Open new plot with `bokeh` TapTool - python

I have a class Collection that holds a bunch of other class objects Thing that all have the same attributes with different values. The Collection.plot(x, y) method makes a scatter plot of the x values vs. the y values of all the collected Thing objects like so:
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from bokeh.models import TapTool
class Thing:
def __init__(self, foo, bar, baz): = foo = bar
self.baz = baz
def plot(self):
# Plot all data for thing
fig = figure()[1,2,3], [,, self.baz])
return fig
class Collection:
def __init__(self, things):
self.things = things
def plot(self, x, y):
# Configure plot
title = '{} v {}'.format(x, y)
fig = figure(title=title, tools=['pan', 'tap'])
taptool =
taptool.callback = RUN_THING_PLOT_ON_CLICK()
# Plot data
xdata = [getattr(th, x) for th in self.things]
ydata = [getattr(th, y) for th in self.things], ydata)
return fig
Then I would make a scatter plot of all four Thing sources' 'foo' vs. 'baz' values with:
A = Thing(2, 4, 6)
B = Thing(3, 6, 9)
C = Thing(7, 2, 5)
D = Thing(9, 2, 1)
X = Collection([A, B, C, D])
X.plot('foo', 'baz')
What I would like to have happen here is have each point on the scatter plot able to be clicked. On click, it would run the plot method for the given Thing, making a separate plot of all its 'foo', 'bar', and 'baz' values.
Any ideas on how this can be accomplished?
I know I can just load ALL the data for all the objects into a ColumnDataSource and make the plot using this toy example, but in my real use case the Thing.plot method does a lot of complicated calculations and may be plotting thousands of points. I really need it to actually run the Thing.plot method and draw the new plot. Is that feasible?
Alternatively, could I pass the Collection.plot method a list of all the Thing.plot pre-drawn figures to then display on click?
Using Python>=3.6 and bokeh>=2.3.0. Thank you very much!

I edited your code and sorry i returned too late.
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from bokeh.models import TapTool, ColumnDataSource
from import Tap
from import curdoc
from bokeh.layouts import Row
class Thing:
def __init__(self, foo, bar, baz): = foo = bar
self.baz = baz
def plot(self):
# Plot all data for thing
t_fig = figure(width=300, height=300)[1, 2, 3], [,, self.baz])
return t_fig
def tapfunc(self):
here we get selected data. I select by name (foo, bar etc.) but also x/y works. There is a loop because taptool
has a multiselect option. All selected names adds to selected_
for i in range(len(Collection.source.selected.indices)):
print(selected_) # your selected data
# now create a graph according to selected_. I use only first item of list. But you can use differently.
if Collection.source.selected.indices:
if selected_[0] == "foo":
A = Thing(2, 4, 6).plot()
layout.children = [main, A]
elif selected_[0] == "bar":
B = Thing(3, 6, 9).plot()
layout.children = [main, B]
elif selected_[0] == 'baz':
C = Thing(7, 2, 5).plot()
layout.children = [main, C]
class Collection:
# Columndata source. Also could be added in __init__
source = ColumnDataSource(data={
'x': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'y': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
'name': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', None, None]
def __init__(self):
def plot(self):
# Configure plot
("(x,y)", "(#x, #y)"),
("name", "#name"),
fig = figure(width=300, height=300, tooltips=TOOLTIPS)
# Plot data
circles ='x', y='y', source=self.source, size=10)
fig.on_event(Tap, tapfunc)
return fig
main = Collection().plot()
layout = Row(children=[main])
The problem is when you select something every time Thing class creates a new figure. It's not recommended. So, you could create all graphs and make them visible/invisible as your wishes OR you could change the source of the graph. You could find lots of examples about changing graph source and making them visible/invisible. I hope it works for you :)

There are two ways to do that. This is basic example. First, you could use Tap event to do that and create a function to get information from glyph. Second, you could directly connect source to function.
from import curdoc
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from import Tap
from bokeh.models import TapTool, ColumnDataSource
def tapfunc():
def sourcefunc(attr, old, new):
source = ColumnDataSource(data={
'x': [1,2,3,4,5],
'y': [6,7,8,9,10]
p = figure(width=400, height=400)
circles ='x', y='y', source=source, size=20, color="navy", alpha=0.5)
p.on_event(Tap, tapfunc)
source.selected.on_change('indices', sourcefunc)
selected return a list a selected values index. so, you should add index to your source. You could use with pandas for index. For more information about selection check here. So in function you could create a new figure and glyph (line etc.) and update it. Here, very good example. You could pull and run it from your pc.


Can bokeh dynamically update the number of columns in a gridplot?

I have 2 bokeh rows. The top row contains a DataTable and a TextInput, both of which are able to stretch_width in order to fit the width of the browser. The bottom row contains a gridplot, which is able to stretch_width, but only does so by distorting the scale of the image. Ideally, I would like the gridplot to update the amount of columns displayed based on the size of the browser.
Consider the following example:
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.models.widgets import DataTable, TableColumn
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, TextInput
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, save
from bokeh.layouts import row, column, gridplot
def get_datatable():
"""this can stretch width without issue"""
df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [0, 1, 2], 'b': [2, 3, 4]})
source = ColumnDataSource(df)
Columns = [TableColumn(field=i, title=i) for i in df.columns]
data_table = DataTable(columns=Columns, source=source, sizing_mode='stretch_width', max_width=9999)
return data_table
def get_text_input():
"""this can stretch width without issue"""
return TextInput(value='Example', title='Title', sizing_mode="stretch_width", max_width=9999)
def get_gridplot():
this requires columns to be hard-coded
stretch_width is an option, but only distorts the images if enabled
figs = []
for _ in range(30):
fig = figure(x_range=(0,10), y_range=(0,10))
_ = fig.image_rgba(image=[], x=0, y=0)
return gridplot(children=figs, ncols=2)
top_row = row([get_datatable(), get_text_input()], max_width=9999, sizing_mode='stretch_width')
bottom_row = row(get_gridplot())
col = column(top_row, bottom_row, sizing_mode="stretch_width")
My end goal is to have the gridplot automatically update the amount of columns based on the width of the browser. Is there a way to do this natively in bokeh? If not, is it possible to do this via a CustomJs javascript callback?
Consider using sizing_mode=“scale_width” when calling figure.
fig = figure(x_range=(0,10), y_range=(0,10), sizing_mode=“scale_width”)
It may be preferable to use scale_width instead of stretch_width more generally.
Bokeh Doc Example:

Setting absolute screen position of Bokeh Charts in Web App

I am trying to set the absolute position of a Bokeh Chart inside a Layout so that one of the plots is shown on top of another plot. Right now when I am plotting something like this:
from import curdoc
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.layouts import layout
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(1,10.1,0.1)
y = [i**2 for i in x]
categories = ['A', 'B']
values = [1000, 1500]
fig1 = figure(width=600,plot_height=600, title="First Plot")
fig1.line(x=x, y=y)
fig2 = figure(width=200,plot_height=250,x_range=categories,
title="Second Plot") fig2.vbar(x=categories, top=values, width=0.2)
l = layout([[fig1,fig2]])
The result will be this:
What I am searching for is some way to make it look like that:
How can this result be achieved?
Thank you!
This is what I came up with (works for Bokeh v1.0.4). You need to move your mouse over the plot to get the other one jump inside but you could also copy the JS code from the callback and manually add it to the HTML generated by Bokeh so you achieve the same result.
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from bokeh.layouts import Row
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, CDSView, BooleanFilter, CustomJS, BoxSelectTool, HoverTool
import pandas as pd
plot = figure(tools = 'hover', tooltips = [("x", "#x"), ("y", "#y")])
circles ='x', 'y', size = 20, source = ColumnDataSource({'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y':[1, 2, 3]}))
inner_plot = figure(name = 'inner_plot', plot_width = 200, plot_height = 200)
lines = inner_plot.line('x', 'y', source = ColumnDataSource({'x': [8, 9, 10], 'y':[8, 6, 8]}))
code = """ div = document.getElementsByClassName('bk-root')[0];
tooltip_plot = div.children[0].children[1] = "position:absolute; left: 340px; top: 350px;"; """
callback = CustomJS(code = code)
plot.js_on_event('mousemove', callback)
show(Row(plot, inner_plot))

Plot does not update when slider callback is used with self-defined function

I try to implement several sliders and use an own function, foo, to calculate new values to update the plot. I tried to modify the example from the documentation, but without success; the page loads, I can move the sliders but the plot does not update (please note that I want to use a function I cannot define in javascript; I now use foo just for illustration purposes).
There must be an issue with the callback (see entire code below):
def callback(source=source):
data =
a_dynamic = cb_obj.a_slider.value # cb_obj.get('a_slider')
b_dynamic = cb_obj.b_slider.value
x, y = data['x'], data['y']
y = foo(x, a_dynamic, b_dynamic)
I don't know how
1) to access the slider values correctly (using cb_obj.<slider_id>.value, or cb_obj.get(<slider_id>) or something completely else?)
2) to give the slider an actual ID; the title argument is only the text that appears above the slider but is probably not its ID and using the id argument does not work the way I use it.
How would I do this correctly?
import numpy as np
from bokeh.layouts import row, widgetbox
from bokeh.models import CustomJS, Slider
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show, ColumnDataSource
import bokeh
def foo(xval, a, b):
return np.power(xval, a) + b
# some artificial data
a0 = 2.
b0 = 1.
x = np.linspace(-100., 100, 1000)
y = foo(x, a0, b0)
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y))
plot = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400)
plot.line('x', 'y', source=source, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6)
def callback(source=source):
data =
a_dynamic = cb_obj.a_slider.value # cb_obj.get('a_slider')
b_dynamic = cb_obj.b_slider.value
x, y = data['x'], data['y']
y = foo(x, a_dynamic, b_dynamic)
a_slider_obj = Slider(start=0, end=3, value=a0, step=0.1, id='a_slider',
title="a_slider", callback=CustomJS.from_py_func(callback))
# callback.args["a_slider"] = a_slider_obj
b_slider_obj = Slider(start=-4, end=4, value=b0, step=0.5, id='b_slider',
title="b_slider", callback=CustomJS.from_py_func(callback))
# callback.args["b_slider"] = b_slider_obj
layout = row(
widgetbox(a_slider_obj, b_slider_obj),
Seems that this actually does not work but that one should use the bokeh server for this. I leave the question open for now in case someone wants to post the solution using the server. I then either accept this answer, add an own one or delete the question again if no answer appears.
You're correct that you most likely need the server, especially if you want to use some Python functions that you can't easily express with JavaScript.
Here's the code that works. You can run it with bokeh serve. Note also that you pass some invalid numbers to np.power since e.g. -100 ** 2.1 is nan.
import numpy as np
from bokeh.layouts import row, widgetbox
from bokeh.models import Slider
from bokeh.plotting import figure, ColumnDataSource, curdoc
def foo(xval, a, b):
print(xval.min(), xval.max(), np.isnan(xval).any(), a, b)
return np.power(xval, a) + b
# some artificial data
a0 = 2.
b0 = 1.
x = np.linspace(-100., 100, 1000)
y = foo(x, a0, b0)
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y))
plot = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400)
plot.line('x', 'y', source=source, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6)
a_slider_obj = Slider(start=0, end=3, value=a0, step=0.1, id='a_slider', title="a_slider")
b_slider_obj = Slider(start=-4, end=4, value=b0, step=0.5, id='b_slider', title="b_slider")
def callback(attr, old, new):
data =
# Since the callback is used by two sliders, we can't just use the `new` argument
a_dynamic = a_slider_obj.value
b_dynamic = b_slider_obj.value
# Here I assume that you wanted to change the value and not just create an unused variable
data['y'] = foo(data['x'], a_dynamic, b_dynamic)
a_slider_obj.on_change('value', callback)
b_slider_obj.on_change('value', callback)
layout = row(
widgetbox(a_slider_obj, b_slider_obj),

Remembering selected points in streaming Bokeh plot

I'm slamming my head against the wall with this problem. I simply want to be able to make a selection (lasso, box_select) of points in a streaming bokeh scatterplot that will be remembered when the figure updates (e.g., with new data in the time series).
I think this will require me to be able to access the list of the indices of currently selected points, but I can't figure out how to. Here's an example where I try (slightly modified from the example at
Note that selected points are deselected when the plot updates to the new streamed (shuffled in this example) data.
import time
from random import shuffle
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_server, cursession, show
# prepare output to server
p = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400,tools="lasso_select,box_select,help")
p.scatter([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 2, 4, 5], name='ex_line')
# create some simple animation..
# first get our figure example data source
renderer ="ex_line"))
ds = renderer[0].data_source
while True:
# Update y data of the source object
#Can I access currently selected points? (NO!)
print ds.selected['2d']
print ds.selected['1d']
print ds.selected['0d']
# store the updated source on the server
To get callbacks, you need to setup a complete Bokeh application. The following demonstrated this:
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Plot
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from import Instance
from import bokeh_app
from bokeh.models.widgets import HBox
from bokeh.server.utils.plugins import object_page
from random import shuffle
class App(HBox):
extra_generated_classes = [["App", "App", "HBox"]]
jsmodel = "HBox"
# plots
plot = Instance(Plot)
source = Instance(ColumnDataSource)
def create(cls):
# create layout widgets
obj = cls()
# outputs
obj.source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
y=[6, 7, 2, 4, 5]))
obj.plot = figure(x_range=(0, 6), y_range=(0, 7),
tools="lasso_select,box_select,help", plot_width=400,
obj.plot.scatter('x', 'y', source=obj.source, name='ex_line')
# layout
obj.children = [obj.plot]
return obj
def setup_events(self):
super(App, self).setup_events()
if self.source:
self.source.on_change('selected', self, 'click')
def click(self, cds, name, prev, new):
def make():
app = App.create()
return app

How to assign a plot to a variable and use the variable as the return value in a Python function

I am creating two Python scripts to produce some plots for a technical report. In the first script I am defining functions that produce plots from raw data on my hard-disk. Each function produces one specific kind of plot that I need. The second script is more like a batch file which is supposed to loop around those functions and store the produced plots on my hard-disk.
What I need is a way to return a plot in Python. So basically I want to do this:
fig = some_function_that_returns_a_plot(args)
But what I do not know is how to make a plot a variable that I can return. Is this possible? Is so, how?
You can define your plotting functions like
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# an example graph type
def fig_barh(ylabels, xvalues, title=''):
# create a new figure
fig = plt.figure()
# plot to it
yvalues = 0.1 + np.arange(len(ylabels))
plt.barh(yvalues, xvalues, figure=fig)
yvalues += 0.4
plt.yticks(yvalues, ylabels, figure=fig)
if title:
plt.title(title, figure=fig)
# return it
return fig
then use them like
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
def write_pdf(fname, figures):
doc = PdfPages(fname)
for fig in figures:
fig.savefig(doc, format='pdf')
def main():
a = fig_barh(['a','b','c'], [1, 2, 3], 'Test #1')
b = fig_barh(['x','y','z'], [5, 3, 1], 'Test #2')
write_pdf('test.pdf', [a, b])
if __name__=="__main__":
If you don't want the picture to be displayed and only get a variable in return, then you can try the following (with some additional stuff to remove axis):
def myplot(t,x):
fig = Figure(figsize=(2,1), dpi=80)
canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig)
ax = fig.add_subplot()
buf = canvas.buffer_rgba()
X = np.asarray(buf)
return X
The returned variable X can be used with OpenCV for example and do a
These import must be included:
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg
The currently accepted answer didn't work for me as such, as I was using scipy.stats.probplot() to plot. I used matplotlib.pyplot.gca() to access an Axes instance directly instead:
For my plotting ideas, see:
For the dataset, see:
# Import modules.
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from tempfile import gettempdir
from os import path
from slugify import slugify
# Define plot func.
def get_plots(df):
# plt.figure(): Create a new P-P plot. If we're inside a loop, and want
# a new plot for every iteration, this is important!
stats.probplot(diff, plot=plt)
plt.title('Sepal Width P-P Plot')
pp_p = plt.gca() # Assign an Axes instance of the plot.
# Plot histogram. This uses pandas.DataFrame.plot(), which returns
# an instance of the Axes directly.
hist_p = df.plot(kind = 'hist', title = 'Sepal Width Histogram Plot',
figure=plt.figure()) # Create a new plot again.
return pp_p, hist_p
# Import raw data.
df = pd.read_csv(''
# Subset the dataset.
setosa = df[(df['species'] == 'Iris-setosa')]
setosa.reset_index(inplace= True)
versicolor = df[(df['species'] == 'Iris-versicolor')]
versicolor.reset_index(inplace= True)
# Calculate a variable for analysis.
diff = setosa['sepal_width'] - versicolor['sepal_width']
# Create plots, save each of them to a temp file, and show them afterwards.
# As they're just Axes instances, we need to call get_figure() at first.
for plot in get_plots(diff):
outfn = path.join(gettempdir(), slugify(plot.title.get_text()) + '.png')
print('Saving a plot to "' + outfn + '".')

