I have following function which I need to minimize utilizing least square method (I am using lmfit).
y = a * exp(-x/b) + c
I have for example following data:
profitlist = [-10000, 100.00, 1000.00, 100000.00, 1000000.00]
utilitylist = [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 1]
App returns the following error:
ValueError: NaN values detected in your input data or the output of your objective/model function - fitting algorithms cannot handle this! Please read https://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/faq.html#i-get-errors-from-nan-in-my-fit-what-can-i-do for more information.
Problem seems to be that: exp(-x/b) returns inf or -inf if profitList contains any bigger negative number (-1000 worked, -100000 not). So it overflows probably.
The values in the profitList can be very large float numbers and they are not always the same. So how can I optimize it with these huge numbers? It seems that lmfit does not support decimal numbers which would fix the issue... What can I do to make it work?
class LeastSquares:
def __init__(self, profitList, utilityList):
self.profitList = np.asarray(profitList)
self.utilityList = np.asanyarray(utilityList)
def function(self, params, x):
a = params["a"]
b = params["b"]
c = params["c"]
return a * np.exp(-x/b) + c
def residual(self, params, x, y):
return (y - self.function(params, x))**2
def setParameters(self, a_start, b_start, c_start):
parameters = Parameters()
parameters.add(name="a", value=a_start, min=None, max=0, vary=True)
parameters.add(name="b", value=b_start, vary=True, min=0.1, max=None)
parameters.add(name="c", value=c_start, vary=True)
return parameters
def startOptimalization(self):
parameters = self.setParameters(-1, 1, 1)
result = minimize(self.residual, parameters, args=(self.profitList, self.utilityList), method="leastsq")
As you see, numpy.exp(arg) gives Infinity for any argument greater than ~709, and you will need to avoid such extreme values. The underlying solvers simply cannot solve them. Since your argument for arg is -x/b, you need to make sure that b is not so small as to blow up the argument to numpy.exp().
In fact, your code shows that you do set a lower bound on b of 0.1.
But with values of profitlist extending to 1e7, that lower bound is too small to prevent Infinity - your lower limit on b would have to be around 14,000.
If your values for profitlist are changing for each optimization run, you may need to do something like this (in your startOptimization):
parameters = self.setParameters(-1, 1, 1)
parameters['b'].min = max(abs(self.profitList))/700.0
result = minimize(self.residual, parameters, args=(self.profitList, self.utilityList), method="leastsq")
Also, when fitting exponential changes, it is often helpful to compute your exponential model function, and then take the residual as the logarithm of your data and the logarithm of your model, effectively doing the fit in log-space, as you would likely plot the data.
And, finally, don't take the square or the sum of squares of the difference yourself, just return the residual array with sign in tact. That is, you will probably be better off using something like:
def residual(self, params, x, y):
return np.log(y) - np.log(self.function(params, x))
I am working on a detailed code that requires optimization, which I have simplified for the MWE. I am trying to find the optimal value of arg_opt that minimizes the value that is obtained from a different function.
I believe it is a simple error or my understanding is wrong. But wouldn't the final optimized solution be independent of the initial guess (for small variations as in this case). For this MWE, I get the same minimized value, but the final value of x is different. I would have expected only minor differences, what is the source of this discrepancy?
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
def fn_cubic(arg_1, arg_2, arg_3, data):
return (arg_1 ** 3 + arg_2 ** 2 + arg_3 + np.sum(np.exp(data))) / 100
arg_opt_1 = np.ones(shape=(3)) * 2
arg_opt_2 = np.ones(shape=(3)) * 3
data_original = [1, 5, 4, 10, 3, 9, 6, 3]
data = np.zeros(shape=len(data_original))
pos_data = np.array([1, 3, 2])
def function_to_optimize(arg_opt, arg_1, arg_2, arg_3):
for x, y in enumerate(arg_opt):
data[pos_data[x]] = data_original[pos_data[x]] * y
value = fn_cubic(arg_1, arg_2, arg_3, data)
return value
opt_sol_1 = optimize.minimize(function_to_optimize, arg_opt_1, args=(0.1, 0.2, 0.3))
opt_sol_2 = optimize.minimize(function_to_optimize, arg_opt_2, args=(0.1, 0.2, 0.3))
print(' 1:', opt_sol_1.x, '\n','2:', opt_sol_2.x)
1: [-1.10240891e+03 -9.28714306e-01 -1.17584215e+02]
2: [-1.98936327e+03 -9.68415948e-01 -1.53438039e+03]
There's no particular guarantee about the relationship between the initial guess and the point found by the optimizer. You can even get different x values by giving the same initial guess and using different solver methods.
One thing to keep in mind is that the function you're choosing to optimize is kind of weird. The only way it uses the "data" is to exponentiate it and sum it. This means that it is "collapsing" a lot of potential variation in the argument. (For instance, permuting the values of data will not change the value of the objective function.)
In other words, there are many different "data" values that will give the same result, so it's not surprising that the solver sometimes finds different ones.
I am trying to define a piecewise function to be fitted by lmfit library in Python. The issue I am having is a parameter I have defined for the function will not evaluate alongside the data I am submitting.
I have one example of a case somewhat similar to mine here. However, the vectorize function the answer describes wasn't producing values I wanted, and when reading the documentation, it didn't seem to be the answer to my solution. I also used scipy.optimize.leastsq, but I got the same issue with lmfit described below.
I have a my residual function defined such as
from lmfit import minimize, Parameters, Model
def residual(params, y, x):
param1 = params['one']
param2 = params['two']
if(param2 < x):
p = 1
p = param1*x + param2
return p - y
params = Parameters()
params.add('one', value=1)
params.add('two', value=2)
out = minimize(residual, params,args=(y,x))
I also tried defining the function such that
def f(param1,param2,x):
if(param2 < x):
p = 1
p = param1*x + param2
return p
def residual(params, y, x):
param1 = params['one']
param2 = params['two']
return f(param1,param2,x) - y
I have also tried inline using a lambda function.
I am getting an error 'The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous.' When I got the error, it made sense why it happened, because (param2 < x) would produce a logical array. However, I can't seem to find a way to define the function in a piecewise fashion with the given case to get it fitted with the lmfit.minimize() function. I have seen the answer done in Matlab, in which it's nlinfit function seems to evaluate the data element-wise without issue (I tried searching if Python has an equivalent operation to define element-wise computation such as .* or .+, but that doesn't seem to exist as explicitly).
lmfit also seems to operate a bit differently compared to nlinfit, because we have to always have our residuals return (model - y) while nlinfit outputs the result once the function is given, which I am not sure could be another issue.
So to reiterate, my main question is if there is a method of defining the piecewise function such that it can compare the parameter to the data set.
Any help or explanation would be appreciated, thank you!
In place of (param2 < x) (where param2 is a float and x is an numpy array), you want to use numpy.where. You might try:
def residual(params, y, x):
param1 = params['one']
param2 = params['two']
p = param1 * x + param2
p[np.where(param2 < x)] = 1.0
return p - y
I should also warn you about a potential problem with this approach to having a variable be a boundary for a piecewise function.
In non-linear fits, variables are always floating point (continuous, non-discrete) values. As the fit proceeds, it will make small adjustments in the values and see how that small change alters the result. In your approach, the parameter 'two' is used as both the transition between pieces and the offset for the line -- that is good.
If a parameter is used only as the transition, it may not work. Consider, say, x=np.array([0, 1., 2., 3., 4., ..., 20.0]). Having two = 10.5 and two=10.4 would then give the same result. In that case, the fit would not be able to alter the value of two: it would try a very small change, see no change in the result and give up.
So, either make sure that two is also used elsewhere in your real model (assuming your real model is more complicated than the example given), or consider using a more gentle transition rather than a hard change in pieces. I find an error-function of width ~spacing between x points often works. Depending on the nature of your problem, you might try something like this:
from scipy.special import erf, erfc
def residual(params, y, x):
param1 = params['one']
param2 = params['two']
dx = (max(x) - min(x))/(len(x)-1)
xhi = (erf((x-param2)/dx) + 1)/2.0
xlo = (erfc((x-param2)/dx) + 1)/2.0
p = xlo*1.0 + xhi*(param1*x + param2)
# note: did you really want?
# p = xlo*param + xhi*(param1*x + param2)
# p = param2 + xhi*param1*x
return p - y
Hope that helps.
The only example/docs I can find are on the Scipy docs page.
To test, I'm looking at a time-independent Schrod eq in a 1d infinite potential well. This has a neat analytic solution found by solving the DE, and inserting boundary conditions of ψ(0) = 0, ψ(L) = 0, and that the func soln to 1, but this question applies to solving any DE where the BCs we know aren't for the initial value.
You can solve it numerically with Scipy's solve_ivp by starting with ψ(0) = 0, and cheating to place ψ'(0) appropriately using the analytic soln. Can use shooting method to find an appropriate E value, eg the normalization condition above.
These are two sets of BCs: ψ(0) = 0 for both, normalization for both, and a second value of ψ for the analytic approach, and an initial value of ψ' for the ivp approach. Scipy's solve_bvp seems to offer a solution using the first set of BCs numerically (since we're cheating by inserting ψ'), but i can't get it working. This pseudocode describes the problem, and is how I expect the API to behave:
bcs = {0: (0, None), L: (0, None)} # Two BCs on ψ; no BCs on derivative
x_span = (0, L)
sol = solve_bvp(rhs, bcs, x_span)
In reality, the code looks something like this, and I can't get it to work:
def bc(ψ_a, ψ_b):
return np.array([ψ_a[0], ψ_b[0]])
x_span = (0, L)
x_eval = np.linspace(x_span[0], x_span[1], int(1e5))
x_guess = np.array([0, L])
ψ_guess = np.array([[0, 1], [0, -1]])
res = solve_bvp(rhs_1d, bc, x_guess, ψ_guess)
I've no idea how to build the bc function, and don't know why the guesses are set up the way they are. And unsure how I can guess for the value of ψ without also inserting a guess for ψ'. (The docs imply you can) Also of note, the docs shows an example implying you can use solve_bvp for a normalization BC as well, but not sure how to approach. (Example is too sparse)
The equivalent and working ivp code, for ref: (Compare to my solve_bvp pseudocode)
Python code:
ψ_0 = (0, sqrt(2/L) * n*π/L)
x_span = (0, L)
sol = solve_ivp(rhs_1d, x_span, ψ_0)
For the eigenvalue problem
-u''+V(x)u = c*u
with boundary conditions
and normalization
int(u(x)^2, x=0 to L)=1
set up the integral as third component. With the eigenvalue as parameter these are 4 dimensions allowing for 4 boundary conditions, the additional 2 are that the integral at 0 is zero and that the integral at L has value 1.
# some length
L = 10;
# some potential function
def V(x): return 1+(2*x-L)**2;
# the ODE function
def odesys(x,y,p):
u,v,S = y; c=p[0]
return [v, (V(x)-c)*u , u**2 ]
# the boundary conditions
def boundary(y0, yL, c):
return [ y0[0], yL[0], y0[2], yL[2]-1 ]
With the initial guess you select approximately what eigenfunction/eigenvalue you will get, more or less.
w = (np.pi*n)/L
x_init = np.linspace(0,L,4*n+1);
u_init = np.sin(w*x_init);
v_init = np.cos(w*x_init)*w;
y_init = [ u_init, v_init, x_init/L ]
There is no need to put too many points into the guess, just enough that the structure of the first component is faithfully represented.
Then call the solver with the prepared data, take notice that the default tolerance is 1e-3, if you want better you have to allow for a finer subdivision. If everything runs fine, plot the solution.
res = solve_bvp(odesys, boundary, x_init, y_init, p=[w**2], max_nodes=10000, tol=1e-6)
print res.message
if res.success:
x_disp = np.linspace(0,L,3001)
y_disp = res.sol(x_disp)
plt.plot(x_disp, y_disp[0])
plt.title("eigenfunction to eigenvalue $\lambda=%.6f$"%res.p[0]);
plt.grid(); plt.show()
I have a function Imaginary which describes a physics process and I want to fit this to a dataset x_interpolate, y_interpolate. The function is a form of a Lorentzian peak function and I have some initial values that are user given, except for f_peak (the peak location) which I find using a peak finding algorithm. All of the fit parameters, except for the offset, are expected to be positive and thus I have set bounds_I accordingly.
def Imaginary(freq, alpha, res, Ms, off):
numerator = (2*alpha*freq*res**2)
denominator = (4*(alpha*res*freq)**2) + (res**2 - freq**2)**2
Im = Ms*(numerator/denominator) + off
return Im
pI = np.array([alpha_init, f_peak, Ms_init, 0])
bounds_I = ([0,0,0,0, -np.inf], [np.inf,np.inf,np.inf, np.inf])
poptI, pcovI = curve_fit(Imaginary, x_interpolate, y_interpolate, pI, bounds=bounds_I)
In some situations I want to keep the parameter f_peak fixed during the fitting process. I tried an easy solution by changing bounds_I to:
bounds_I = ([0,f_peak+0.001,0,0, -np.inf], [np.inf,f_peak-0.001,np.inf, np.inf])
This is for many reasons not an optimal way of doing this so I was wondering if there is a more Pythonic way of doing this? Thank you for your help
If a parameter is fixed, it is not really a parameter, so it should be removed from the list of parameters. Define a model that has that parameter replaced by a fixed value, and fit that. Example below, simplified for brevity and to be self-contained:
x = np.arange(10)
y = np.sqrt(x)
def parabola(x, a, b, c):
return a*x**2 + b*x + c
fit1 = curve_fit(parabola, x, y) # [-0.02989396, 0.56204598, 0.25337086]
b_fixed = 0.5
fit2 = curve_fit(lambda x, a, c: parabola(x, a, b_fixed, c), x, y)
The second call to fit returns [-0.02350478, 0.35048631], which are the optimal values of a and c. The value of b was fixed at 0.5.
Of course, the parameter should be removed from the initial vector pI and the bounds as well.
You might find lmfit (https://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/) helpful. This library adds a higher-level interface to the scipy optimization routines, aiming for a more Pythonic approach to optimization and curve fitting. For example, it uses Parameter objects to allow setting bounds and fixing parameters without having to modify the objective or model function. For curve-fitting, it defines high level Model functions that can be used.
For you example, you could use your Imaginary function as you've written it with
from lmfit import Model
lmodel = Model(Imaginary)
and then create Parameters (lmfit will name the Parameter objects according to your function signature), providing initial values:
params = lmodel.make_params(alpha=alpha_init, res=f_peak, Ms=Ms_init, off=0)
By default all Parameters are unbound and will vary in the fit, but you can modify these attributes (without rewriting the model function):
params['alpha'].min = 0
params['res'].min = 0
params['Ms'].min = 0
You can set one (or more) of the parameters to not vary in the fit as with:
params['res'].vary = False
To be clear: this does not require altering the model function, making it much easier to change with is fixed, what bounds might be imposed, and so forth.
You would then perform the fit with the model and these parameters:
result = lmodel.fit(y_interpolate, params, freq=x_interpolate)
you can get a report of fit statistics, best-fit values and uncertainties for parameters with
The best fit Parameters will be held in result.params.
FWIW, lmfit also has builtin Models for many common forms, including Lorentzian and a Constant offset. So, you could construct this model as
from lmfit.models import LorentzianModel, ConstantModel
mymodel = LorentzianModel(prefix='l_') + ConstantModel()
params = mymodel.make_params()
which will have Parameters named l_amplitude, l_center, l_sigma, and c (where c is the constant) and the model will use the name x for the independent variable (your freq). This approach can become very convenient when you may want to change the functional form of the peaks or background, or when fitting multiple peaks to a spectrum.
I was able to solve this issue regarding arbitrary number of parameters and arbitrary positioning of the fixed parameters:
def d_fit(x, y, param, boundMi, boundMx, listparam):
Sparam, SboundMi, SboundMx = asarray([]), asarray([]), asarray([])
Nparam, NboundMi, NboundMx = asarray([]), asarray([]), asarray([])
for i in range(len(param)):
if(listparam[i] == 1):
Sparam = append(Sparam,asarray(param[i]))
SboundMi = append(SboundMi,asarray(boundMi[i]))
SboundMx = append(SboundMx,asarray(boundMx[i]))
Nparam = append(Nparam,asarray(param[i]))
def funF(x, Sparam):
j = 0
for i in range(len(param)):
if(listparam[i] == 1):
param[i] = Sparam[i-j]
param[i] = Nparam[j]
j = j + 1
return fun(x, param)
return curve_fit(lambda x, *Sparam: funF(x, Sparam), x, y, p0 = Sparam, bounds = (SboundMi,SboundMx))
In this case:
param = [a,b,c,...] # parameters array (any size)
boundMi = [min_a, min_b, min_c,...] # minimum allowable value of each parameter
boundMx = [max_a, max_b, max_c,...] # maximum allowable value of each parameter
listparam = [0,1,1,0,...] # 1 = fit and 0 = fix the corresponding parameter in the fit routine
and the root function is define as
def fun(x, param):
a,b,c,d.... = param
return a*b/c... # any function of the params a,b,c,d...
This way, you can change the root function and the number of parameters without changing the fit routine.
And, at any time, you can fix or let fit any parameter by changing "listparam".
Use like this:
popt, pcov = d_fit(x, y, param, boundMi, boundMx, listparam)
"popt" and "pcov" are 1D arrays of the size of the number of "1" in "listparam" bringing the results of the fitted parameters (best value and err matrix)
"param" will ramain an 1D array of the same size of the original (input) "param", HOWEVER IT WILL BE UPDATED AUTOMATICALLY TO THE FITTED VALUES (same as "popt") for the fitted values, keeping the fixed values according to "listparam"
Hope can be usefull!
Obs1: x = 1D-array independent values and y = 1D-array dependent values
Obs2: This is my first post. Please let me know if I can improove it!
I'm having trouble with the scipy.optimize.fmin and scipy.optimize.minimize functions. I've checked and confirmed that all the arguments passed to the function are of type numpy.array, as well as the return value of the error function. Also, the carreau function returns a scalar value.
The reason for some of the extra arguments, such as size, is this: I need to fit data with a given model (Carreau). The data is taken at different temperatures, which are corrected with a shift factor (which is also fitted by the model), I end up with several sets of data which should all be used to calculate the same 4 constants (parameters p).
I read that I can't pass the fmin function a list of arrays, so I had to concatenate all data into x_data_lin, keeping track of the different sets with the size parameter. t holds different test temperatures, while t_0 is a one-element array which holds the reference temperature.
I am positive (triple checked) that all the arguments passed to the function, as well as the result, are one-dimensional arrays. Here's the code aside from that:
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
from scipy.optimize import fmin as simplex
def err_func2(p, x, y, t, t_0, size):
result = array([])
temp = 0
for i in range(0, int(len(size)-1)):
for j in range(int(temp), int(temp+size[i])):
result = np.append(result, (carreau(p, x[j], t[i], t_0[0])-y[i]))
temp += size[i]
return result
p1 = simplex(err_func2, initial_guess,
args=(x_data_lin, y_data_lin, t_list, t_0, size), full_output=0)
Here's the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\Scripts\projects\Carreau - WLF\carreau_model_fit.py", line 146, in <module>
File "C:\Python27\Scripts\projects\Carreau - WLF\carreau_model_fit.py", line 105, in main
args=(x_data_lin, y_data_lin, t_list, t_0, size), full_output=0)
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scipy\optimize\optimize.py", line 351, in fmin
res = _minimize_neldermead(func, x0, args, callback=callback, **opts)
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scipy\optimize\optimize.py", line 415, in _minimize_neldermead
fsim[0] = func(x0)
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.
It's worth noting that I got the leastsq function working while passing it lists of arrays. Unfortunately, it did a poor job of fitting the data. But, as it took me a lot of time and research to get to that point, I'll post the code as follows. If somebody is interested in seeing all of the code, I would gladly post it, if you can recommend me somewhere to upload a few files(as it includes another imported script and of course sample data):
##def error_function(p, x, y, t, t_0):
## result = array([])
## for index in range(len(x)):
## result = np.append(result,(carreau(p, x[index],
## t[index], t_0) - y[index]))
## return result
## p1, success = scipy.optimize.leastsq(error_function, initial_guess,
## args=(x_list, y_list, t_list, t_0),
## maxfev=10000)
:( I was going to post a picture of the graphed data with the leastsq fit, but I don't have the requisite 10 points.
Late Edit: I now have gotten optimize.curvefit and optimize.leastsq to work (which probably not-so-coincidentally give the same answer), but the curve is bad. I've been trying to figure out optimize.minimize, but it's been a bit of a headache. the simplex (fmin, Nelder_Mead, whatever you want to call it) will run, but produces a crazy answer nowhere close. I've never worked with nonlinear optimization problems before, and I don't really know what direction to head.
Here's the working curve_fit code:
def temp_shift(t_s, t, t_0):
""" This function calculates the a_t temperature shift factor for polymer
viscosity curves. Variable is the standard temperature, t_s
C_1 = 8.86
C_2 = 101.6
(C_1*(t_0-t_s) / (C_2+(t_0-t_s))) - (C_1*(t-t_s) / (C_2 + (t-t_s)))
def pass_data(t, t_0):
def carreau_2(x, p0, p1, p2, p3):
visc_0 = p0
m = p1
n = p2
t_s = p3
a_T = temp_shift(p3, t, t_0)
return (visc_0 * a_T / (1 + m * x * a_T)**n)
return carreau_2
initial_guess = array([20000, 3, 0.94, -20])
p1, conv = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(pass_data(t_all, t_0), x_data_lin,
y_data_lin, initial_guess)
Here's some sample data:
x_data_lin = array([0.01998, 0.04304, 0.2004, 0.43160, 0.92870, 2.0000, 4.30900,
9.28500, 15.51954, 21.94936, 37.52960, 90.41786, 204.35230,
331.58495, 811.92250, 1694.55309, 3464.27648, 8826.65738,
y_data_lin = array([13520.00000, 13740.00000, 12540.00000, 9384.00000, 5201,
3232.00000, 2094.00000, 1484.00000, 999.00000, 1162.05088
942.56946, 705.62489, 429.47341, 254.15136, 185.22916,
122.07113, 76.46324, 47.85064, 25.74315, 18.84875])
t_all = array([190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190,
190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190])
t_0 = 80
Here's a picture of the result of curve_fit (now that I have 10 points and can post!). Note there are 3 curves drawn because I used 3 sets of data to optimize the curve, at 3 different temperatures. Polymers have the property that the shear_rate - viscosity relationship stays the same, just shifted by a temperature factor a_T:
I'd really appreciate any suggestions about how to improve the fit, or how to define the function so that optimize.minimize works, and which method (Nelder-Mead, Powel, BFGS) might work.
Another edit to add: I got the Nelder-Mead (optimize.fmin, and the default of optimize.minimize) function to work - I'll include the revised error function below. Before, I simply summed the result array and returned it. This led to extremely negative values (obviously, since the function's goal is to minimize). Squaring the result before summing it solved that problem. Note that I also changed the function completely to take advantage of numpy's array broadcasting, as suggested by JaminSore (Thanks Jamin!)
def err_func2(p, x, y, t, t_0):
return ((carreau(p, x, t, t_0)-y)**2).sum()
Unfortunately, the Nelder-Mead function gives me the same result as leastsq and curve_fit. You can see in the graph above that it's not the optimal fit; in fact, at this point, Microsoft Excel's solver function is doing a better job on the data.
At least, I hope this thread can be useful for beginners to scipy.optimize in the future, since it's taken me quite awhile to discover all of this.
Unlike leastsq, fmin can only deal with error functions that return a scalar so if possible you have to rewrite your error function so that it returns a scalar. Here is a simple working example.
Import the necessary libraries
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fmin
Define a helper function (you'll see later)
def prob(a, b):
return (1 + np.exp(b - a))**-1
Simulate some data
true_ = np.random.normal(size = 100) #parameters we're trying to recover
b = np.random.normal(size = 20)
exp_ = prob(true_[:, None], b) #expected
a_s, b_s = true_.shape[0], b.shape[0]
noise = np.random.uniform(size = (a_s, b_s))
response = (noise > (1 - exp_)).astype(int)
Define our error function (I'm using lambdas but this is not recommended in practice)
# sum of the squared residuals
err_func = lambda a : ((prob(a[:, None], b) - response) ** 2).sum()
result = fmin(err_func, np.zeros_like(true_)) #solve
If I remove the .sum() at the end of my error function definition, I get the same error.
OK, now I finally know the answer! First, the final piece, then a recap. The problem of the fit wasn't the fault of curve_fit, leastsq, Nelder_Mead, or Powell (the methods I've tried). It has to do with the relative weights of the errors. Since this data is on a log scale, the errors in the fit near the high y values are very costly, while errors near the low y values are insignificant. To correct this, I made the error relative by dividing by the y value of the data, as follows:
def err_func2(p, x, y, t, t_0):
return (((carreau(p, x, t, t_0)-y)/y)**2).sum()
Now, each relative error is squared, summed, then minimized, giving the following fit (using optimize.minimize with the Powell method, although it should be the same for the other methods as well.)
So now a recap of the answers found in this thread:
The easiest way (or at least for me, most fool-proof) to deal with curve fitting is to collect all the data into 1D numpy.arrays. Then, you can rely on numpy's array broadcasting to perform all operations. This means that arithmetic operations are treated the same way a vector dot-product would be. For example, array_1 = [a,b], array_2 = [c,d], then array_1 + array_2 = [a+c, b+d]. This works for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and powers: array+1array_2 = [ac, b**d].
For the optimize.leastsq function, you need to let the objective function return an array; i.e. return result where result is an array. For optimize.curve_fit, you also return an array. In this case, it's a bit more complicated to pass extra arguments (think other constants), but you can do it with a nested function, as I demonstrated above in the pass_data function.
For optimize.minimize, you need to return a scalar - that is, a single number. You can also return an array of answers, I think, but I avoided this by getting all the data into 1D arrays, as I mentioned earlier. To get this scalar, you can simply square and sum the result (like I have written in this post under err_func2) Squaring the data is very important, otherwise negative errors take over and drive the resulting scalar extremely negative.
Finally, as mentioned, when your data crosses several scales (105, 104, 10**3, etc), it may be necessary to normalize the errors. I did this by dividing each error by the y value.
So... I guess that's it? Finally?