dense, Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, Flatten
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
from collections import deque
from termcolor import colored
import wandb
from wandb.keras import WandbCallback
import numpy as np
import copy, os, random
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from plotter import plotter
from HNS import HNS
wandb.init(name=name, project=project) = "HNS"
wandb.env.world_size = (8, 8)
wandb.env.state_dim = (8, 8, 1)
wandb.env.hider_count = 2
wandb.env.action_dim = 4
wandb.env.random_spawn = True
wandb.env.max_steps = 100
wandb.config.node = node
wandb.config.epsilon = 1.0
wandb.config.epsilon_decay = 0.99
wandb.config.batch_size = 32
wandb.config.learning_rate = 1e-3
wandb.config.gamma = 0.8
wandb.config.min_epsilon = 1e-1
wandb.config.buffersize = 10000
wandb.config.epochs = 1
wandb.config.reward_discount = 0.01
wandb.config.episodes = 1000
wandb.config.conv1_kernel = (8,8)
wandb.config.conv1_filters = 16
wandb.config.conv1_strides = 4
wandb.config.conv1_activation = "relu"
wandb.config.conv1_padding = "same"
wandb.config.conv2_kernel = (4,4)
wandb.config.conv2_filters = 32
wandb.config.conv2_strides = 4
wandb.config.conv2_activation = "relu"
wandb.config.conv2_padding = "same"
wandb.config.dense1_neurons = 16
wandb.config.dense1_activation = "relu"
wandb.config.loss = "mse"
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--hider_count', type=int, default=wandb.env.hider_count)
parser.add_argument('--max_steps', type=int, default=wandb.env.max_steps)
parser.add_argument('--epsilon_decay', type=float, default=wandb.config.epsilon_decay)
parser.add_argument('--min_epsilon', type=float, default=wandb.config.min_epsilon)
parser.add_argument('--learning_rate', type=float, default=wandb.config.learning_rate)
parser.add_argument('--gamma', type=float, default=wandb.config.gamma)
parser.add_argument('--reward_discount', type=float, default=wandb.config.reward_discount)
parser.add_argument('--episodes', type=int, default=wandb.config.episodes)
parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=wandb.config.batch_size)
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
wandb.config.update(args, allow_val_change=True)
class ReplayBuffer:
def __init__(self):
self.buffer = deque(maxlen=wandb.config.buffersize)
def put(self, state, action, reward, next_state, done):
self.buffer.append([state, action, reward, next_state, done])
def sample(self):
sample = random.sample(self.buffer, wandb.config.batch_size)
states, actions, rewards, next_states, done = map(np.asarray, zip(*sample))
return states, actions, rewards, next_states, done
def size(self):
return len(self.buffer)
class ActionStatemodel:
def __init__(self):
self.epsilon = wandb.config.epsilon
self.model = self.create_model()
def create_model(self):
# Init model
model = tf.keras.Sequential()
# Set up layers
model.add(Conv2D(filters=wandb.config.conv1_filters, kernel_size=wandb.config.conv1_kernel, activation=wandb.config.conv1_activation,
strides=wandb.config.conv1_strides, padding=wandb.config.conv1_padding, name="conv_1", input_shape=wandb.env.state_dim))
model.add(Conv2D(filters=wandb.config.conv2_filters, kernel_size=wandb.config.conv2_kernel, activation=wandb.config.conv2_activation,
strides=wandb.config.conv2_strides, padding=wandb.config.conv2_padding, name="conv_2"))
model.add(Dense(units=wandb.config.dense1_neurons, activation=wandb.config.dense1_activation, name="dense_1"))
model.add(Dense(wandb.env.action_dim, name="dense_2"))
# Finalize model
model.compile(loss=wandb.config.loss, optimizer=Adam(wandb.config.learning_rate))
return model
# Get q-values from state
def predict(self, state):
return self.model.predict(state)
# Get action from
def get_action(self, state):
# Predict action
state = np.expand_dims(state, axis=0)
q_value = self.predict(state)
if np.random.random() < self.epsilon: return random.randint(0, wandb.env.action_dim - 1), 1
else: return np.argmax(q_value), 0
def train(self, states, targets):
history =, targets, epochs=wandb.config.epochs, callbacks=[WandbCallback()], verbose=2, use_multiprocessing=True)
return history.history["loss"][0]
class Agent:
def __init__(self, env):
self.env = env
self.predict_net = ActionStatemodel()
self.target_net = ActionStatemodel()
self.buffer = ReplayBuffer()
# Copy weights from model to target_model
def target_update(self):
weights = self.predict_net.model.get_weights()
def replay(self):
loss = 0
for _ in range(5):
states, actions, rewards, next_states, done = self.buffer.sample()
# Collect predicted actions from predict_net
predicted_q_values = self.predict_net.predict(next_states)
predicted_actions = np.argmax(predicted_q_values, axis=1)
# Get q values from target_net of above predicted actions
target_q_values = self.target_net.predict(next_states)
target_action_q_values = [np.take(target_q_values[i], predicted_actions[i]) for i in range(len(target_q_values))]
# Create targets based on q values, reward and done
targets = predicted_q_values.copy()
targets[range(wandb.config.batch_size), actions] = rewards + (1 - done) * target_action_q_values * args.gamma
loss += self.predict_net.train(states, targets)
return loss
def train(self):
# Save weights for heatmap rendering
# Main training loop
for ep in range(wandb.config.episodes):
# Initialization
done, total_reward, step, loss, exploration = False, 0, 0, 0, 0
state = self.env.reset()
while not done and step < wandb.env.max_steps:
# Predict and perform action
action, e = self.predict_net.get_action(state)
exploration += e
next_state, reward, done, _ = self.env.step(action)
self.buffer.put(state, action, reward * wandb.config.reward_discount, next_state, done)
total_reward += reward
if self.buffer.size() >= 1000 and step % 10 == 0:
loss = self.replay()
state = next_state
step += 1
# Update epsilon
self.predict_net.epsilon = max(wandb.config.epsilon_decay * self.predict_net.epsilon, wandb.config.min_epsilon)
# Calculate weights change and log weights
pre_weights = self.get_weights(self.predict_net.model.layers)
tar_weights = self.get_weights(self.target_net.model.layers)
print(colored("EP" + str(ep) + "-Reward: " + str(total_reward) + " Done: " + str(done), "green"))
wandb.log({"episode" : ep,
"buffersize" : self.buffer.size(),
"EpReward" : total_reward,
"epsilon" : self.predict_net.epsilon,
"done" : int(done),
"Exploration" : exploration / _,
"loss" : loss,
"pre_weights" : pre_weights,
"tar_weights" : tar_weights
# "weigthUpdate" : wandb.Image(neuron_map),
# Get weights and names for every layer of nn model
def get_weights(self, layers):
weigths = []
names = []
for layer in layers:
wb = layer.get_weights()
if wb:
return weigths, names
if __name__ == "__main__":
env = HNS(random_spawn=wandb.env.random_spawn, world_size=wandb.env.world_size, hider_count=wandb.env.hider_count)
agent = Agent(env=env)
agent.train(), "model.h5"))
I know there are many similar topics discussed on StackOverflow, but I have done quite a lot research both in StackOverflow and on the Internet and I couldn't find a solution.
I am trying to implement the classic Deep Q Learning Algorithm to solve the openAI gym's cartpole game:
OpenAI Gym Cartpole
Firstly, I created an agent that generates random weights. The results are shown in the graph below:
Amazingly, the agent managed to reach 200 steps (which is the max) in many episodes by simply generating 4 random uniform weights [w1, w2, w3, w4] from (-1.0 to 1.0) in each episode.
So, i decided to implement a simple DQN with only 4 weights and 2 biases and to make the agent learn this game over the time. The weights will be initialized randomly in the beginning and Back-Propagation will be used to update them as the agent makes steps.
I used the Epsilon Greedy strategy to make the agent explore at the beginning and exploit the Q values later on. However, The results are disappointing compared to the random agent:
I have tried to tune a lot of parameters and different architectures and the result doesn't change as much. So, my question is the following:
Did i make a wrong implementation of DQN or a simple DQN cannot beat the cartpole? What's your experience? It does reduces the loss (Error), but it doesn't guarantee a good solution.
Thanks in advance.
import tensorflow as tf
import gym
import numpy as np
import random as rand
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Cartpole's Observation:
# 4 Inputs
# 2 Actions (LEFT | RIGHT)
input_size = 4
output_size = 2
# Deep Q Network Class
class DQN:
def __init__(self, var_names):
self.var_names = var_names
# Placeholders:
# Inputs: The place where we feed the Observations (States).
# Targets: Q_target = R + gamma*Q(s', a*).
def _define_placeholders(self):
self.inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, input_size), name='inputs')
self.targets = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=(None, output_size), name='targets')
# Layers:
# 4 Input Weights.
# 2 Biases.
# output = softmax(inputs*weights + biases).
# Weights and biases are initialized randomly.
def _add_layers(self):
w = tf.get_variable(name=self.var_names[0], shape=(input_size, output_size),
initializer=tf.initializers.random_uniform(minval=-1.0, maxval=1.0) )
b = tf.get_variable(name=self.var_names[1], shape=(output_size),
initializer=tf.initializers.random_uniform(minval=-1.0, maxval=1.0) )
self.outputs = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(self.inputs, w) + b)
self.prediction = tf.argmax(self.outputs, 1)
# Loss = MSE.
def _define_loss(self):
self.mean_loss = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(labels=self.targets, predictions=self.outputs) / 2
# AdamOptimizer with starting learning rate: a = 0.005.
def _choose_optimizer(self):
self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.005).minimize(loss=self.mean_loss)
# Initializes the dqn's weights.
def _initialize(self):
initializer = tf.global_variables_initializer()
self.sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# Get's current's DQN weights.
def get_weights(self):
return [ tf.trainable_variables(var) )[0] for var in self.var_names ]
# Updates the weights of DQN.
def update_weights(self, new_weights):
variables = [tf.trainable_variables(name)[0] for name in self.var_names]
update = [ tf.assign(var, weight) for (var, weight) in zip(variables, new_weights) ]
# Predicts the best possible action from a state s.
# a* = argmax( Q(s) )
# Returns from Q(s), a*
def predict(self, states):
Q, actions = [self.outputs, self.prediction],
feed_dict={self.inputs: states} )
return Q, actions
# It partially fits the given observations and the targets into the network.
def partial_fit(self, states, targets):
_, loss = [self.optimizer, self.mean_loss],
feed_dict={self.inputs: states, self.targets: targets} )
return loss
# Replay Memory Buffer
# It stores experiences as (s,a,r,s') --> (State, Action, Reward, Next_Action).
# It generates random mini-batches of experiences from the memory.
# If the memory is full, then it deletes the oldest experiences. Experience is an step.
class ReplayMemory:
def __init__(self, mem_size):
self.mem_size = mem_size
self.experiences = []
def add_experience(self, xp):
if len(self.experiences) > self.mem_size:
def random_batch(self, batch_size):
if len(self.experiences) < batch_size:
return self.experiences
return rand.sample(self.experiences, batch_size)
# The agent's class.
# It contains 2 DQNs: Online DQN for Predictions and Target DQN for the targets.
class Agent:
def __init__(self, epsilon, epsilon_decay, min_epsilon, gamma, mem_size):
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.epsilon_decay = epsilon_decay
self.min_epsilon = min_epsilon
self.gamma = gamma
self.replay_mem = ReplayMemory(mem_size)
self.online_dqn = DQN( var_names=['online_w', 'online_b'] )
self.target_dqn = DQN( var_names=['target_w', 'target_b'] )
self.state = None
def set_epsilon(self, epsilon):
self.epsilon = epsilon
def reduce_epsilon(self):
if self.epsilon > self.min_epsilon:
self.epsilon -= self.epsilon_decay
def update_state(self, state):
self.state = state
def update_memory(self, state, action, reward, next_state):
experience = (state, action, reward, next_state)
# It updates the target network after N steps.
def update_network(self):
self.target_dqn.update_weights( self.online_dqn.get_weights() )
# Randomly chooses an action from the enviroment.
def explore(self, env):
action = env.action_space.sample()
return action
# Predicts and chooses the best possible moves from the current state.
def exploit(self):
_, action = self.online_dqn.predict(self.state)
return action[0]
# Uses Epsilon-Greedy to decide whether to explore or exploit.
# Epsilon starts with 1 and is reduced over the time.
# After the agent makes a move, he returns: state, action, reward, next_state.
def take_action(self, env):
action = None
p = rand.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
if p < self.epsilon:
action = self.explore(env)
action = self.exploit()
next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
if done:
next_state = None
next_state = np.reshape( next_state, (1, input_size) )
return self.state, action, reward, next_state, done
# Trains the agent.
# A random mini-batch is generated from the memory.
# We feed each experience into the DQN.
# For each
# Q(s) = Qtarget(s)
# Q(s'), a* = Qtarget(s'), argmax Q(s')
# We set targets = Q(s')
# For each action (a), reward (r), next_state (s') in the batch:
# If s' is None the GameOver. So, we set target[i] = Reward
# If s' != None, then target[i][a] = r + gamma*Q(s', 'a')
# Then, the online DQN calculates the mean squared difference of r + gamma*Q(s', 'a') - Q(s, a)
# and uses Back-Propagation to update the weights.
def train(self):
mini_batch = self.replay_mem.random_batch(batch_size=256)
batch_size = len(mini_batch)
states = np.zeros( shape=(batch_size, input_size) )
next_states = np.zeros( shape=(batch_size, input_size) )
for i in range(batch_size):
states[i] = mini_batch[i][0]
next_states[i] = mini_batch[i][3]
Q, _ = self.target_dqn.predict(states)
next_Q, next_actions = self.target_dqn.predict(next_states)
targets = Q
for i in range(batch_size):
action = mini_batch[i][1]
reward = mini_batch[i][2]
next_state = mini_batch[i][3]
if next_state is None:
targets[i][action] = reward
targets[i][action] = reward + self.gamma * next_Q[i][ next_actions[i] ]
loss = self.online_dqn.partial_fit(states, targets)
return loss
def play(agent, env, episodes, N, render=False, train=True):
ep = 0
episode_steps = []
steps = 0
total_steps = 0
loss = 0
# Sets the current state as the initial.
# Cartpole spawns the agent in a random state.
agent.update_state( np.reshape( env.reset(), (1, input_size) ) )
while ep < episodes:
if render:
# The target DQN's weights are frozen.
# The agent Updates the Target DQN's Weights after 100 steps.
if train and total_steps % N == 0:
print('---Target network updated---')
# Takes action.
state, action, reward, next_state, done = agent.take_action(env)
# Updates the memory and the current state.
agent.update_memory(state, action, reward, next_state)
steps += 1
total_steps += 1
if train:
loss = agent.train()
if done:
agent.update_state( np.reshape( env.reset(), (1, input_size) ) )
ep += 1
if train:
print('End of episode', ep, 'Training loss =', loss, 'Steps =', steps)
steps = 0
if render:
return episode_steps
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
# Training the agent.
agent = Agent(epsilon=1, epsilon_decay = 0.01, min_epsilon = 0.05, gamma=0.9, mem_size=50000)
episodes = 1000
N = 100
episode_steps = play(agent, env, episodes, N)
# Plotting the results.
# After the training is done, the steps should be maximized (up to 200)
# Testing the agent.
episodes = 1
steps = play(agent, env, episodes, N, render=True, train=False)[0]
print('\nSteps =', steps)
The algorithm works quite well. When I decided to plot the data, I used as a metric:
Rewards / Episode
Most of Deep Reinforcement Learning Frameworks (e.g. tf-agents) use mean reward (e.g. mean reward per 10 episodes) and this is why the plots look so smooth. If You look at the above plot, The agent manages to get a high score most of the time.
Also, I have decided to improve the speed of the algorithm using numpy operations rather than "for" loops. You can check out my implementation here:
I tried to code a neural network to solve OpenAI's CartPole environment with Tensorflow and Keras. The network uses prioritized experience replay and a seperate target network which is updated every tenth episode. Here's the code:
import numpy as np
import gym
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import deque
from tensorflow import keras
class agent:
def __init__(self,inputs,outputs,gamma):
self.gamma = gamma
self.epsilon = 1.0
self.epsilon_decay = 0.999
self.epsilon_min = 0.01
self.inputs = inputs
self.outputs = outputs = self._build_net()
self.target_network = self._build_net()
self.replay_memory = deque(maxlen=100000)
def _build_net(self):
model = keras.models.Sequential()
return model
def act(self,state,testing=False):
if not testing:
if self.epsilon > np.random.rand():
return np.random.randint(self.outputs)
return np.argmax([state])))
return np.argmax([state])))
def remember(self,state,action,next_state,reward,win):
def get_batch(self):
batch = []
losses = []
targets = []
if len(self.replay_memory) >= 32:
for state,action,next_state,reward,done in self.replay_memory:
target_f = np.zeros([1,self.outputs])
if done != False:
target = (reward + self.gamma * np.amax(self.target_network.predict(np.array([next_state]))[0]))
target_f[0][action] = target
loss = np.mean([state]))-target_f)**2
indexes = np.argsort(losses)[:32]
for indx in indexes:
batch.append((self.replay_memory[indx][0], targets[indx]))
return batch
def replay(self,batch):
for state,target in batch:[state]), target, epochs=1, verbose=0)
self.epsilon = max(self.epsilon_min, self.epsilon*self.epsilon_decay)
def update_target_network(self):
def save(self):'./DQN.model')
def load(self):'./DQN.model')
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
episodes = 1000
agent = agent(env.observation_space.shape[0],env.action_space.n,0.99)
rewards = []
state = env.reset()
for _ in range(500):
action = agent.act(state,1.0)
next_state, reward, win, _ = env.step(action)
state = next_state
if win:
state = env.reset()
for e in range(episodes):
batch = agent.get_batch()
state = env.reset()
for t in range(400):
action = agent.act(state)
next_state, reward, win, _ = env.step(action)
state = next_state
if win:
if e%10 == 0:
The problem is that the agent gets worse as epsilon decreases. And when epsilon is a its lowest value, the agent only gets through 7-9 steps before the Pole falls, as seen in the Image below. Can someone tell me why my agent isn't learning anything and how to fix it?
Your network output should be using linear as activation as opposed to sigmoid, since you are bootstrapping summation of all future rewards. The loss should be changed to mse as well, according to the derivation for the td error from the original paper.
Also, if the experience ended in a terminal state (done==True), the td target for the action taken should set equal to the reward (you are currently setting it as 0).
Try making the reward = -reward if done. It helps
I'm trying to solve the 'BipedalWalker-v2' problem from Open AI, by using python and Tensorflow. In order to solve it I'm implementing an episodic policy gradient algorithms. Because the 'BipedalWalker-v2' actions are continuous my policy is approximated by a multivariate Gaussian distribution. The mean of this distribution is approximated using a fully connected neural network. My neural network has the following layers: [input:24,hidden:5,hidden:5,output:4]. My problem is that when I train the agent, the training process gets slower and slower until it almost freeze. My guess is that I'm misusing, I'm not feeding the batches in an efficient way. But is just a guess. My question is: Is my guess correct? if it is correct, how can I improve it? and if it is something else, what it is? I'm not looking for a literal solution I just want to get some lights about how to improve the training.
Thanks in advance,
my computer is a Inspiron 15 7000 Gaming, GeForce nvidia gtx 1050, 8 gb ram,cpu: I5
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim
import numpy as np
import gym
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Agent class:
class agent_episodic_continuous_action():
def __init__(self, lr, s_size,a_size,batch_size,dist_type):
self.stuck = False
self.gamma = 0.99
self.dist_type = dist_type
self.is_brain_present = False
self.s_size = s_size
self.state_in= tf.placeholder(shape=[None,s_size],dtype=tf.float32)
self.reward_holder = tf.placeholder(shape=[None],dtype=tf.float32)
self.cov = tf.eye(a_size)
self.reduction = 0.01
if a_size > 1:
self.action_holder = tf.placeholder(shape=[None,a_size],dtype=tf.float32)
self.action_holder = tf.placeholder(shape=[None],dtype=tf.float32)
self.gradient_holders = []
self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr)
def save_model(self,path,sess):, path)
def load_model(self,path,sess):
self.saver.restore(sess, path)
def create_brain(self,hidd_layer,hidd_layer_act_fn,output_act_fn):
self.is_brain_present = True
self.output = slim.fully_connected(hidden_output,self.a_size,activation_fn=output_act_fn,biases_initializer=None)
def create_pi_dist(self):
if self.dist_type == "normal":
# amplify= tf.pow(slim.fully_connected(self.output,1,activation_fn=None,biases_initializer=None),2)
mean= self.output
#cov =tf.eye(self.a_size,batch_shape=[self.batch_size])*amplify
normal = tf.contrib.distributions.MultivariateNormalFullCovariance(
self.dist = normal
def create_loss(self):
self.loss = -tf.reduce_mean(tf.log(self.dist.prob(self.action_holder))*self.reward_holder)
def get_gradients_holder(self):
for idx,var in enumerate(self.tvars):
placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,name=str(idx)+'_holder')
def sample_action(self,sess,state):
return sample_action
def calculate_loss_gradient(self):
self.gradients = tf.gradients(self.loss,self.tvars)
def update_weights(self):
self.update_batch = self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(self.gradients,self.tvars))
return self.update_batch
def memorize_data(self,episode,first):
if first:
self.episode_history = episode
self.stuck = False
self.episode_history = np.vstack((self.episode_history,episode))
def shuffle_memories(self):
def create_graph_connections(self):
if self.is_brain_present:
self.tvars = tf.trainable_variables()
self.saver = tf.train.Saver()
print("initialize brain first")
self.init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
def memory_batch_generator(self):
amount_of_batches= int(total/self.batch_size)
for i in range(amount_of_batches+1):
if i < amount_of_batches:
bottom =i*self.batch_size
yield (self.episode_history[bottom:top,0:self.s_size],self.episode_history[bottom:top,self.s_size:self.s_size+self.a_size],self.episode_history[bottom:top,self.s_size+self.a_size:self.s_size+self.a_size+1],self.episode_history[bottom:top,self.s_size+self.a_size+1:])
yield (self.episode_history[top:,0:self.s_size],self.episode_history[top:,self.s_size:self.s_size+self.a_size],self.episode_history[top:,self.s_size+self.a_size:self.s_size+self.a_size+1],self.episode_history[top:,self.s_size+self.a_size+1:])
def train_with_current_memories(self,sess):
self.sess = sess
for step_sample_batch in self.memory_batch_generator():, feed_dict={self.state_in:step_sample_batch[0],self.action_holder:step_sample_batch[1],self.reward_holder:step_sample_batch[2].reshape([step_sample_batch[2].shape[0]])})
def get_returns(self):
self.episode_history[:,self.s_size+self.a_size:self.s_size+self.a_size+1] = self.discount_rewards(self.episode_history[:,self.s_size+self.a_size:self.s_size+self.a_size+1])
def discount_rewards(self,r):
""" take 1D float array of rewards and compute discounted reward """
discounted_r = np.zeros_like(r)
running_add = 0
for t in reversed(range(0, r.size)):
running_add = running_add * self.gamma + r[t]
discounted_r[t] = running_add
return discounted_r
def prob_action(self,sess,action,state):
prob =,feed_dict={self.state_in:state})
return prob
def check_movement(self):
ep_back = 5
jump = 3
threshold = 3
if len(self.episode_history) > ep_back*2:
difference = sum(abs(self.episode_history[-ep_back:-1,:]-self.episode_history[-ep_back-jump:-1-jump,:]).flatten())
if difference < threshold:
self.stuck = True
def print_last_n_returns(self,n):
if len(self.episode_history[:,self.s_size+self.a_size:self.s_size+self.a_size+1])>n:
n_returns = sum(self.episode_history[-n:,self.s_size+self.a_size:self.s_size+self.a_size+1])/float(n)
return n_returns
Training loops:
agent_2= agent_episodic_continuous_action(1e-2,s_size=24,a_size=4,batch_size=30,dist_type="normal")
env = gym.make('BipedalWalker-v2')
with tf.Session() as sess:
for i in range(200):
s = env.reset()
d = False
if None in a:
print("None in a! inside for")
s1,r,d,_ = env.step(a)
episode = np.hstack((s,a,r,s1))
count = 0
while not d:
count = count + 1
s = s1
s1,r,d,_ = env.step(a)
episode = np.hstack((s,a,r,s1))
# env.render()
# print(s1)
if count % 5 == 0 :
if agent_2.stuck:
d = True
For each batch of 30 samples I execute Agent.update_weights()
def update_weights(self):
self.update_batch = self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(self.gradients,self.tvars))
When I execute:
def train_with_current_memories(self,sess):
self.sess = sess
for step_sample_batch in self.memory_batch_generator():, feed_dict={self.state_in:step_sample_batch[0],self.action_holder:step_sample_batch[1],self.reward_holder:step_sample_batch[2].reshape([step_sample_batch[2].shape[0]])})
Or maybe this sluggishness is an expected behavior.
The code was slowing down after each iteration because the graph was getting bigger at each iteration. This is because I was creating new graph elements inside the iteration loop.
during each iteration the following function was being called:
def update_weights(self):
self.update_batch = self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(self.gradients,self.tvars))
return self.update_batch
This function was creating a new element to the graph.
The best way to avoid "graph leaking" is to add the line
as soon as you create your session. In this way, if there is a graph leaking, Tensorflow will raise an exception.